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@dievardump I won't believe that till I see it. That's just too big...
Anybody can suggest a good twitter app for windows or online?
and @dievardump dunno if you saw it chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/…
@FlorianMargaine good!
its a fake
Is it easy to update? You have to do something for the control page...
but its true
there is a place in this world called fucking
if u zoom it too much it will display the location as fucking lol
@dievardump the control page is not on the extension
the "extension" part is used for the extension
the "server" folder is the socket.io server
and the "public" folder is the html pages (control page + homepage of remoteprez)
On tweet deck can I see who added me but also who deleted me? I'm tired to always see the same guys follow then unfollow me two days after because I didn't follow them.
no idea
I don't care about this
I want to ignore them ^^'
I don't like this. You follow to learn, not to be followed
okay now lets make
flo's buttons
get rid of the table if you want
@FlorianMargaine Hum, I was talking about the arrows
But the table also, yeah ^^
yeah, same
Is there anyone from the UK here, that's not busy? :)
Why from the UK?
I didn't think much about the layout so thought "eff it, table"
Need a app I'm making tested for latency.
And quality. Doubt it will work that well overseas
okay no clue what to make ur buttons x_x
room topic changed to JavaScript: BUUUUUUUUUUURN!! [css] [ecmascript] [html] [javascript] [node.js]
@FlorianMargaine i know i am being lame but use it
@Abhishek hmmmm no, thanks.
would u like a pure css joystick ?
i dunno how to make buttons that look good on android , iOS , wp 8 , pc
@dievardump wanna give it a shot? :p
ugh i am thinking too much blob detection atm 9x
the left side has somethng legendary
i am going to remake that legend in js
room topic changed to JavaScript: BUUUUUUUUUUURN!! [baby] [burn] [disco] [inferno]
hi guys , can someone point me to website where i can make diagrams or curves by javascript , if user enter a point with x and y it will be placed in the diagram where x axes and y axes thx
@Abhishek 1 / it exists 2/ it's patented
@rlemon there is nothing in this site
@dievardump so i shouldn't remake it :-(
awh i am out of ideas
(yes, the nintendo cross is patented.)
Q: ThinkGeek onebox support for chat

rlemonI think it would be fun to have ThinkGeek products onebox in the chat system. We already Have other shopping sites like Amazon there, and this site is directed towards 'geeks'. Albeit this wouldn't be the most useful onebox, I do think It would be fun. Please?!

@Abhishek No, you should.
@FlorianMargaine I'm sorry, these days I'm totally busy with my own website
I have to finish it quickly
BEfore going to Vancouver
is there a simple javascript code where if user entered point forexemple x(2, 5) it will be placed in the curve where x and y axes
@goodmood which curve? Where is your curve? how is it constructed?
Stop asking for something that makes the coffee.
Step by step
@goodmood 1) your question doesn't make any damn sense. 2) you keep asking for a cut and paste solution. why not trying writing your own and then asking us for assistance if it gets to be too difficult.
@rlemon i dont know what it call maybe diagram or table or something
Oh, he doesn't read the answers.
@rlemon its in math , if user entered point x(2 ,4) forexemple , after submit this point will be placed in the right place in the (shema or diagram or curve , sorry i dont know this name )
sunday is my random troll day
@rlemon forexemple it will be placed in this table here www2.sjs.org/Raulston/MVC.10/ISPs/MathematicEcon/Demand_files/…
@goodmood You don't read what he is saying to you. rlemon doesn't ask you what you want, he tells you "What you ask for is too generic. Make some research, try to BUILD YOUR OWN, and then, if you have problems, come back here and ask us about precise things."
quadratic curve is the name
now go
get googling!
@dievardump it is true, if you don't know the name of what you are after it can be difficult.
@dievardump aaaah you remind me I have to take care of it too
however that doesn't excuse not trying :P
instead of playing with C++ <<
all I have to say at this point is.... SERIOUSLY NO ONE LULED AT "Iron Man"????
@rlemon Nope.
@rlemon no, really.
@rlemon yeah gtfo of our planet or stop doing stupid jokes :(
i just want know the name , i cant google without the exact name :(
@FlorianMargaine too bad... I'm a lemon... we tend to hang around......
this is funnier than your iron man, @rlemon
QUADRATIC CURVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.... + Javascript.
- javascript + mdn
Q: Are there any good javascript libraries for programming with html5 canvas element?

markoI think there are some js-libraries with programming the html5 canvas element. Which one to choose? I've done some js-coding with canvas and are somewhat familiar with the api. But I think somekind of library which encapsulates the somewhat tedious canvas api would be a good thing, so it speeds...

i am about to pass out
i think it is almost time for me to do something productive with my day
... on the fence about it though.
it is sunday afterall.
see you people
is it just me or does @Abhishek never really sleep - he is on here like 24/7 and just ducks out for naps every so often.
@rlemon Just you :p
Okay, no
He is on here quite a lot
I mean.. so am I, otherwise I wouldn't notice :P
@rlemon luv
i'm getting fat :(
not like really... but i'm up one pant size.
i'm a 30 now
Q: Slide unlock till pattern lock gets activated after interval

Amaan ChevalUsing Jelly Bean, 4.1.1, on a Galaxy Mexus, I want this: You lock the phone. For the first 5 mins, if you try to unlock, you can just slide and unlock it; after that, you have to enter a pattern. I don't know how to get the slide to unlock to be activated for the 5 mins in the middle. I have it ...

@rlemon Got a solution?
too much beer + sitting on my ass
@AmaanCheval write a app?
tbh idk.
Would that be possible without rooting the phone?


Don't say hi. Don't ask questions. Don't have fun. Don't do an...
all depends on the software on the phone man, like anything else
Android.se is not for programming related questions?
like superuser, i think it can be for both
@AmaanCheval got an answer
And acccepted it
Suspected it wasn't possible
howtogeek.com/111005/… there are apps that customize it
i'm sure you can find an open source one and modify it for your needs
Hmm, I'll look into it
google.com?q=7.35%20times%2014 OMG look at the first result.
Even Mozilla do that kind of things? :(
@dievardump That. Is. Awesome.
Number.prototype.clamp = function( min, max ) {
    return Math.max( min, Math.min( max, this ) );
-4..clamp(1,2) //-2
pls explain
something's wrong with this
Math.max( 1, Math.min( 2, -4 ) ) // 1
I think the - is not considered in the Number
something wrong with the literal
still, how could it return -2 :D
so clamp return 2
yep, (-4).clamp(1,2) returns the right result
And you -
of course
(Bu why do you need to .. instead of .?)
@dievardump try it
you'll get a syntax error :)
yes, but why
because it's looking for the decimal part of the number
and instead gets a letter
4. is ok so is .4
I write the 0 always though
Anyone here>
@FlorianMargaine you have full access to ncore
Anyone who have worked with gitosis on Ubuntu?
$("#ajaxpage .holder").animate({
} // The following code does not fade in the object
on chrome, anyone know if their is an issue'
@Esailija In -4..clamp(...), it's interpreted as -(4..clamp(...)), so this is 4
The . apparently has higher precedence than unary -
room topic changed to JavaScript: [insert something childishly witty without relation to anything here] [buttsex] [likes] [tony]
I have this in my textbox input: onchange="document.getElementById('Pic1').src= this.value"
Pic1 is the name for an img.
I want it so when the user enters a url into the textbox, the img src of Pic1 automatically changes to it.
Anyone mind helping me on it?
What's the problem?
"its not working"
I used that code and entered a url into the textbox, except nothing happened and the image didn't change.
Anything more detailed than that? Getting any error? Lemurs falling off the sky?
@Dude gitosis is old school
@Raynos ok, thanks
i see
I found gitolite now
gitolite is better :)
I struggle to install it
yeah. getElementById gets an element by id
oh wow lol
The id and the name are not synonyms
hehe, you live, you learn
I changed it to ByName
still doesn't work
Because there's no such thing as getElementByName, only getElementsByName (notice the plural)
So the image is document.getElementsByName('Pic1')[0]
Changed it to that.
Still doesn't work
Because getElementsByX returns a NodeList (which is an array-like). If you want the first element, you need to explicitly select it.
Oh, wow lol. I suck at this :D
You might be interested in this: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM
Is there a ontextchange method?
Like currently, the image only changes once I click away from the textbox, is there a method so it changes without me having to click away?
something like OnTextChange or something?
You can catch the keyup event, which rather surprisingly occurs whenever a keyboard-key is released
Works, thanks!
Q: Javascript PriorityQueue based on object property

prettymuchbryceI am pretty new to javascript development and its temperaments. I wrote this class which is a priority queue based on a numeric property of any object. As far as I can tell, the following code is working as intended. I wonder if there are stylistic tendencies that I am getting wrong, or if there ...

Hello. Is there any reason why $("#mytable").children().detach().remove(); will be faster than $("#mytable").empty() ?
Because jquery feels like it, perhaps
why ? both removes events + elements
even so , detach KEEPS the events and .data()
Yeah, but they're different ways of doing it.
empty wont
Im trying to understand why
It's up to how the internals are written. If you wanna know the "why", you'll need to dig deep.
!!/jquery remove
remove just remove itslef + childs
while empry - only childs
Then that's probably why. If they're exactly the same except for that, empty has to iterate and remove all child nodes, while remove only has to remove itself.
    // keepData is for internal use only--do not document
    remove: function( selector, keepData ) {
        var elem,
            i = 0;

        for ( ; (elem = this[i]) != null; i++ ) {
            if ( !selector || jQuery.filter( selector, [ elem ] ).length ) {
                if ( !keepData && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
                    jQuery.cleanData( elem.getElementsByTagName("*") );
                    jQuery.cleanData( [ elem ] );

                if ( elem.parentNode ) {
so remove wont remove childs ?
just itself ?
( which is the container of childs)
Yes. And by removing itself, it effectively removes its children as well.
Thanks Zirak !
goodguy zirak still online (:
@Zirak WAit , in $("#mytable").children().detach().remove() he still calls its childrens
so it does iterate inside
no ?
It selects all children
btw, where did you get the idea that one's slower than the other?
Q: jQuery empty is very slow

GX.I am trying to empty an HTML table that has about 200 rows using $("#mytable").empty(). While it is emptying the rows, I cannot do anything else, looks like the UI is blocked. Is this the right function to use? Can this operation be done in the background, in order to minimize the noticeable lag?

and I did test it
oh, then the explanation's in the answer. When you detach, jquery doesn't need to do extra cleanup on removal. Or something.
But I'm not very proficient in jquery lore, so don't take my word on anything.
$("#mytable").children().detach().remove() - does iterate through his childs , does detach , and removes them
it seems quite a lot operations
than empty
Higher operation-count doesn't mean lesser performance
empty also iterates through children and removes them
.children().detach().remove() also
I dont get it
Dig into the source for both if it bothers you too much
jquery source makes me vomit a little, so...
ok thanks.
this.spritesheet = new Spritesheet("img/sprites/player.png", this.w, this.h);
this.spritesheet.addState("idle", 0, 0).animate("x", 3, 7);

how do I realise the animate() function while maintaining the arguments of addState() ?
return { animate : this.animate(state, x, y, arguments) };
mh this gives an error though
1 hour later…
Anyone here?
hi, I need some help. I can get value of element in the object
this is chrome console tree of my object
status: "true"
__proto__: e
I want to get value of status
I try to get it using dot (object.status) but it returns undefined
what can I do?
Q: How to get value of element in javascript object?

JackI have an object which has status element. But I can't get the value of this element. Here is my code sample: console.log("Resource.query()"); console.log(Resource.query()); console.log("Resource.query().status"); console.log(Resource.query().status); Here is Chrome console: As you see Resou...

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