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@jpgr ummm.... please tell me that you're kidding.
Oh my, ruby's syntax is really convoluted
(1..1_000_000).each do |i|
those underscores....
Sure, they make large numbers more readable - but having something like that in the syntax of a non-esoteric language?
@ThiefMaster what do you use ruby for?
I really like ruby and python syntax but just never saw any need for me to learn the languages with php
me.veekun.com/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design has enough reasons to use python or ruby instead of php
@ThiefMaster which do you use?
@ThiefMaster for things like processing forms and organizing output from logic?
(in web design, specifically)
Yes, but that can be done in every language.
However, python does not have a crappy template engine in the language itself so the code+html mix you often see in PHP is very unlikely.
@ThiefMaster hmm, well I've been wanting to try RoR for a while but everybody uses PHP
For form processing there's stuff like WTForms
Have a look at Flask - it's pretty awesome
@ThiefMaster so I'm assuming you'd suggest py > rb
Yes, but mainly personal preference.
Even though I really think many of the things ruby people love are pretty ugly - HAML for example.
Anyone familiar with Tapestry?
Tapestry, Java framework.
@Takarakaka no no no no no
Tapestry, the Java (?) framework.
Java and Javascript are similar like Car and Carpet are similar.
you can't build minecraft in javascript
Nile, it says web-dev chat room.
@Takarakaka but is Tapestry a java framework or a javascript framework
That plays nothing in this matter here, as it is very clearly denoted " and general web-dev".
@Takarakaka don't interpret that as a personal attack. are you asking for help with a java framework or a javascript framework? often people are confused between the differences
I am sorry, I may overreacted, but, it's just constant pressure from the job, deadlines, school, and now thieves around my block that make me to be such a pain in the ... It's about Java framework, so I think there is no other option but to look somewhere else. :)
@Takarakaka okay, i just wanted to make sure you weren't using them synonymously. anyways, no experience with java besides a molecule here and there. sorry
Thanks anyway on your feedback, @Nile. :)
Gotta look somewhere else. :)
having some issues with understanding requirejs.. jsfiddle.net/pAApX/2
say I need module Foo in two different places, is there any way I can leave Foo as a constructor, initialize it in one module (Foo = new Foo()) and have the initialized version available in the second module?
What are the best JS libs available online now?
specifically I'm dealing with Backbone, but I think the fiddle I posted encompasses things well
@Takarakaka.. that's a very broad question. What do you need?
oh gawd @ThiefMaster, he updated his question: stackoverflow.com/questions/12361701/…
posted a question regarding my dilemma stackoverflow.com/questions/12361875/…
nice pic
2 hours later…
is there any way javascript can modify it's own source code lol
what is a very minimalist databse program/api for a simple javascript messaging im program?
Pro Tip with css animations :: #target will frick em up bad
use wisely
so I started making an instant messaging app in javascript (for learning purposes) and I was thinking about using local browser storage to save the conversation, but.. correct me if I'm wrong. There is no way for me to know what the other person is saying to me unless they modify the source code or unless we're both hooked up to a database???
@user1656125 allmost no way
or do you just mean no way
@user1656125 almost
then how can it be done?
i think the key point is they can't contact each other
no way
so then it can't
unless they can modify the source code
which I don't believe is possible
you must use something like database,such as facebook status.
or dropbox file. must store something.
i have <script type="text/javascript" src="view.js?issue=may 2011"></script> in my php file
I want to fetch "issue" value in view.js file :/
I am using this code in "view.js"
function getParameter(param) {
var val = document.URL;
var url = val.substr(val.indexOf(param));
var n=url.replace(param+"=","");
return n;
its working fine but fetching page url instead of js url :(
call to function "var n = getParameter("issue"); "
any body any idea :|
/*<script type="text/javascript" src="view.js?issue=may 2011" id="issue-script"></script>*/
function getParameter(url,param) {
    var val = url;
    var url = val.substr(val.indexOf(param));
    var n = url.replace(param + "=", "");
    return n;

var script  = document.getElement("issue-script");
getParameter(script.src, "issue");
like this
MOrning folks
@Ryan: Yo mama so fat she makes VanillaJS look like jQuery
thx @island205 but i tried this code
var viewer = document.getElementById('getjs');
var n = viewer.getAttribute('atr');
added an Id and "atr" as parameter ...
how to cast a string to a number(double) in js ? :)
+"3" === 3
expect NaN if there are non castable chars tho
but there is no double in js, only float
i have it in a variable then i can do "var number === +numberString" ?
thanks mate
a safer way is using parseInt
it depends on what you have in your numberString
user inputs a number into a input
should be fine then
if he enters a char, it will return NaN
so check for this value :)
thanks :)
if(isNaN(number)) ?
look up isNaN on mdn :p
hey does anyone here use the asual plugin?
I 've already seen that nodejs can run sql commands , but can he also run sp? ( im 99 sure) but still need final percent. :)
danm its quite here todaty
@RoyiNamir what's your dbms?
Hi. Sql Server 2008
but yes, it can run anything, it's the server
you can run any sql command
Thanks. Still there is one thing which i dont understand. I read that Nodejs doenst let you wait. and it is working on callbacks ( IMHO). but how it will be in my web page ? Now days , when i run ling sp , the browser wait for the response. after node js , the browser will still need to wait. so where is the benefit here ? I must be missing something
I'll try to explain
in php, when you do $results = some_sql_query($query); it runs the query, waits for the results to come back, and goes to the next line
when finally it has everything it renders to the client
in node.js, if you do db.query( someQuery, function( err, results ) {}), it runs the query but the code keeps running
and only when you have the result, the code will restart running
the query will run in a separate thread
But fromthe browser POV - it still waiting for response
(sorry I'm at work)
ok. thanks for your help.
hey does anyone here use the asual plugin
@RoyiNamir the point is that node.js will run I/O asynchronously, thus not blocking the other requests/work going on
and often, I/O is what's the most consuming thing
But when node run the command to sql server , from now on , its SQL ! and SQL decide how to run the IO. if another request comes from nodejs , its SQL to handle.......
yes, but node.js isn't blocked in the mean time
Everything but your code is asynchronous.
there are infinite number of doors which can be opened. behind those doors there is 1(!) worker (sql). what difference does it make if more doors can be opened if they all will have to get permission from sql ( the worker) if to come in or not ?
(hope my example is clear :-) )
The only benefit I can imagine is that iis wont allow you to open inifine number of doors cause of limitation. while nodejs will.
@RoyiNamir The example is flawed. It is physically impossible to have the same worker behind every door.
I wrote 1(!) worker (sql). - behind those doors
I mean you could design a huge round room with only doors as walls.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Use four space indention.
Well and then indent the appropriate parts. :)
fuck that it doesnt work for me ..... I thought [`] will work :)
But you basically want to say that node.js is the limiting factor?
no. the sql
node js accepts many requests
Well, I know, I was about to say.
should read the backlog
Oh I see, you're struggling to understand the benefits of the event-oriented nature of Node.js.
sort of.... :)
with all the respect to the event -oriented system , sql dont give a damn about it. he only knows how to fill 3 bucket in 1 second.
Well, it's like this. You tell Node.js to perform some time-intensive task and Node.js will eventually tell you when it's done with it.
In the meantime you can keep bugging Node.js with other things.
so like i said , because iis has a limitation of requests ( concurent) - node js is helping here
Well, yea but imagine you'd not have this event-oriented system and would make synchronous calls. You couldn't read in a file or something like that in the meantime.
But when my asp.net server side code call NodeJs , it still WONT be able to do something else.( he is waiting for the http response )
Well that's a totally different thing then. I have no idea of anything .net whatsoever.
@RoyiNamir that's because asp.net sucks, yes
hhhh lol
I think its more related to the request -response thing of http.
It is more related to asp.net being a language or framework - or what the hell it is - which just sucks.
but also because asp.net can't do anything else while it's doing its request, it has to wait for the response to come back before doing anything else
There you go, it sucks.
When I think about it , the IhttpAsyncHandler interface does allow you to wait ( not tighting thread - but a callback.).
I did asked about it once :[stackoverflow.com/questions/10976206/…
yep, it allows you to do it like node.js does it
the only limitation is the threadpool capacity
however, node.js was thought for this, httpAsyncHandler is a new class to handle this
so it's way less complicated, etc etc
p.s sorry for pasting this link here - its a js forum - it was just for a reference)
Hey guys. What do you suggest for creating photography thumbnails, png or jpg format
if you need transparent + half transparency- png is the answer. other wise - gif ( only 256 colors ). else use jpg
*threadpool capacity is only for the request to come in. later he waits on callback function
posted on September 11, 2012

In preparation for tomorrow’s iPhone announcements I’d like to repeat something I said last October: the iPhone 3GS will be produced for many years to come, and its price will drop a little every year. Apple definitely plans to keep the 3GS around this year. Evidence: iOS6 will run on it. Why would Apple have gone to that trouble if it plans to nix the 3GS tomorrow? If Apple has

I hope someone will help me
Q: How will an update panel help in this case?

CdeezI am working on a website using Google maps apiv3. I have a button through which I execute some logic using code behind of button_click and a javascript function. I am able to execute all the logic well but ultimately at the end the page reloads and I end up with nothing on the map. Correspondi...

hi @GNi33
@GNi33 have any idea in asp.net?
whats o/ ?
A guy waving his arm.
no, i thankfully don't. has been years i was forced to do something with that
hey Octavian, everything fine in Graz?
Yup, all fine and dandy. :)
How's the north?
@OctavianDamiean oh cool
everything under control up here ;)
That's good. :)
what are you up to? you're not in here that frequently anymore
heyy.. is this a good place to ask for help regarding html5?
javascript API is a big part of whatever html5 is, so i guess you're good here
@Preethi html5-rocks
is a decent place to find tutors regarding html5
@GNi33 o/ o/ o/ o/ o/
sup mate
long time no see
yep, i'm pretty busy
me too ;<
but other than that, everything's fine. how are things in india and finland?
I have a class right now ;d
communications and presentation
hey guys, does anyone have an idea how to solve JOIN duplicates when unique table row can join more than one row from other table? Here is the case if you want further explanation: stackoverflow.com/questions/12367393/…
I just stumbled over the link named "So I wrote this awesome, totally useful jQuery plugin...." on reddit/r/javascript and i instantly knew that @rlemon posted his supa-plugin, without even looking at the poster
@GNi33 it's not really cross browser though
he just copied my code :(
he should've used $.each
sue him! :P
@rlemon use $.each ffs it's a jquery plugin!!§!1
hi guys
I am developing html5 canvas project and I am stacked. I have two buttons, next and back, next works fine but back button has problem, it doesn't works. can you help me jsfiddle.net/Wy6q5/1
it works but not the first time
it works on second press time
works for me
ah, it doesn't work the "first" time, i see
puh, sorry, right know i really don't have the time to dig through that code, maybe a little later
@FlorianMargaine o/
Note To self : Never ride a bike in india ever again , unless u have a full proof suit on your body , too unsafe
@Abhishek Some places more than others
Q: Are there any software or tutorials for programming DOM games?

gskartwiiI am gonna make a HTML (5) & CSS & JavaScript & PHP plataformer game. I could do the PHP part by myself, but I can't get my JavaScript working. So, are there any good tutorials or software for making these?

@Amaan Bombay is fine
try Jabalpur (XD)
3 accidents in 1 day
yes lol
and all by idiotic mistakes of no driving sense by others
1. A couple were driving parallel , the gf gives a lil wave to the bf , the bf takes the wave a bit harder and waves his bike , crashes into me and pushes me on other lane ... :-| my bike skits i damaged :x

2. A car driver stops his car for no apparent reason right in the middle of the road on a square
right in front of me :-|
3. An idiot crashes into my bike from behind when i was showing full indication i am turning , and he gives a clause

"bhai yaar dekha nai tum modoge"
can anyone help with my problem? jsfiddle.net/Wy6q5/1
back button doesn't work the "first" time
"bhai yaar dekha nai tum modoge"
i'd really not know, what to respond to that
@GNi33 Sorry, bro, didn't see you'd turn.
"go see an ophthalmologist then, you asswipe"
i love to swear in traffic
i can't wait for google's self driving cars to end road accidents
people can't be relied on to drive a vehicle, they just can't
"i want to get off the highway here"

"i'm afraid i can't let you do that, Dave, off to DISNEYLAND!!!"
hacking those things will be so much fun
Hahahaha, that'd be epic!
@JoeriSebrechts what did the grue say, did the page taste good?
@GNi33 grues are too enigmatic to reveal their opinion
oh, i see :D
i used to have a blog at that address, but then i stopped blogging, so i put that there as a temporary placeholder
and that was 2003
or something like that
btw, you don't have to wait for self-driving cars for cars to be hackable: caranddriver.com/features/can-your-car-be-hacked-feature
i remember there was a proof-of-concept hack of a driving car via bluetooth a few years ago, but i can't find the article about it
yeah, but the impact with self-driving cars would just be fun to watch ;)
if the hacker is a nice and gentle guy, of course
i suspect that for a long time they'll require self-driving cars to have manual overrides for that reason, even though in practice the override will probably be a source of accidents
@JoeriSebrechts There was also a pretty recent hack where they even managed to disable the brakes remotely (even though i have no idea how the hell that can be possible, they should work no matter what the electronics does)
@ThiefMaster actually, anti-lock braking requires the car to temporarily disable the brakes
so if you can disrupt the anti-lock system, you can disable the brakes
Hm.. but doesn't it only reduce the brake power instead of completely disabling it?
Because in this case the hardware doing it should have been done in a way that cannot completely disable it
it has to reduce it enough to stop the wheels from locking up, regardless of speed
to me that's disabling the braking function
'morning folks! (adjust as necessary for time zone)
o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ (high fives all around)
hey all. I'm in need of a proper way of using "hints" in textboxes. I found two ways so far:

The latter seems like an old solution (2007). The first one seems okay to me, but since I don't have much knowledge of jQuery I don't know if it will cause problems. So I was just wondering if anyone had some quick impulses on the subject?
You know, greyed out text in the textbox that tells you what the textbox content should be about
oh, placeholder
they come with "html5"
you just need to provide a fallback
answered a question regarding this some time ago:
A: Show placeholder text in empty input fields

GNi33With "HTML5", new functionality and attributes have been introduced for form-Elements (such as built-in form-validation for example) One of those is the placeholder - attribute. It shows a specified text on empty input-Fields that will be hidden, after a user starts to fill text in the field. T...

taking the risk of starting a topic too wide to handle: is HTML5 compatible with most browsers?
jQuery seems to be more compatible with everything
html5 is just a buzzword
it's a set of features
if you want to look up the compatibility for a specific feature, i recommend caniuse.com
@AskeB. jQuery is just a javascript library
so you'll need to provide a fallback for IE, you'll be good with the rest
Yeah, but all the plugins written for it seems to do much functionality of what HTML5 can do
uhm, you got something wrong there ;)
You do not want JavaScript to do stuff that can be done natively.
@GNi33 good stuff good stuff
Using JavaScript is fine to shim HTML5 features if they are not supported natively in a browser.
plugins to provide a fallback -> okay
But you should do this in a way where modern browsers do not need the JavaScript fallback.
plugins to override native functionality -> i can't even describe how wrong that is
I get it, I get it
Seems like a valid point, since browsers are probably optimizing it better than JS
but have a look at my answer, i think it's pretty much what you need
@AskeB. to answer the original question: yes, only IE7/8 don't support most of html5 stuff
@rlemon hehe ;)
Yeah, I looked at your answer, I didn't get how you made a fallback solution though
i just found a little plugin somewhere
click the link, but i have one myself lying around
@AskeB. this one -> gist.github.com/379601
but check for compatibility before binding this!
There are way better ones that e.g. don't affect .val()
@GNi33 bad one
@ThiefMaster way better
I wish I knew why to choose one over the other. Care to quickly elaborate what makes ThiefMaster's linked solution better?
Maybe a better question would be why shouldn't you affect ".val()"?
firstly, it checks whether the browser supports placeholder or not
Is .val() ultimately the value in the text-field?
the first doesn't, it just overrides the behavior no matter what

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