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ive written a few things, like a post editor thingy for my forum project that i'm working in which im sort of proud of
@drderp you learn javascript
u will automatically inherit jQUery
cause its like

class javascript extends jQuery{

i said used not learned
import jQuery from Javascript
@dievardump got damn, that not works for my code. It now works like before in jQuery
@Abhishek , please stop
er, class jquery extends javascript?
id be more proud of my editor if i wrote the output preview parsers for it
Last chance to claim that @webdevconf ticket before I set fire to it and burn it in a field. £30, that's half price. HALF PRICE
@tereško :-
// farewell
plz help
Q: llegal string offset 'tittle' in C:\xampp\htdocs\2\2\mvc\model\includes\catclass.php on line 594

Rasim FryalPlease help to resolve this error illegal string offset 'tittle' here goes the jquery data:{option:'catapply',sr:$(":input").serialize()}, and the catapply php data if($_REQUEST['option']=='catapply'){ $sc = serialize($_POST['sr']); mysql_query("insert into user_data(uid,mid,cid,s...

Q: Avoid focus on link in html-table

Anders MetnikI have a bunch of tabular data in a table like shown on the pictures below. I'd like to avoid hitting the link(a href) when tabbing through data to set it. Is there any way to do this, since I don't know the I'd of the row below? (I have done it on from the checkBox to the input text, but I kno...

@dievardump <divclass='space10'></div>---------space here---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
where are the relevant spaces?
Like <div class='space10'> or <div class='content' id='content' style='word-wrap:break-word;'>
You know, to make your HTML working
@srini "<div class='space10'> <div class='content' id='content' style='word-wrap:break-word;'>".replace(/(\s|\t)+/g, ' ').trim()<div class='space10'> <div class='content' id='content' style='word-wrap:break-word;'>
myString.replace(/(\s|\t)+/g, ' ').trim();
@dievardump it remove space b/w div class output like this <divclass='space10'></div>--------------space here------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
html not working
@srini What?
"<div class='space10'>                                   <div class='content' id='content' style='word-wrap:break-word;'>".replace(/(\s|\t)+/g, ' ').trim();
<div class='space10'> <div class='content' id='content' style='word-wrap:break-word;'>
isn't it what you wanted?
@FlorianMargaine What's awesome about it?
@dievardump thanks for your guide...
...Why are we using !(jQuery > JavaScript) instead of jQuery < JavaScript
or even jQuery.isNotLanguage()?
@SomeKittens That's your gripe on the description? How about the lack of...anything tasteful?
I've become immune to the lack of anything tasteful here.
@rlemon lol
css dude is ready for battle!
@Zirak the look & feel
So nothing important
"Real Developers Care about performance"
Screw performance.. $(jQuery('*').filter('p').find('a')).each(function(i,el) { $(this).css('background-color', 'red'); $(this).text( $(this).text() + '!' ); }).hide().fadeIn("slow").delay(10000).fadeOut('fast');
jsfiddle.net/mFMCa omg such a badass script
I think I'm going to make a plugin out of this
@dievardump this is actually cool, the proposal makes sense
@GNi33 it exists already tho
even IE9 supports it
... on svg.
IE: Playing catch-up with the Big Boys since 2004
what? that's something pretty different, isn't it?
it's exactly the same name though
well, that doesn't make it the same thing ;)
I wish IE was a person... then I could slap that bitch.
I have two people that I follow that almost only tweet about jQuery and jQuery plugin
Makes me want to headbutt them
jquery is so awesome I want to plug it into my body
Even if sometimes that is not that bad
My problem is the "only jQuery"
whats their handle
i'll virtual headbutt them
@dievardump , FYI , you can "unfollow" them
Virtual Headbutt! - yea... thats what you get for using doucheQuery bro...
@tereško Yes, but as I said, it can be usefull, that's just the "only jQuery" that bother me.
/dynamic/static (actual path on the server I'm working with)
I one time saw a /private/public one
same idea
Also, it worries me when I download a directory I've never downloaded before (via FTP), and I still get duplicate file notifications.
Makes me think there's some kind of circular reference happening.
hey guys need one help.
in jquery $.post(upload_image.php,{})
how can i send image file
all out of helps today
what should be the object for input type=file
have you tried googling "jquery post image to server"
because the entire first page answers your question
likely you have borked your form enctype
i don't want to use any plugins
42 secs ago, by rlemon
have you tried googling "jquery post image to server"
i did googling :) but most of the posts suggest plugins
ffs you are hopeless.
Q: How can I upload files asynchronously with jQuery?

Sergio del AmoI would like to upload a file asynchronously with JQuery. This is my HTML: <span>File</span> <input type="file" id="file" name="file" size="10"/> <input id="uploadbutton" type="button" value="Upload"/> And here my javascript: $(document).ready(function () { $("#up...

second damn result
simple question, {file:?}
what is new FormData? is it HTML5 API?
i saw the answer
is your freaking google broken ???
@Praveen did you read the answer?
"what is" questions make me rage.
you'll get what you need
@rlemon You know what you are doing here?
I never know what i'm doing
sorry to ask this question and everyone is teaching me how to google. Have you read my question? what should be the object property value for the file object in pure javascript. No one answered. i can use FormData() jquery method or plugin but this is not the answer
This is the answer. Because :
1 / If you had made some research, FormData is part of the HTML5 API, not jQuery.
2 / The link @rlemon provided you show you an example of form, which you can use to do that
3 / You asked for no "jQuery plugin", but show us a jquery example of post, so the answer provided also fit your needs, because it uses jQuery to send the datas, but no jQuery plugin to create them.
You have everything you need, seriously, read the answer rlemon linked to
XMLHttpRequest 2*
We hope it can help you.
Anybody know where I can find an example of how to implement a control div inside of a google map that acts as an accordion (IE: and accordion of controls), I've searched and all I can find is putting the map in an accordion (very different idea)
do you have an example of what kind of accordion you want?
I don't really understand what is your need
I want to make a custom control that would have an accordion that looks something like this: -Library
where Library, Overlay, and Areas could be expanded to show the controls for lib1, lib2 etc
when the --lib1, --lib2 is selected it changes the view of the map
That is a very specific custom control
You won't find something "all cook"
You'll have to know how to do custom control and how to create an Accordion
yes, I've made something similar with multiple dropdowns, but I want it to be an accordion so it will scale better on small devices. mulibraries.missouri.edu/Reference/virtour/gmaps4.php
I'm pretty sure I'll have to create it from scratch by myself but I though best to make sure it hasn't already been done first
the black box is from node canvas as a test
retro ships shall liiive!
/me goes to eat lunch
How to use websockets to remote control #revealjs with 1 line of code https://github.com/codeplanner/RevealjsAndXSockets cc/ @hakimel
1 line of code, but by including 5 files.
Hip hip hip
@Loktar bauce.... ship it!
@dievardump LOL :D
remoteprez > this :x
@FlorianMargaine did you promote your remoteprez?
@FlorianMargaine I will use remoteprez one of these days
maybe i'll make a slideshow about why I am awesome and everyone else pales in comparison to the awesomeness that is me.
@ulfbjo @hakimel uuuuh after including 5 files, yeah. I guess this remote control is hype lately x) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jihlhdedapddcnlfiihkgbbenejjbnak
dunno how to promote it
but yeah I thought about contacting korben about it
first of all, you must: ycombinator
Then, tweet the link to the guys who did these presentations
how do you use ycombinator?
say hello to like 1K impressions just from reddit
@dievardump if you want I can add you to the contributors and you do all this? :D
reddit is for nerds.
... @dievardump .... I hate to be the one to break it too you... but we are nerds.
mind to add a comment about it?
you can :P
I try to make it look like "I stumbled upon it"
not whoring out a friends project
@rlemon nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
have to create an account
@rlemon That's awesome.
Have a fucking star.
you got my unicorns yet?
A: Unicorn Voting - Bringing the Joy of April 1 All Year 'Round!

rlemonUnicorn Staring a userscript to bring unicorns to chat stars! Only uses the OP images. Same License. Don't sue me George Install

drag and drop the userscript to chrome://extensions to install
refresh the chat / star like a bauce
@FlorianMargaine mouarf it makes like competition
You shouldn't have do that :o
Is it better to have multiple canvases or multiple virtual canvases which get drawn to a single one ?
omfg... I just came across a file called javascript.js -_-
Not really worse than style.css which is pretty common
I suppose that's true
@ThiefMaster Am I going to be shot when I say I name my main css file style.css? :P
So do I, so no
@Raynos o/
big fail
that's awesome
... is that a fail?
I can't tell
No, no, that's just an advertisement
I think this is a fail
Ah, truth
or it's a "nailed it" meme reference
and it's even better
no one here experienced with canvas ?
@elias94xx Well the answer of your question is: it depends of the context
@dievardump hehe, pun intended?
@dievardump I would have to assume it's the "nailed it" meme
@dievardump Which method would be faster in general ?
@elias94xx no general case. Depends of the context
@dievardump It's a 2d sidescrolling game which needs different layers for background, map, entities, etc.
separated canvas.
NOT all drawn in the same one.
@dievardump Not the same but a virtual canvas, just the very last step puts them in one canvas for each render
Yes that's what i meant, don't do that.
It will allow you to not clear all the canvas, but only part that changed.

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