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What's the % failure rate?
Two separate suppliers. And both are just off the shelf guys.
I've been buying from them for years.. just recently I've had uber bad luck
I hate the mobile chat. Who's with me
So, other than dodgy computer parts, how's everyone's day?
well now that i'm at home and no longer having pc issues i'm good :P
thinking of maybe being productive.. but then I realize i'm running Windows and that isn't the best choice.
Quite. You'd be much better off on Linux.
C'mon. Cookies are available!*

** *Subject to availability**
meh... fighting with developing a chrome extension :>
(under Windows btw)
Someone must have had a good day...c'mon...?
it's wonderful!
Better than yesterday
well my day wasn't bad.
just had some hardware issues.
There we go, that's better.
I was getting paid to drive to the local pc store and back
As long as it wasn't Maplins.
Q: cloning javascript event object

paul smithAnybody know how to do a deep copy/cloning of a native javascript event object? I know I can create a new event object and set the appropriate properties manually to match the original event, but it'd be much easier if there's a way to just clone.

Canada Computers
Maplins shouldn't exist.
all this because my pc... original... was a Lenovo.
so the front panel lights stop working. I notice because of the nature of my work it is nice to be able to see hd activity is still going on.
so I proceed to swap the guts out to a new case.... oops - I can't find the pinout diagram for the mobo online ... like anywhere...
I then call lenovo
"tech support please", I ask. After a short (13 minute) hold I was connected with *Jeff".. a well to do chap with little to know knowledge of the company or technology he is currently supporting.
Do they ever? =P
well anywho, Jeff goes on to tell me that he cannot provide me with the pinout diagram for the motherboard because all he has access to is the manuals online.
Lenovo gets IBM to make branded mobo's .. ok I already know this. so I ask "Can I have the number to the manufacturer so I can get the diagram from him!?"
"no", was his response. "We manufacture our own motherboards".
So I ask again, "Can I have someone from the manufacturing department send me the pinout diagrams"
"not without first purchasing the extended support program".......
o_O twitch... twitch...
Had fun, then? =P
And to think, the most exciting part of my day was finding out that I'd be running monitors on an upcoming variety show =P
after a brief moment where I caught my breath, I got him to transfer me to the accounts department and cancelled our corporate account with them.
I explained to the rep the treatment I received and the simple request I had.
@ThiefMaster You awake?
all in all my day was a wash
still go paid. so I can't bitch right.
would have sucked if I were a contract worker or something
no I can bitch about them all being morons. I can't bitch about my day :P
I try to be optimistic ... whilst I bitch. :P
Bitchimistic .... it's a new fad. I just started it. you should give it a try.
It's commonplace here in England. It's how we deal with our problems without resorting to physical means. =P
Also known as, 'grin and bear it'.
!!/choose "goto store then make dinner" "make dinner then goto store" "order in and screw the store you can get that stuff tomorrow"
@rlemon order in and screw the store you can get that stuff tomorrow
hrmm... well that wont due. one of the things I need is smokes.
bot you have failed me again :(
Does somebody know whether on questions prevents a user from getting banned?
@PeeHaa no clue what you are actually asking
tagging it that? or doing that? the user who dev-voted or the user of whom's question was del voted.
There is a user with a lot of crappy questions. They have a lot of downvotes (probably enough to ban the user). What happens when the questions get deleted?
By del voting
dont you still see the Q because of your rep?
I thought these things were never truly removed just hidden from the rest of us
That's not the point. Let me rephrase
@PeeHaa yes
We want to delete the users questions, but we want to prevent lifting a possible question ban
@PeeHaa no I think that is the point. The questions are not gone so the mods and high rep people can still ref them and protest to get the user removed.
deleting questions is not really something that helps against a question ban
I also don't know the exact details
But since you cannot simply delete your crap questions to get rid of a question ban you probably don't get someone unbanned by deleting his stuff
imo if the mods and active high rep users can see the Q's in question you can make a meta stating your case and the community can have a vote on it
so long as the questionable content can in fact still be seen (idk I don't have the rep :P)
@ThiefMaster I would hate it if we lift the ban for that particular user :P
heh, who?
did you manage to get JohnDoe qbanned? :P
Nopez. And not even a user/d+
From: India. ofc
Be careful.
@CallumMcLean ?
"From: India. ofc"?
I have an interesting question for you all. I have an old site, that I never released by has (less than 75) registered users. Because i'm remaking it, I am thinking of replacing the site with a countdown or a 1 page press release or something. Any Ideas?
@CallumMcLean Why do I have to be careful?
What exactly did you mean by the above comment?
indian asking pattern
Lots of bad questions come from certain countries.
That said, the rest of the countries tend to have their fair share of poor questions.
Is it a good or bad idea. I don't know about leaving the old site up, should I leave it up or release a 1 page wonder till release.
@CallumMcLean Yep, the US has it's fair share of stupid questions.
@CallumMcLean Sure :) Not all crap on SO is coming from India. It's just that the good/bad question ratio is different on posts from specific countries
Is this a bad time for a tech support joke?
In fact, write it yourselves.
I never write my own stuff I outsource it to SO :D
Is this code or humour?
Or both?
Unfortunately that's exactly what many people here do...
At least there are a variety of questions here. Imagine if this was like CodeProject, where those who are not familiar with .NET are not welcome.
Putting a java-script function call at the end of the page and in $("body").ready(function () {} is telling me the function doesn't exsit yet it does. I'm loading my javascript files using $.getScript();
That loads them asynchronously via XHR.
And DOMReady does not wait for AJAX calls.
Why don't you execute your code in the getScript callback?
@Justin What's wrong with <script>...</script>?
@ThiefMaster I can't it's php rendered script.
`<script type="text/javascript">
$AjaxPage = array("page"=>"home", "params"=>"");

$requestURI = explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if (strlen($AjaxPage["page"]) > 0) {
$AjaxPage["page"] = $requestURI[1];

if (count($requestURI)>2) {
$requestURI = array_values($requestURI);
$AjaxPage['params'] = implode("/", $requestURI);
?>$("body").ready(function () {
var tAjaxPage = <?php echo json_encode($AjaxPage); ?>;
And you can't change that why?
Its part of my redirect code
$.sleep(50).jnavigation_NavPage(tAjaxPage); - can you show mt the code of your $.sleep function? I have the feeling you are doing something very bad there.
@ThiefMaster I'm not using it, I was trying something... but it dind't work
Now this is what Mrs. Potter should really have written.
now it's just jnavigation_NavPage(tAjaxPage);
@CallumMcLean it is not working...
@Justin How so?
@CallumMcLean actually, I'm confused on your comment
@Justin There are lots of ways for JS not to work - is the script not executing, or is it something else?
@CallumMcLean are you talking about instead of $.getScript?
Instead of.
Somehow, XHR seems unnecessary here.
@CallumMcLean I can't I'm loading A LOT of javascript, I want a nice clean html page
At least for testing purposes, to see what happens.
@CallumMcLean Eventually, when I'm done debugging, I'll combine 'em to one huge js, that's been enfuscated or whatever... that shrinking process is.
If you load A LOT (we need moar bold in there!) of JavaScript you should consider combining all scripts into a single file.
@Justin Minified.
@ThiefMaster refer to comment above... I'm
@CallumMcLean thank you
And during development you want to keep it simple, i.e. separate script tags for each script.
Otherwise debugging might be a hell.
I could just use a includejs.php file... than...
@ThiefMaster I was looking for a cool jQuery solution... sadly, it hurts more than it helps.
I suffer from developer laziness.
@Justin That implies jQuery for it's own sake.
@CallumMcLean Minified Javascript is very difficult to reverse engeneer I hope..
Do you really think someone wants to steal your JS?
@Justin Fairly, but not impossible, if you can be bothered.
Minifying is usually done to make it more compact.
@Justin You may be thinking of obfuscation.
Reverse engineering minified JS basically means understanding the code and then renaming the variables/functions to meaningful names again.
@ThiefMaster no just try to hack my application
Ok... you are doing it wrong.
@Justin Is anyone likely to try that?
If someone can hack your application by reading your JS code your applications sucks (sorry, but that's how it is.)
You cannot trust anything coming from the user - always assume it comes from a script kiddie.
@CallumMcLean if you get 100,000+ users 1 of them could be a angry person, or a hacker at nature
@ThiefMaster Lol... I know. I'll be putting some safe guards in.
@Justin As with all things, the tool required depends on the job. Are you likely to have 100,000 users?
And for example, if I was a hacker and I saw you using lame tricks such as rightclick blockers I'd even be more likely to break into your page.
@CallumMcLean It's possible to have more than 100k users. It's an open ended social network on a 4million+ demagraphic.
Not a re-facebook, just a targetted one.
@ThiefMaster omg dey r like THE l8est in webz securtee!
That was painful to type.
A social network? You want to make VERY DAMN SURE that your app is secure no matter what someone does with the client code.
We don't need even more leaked personal data and passwords.
Speaking of passwords, how do you store them?
@ThiefMaster How do you think
You'd've thought that a group as popular as reddit wouldn't have stored plaintext passwords.
sha512 (user + key + pass + hidden secret) for now.
@PeeHaa: unsalted md5/sha1
@Justin: Sounds salty, i.e. good. But consider using a standard library such as bcrypt.
@ThiefMaster Doesn't sound too salty though. Hidden secret doesn't sound like a salt
@ThiefMaster The API is the only thing that access that database, and I'm using a SSO even for clients
@ThiefMaster How do you like your passwords in the morning...?
@PeeHaa: What about the username?
@PeeHaa Sorry.... the salt is either the key or hidden secret, I repeated myself.
That combined with something site-specific makes it pretty salted.
Not random enough for a good salt thoughb
Every user will have a different one
So it defeats rainbow tables
I learned from a previous discussion on SO
But yes, a truly random salt would be better
@Justin Are you using PHP as backend?
it will look like sha512(username + 1 + password + egt.namespace.appid)
@PeeHaa yes.
What version?
close to the newest...
actaully maybe not lol
5.5 will have a new API for passwords created by @ircmaxell and there is a compat version for < 5.5
The compat version is 5.3.7+
Don't store passwords. Just let users use OAuth (or BrowserID etc...) methods
oauth only for login?
OAuth?! I think you mean OpenID
But yes, using OpenID and OAuth for those who just have a Facebook account is a good idea.
OAuth, OpenID etc... These methods
No, OAuth and OpenID are completely different things
@dievardump huh?
That's what I wanted to say.
oauth is for accessing resources of other services
openid is for logging in from other services
And btw oauth sucks to implement
With PHP there is ton of lib.
@dievardump I'm using a combination, but I am forcing the user to set up a password incase the login provider is disrupted.
But thanks for the calirifaction
@dievardump Not many of them are any good I can tell you. That's why I created my own :)
@Justin Last time I was forced to do that, I didn't register.
Anyway I'm going to watch some the wire. later all
If you provide a way to do without, don't force people to do that.
@dievardump I'm either forcing it or suggesting it... haven't figured yet
Suggest it.
Let them do it after
But don't force.
If I use OpenID on a site I might do so because I don't trust it to safely store my password
@ThiefMaster I can always have them use the Forgot Password feature on a verified e-mail or phone to get a new if they don't have one and the login isn't working.
Yeah, and then they can simply add a new OpenID
Yep, they can add openID's to their account.
That's the plan anyway.
@ThiefMaster allthough I'm only using 4 - facebook, twitter, google, and yahoo.... I'm not open ending registration to thousands of unknown providers.
Why not just add an optional "Enter OpenID URL" field?
I don't want thousands of duplicate accounts lingering around, I want to make it slightly difficult.
@ThiefMaster I haven't decided yet... I'm thinking about it. I may let you add a openID url after you've registered (using one of the 4).
Awesome... I love my ajax pagelet framework I've created... it's light and totally cool!
Do you think I should support open ended registration?
@ThiefMaster ?
Yes, but make some big buttons for the common ones most people use
maybe similar to how it's done on SO
This is the style so far.
Maybe just add a small "custom" link below those buttons which then display a text field to enter the openid url
for the login
I was going to put "other" or something
I like the idea of the custom
@ThiefMaster I'll consider it... would their be any downside, except if the provider disappears from web exsitance.
@ThiefMaster what if the custom provider no longer exsits?
Well, just like someone forgetting his password.
@ThiefMaster I'm glad that assumption of mine is going to work. Should I put "Custom. Problem?" and problem will send them to "forgot password"?
So it's user friendly, so the user doesn't have to guess what to do.
why are you talking to the little people (ones with 1/4 size avatars) =]
@tereško for fun
Is the <label> tag supported on old IE browsers (7/8)?
I present you.......
@rlemon feel accomplished... you should.
I do, don't worry I do.
also, it is actually for a purpose :P
I think I'm on @tereško ignore list, sad.
html hangman :P
@rlemon that's a purpose... lol
hence the stupidity behind the clumped class names
well I made a canvas hangman to learn some more about canvas.
but that was stupid because hangman does not need canvas.
so now i'll write it in html/css and use js to run the game
@rlemon use "gone" class when body parts start disappearing... lol
or don't include the body parts as class names to begin with :P
if you fucking ping me once more with an edit so help you god.
lol, why not? it's fun...
ha lol
I forgot about that...
Oh what joy...
lol, it's easy too. but ignore is so easy as well.
Ping Me, please !
when it's just two people chatting you don't need to use the @Justin name
I get it
you are directing the message at me
It's fun @life
and i'm @leaving this @conversation.
night @all
lol wait they are suppose to be #hashtags lol
@rlemon you need to find something a bit more productive to do in your free time
#just #like #twitter

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