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@TimeToThine I don't think pages that redirect are indexed by Google
Depends on the kind of redirect. Rules get complicated.
Yeah. @TimeToThine You can still try
@Amaan wanna listen to something for me ?
Not Beiber :p
just play it on windows media player / banshee
\m/ yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its working!!!
Click where?
Oh, I should enter the URL into a player?
i think i should make a player for it (x
I don't know what's playing, but something is!
I especially like the server.on()
It should be playing Interia by Skillet
and now Comatose by Skillet
@FlorianMargaine i am sooooo frigging happy that i can eat a buffalo (XD)
hahaha good man :)
@Abhishek Not in India. :P
Well, you can
was gonna say that
But Hindus wouldn't like it
you're gonna get killed if you do that
@Amaan we pray cows not buffalos , no ?
@FlorianMargaine Na, it isn't thaat bad
At least not in Mumbai
@Abhishek I'm not Hindu, so I don't really know if buffaloes are sacred by extension or not :p
@Amaan I am an atheist
Me too
but i do know my parents arent into buffalos
delete god;
But my parents don't know
`mine does :-)
I liked Zirak's console thing long back
You're an adult :p
cause of my pretty nice statement " I will believe god if and only if at this moment a cat says meaw" none did
Q: Get query string values in JavaScript

EminIs there a plugin-less way of retrieving query string values via jQuery (or without)? If so, how, and if not what plugin do you recommend?

why I got negative vote for this question

@TimeToThine That...isn't your question
So you didn't get a downvote for it
A lot of people will downvote questions that don't show any signs of trying to solve the problem on their own. A 'this is what I tried' or at the very least 'I think this general technique would work, but I am having trouble at a particular step.' When I downvote, I try to always leave a 'why.'
(which is why, I think, I get random downvotes on things. Revengeful posters haunting me?)
Jeremy i have a countries array in jquery..
like this
$.countries = {
    asia: [{ Australia: "Australia" }, { NewZealand: "NewZealand" }, { Korea: "Republic of Korea" }, { China: "China" }, { Singapore: "Singapore" }],
    europe: [{ Belgium: "Belgium" }, { France: "France" }, { UK: "United Kingdom" }],
    mena: [{ SaudiArabia: "Saudi Arabia" }],
    north_america: [{ USA: "United States" }],
    south_america: [{ Brazil: "Brazil" }]
Mmm.. first you have an object, not an array. HUGE and important differences.
But what is your question?
now the nested keys like NewZealand, Korea etc are hardcoded in a dropdown
when i select the region, i need to populate the other dropdown with the countries..
$("#continents_dropdown").on("change", function () {
    $.each($.countries, function (index, value) {
        $("#countries_dropdown").append("<option value="+value[0]+">"+value[1]+"</option>");
so far im here
but as you mentioned
value is an object
check the edit
OK, I know how to do what you mean -- but you won't like it. I'll admit, I'm one of those anti-jQuery people and I'd code it pure Javascript.
that's fine by me.. i myself like pure js and also learning mootools these days
You iterate through your object with code like this:

var obj = {name: "Foo", age: 50};

var key, value;
for (key in obj) {
  if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) {
    val = obj[key];
   alert(key + "=" + val);
and use parseJSON?
No need to parseJSON ... since that is already an object literal, the compiler does that when the code runs.
@JeremyJStarcher Object.keys(obj) would give him an array with the keys. Lot simpler
That is just the code to loop through an object and get the key/value
@Amaan -- I keep forgetting about that. I have to support IE6 at work, so I sometime an old fashioned.
Damn. That must suck!
I'm a Unix guy -- the only coding language I know for Windows anymore are HTA files ... and we have to support Win2K machines yet.
HTA files?
Where do you work?
@Amaan haha!
@vulcan -- anyways, once you loop through the object, can look at this:


It tells how to use `new Option(key, val)` to create a new option and `<select>.add(<option>)` to add it.
@Amaan -- HTA files are Hyper Text Applications -- web pages that run with application level access. It lets me access the ODBC database, then once I get the data I throw it up on the screen like I was writing a web page.

I can walk through the ODBC resultSet and then use Ajax to update my website.
Flo Rida's music videos are the best implementation of hidden advertisement ever
I get some of that. :P
the jQuery way lil ugly?.. can we optimize this code:

$.countries = {
asia: [{ Australia: "Australia" }, { NewZealand: "NewZealand" }, { Korea: "Republic of Korea" }, { China: "China" }, { Singapore: "Singapore" }],
europe: [{ Belgium: "Belgium" }, { France: "France" }, { UK: "United Kingdom" }],
mena: [{ SaudiArabia: "Saudi Arabia" }],
north_america: [{ USA: "United States" }],
south_america: [{ Brazil: "Brazil" }]

$("#region_dropdown").on("change", function () {
$.each($.countries["europe"], function (index, data) {
dot com
iPad 3
Windows Phone
And the list goes on
@vulcanraven @Amaan @Abhishek hi
@piya hello
Possible help vampire isolated.
@piya Sup?
@Amaan lol same
@vulcanraven @Amaan @Abhishek i want to get list of visible text boxes in javascript with their id/name ??
@piya you dont have to ping us all e verytime
@amaan - I work for a moped shop actually.

This is the big site I maintain: http://parts.mopedepot.com/pbook.php?section=7&sectionid=7&book=0&page=7
@piya the question you asked is quite vague
There is also a full map editor and parts list editor on the admin side of that.
What do you mean by visiblity ? In the screen display area or the ones which are visible in DOM
@Abhishek in my code there is check box on that checboxes click i m showing text boxes
,now at end of submit i want to knw the visible textboxes and there id
well why cant u just keep a track of what text-boxes u made visible ?
just a simple array
"Not working" the bane of all tech support everywhere.
well, it sends a 200 status back, but there is no data sent
@Abhishek i dnt want like that :(
@Abhishek i ping evry time bz the person who is answering n asking question may know what is ans n who is answeing
@FlorianMargaine i cant believe
@FlorianMargaine you are using the readFile function
there is a better way?
i'd rather used file.read to pipe
you mean using createReadStream?
what's the point, the request must send back the whole file at once
what if ur file is HUGE
and there are tons of them
readFile will read it to buffer , and a lot of these = too much ram usage = u might crash
then the callback will be called at a later time than for a small file
oh, you mean for memory?
well I don't care, it's just for quick static server
if I want to use a real static server, there are other options (production wisely)
try console.log( data );
it's solved right now, you know?
8 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
and ofc I did a console.log, it printed fine
the problem was that I called res.write another time later, the old debug stuff <<
@FlorianMargaine zS
@FlorianMargaine crap i am so lost in my work i have no hold of time
@dievardump you are a genius and hence i stole ur idea lil
for the circular thingy'
Hey guys, does anyone have experience with the jquery placeholder plugin?
It doesnt want to apply .placeholder class to placeholder text like it should
any ideas why?
because you're not having any html element, probably
and it's not supposed to add the placeholder class
i updated the fiddle sorry, check again
and also, the documentation says:
jQuery-Placeholder toggles a .placeholder class for browser that don't natively support placeholders:

.placeholder { color: red }
1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
because you're not having any html element, probably
the most common reason for error with jQuery'
@Abhishek posted the wrong jsfiddle, updated now, sorry
oh btw @Abhishek I discovered this yesterday jsfiddle.net/Ralt/N3gMj
the fuck
i wonder what html6 will be
html6 will incorporate jQuery and will finally have a working DWIM mode for both.

the ssh element allows a web-developer to allow its user to ssh into a server natively supported by browser
github.com/must/2D-Canvas-Rope here there is code to cut the rope .But my intention to cut the rope when clicked
or when swiped
@JeremyJStarcher DWIM?
and.. not everybody likes jquery's api
DWIM = The ultimate computer interface: Do What I Mean
@JeremyJStarcher lol
@Abhishek wouldn't be so hard to do right now using a node.js proxy
@FlorianMargaine ik
@FlorianMargaine - No worries, I'm no jQuery fan either, but you have to admit if you are going to make something DWIM, jQuery is the perfect target for it.
I wanted to write a C++ module to bind libssh2 :<
well if pepper api gets standardized , then we will have an internet browser with no limits , who the **** cares about semantics or browser support we can just write our own code supporting a feature
@FlorianMargaine do it :D
pls help me guys!
nah, I want to do something cooler in the mean time
@FlorianMargaine that would be uber cool
but the remoteprez thingy is even cooler :(
+ gives u the heavenly satisfaction of writing something in C++ that works
@FlorianMargaine i already have an app for it on my iPhone , not html5 though .. so i know how cool it is :D
I'll have to use extern "C"
its not that bad
just dont end up using memcpy , memmove in C++
u have std::copy , std::move
and vector , deque , lists , stacks
and lots and lots of stuff
yeah yeah don't worry
they are totally same ... but if u are found using memcpy or memmove in C++ room u will be haunted
Ok, any last pearls of wisdom I can hang on the walls before I cut out for the night?
@JeremyJStarcher He's not real.
is there a better way to fetch key value pair from hash than using nested $.each -> jsfiddle.net/yc955
using $.countries is bad
@FlorianMargaine Who/what isn't real?
@FlorianMargaine, can you fork/update the jsfiddler?
@vulcanraven Sure, you can just start off with the depth you need. Your code scrolled off so I can't double check it.
@JeremyJStarcher I can't answer you yet. Go out with those words of wisdom.
@JeremyJStarcher, can you please take a look on my jsfiddler link jsfiddle.net/yc955
its working fine.. just need to know if it can be optimized further
@Erik Reppen, i'm trying them, thanks.
@Abhishek I need to get through to first times... why is this seg faulting? github.com/Ralt/node-ssh/blob/master/src/ssh.cc
@FlorianMargaine erm why is this in int_main ?
isn't it what the main method is supposed to be?
I'm not using it through node right now
just running it manually gives me this
ah gotcha
try this
int main() {
string s = "Hello";
printf("The string is : %s",s);
return 0;
or if u wanna go 1337
int main(){
HandleScope handle_scope;
Handle<Context> context = Context::New();
Context::Scope context_scope(context);
Handle<String> source = String::New("'Hello' + ', World!'");
Handle<Script> script = Script::Compile(source); // eval's grandadddy
Handle<Value> result = script->Run();
String::AsciiValue ascii(result);
printf("%s\n", *ascii);
return 0;
I just went straight to using it through node, there's no seg fault
@FlorianMargaine safe
@Loktar Know anything about Kongregate getting HTML5?
But I can't find any documentation on it!
now now
@Abhishek github.com/Ralt/node-ssh/blob/master/src/ssh.cc string doesn't belong to std:: according to the compiler :D
@FlorianMargaine you need to do
for node to get it
@Abhishek why?
@FlorianMargaine node doesnt recognizes std::string
it only likes char *
i am on a quest to find a helmet in my city which is hard
Q: Rotate a vector by given degrees (errors when value over 90)

IvanI created a function to rotate a vector by a given number of degrees. It seems to work fine when given values in the range -90 to +90. Beyond this, the amount of rotation decreases, i.e., I think objects are rotating the same amount for 80 and 100 degrees. I think this diagram might be a clue to...

What makes the square root of 1/2 so special that there's a built-in Math.SQRT1_2 property with that value?
(Btw, Math.SQRT2 is the only other built-in square root.)
good question, I have no idea
Math.acos(Math.cos(3)) // => 2.9999999999999996 Ah, JavaScript... -.-
@Abhishek when you get some time, tell me why the C library inclusion doesn't work : github.com/Ralt/node-ssh/blob/master/src/ssh.cc (it compiles, but I get "undefined symbol: libssh2_init" when I execute it)
@Abhishek which one ?

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