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oh so its like 0=='0' ?
@Amaan because [0] is not false, it exists. When you do ![0] it will do kind of !true which = false
@RoyiNamir exactly
@dievardump Ooh, yeah
@dievardump just now with your link, but it reminds me of this tjholowaychuk.com/post/27984551477/components
I just found out that function declaration ( when hoisting) is winning variable declarations ( same name) only(!!!) is there is no assignment in the var
anyone familiar with Jackson JSON?
No, but it doesn't seem to be JavaScript-related except the fact that it processes JSON
can anybody plese tell me why the hell they inventd the ~ sign ? all it does its -(N+1)
why why why ????
Bitwise NOT
~5 =-6
var bitmask = 0xff; bitmask &= ~0x10; alert(bitmask);
It is NOT an arithmetic operator.
how the hell i go -6 from ~5
The fact that it does what you just said is simply due to the internal representation of negative numbers
Two's complement is a mathematical operation on binary numbers, as well as a representation of signed binary numbers based on this operation. The two's complement of an -bit number is defined as the complement with respect to 2, in other words the result of subtracting the number from 2. This is also equivalent to taking the ones' complement and then adding one, since the sum of a number and its ones' complement is all 1 bits. The two's complement of a number behaves like the negative of the original number in most arithmetic, and positive and negative numbers can coexist in a natural wa...
it doesnt contradict the -(N+1)
5 is 1001
how would you go from 101 to
5 is 00000101
@FlorianMargaine that looks nice so far
u will grow it took me like 3 months to realize what the heck am i doing in v8
so 11111111-0000101
Hello ThiefMaster :-)
in the mood of some C++ help ?
6 is    00000110
invert: 11111001
add 1:  11111010 - which is -6 - those two steps are how you negate a number
invert it:
        00000101 - which is 5
and now imagine it the other way round
But maybe read the wikipedia page...
@Abhishek: Depends on the question :p
ever worked with ffmpeg ? [as in libavcodec , libavformat .... ]
:-( nvm
@ThiefMaster Hey! That's 2's compliment of a binary number, isn't it?
Oh, you posted that above :p
What you guys talking about? Bitwise operators?
@Abhishek i see you need c++ help?
@Amaan: @RoyiNamir was asking why the ~ operator exists and "how the hell i go -6 from ~5"
if somebody has worked with ffmpeg yes
else no
eventually i will figure it out :-)
// the best part about C++
// it might take u a life time but u can do anything u want !
yeah , except for the lifetime part
thiefmaster : 00000101 is 11111011 in two's complelemnt
i dont see how from this ~5 is -6
@RoyiNamir That's how these numbers are represented
amaan I know really good binary
I dont see how the ~ operator gave me -6 from ~5
even if i look at ~5 in binary
I don't think it's 5 in binary
It's represented like that
It isn't converted to binary
Like alphabets are represented in binary
They can't be converted to binary
@ThiefMaster any suggestions how do i try to find the cause of a memory leak
@rlemon it would be easy if it would be a dropdown. I was talking about side menu with categories. It isn't easy due to the positioning. Maybe there is already some sort of plugin?
@ThiefMaster thanks :-)
47,724 allocs, 35,945 frees
definitely leaking
not necessarily
There might be still-reachable memory
void foo() {
    static char *buf = NULL;
    buf = realloc(buf, whatever);
    // more stuff
That memory would never be free'd but unless it's in a dynamically unloadable module it won't leak
@Abhishek I updated the pen, now using pseudo elements for the separators
:-) nice
But the transition does not work in Chrome
But well, it does not degrade it
Microsoft should make IE opensourced
why does this not work for my site???
<script type="text/javascript">

if (screen.width <= 800 && document.referrer.indexOf('http://m.codtelevision.com') != 0) {
window.location = "http://m.codtelevision.com";

I can't find what my missing link is
try C++ room :-/
already did
its ur only hope btw
in Lounge<C++>, 16 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@FlorianMargaine Yes. In case of the "duplicate" variety, figure out what symbol is duplicated and where. In the case of the "missing" variety, figure out where that symbol is and add that to the compiler invocation.
or @ThiefMaster might help
"figure out where it's missing"
yeah, that's what I'm trying to do q_q
did u tried asking how ?
can anyone tell me what my code is wrong?
<script type="text/javascript">

if (screen.width <= 800 && document.referrer.indexOf('http://m.codtelevision.com') != 0) {
window.location = "http://m.codtelevision.com";

@FlorianMargaine i will try to find it for you once i am done coding :-/
or well lets just help u :D
Hello!!! Am i just being ignored???
@EliteGamer no
@Abhishek ok, thanks let me try
Using a responsive layout might be a better solution than making a separate site for mobile clients
@ThiefMaster i guess, but i fell like it is easier
@Abhishek that still did not work
@FlorianMargaine eek .gyp is crazy
you might wanna try
#libuv and ask about git there
on IRC
just specifically ask them how to link libraries
@FlorianMargaine fontello.com
@Abhishek: What is in ur site? it does not do anything but this: Welcome to my blog
@AnujKaithwas try it on a proper webkit ^_^ and windows
its more of a 3d css experiement
woot? Ur site does not work on moz?
@Abhishek: sweeet :D
but nothing works?
nope it wont work on mozilla
never got enough time to remove prefixes
well tht's inconvenient :P
i am more into writing native c/C++ modules for nodejs these days
rather then experimenting with css
so u r developing js api huh?
finally seek works!
@Abhishek use prefix-free
and thanks for the irc suggestion, good idea
launching x-chat x)
@FlorianMargaine use webchat.freenode
no need, I've got x-chat already :)
webchat.freenode.net sucks
and it has my freenode's settings (nickserv login, favorite rooms, etc)
@FlorianMargaine You running Linux?
nope, windows
but I've always found x-chat better over mirc
@Abhishek Raynos is on #libuv@freenode :p
I liked IRCCloud
@FlorianMargaine hes always there
and node.js
and socket.io
and a couple of node related ircs
haha k
just node.js, libuv and javascript right now
@Abhishek look at this
Q: mobile site redirect with full site link

ultraloveninjaI'm using the javascript version from http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/ to redirect to a mobile site. The only thing is that I have a link to go to the full site in the off chance that users want/need to go there. However, when you click on the link to view the full site from the mobile, it pick...

how would i add the javascript to my website
my website is codtelevision.com
and the mobile is m.codtelevision.com
anyone else can help if they want
anyone here already implemented a require function for spidermonkey to do commonjs stuff?
@Mog ... is that message for me
nah sorry it's totally unrelated :(
@Mog Ok, could you help, if you can?
I'll check
well are you familiar with js and webdev?
@Abhishek issue solved
I hadn't implemented the constructor/destructor functions...
yes, but i was confused on where to put it....this is my first year to actually go hard at it, and i am 16 and learning :)
hey. dose anyone knows a good book about node.js?
@FlorianMargaine facepalm
anyone ?!
@Siamak.A.M No, sorry...
@Abhishek yeah.
@EliteGamer thanks :)
i am back on my war with libavcodec
new warrior the seek function
@Mog did you figure out my problem?
@Siamak.A.M I know how mad you get when everyone ignores you....i have the same problem in this room.
@Abhishek could you take a look at my question!
13 mins ago, by Elite Gamer
@Abhishek look at this
yay, it's working
well, it's just printing "test" for now
and I need to do var Ssh = require( './build/Release/node' ).Ssh;, dunno why
@Abhishek any idea? ^
Q: Maintaining C/C++/Java skills as a web developer

wwwuserWhen I was in college I learned how to program in C, C++, and Java. Currently, I'm a web developer using front end and back end technologies (HTML/CSS/JS, PHP, MYSQL). While the sorting algorithms and OOP concepts that I learned in college can be applied to web development, I'm looking for ways t...

@FlorianMargaine i fell asleep
lemme wake a lil
@FlorianMargaine ah , that ! just create a global object and set the global reference to that
@Abhishek how?
@FlorianMargaine is ur SSH a property or function ?
here is how you do it
void Init(Handle<Object> Init) {
Local<FunctionTemplate> AudioContextCons = FunctionTemplate::New(

Whatever you want just set it as u would do to any other object
with the target object
u dont need to create the Persistence there
btw thanks for waking me up :D
for the constructor?
uh... you're welcome? ;>
sorry I'm not getting entirely what's going on...
you know, I've only started today :p
and C++... well, same
although C++ isn't the problem, but rather v8's API
@Abhishek btw, still don't get how to only need var Ssh = require( '../build/Release/ssh' );
@FlorianMargaine cause ur whole module is compiled into ssh
and the rest is linked
so I should import the init part into void InitAll() ?
wait i got ur question wrong >_>
@FlorianMargaine yes
Init all parts of ur module there
@FlorianMargaine InitALL is just the function name
u can have it InitKamehameha
yeah yeah ofc
it's what defined in NODE_MODULE
but still, they're calling the Ssh::Init method within this method
and it's in Ssh::Init that the function is added to the target
so I don't get why mine isn't returned directly, but rather under the Ssh property
@FlorianMargaine whats happening there is
function internalInit(obj){
  obj.xyz = 'zomg';
function Init(obj){
 obj.xy = 'omfg';

var obj = {};
now makes sense ?
the node.js doc is wrong then
@Abhishek ? is the doc wrong? :D
why ?
because they do the same I'm doing, and they access the function right from the returned module, not from a property
they do var o = require( './build/Release/addon' );, I do var Ssh = require( './build/Release/ssh' ).Ssh;
havent ever tried that (xD)
I don't get why...
tried what?
i just do

o = require('path/module.node');
you are doing
o = require('path/module');
yeah, well, that doesn't work for me :D
I just returns { Ssh: function() {} }
oh, that
I don't think that changes much to use .node or not
we both need sleep you know ?
// as in both of our brains are wasted to understand stuff now
// they are just nulling out output
it doesn't change anything
nah it's ok for me
it's only 9:53PM here
the #libuv guys are kind of insane
they just found a bug in the compiler, by going all the way to compiled assembly code
lol have fun in there :D
there are really insanites in there
@Abhishek okay FYI, it isn't possible to do var O = require( 'path/module' ), o = new O();
I have to use var O = require( 'path/module' ).O, o = new O();
@FlorianMargaine wat ?
wasnt that u were already trying to do ?
oh wait >_>
argh :-|
I was trying to do var O = require(), o = new O; instead of var O = require().O, o = new O();
erm nvm
anyways whats the best way to convert number of seconds into human readable time in JS ?
new Date(milliseconds) ?
depends :/
i have seconds
i want to convert em to hh :: mm :: ss
i guess the old method ;-|
depends on the seconds you have
is that a timestamp?
then var d = new Date( seconds * 1000 ); d.getHours()...
Too much work (XD)
faster than "the old method"
or at least cleaner
well i will use this at the end :-)
rofl @dievardump your pen is on frontpage on codepen :p
and the first pick
1 more question
remember in c we used to do \r
@rlemon crazy
to goto last line , wtf we do here in nodejs
@FlorianMargaine yea codepen is cool - Loktar myself and simon all got on "picks" with some of our first submissions. Also I love reading the older submissions
@Abhishek to go to last line? what do you mean?
\r also works in js
i just want to re-write the last outputted line
in console
I think you have to flush the line and relog
dunno how to do it right now though
@FlorianMargaine foound it
damn this was an easy guess
process.stdout.write( "\r" +"Heylo");
told ya you could use \r :p
HandleScope scope; at every function start
if you don't, you're leaking memory
now there is my reason of leaking memory :3
yup, thought it might be a reason
@rlemon yeah saw you had some pens and saw Loktar on first page picks (but he's really cool, so it's ok), didn't know you too
@RyanKinal it is. but its still deprecated and abandoned :D
@FlorianMargaine sometimes its rather wise not to have HandleScope aswell
for instance if u are in callback of some function
at that time HandleScope makes no sense atall
and also libuv wont let u create one
if you're in a callback, you're in a new function, so it still makes sense
in C++ callback
static Handle<value>
lib uv wont let that happen
error: invalid conversion from ‘v8::Handle<v8::Value> (*)(uv_work_t*) {aka v8::Handle<v8::Value> (*)(uv_work_s*)}’ to ‘uv_after_work_cb {aka void (*)(uv_work_s*)}’ [-fpermissive]
In file included from ../encoder.cpp:10:0:
/usr/local/include/node/uv.h:1314:15: error: initializing argument 4 of ‘int uv_queue_work(uv_loop_t*, uv_work_t*, uv_work_cb, uv_after_work_cb)’ [-fpermissive]
just declaring HandleScope scope; throws this error?
@FlorianMargaine go back a day or so
doing static Handle<Value> CallBackFunction
i am done for the night
However after seeing this makes me want to start using node.js and reveal a lot more
see ya all tomorrow :3
that ladies statement was intended to sarcastically
comment upon there rareness in this room :P
@Abhishek btw
the libuv guys clearly recommend avoiding Persistent as much as possible
@Amaan Any non-standalone IRC client sucks (except for very casual users)
@FlorianMargaine @FlorianMargaine depends :P
x_x excuse the double ping
i found persistent convinient as it saves me from having to create New String everytime n*100 times
my function is called
with Persistent u will have to clean memory yourself
use static then
static Local < xyz > ?
that just makes no sense
why? it's the point of a static variable
i got seg faults
Persistent are made for persistent variables across HandleScope, not across C++ scopes

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