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1 hour later…
Hi All, Can some one help ,me with this link. I am new into angular testing, so not really sure how to proceed.
@Krypto456 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@Krypto456 What do you want to test about it, and why do you think a unit test is the best approach?
1 hour later…
> 7 JSON HTTP Responses That Could've Just Been a 204 No Content
4 hours later…
@Loktar I was recently given a 12 month holiday from stackoverflow (I'm a bad person) ... I came back with 1000 more points than when I left :p
@Loktar I love the questions where the error is not only literally telling you what you've done wrong, but in some cases tells you how to fix it ... and still they ask on stackoverflow
@JaromandaX yeah ... I often had to point out that the error message is clearly describing the problem, not to mention a would-be-solution already given
@JaromandaX "Have you tried the fix suggested by the error message you've pasted here?"
> You've used "foo", you probably meant "Foo" with a capital
@VLAZ no .. me bangs head on keyboard
"halp fix"
Or there was one this week where a user with five digit rep asked essentially "Why does const x: string = number / 1000; give me "string cannot be assigned to number"?"
There's been some really basic questions from high rep users lately
I also like the questions from people whose profile states they a "Senior Full Stack Developer at xyz p/l" ... and it's like "how do I add a + b?" - ok, exaggeration, but not by much!
Yeah...I've seen those. Some are even from people with titles like "Senior Frontend Engineer" or "Frontend Architect" and other impressive sounding words.
Of course, the title in the profile doesn't actually have to be real. It's just what they chose to call themselves.
Sure, I'm currently a "Senior Repchaser" :p
Lol - yoink
rep whoring is easy lately
@KarelG who said anything about whoring!! Giggity
My other bugbear is the people who ask a question, you ask them something in a comment, and they finally get back to you 3 days later and just repeat the core of their question thinking that saying it again will make it clearer!!!
ha three days. Not so urgent then ...
yeah, it's not the all caps title with the all bold question that do that - because, you know, shouting and bold text make for quicker answers :D
reminds me of that dude discovering the purpose of caps lock key in an IRC chat when someone reprimanded him to stop with writing in caps.
Very interesting question
Q: How to pass data from Non Component file to a Component File in React?

kunalsrivastavI am working on a React project(primarily using Typescript). I want to pass some data from a non-component file to a React Component. So my question is, Is there any way to pass the data from Simple JS/TS file to a React Component without using redux.

Is it possible ?
yes you can use useContext to do this — zain ul din 3 mins ago
2 hours later…
🤔 how shall I name a class responsible for converting to a specific type T?
MyClassConverter ?
interface Person{
    name: string;
    age: number;

  let user: Person= {
              return 1;
I am not following greet() properly. Why I am not getting error ?
1 hour later…
Is there any way to have webpack resolve /root/img/a.png as ./src/img/a.png? The web server uses a context root called “/root” and the paths are automatically resolved at runtime, but webpack keeps throwing a “can’t resolve file” error when trying to compile
posted on July 28, 2022 by Ben Mason

Hi everyone! We've just released Chrome Dev 105 (105.0.5195.8) for Android. It's now available on Google Play. You can see a partial list of the changes in the Git log. For details on new features, check out the Chromium blog, and for details on web platform updates, check here. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Krishna Govind Google Chrome

@KarelG Yes, Converter is fine. Or you can call it Mapper, if you want.
I've had something like this in the past:
interface Converter<TFrom, TTo> {
    convert(input: TFrom): TTo;
Then your converters implement it.
@VLAZ I don't know why it comes up so often - why is there a widespread misunderstanding that void is "no value" as opposed to the correct "the value does not matter"?
probably "tainted" from working with another languages where void is basically "no value"
In, say, Java it would be a compilation error if your class implements an interface and the signature is not exactly the same. If the interface takes a string and nothing, then the implementation needs to take a string and return a number. That's also the case in other languages.
But TS is more minimal and only cares about how type-safe it is. If your implementation takes no parameters, then some call site using the interface description and calling the method with one argument (which is then ignores) has the same result. It's not if the implementation requires 2+ parameters. Same with void. If the call site invokes the method and never uses the result, then it doesn't matter if the implementation actually returns.
Of course, the opposite is not true. TS doesn't enforce the code to conform when this has no impact on the end result. Yet other languages do. Which is probably where the expectation comes from.
Upon some reflection, there is probably an additional thing - JS (and thus TS) doesn't really have an overload system. It's only really one method which is called. While other languages will have multiple methods that will be invoked based on the number and type of arguments. So, greet(): void and greet(string): void can actually have completely separate implementation.
1 hour later…
posted on July 28, 2022 by Prudhvikumar Bommana

  The dev channel has been updated to 105.0.5195.10 for Windows, Mac & Linux. A partial list of changes is available in the log. Interested in switching release channels? Find out how. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. The community help forum is also a great place to reach out for help or learn about common issues. Prudhvikumar Bommana Google Chrome

posted on July 28, 2022 by Ben Mason

Hi everyone! We've just released Chrome Beta 105 (105.0.5195.7) for iOS; it'll become available on App Store in the next few days. You can see a partial list of the changes in the Git log. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Harry Souders Google Chrome

2 hours later…
posted on July 28, 2022 by Ben Mason

The Dev channel has been updated to 105.0.5195.10 for Windows, Mac and Linux. A partial list of changes is available in the Git log. Interested in switching release channels? Find out how. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. The community help forum is also a great place to reach out for help or learn about common issues. Prudhvi Bommana Google Chrome

1 hour later…
!!choose range melee trap totem brand trigger
!!choose spell ancestor
New season of PoE?
in a few weeks
Ah, so you're just planning the build now
just doin random shtuff, we don't have patch notes yet, so, any planning isn't real
more, random picks a combo, then i think about how it could be scaled to a workable build
I think my favourite build might be SRS
i'm a fan of slams myself
and impale
I played a slam marauder once and it was fun. But I usually don't play melee/tanky builds.
impale champ probably one of my fav builds to leaguestart with
i like invincible builds, but they tend to always be ES, and i don't like ES, so..
champion atm is super tanky if you go dual wield or shield
but they're likely on the chopping block this next league
when i think of spell totem, i think of... ice nova, rf totems, and frozen pulse totems
I've never played a totem build
I should try some time
i don't like how slow they feel
Well, some time I re-install PoE
ice nova can defeat that slow feel by just having a massive area, the totems fire frostbolts, and you cast ice nova on the frost bolts with the echo staff
but that's definitely not a league starter
rf totems was an old quirk.. no idea if that can even work anymore
frozen pulse is ok
Yeah, IIRC totems were not on the cheap side. Not the most expensive, either but maybe a second char
problem with them is the delay
you drop the titem, they activate, then they fire
most non-totem builds have already cleared the screen and moved on by then
I see.
Yeah, it's not really a farming build, either.
not bad for bossing
i used to run warchief all the time
Maybe if you funnel all the monsters in one place? Can't remember if you can actually do that. Or did they just return back if they get far enough from their starting point?
most mobs move too slow for that
lots of ranged mobs too that just don't move much
Any news on PoE 2?
no, but given there's hints that d4 will hit beta soon, i'm sure they're in full red alert mode getting it done
hope it doesn't end up looking rushed
Been waiting for it since they announced it. I hope it fixes some of the frustrations I have with the game. I can't remember the full list of features they promised but having static gemslots, so you can change the equipment without re-slotting them was one of them.
i'm hoping for a shorter story and earlier entry into the real game
And I'd really like some way of asynchronous trading. I hate the whole cycle of "hey are you online" -> "Yes, I'm mapping, wait" and then just loitering around just to get one item
i'd like to see that for at minimum, currency
And all the other variations - person is not online, or they just forget you
being able to just set sell orders, or fulfill buy orders, directly from the hideout
for any stackable item
i don't really want that for rollable gear
i think the barrier to trading rollable gear is a necessity, it shouldn't be so easy that i just list all of my 1c stuff all the time
Would also be nice. I know that it's a priority for GGG to have community interaction but the community interaction is killing the game for me. Waiting around to trade instead of playing is not fun.
that's... well, a mistake
a lot of people fall into this trap of trying to sell a lot of things that aren't worth a lot
myself included
this league, past day 2, i want to no longer trade anything less than 10c
it's not worth leaving my map for less than 10c
I mean bying equipment. But yes, also selling it can be a time sink.
what that means though is, if you need a cheap item for you build, try to get it early... if you wait till week two to by a 2c item, there's gonna be a lot of people who just won't respond
Yeah, that's another aspect of the issue. I might not have the time to sink into this. Which means progress is slower. Which means trading is worse.
Some days I spend a couple of hours gaming. Some times I just don't. Or occasionally I play 3-4 a day. Maybe more on the weekends but back in the day I logged a solid at least 6 hours a day every day into PoE. Then content was a breeze.
i'll probably get 3-4 hours a day on weekdays
launch day though is usually a friday, and i'm on till i'm in maps
i think the current plan is the 19th, so we won't know anything about the league till the 12th
such a troll, every league, they announced when they'll be announcing the new league's name today
"Lake of kalandra"
I recognise that I'm a little late to the party here, but I've just found out today that if I open a .js file in Visual Studio Code and add // @ts-check as the very first line, then the javascript will be "spell-checked"...
One of the first issues I've come across is .style being underlined with the error message: Property 'style' does not exist on type 'Element'.
Umm. What? How does the style property not exist on type 'Element' ?
@phenomnomnominal I have written form validation tests here. However, I am struggling to write test case for it(should create).Not sure how to proceed for method in ngOnit that initializes the form.

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