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Q: Extracting Address from Custom Post via Javascript for Google Maps API

AMEConcept: I am created a theme with custom posts which outputs to a Google Map with place markers. Users will create a custom post users and include street addresses which will be geocoded using Google's Map API v3 and a marker is placed on a Google Map. I am relatively new to coding and desig...

@Greg Chrome console =]
@Greg I wanted the same thing once. This was the closest thing I was able to find, before losing interest.
I've also tried things likes recursively looping through the window object, but I'm not sure how thorough it is.
Q: Is there any difference between a global variable and a property of the Global Object

IntegralistI was reading the following analysis from David Mark about the js framework "Sencha": https://gist.github.com/3279190 and in there he states... What they wanted was a global variable, but they ended up with is a property of the Global Object. According the specifications and (and implementati...

+100 pro JS points if you can answer that
not declaring a var with var, vs attaching it to window/declaring with var outside of a func?
hmm nah thats not it.. or is it. After reading the gist that might be it.
/me goes back to playing FTL
I'm having a major problem with iOS browsers. The hover state of an element retains applied style after the element has been tapped. Is this normal behavior?
haha I was just looking at that link. :P Here is my question I asked... You will be able to see my issue... stackoverflow.com/questions/12450648/…
Problem is I don't use jQuery nor do I want to.
hi guys
I have a script to validate email addresses
<script type="text/javascript">
function validateForm()
var x=document.forms["newsltr"]["email"].value;
var atpos=x.indexOf("@");
var dotpos=x.lastIndexOf(".");
if (atpos<1 || dotpos<atpos+2 || dotpos+2>=x.length)
alert("Not a valid e-mail address");
return false;
Are you asking for help, or just sharing your script?
how do you incorporate this alert to another script like this?
<script type="text/javascript">

$(document).ready( function() {

$("#alert_button").click( function() {
jAlert('This is a custom alert box', 'Alert Dialog');


need help
the alert in previous script should be the #alert_button in the latter
First of all, imo, I would change your validateForm to have the x variable as a parameter.
But when I add it, I have to click twice to show the alert box
and the alert box is shown even when a proper emais is entered
@andrewjackson, May I ask how to do it?
Please make a jsfiddle
@andrewjackson That's the #1 way to understand someone's issue
@Cameron "Please make a jsfiddle" leaves lol
Unrelated: Is it just me, or is there some irony in calling an arrogant person "ignorant"?
> What every friend on Facebook calls a racist person
On a scale of 1-10, how well do you know what's going on there?
you asking me? about jsfiddle?
Yes, and about your code.
sorry i'm new
That's okay, one moment please
you might wanna see this as well
Here's the thing...
You have a function that is validating an email address...
Nm scratch that
its for the newsletter
wanna make it short and sweet :D
I mean, that's part of the issue, but it's not the issue. So I don't want to confuse you
its beautiful
Okay @andrewjackson. Still need help
Still helping....
Just gimme a sec, jsfiddle is not cooperating with me
Nm, it was my bad
just a reminder. This is the thing I want
That is why I asked you how well you know what was going on. I've stripped it down to just what you need to get it to work.
@andrewjackson, okay it works. how do you add some kindda style like => labs.abeautifulsite.net/archived/jquery-alerts/demo
If you study that, you should be able to get a good understanding of what's going on.
Just replace my alerts with jAlert
Try to study that onsubmit event, and see if you can get a good understanding of it.
@Loktar nice find
I found a really strange problem... It seems scripts being injected into an iframe get cached regardless of whether or not you have cache enabled in Chrome.
3 hours later…
if any one appears then look my prob
here is a jFiddle
I wan to show popup on page load only once
on execution it must set a cookie
then check it if set the dont open popup again
But prob is its not setting an7y cookie
i was wondering is there a way to get a text reference to an objects location in JS?
e.g. var myMemoryReference = object.memoryReference; console.log( myMemoryReference); # outputs: 0x3e32ee
and then fetch it again by that string?
nope, you don't have any way to mess with memory in js
what do you want to achieve?
ah, i just want a reference
i want to be able to get an arbitrary javascript object by a string instead of passing the object
Its for a neat hack i'm trying to implement. You would probably say "Why would you want to do that???" Because its fun.
you have no way to do this
but I think you're looking for weakmaps
hmmm weak maps look neat
also, when you pass an object in arguments, it's always by reference, so you can take advantage of this
right, i wanted to override toString with a text reference to the object Id.
hmm maybe i can just assign it a key, stick it in a kvp in the tostring, then delete the kvp after i reference it again.
that could work
you can't have a "text reference", you're definitely looking for weakmaps :p
well it would be a plain text reference that i maintained myself.
but right, a weak map would work
hmm i think this will work, thanks
@Greg they're not cross browser though, be careful
ah, well i was just going to use my own kvp table
that should be cross browser
A: Javascript HashTable use Object key

Florian MargaineHere is a proposal: function HashTable() { this.hashes = {}; } HashTable.prototype = { constructor: HashTable, put: function( key, value ) { this.hashes[ JSON.stringify( key ) ] = value; }, get: function( key ) { return this.hashes[ JSON.stringify( key ) ];...

@Greg ^
ah thats neat, i think i want the reverse of that guy, but thats similar to what ill do.
i want the text as keys which is easier.
well, I proposed three solutions, see what you like best
right right, i think i can use this stuff for the solution, it will work, at least in a slow manner :P
@Loktar wow, i've seen a video-review about it yesterday, that game looks amazing
while ( //Condition X ) {document.getElementById("slideshow").src="Vlc_Snap/vlcsnap-0000" + i + ".png";)} what should i include in condition X so that the loop only happens when a image is found in the given directory.
is it even possible ?
@SauravTomar you'll probably need a function that checks this and include it in the loop-condition. not sure if this is a good idea though
So.. part of my JQuery only works in JsFiddle, the other half only works in my file, what could cause this?
hehe, Paul Irish mentioned Raynos in his blog-post
Q: Only loads on the contact template page

Mike VierwindIn the footer i load the Google maps api. But only on the contact page, i used the google maps api. Now i want to make code. That the google maps api is only load in the contact template pages. How can i make that. This is the script tag in the footer. <script type="text/javascript" src="//...

@GNi33 I don't think that its possible to check in the contents of the folder with javascript, the way i think it will work is to check whether the loop returns error or not, but dont know how to check that
yes, you would need to check if the image gets loaded or not
how to do that ?
you could create an image-object, change the src and listen for onerror
Q: Check if an image is loaded (no errors) in JavaScript

WilliamI'm using JavaScript with the jQuery library to manipulate image thumbnails contained in a unordered list. When the image is loaded it does one thing, when an error occurs it does something else. I'm using jQuery load() and error() methods as events. After these events I check the image DOM eleme...

there are 2 ways described in that question
oh thanks a lot
Can anyone see anything wrong with this? Why half only works in jsFiddle but other half only works in Mvc3 view - jsfiddle.net/ShHVy/2
@GNi33 that was long ago :p
@rlemon even added a comment because paul didn't link correctly ;>
@FlorianMargaine yeah, i just stumbled over it because i had a look at paul's blog after some time
should we add whathaveyoutried.com to the room-description :P
do w/e you want :p
the room description can change every day, doesn't matter
hehe, nah, maybe I'll add it if another help-vampire - wave rolls in
room topic changed to JavaScript: Not enough jQuery i.sstatic.net/ssRUr.gif [css] [ecmascript] [html] [javascript] [node.js]
@GNi33 ^
hehe, that one never gets old
I load jquery 7 times in all my pages; is that enough jquery?
I can't remember the link to "did you use enough jquery"...
hi @Zirak btw :p
haven't seen you in quite some weeks
@Zirak as long as you load at least 3 different versions, you should be good
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, I had (have ;_;) stuff to do. And you guys bored me with all your girly talk
I get it, you're having your period, your bf is a bitch...enough already! Get some balls
but... that's the problem... i haven't had my period for about 8 months now and i'm getting pretty fat... should i be worried?
please dr. zirak, help me out!
First, go to any local supermarket, buy a shotgun, some rounds, Kleenex and some Twix.
oh you americans
buying shotguns at the local supermarket :D
@all hi
can any one please help me in stackoverflow.com/questions/12457350/…
I have this very basic setup: http://jsfiddle.net/Muskar/URpMg/2/
This is basically copy pasted from this site: http://example.nemikor.com/basic-usage-of-the-jquery-ui-dialog/
Is there some settings I'm missing or something, since I already selected "jQuery" but it says "Object [object Object] has no method 'dialog'"
It's basically just a button calling $('<div>').dialog('open');
u need jquery UI for that
@AskeB. jsfiddle.net/URpMg/4 c if this helps
A: How can i draw a Square in HTML5 Canvas at run time?

AmaanUse fillRect or strokeRect with the width and height being equal. var x = 0, y = 0, side = 10; ctx.fillRect(x, y, side, side); Demo As you say in the comments, if you want to fit the largest square in a circle, it's more Math related than about code. I'll trying explaining it to you, but...

Do you guys get what this guy keeps asking for?
@Amaan haha, just great
Seriously. What the heck is he asking for?
it would be interesting what he means with "at runtime"
Indeed it's probably when he is starting up the application :D
(I don't know why. I'm just trying to fit in)
@Amaan then you should try to @ as many people as possible :P
Those people are so annoying
@GNi33 o/
@Abhishek Changed your picture, huh?
Thought it was someone new
yes sir , this picture was taken by victor in mumbai hackathon an year ago got it like yesterday
@Abhishek \o
nice new avatar, mate
thanks bro :-)
// i seriously thinks this avatar looks much more mature then i really am (x_x)
Hahaha. The old one was probably just right, then?
@Amaan noo lies :P
yeap , it was close to how crazy i am
anyways i think today i should boot up on windows and create a sexy new blog site for me
Best of luck!
Q: wordpress before or after javascript problem

Aqeelhi guys im aqeel im trying to implement a slide show in a wordpress site's home page but it not working it simply contains the easyslider1.5.js file which i put in js folder css which of course in css folder. Then i used wp_register_script( 'slides', get_bloginfo('template_url')."/js/easySlider...

I've been considering starting a blog
i own one but i think it will suit more as a portfolio
Yeah, same for me
the truth is i just want to over-exxeragate the concept of 3d presentations using css3

This page is having javascript form submission issue can any one please tell me where is the problem...
(Again, just trying to fit in by posting a link :P)
@Abhishek Niiiice
Please change the title, though
@Amaan what title ?
ah <title>
> ..and am persuading my Bachelors Degree..
> ..and am pursuing my Bachelors Degree..

when even time clicking on the left side image i.e 'nature.gif' the page got crashed

please help
Persuading : Cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.
And I get that done all the time by my professors there reasoning makes me wanna hit my head in the wall and shot myself for 1000 minutes with a GAU 8 [ Vulcan Cannon ] and then put my remains in a nuclear reactor and send it inside a blackhole.
the reasons given by them makes me wanna hate my very existance :-|
Hahahaha, it's good that you've got the specifics ready too
Did you see Google's J2ObjC?
That's cool
Ahh bad meets evil
Maybe they should add this to translate.google.com for a while as a joke
Why cant those einstiens allow C++ code getting converted to ObjC
Because Java is used for Android!
So you develop for Android, and voila, your iOS app is ready too!
i doubt its that easy
on Android apps run in background , on iOS they do NOT
on Android you have a linux and dalvik , on iOS you have a pure OS
that makes there api's different as hell
Of course it won't be easy, but it'll still convince people to write the Java versions of their apps first
I think titanium is ton better
i am using it these days and i am loving it
Tried PhoneGap?
if I programmatically created div's with the following id: expandingDiv+ID (ID = a number or unique reference). Is there then a way i can get all of those divs ?
@Amaan ofcourse yes
and even written a small module for bada :-)
// which uses C++ :D
@AndersMetnik Yeah, but why wouldn't you store them in an array while creating them instead?
yeah well because... i didn't think of it :P
Hah. You'd use document.querySelectorAll if you had to

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