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@VLAZ 🙈Understood, will keep this in mind!! Really good to have a heads up! Thank you again :)
11 hours later…
Hi all
I have a few JS files with content such as this:
	// domain.js
	var domain = {
		constants: {};

	// constants.js
	domain.constants = {
		// ...
I have <script> tags that load domain.js first and then constants.js. This works fine in all browsers except IE, which complains when it hits constants.js: 'domain' is undefined
What would cause IE to not recognize domain being defined in the first file?
Do you have async or defer in your script tags?
Let me check....
What version of IE are you using? And why?
Because honestly, nowadays more than ever "Don't use IE" is the better answer
(This does appear to be an IE quirk as far as I can find)
IE 11. Some external users still have it. We're not trying to load the site in IE but to redirect them away to a pg that says download Edge/Chrome/FF.
Yeah, it's IE quirk and we're using ASP.NET server side code to branch the view: if IE, send them to pg with download links for other browsers; else, load pg normally
Why does the IE page need JS?
I mean, this problem is solvable by using some script loader library, or some own code that sequentially loads those scripts, but at that point, you're introducing complexity for a browser you're actively trying not to support any more
Good question. This app's been in dev for almost 5 yrs. The requirement to send IE to another pg came along late and got bolted on
In case you really wanna fix it for IE, this might have some answers for you:
Q: Is there a known workaround for IE9's execution order of injected script tags?

Dan TaoI am sure I don't fully understand this problem, but it seems that we are seeing strange behavior on IE9 on my project, somehow related to out-of-order execution of JavaScript that has been injected via calls to document.write, e.g.: document.write('<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript" src="'+file1+'"

Thanks, Cerbrus. Believe it or not, IE was the king of the hill back in the day (20 yrs ago -- showing my age!). Now, it's garbage. Maybe it always was but we didn't have a choice
2 hours later…
IE9 ...
IE being king of the hill mostly was because of a lack of alternatives back then
lol yea
I vaguely remember Netscape or something
@Cerbrus not only that though, Microsoft was quite dominant with their browsers
I remember when you could download Firefox extensions without having to worry about malware (or maybe my young self was just naive to it).
I discovered something recently though
Microsoft got fined by EU earlier by having their browser as default automatically. So as result of that, when installing a Windows OS, a question is asked to you "which browser you want to take" with three options.
But when installing windows for an elder lady's laptop, I noticed that I got it fully operational without having that choice at all. The edge was ready to be use. No question about other browsers. I was like "huh".
MS is playin' with fire
(yeah Apple does the same thing ..., as with Google with their chromebooks...)
There is anyone that can help me with my question?

There is a bouty of +50 ;)
> DAO<T, C, S, U, W>
Do I see it correctly?
five generics in a single class?
@Michael ^ imagine having that as well in Java 😁
(not to mention it's really different in TS where the end-result is kinda type-unsafe)
@KarelG Oh yeah. Just imagine if Java had a central repository of pre-compiled code that developers could easily download from using standardized tools.
I got the wink
@KarelG Yes, five generics in a single class. What is the problem?
it is not wise to do that. For each generic type added to an entity, you're adding an exponential complexity and is a design hazard.
My rule of thumb is to keep it at max two per flow, with three in total. So you can have max two incoming types with one returning. Or one incoming with one returning. Or one incoming, two returning (if the language supports it)

But five incoming?
Go back to your design plane and see if there are no another approaches that are more elegant/feasible
@KarelG Thank you for the suggestion! Do you have any advice to solve the problem set out in the question?
I made a useless thing, tell me how much you love/hate it github.com/ndugger/webmake
@KarelG That's because you need the European version of Windows. I forget the actual name ("international" or something?) but it's a special built that basically is Windowns but allows you to select the browser. There is another build that doesn't.
ah that could be an explanation why I did not got it.
first world problem
@ndugger I don't really get it
What problem is it trying to solve?
Why would you suggest someone improve an answer, then close the question as a dupe once they've done it - wanker move - some users have power issues, or little Nixons
Maybe they didn't realize it was a dupe until later
Calling it power abuse, or the user a wanker, is absolutely unacceptable
Blooooodeh wannnnnker
@JBis It's important that you read the proposals I listed in the readme to really understand why.
Will take a look
Once you've fully considered HTML modules, the problem that my compiler solves is allowing you to write type-safe code that compiles directly into valid HTML modules
posted on August 11, 2021 by Bethany Nicolle Griggs

Notable Changes CVE-2021-3672/CVE-2021-22931: Improper handling of untypical characters in domain names (High) Node.js was vulnerable to Remote Code Execution, XSS, application crashes due to missing input validation of hostnames returned by Domain Name Servers in the Node.js DNS library which can lead to the output of wrong hostnames (leading to Domain Hijacking) and injection vulnerabilities

posted on August 11, 2021 by Bethany Nicolle Griggs

Notable Changes CVE-2021-3672/CVE-2021-22931: Improper handling of untypical characters in domain names (High) Node.js was vulnerable to Remote Code Execution, XSS, application crashes due to missing input validation of hostnames returned by Domain Name Servers in the Node.js DNS library which can lead to the output of wrong hostnames (leading to Domain Hijacking) and injection vulnerabilities

posted on August 11, 2021 by Bethany Nicolle Griggs

Notable Changes CVE-2021-3672/CVE-2021-22931: Improper handling of untypical characters in domain names (High) Node.js was vulnerable to Remote Code Execution, XSS, application crashes due to missing input validation of hostnames returned by Domain Name Servers in the Node.js DNS library which can lead to the output of wrong hostnames (leading to Domain Hijacking) and injection vulnerabilities

posted on August 11, 2021 by Harry Souders

Hi, everyone! We've released Chrome Beta 93 (93.0.4577.36) for iOS: it'll become available on App Store in next few days. You can see a partial list of the changes in the Git log. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Harry Souders Google Chrome

1 hour later…
I know this question might be asked a lot
but how do i get users audio using their microphone?
@jeffstyle Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
posted on August 11, 2021 by Srinivas Sista

The Dev channel has been updated to 94.0.4603.0 for Windows Mac and Linux. A partial list of changes is available in the log. Interested in switching release channels? Find out how. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. The community help forum is also a great place to reach out for help or learn about common issues. Srinivas Sista Google Chrome

@JBis I'm going to need help converting 2 forEach codes to forLoop, when I am ready I will let you know. I believe you helped me with the last one. Soon I will be able to figure these out on my own.
@ndugger This may sound stupid but I am so used to the js build process i've never considered making it native
I don't know how much benefit there is from that
it's the future
is it tho?
I actually like the direction that kind of thinking goes, because it allows you to take full advantage of typescript while creating a small reusable widget without requiring a full blown react setup
For example.... years ago, before react/angular etc, or if you have a non-react/angular slider, you'd add jquery + a plugin and stick a div with an id in your html.
it's simple, and integrates well with any backend you may ever have
except... it doesn't work well with single page applications, react/angular etc
modules could, in effect, replace the need that those old plugins served, while still giving you that module feel
i've been quite removed from the SPA setup for a few years now, working primarily with coldfusion and no real front-end other than what i'm serving with coldfusion. When i need something like a slider, or product photo carousel/zoom etc, i have to rely on custom code or a plugin, it's often still easier to simply pull in an existing jquery plugin than to setup a react dom and use a react-based solution, etc
I'm still struggling with the recorrding , I just don't get
Media stream - to create an audio stream
MediaRecord - to get recorded and store it (?)
@KevinB i just don't ever see the build process going away
webpack doesn't just convert JSX --> JS and pack some modules together
You've got CSS modules, optimizations, cross platform stuff, babel, image optimizations, code splitting
So much shit
I believe the future isn't JavaScript at all. And eventually not HTML and CSS either.
It's wasm with a new UI library.
i mean, there's still a build process
2 hours later…
@KevinB With web components inside of HTML modules, doesn't it replace the need for frameworks like React or Angular altogether? That's my impression, being fairly familiar with the component side of things
There's also another proposal out there for scoped custom element registries, so each module could define its own local tags for imported components, which helps with naming collisions
Lots of fun things on the horizon

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