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Does anyone know how to have both firebase-messaging-sw.js of FCM and react PWA service worker in the same scope, like by combining? Like this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/74651305/…
@Art Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I'm trying to hide the password in each raw, and only only by clicking on checkbox the password should be displayed.
The thing is that I'm using table and each raw should have unique ID
So I thought about putting the $row['ID'] as an id for each raw and then passing it to the function:
echo "<td><input type='password' id=" . $row['ID'] . " value=".$row['GUI_Pass']."><input type='checkbox' onclick='myFunctionpass(this.id)'></td>";
@ac89live Please don't post unformatted code - use the up arrow to edit your post, then hit Ctrl + K to format the code in that post. See the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
1 message moved to Trash can
and for the function I used:
@ac89live Please don't post unformatted code - use the up arrow to edit your post, then hit Ctrl + K to format the code in that post. See the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
function myFunctionpass() {
var x = document.getElementById(id);
if (x.type === "password") {
x.type = "text";
} else {
x.type = "password";
It is not working and I know I missed up in JS code, I tried different ideas but non worked for me
I appreciate any help on this
2 hours later…
i asked the same here
if anyone could help on this , i appreciate :)
Hello? :)
Hi :)
Could somebody recommend me a frontend tool?
vue.js looks good, but most of the questions on SO are unanswered. So I have some doubt.
3 hours later…
posted on December 05, 2022 by Cole Brown

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posted on December 05, 2022 by Daniel Yip

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Is it possible to allow only numbers with yup
but without arrows for up and down
or yup.string() but restrict entering strings and special characters, but only numbers
Hi. I'm a complete newbie at Java (or pretty much any programming language, for that matter). A couple of days ago I came across an ad on the Internet. It offered free seven-month-long Java courses in exchange for 17% of your salary for two years. The company seems legit and has years of experience. It is very appealing to me since I can't pay upfront and the company claims to get each of their student employed, given that they have completed their course. However, they don't teach just anyone
@SergeyZolotarev Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
In order to be eligible, you need to make a simple program (a calculator) and then pass an interview. I tried watching videos on basic Java programming on Russian YouTube. Unfortunately, they are not comprehensible enough for me. One issue is that the bloggers fail to clearly define Java terms before they start to juggle them around. Classes, methods, interfaces... Wait, hold on! Can you please first explain to me what on earth you are talking about?
I believe I am smart enough to be able to grasp it. After all, Photoshop's interface used to look like a plane dashboard to me too (you may say it's a false analogy, but I'll use it anyway). Can you suggest some free online resources for complete beginners, first and foremost a good YouTube channel, that would help me get the hang of it and achieve my goal?
Preferably, I need to get it done in a week or less. Terms should be clearly defined beforehand, practical application of one thing or the other should be spelled out too. Cheating is off the table, don't send me any code 🙅‍♂️
@SergeyZolotarev I suggest you pick up a good book. It can introduce Java to you including all the terminology. Oracle also has tutorials on their site that introduce what Java is about. See this one in particular.
java or javascript?
With that said, Java and JavaScript are completely separate languages.
although primarily dormant, the java room might be a better place to ask java questions
> It offered free seven-month-long Java courses in exchange for 17% of your salary for two years.
I would say it is EITHER free OR charges 17% of your salary for two years
I think he means no fee up front
other than that, I would consider some free or cheap(er) courses first
@Wietlol Java
@Wietlol by "free" I meant no upfront costs
I guess marketing loves "free"
the one I linked is technically free but still requires payment of some form
@Wietlol they didn't describe as "free", it's just my way of saying it
@VLAZ I need to see it in action. I don't believe pure reading, at this point, would get me far
the course I linked is a kind of "play-as-you-learn" course (not sure what the actual term is)
basically, they teach you the basic concepts, assuming no prior programming experience, give you a in-browser editor and runtime environment and let you write the things that you learn as you learn them
it also has quizzes and videos and stuff
@SergeyZolotarev have you tried reading a book instead? No amount of YT/tutorials/courses/whatever will replace the knowledge you get from one. See, for example: Java: The Complete Reference, Twelfth Edition, 12th Edition (2021); Mastering Java: A Beginner's Guide (2022); Java Language Features, 2nd Edition (2018)
is it possible to prevent entering more than 'n' numbers in input type ?
  const smsCodeChangeHandler = (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
    smsCodeRef.current?.value.length === 6 && e.stopPropagation()
I am trying something like this
i would just use maxlength
dont use code for what the browser will do for you
Does not work
Please try
you can enter zillion with maxlength="6"
But number
not text
sms isn't a number
you don't need a number input
verification code
only numbers
that input i posted also doesn't allow letters
numbers only
verification code is not a number either
even has a built-in error popup
a text input allowing only numbers in a certain format is the way to go, just as @KevinB mentioned
Is it possible to use yup.text() but only allow entering a numbers
yup.string() not .text()
@OlegValteriswithUkraine They are apparently not freely available (at least not on Internet Archive). Besides, I don't have the time it takes to read a book now (I don't mind reading books generally speaking). I need just enough information to get me through that test task
no, I mean, instead of the courses BS? Save yourself time and money - buy a good book, find an open source project to get some practice, and then apply for a job once ready
i can really only speak for myself... but my #1 roadblock when getting started with this career was confidence in what I knew and what I can learn. What I didn't know turned out to not at all be a problem.
@OlegValteriswithUkraine They have mentors that would guide you, even after you get employed (and help you with job interviews). It's important for me to have a real person with expertise who can answer my questions and provide other forms of assistance. It's a completely uncharted territory for me yet
@Wietlol thanks, I'll try it 🙏
@Wietlol it's going great so far. Am I going to hit a paywall? It's too good to be free, I'm afraid
Oh I see hats are back
time to get one!
@Loktar lol, you need to wait for a week. Kevin just added this to his avatar himself.
ooooh lmao
lol I was just looking at the main site and was wondering why no advertising for it
i changed it after halloween to be annoying
Anyone know what is up with breakpoints in VSCode?
The break point appears on the left and now there is another one inline before the function name
If I could post a picture I would
Q: Are there debug tools for express in visual studio code?

1.21 gigawattsIs there a debug tool for Express in VSCode? I'm logging messages to the console but I'd rather set breakpoints and step through the code. For example,

@1.21gigawatts Pure guess - maybe it puts a breakpoint before the assignment but after the right side is evaluated?
I don't think I've ever used a debugger that did this, though.
Not sure what the value is, either.
@Wietlol is the paywalled Pro version essential for my task (which is learn to make a Java calculator that can work with both Roman and Arabic numbers of up to ten)?
I have seen ones that allow you to put debug points inside a line though. More specifically inside functions/lambdas. E.g., if you have x = y.map(z => z*2) on one line, you might want to debug the callback
1 hour later…
Hey there. Does anybody know how I can get unbanned from asking questions? I have only posted 5 so far and got banned, even though I am pretty sure that they were posted in an understandable way.
@popsmoke Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
There is not really much to edit either,
@popsmoke What can I do when getting “We are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account”? - this is the only resource available. The ban is automatic - even mods cannot lift it.
Thats crazy, I dont even know what the problem with my questions was. But thanks man
it's an unfortunate side effect of what SO presents itself to be compared to what people want it to be
for example, your most recent question, regarding the multi-line text input, i think that's a fairly good question. Misguided maybe, but fair, given how easy it is to get that kind of input using ui libraries these days
it's easy to just assume that's a default feature of a text input when you see it everywhere
Thank you man. Yeah back then I just started with Frontend Development and didn't even know anything about frameworks, plus I just wanted to know how to create it manually. I didn't know that people disliking the question would result into a sudden ban lol
Now im actually learning a lot of JavaScript already and it would definitely help me and speed up my progress if I could ask questions here
But since im banned, i guess i just gotta try to edit most questions a bit (even though I have no idea what to edit tbh)
what you could do is self answer, particularly in the case of your multi-line input, with a solution that uses a textarea in this way
listen to input on textarea, when new line is entered, make it a row bigger
SO is a Q/A knowledgebase, an answer showing how to do what you're trying to do will be much more useful to future users than one saying it isn't possible
a useful answer can bring votes to the question
i will do that right now man, thanks a lot!
maybe not in the near-term, but in the long-term
@SergeyZolotarev kind of yes, some lessons are for premium users, but at that point, you are probably able to judge if this is the right way to learn, and even then, you still have your trial period
@SergeyZolotarev it might not be essential, all you really want to know are the basics: understanding the syntax, reasoning with the compiler/runtime errors/exceptions, getting to know some jargon to do google searches with, etc
as soon as you understand programming in general, and your problems become very scenario specific, generic courses will help you less and google searches for your specific problem become more common

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