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7 hours later…
I have string <p style="color: undefined; background: undefined; font-size: 12pt; text-align: undefined;">text-017</p> I want remove extra undefined style property from style attribute. The Tag element might div span etc. The output should like this

<p style="font-size: 12pt;">text-017</p>
Please help us.
Q: How can remove undefined style property value from inline tag element in JavaScript/jQuery

raheel aslamI have string <p style="color: undefined; background: undefined; font-size: 12pt; text-align: undefined;">text-017</p> I want remove extra undefined style property from style attribute. The Tag element might div span etc. The output should like this <p style="font-size: 12pt;">text-017</p> Ple...

Can you give us a little bit more background about your code ?
@NicolasMenettrier Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@NicolasMenettrier We are using tinymce editor. When we get content the some of undefined style comes. we are using this method of tinymce editor. tinymce.get("textEditorLabelName").getContent())
@NicolasMenettrier Is it clear ?
hi guys
someone use angularjs?
guys , how do you use email verification but with through frontend api, and django rest framework?
send an email
for front-end validation, you can do something basic: words + @ + words + 1 dot + words
i'mean i've a user registration , I'm using vue, and when user register, I want to send verification email to verify user,
i used this video for email validation: youtube.com/watch?v=76tKpVbjhu8
@LiXiuYing you need a backend for that
Thank you ,
hellow, how i push objects to a array of objects
    { name: 'arrA', data: [] },
    { name: '"arrB', data: [] }
@LiXiuYing i whant to push
{ name: '"arrC', data: [] }
hey guys
@vijay Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
someone in react nad react native ?
Hi, I am using IntelliJ for JavaScript, and it doesn't recognize the ?? operator. Anyone know how to fix this?
@JeroenE what os are you using?
@JeroenE I've more better options
@LiXiuYing: Windows
umm, I'm just saying, Use linux :)
its just easy
I work for companies that don't allow those kind of things. ;-)
@VigneshKarunakaran Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@JeroenE how about emacs
No I have to do it with this. :-)
Hello guys ! Quick question because I'm pulling my hair out (LOL), I have this async function and I'm trying to use await inside of it but I'm getting a Syntax Error saying I can only use await inside async functions..
async function convertSeFunction(functionEl) {
var composition = functionEl.childNodes;
var finishedCase = ['(IF'];
var boolExpression;
var trueExpression;
var falseExpression;

composition.forEach( element => {
var hasAtt = false
try {
hasAtt = element.hasAttribute("custom-function-expression")
@JoãoPedroDomingues Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
and I am fine, just looking for a fix in IntelliJ.
composition.forEach( element => { is not marked async
your IntelliJ doesn't need a fix :P
@makadev Thanks ! I had already tried that and it didn't work but now it worked.. I think it as a cache issue. Thank you so much !!
@JoĆ£oPedroDomingues Actually, I don't know if it's supposed to work or if you can/should pass an async function to forEach. I'd expect it to need some extra work to make sure the forEach visitor is finished before you continue with other code
Or better: this article which shows the problem and 2 solutions: Promise.all to wait until the forEach is done and reduce for sequentializing
@makadev Got it , thank you !
Ok, Question time for me too: I have some code - lets say a function function fetchData() {...} - which is run both in static/serverside (getStaticProps) and dynamic/clientside (in a dynamic rendered React Component) context of a NextJS App. Is there a way to check if it's run backend or frontend?
@JeroenE i use StandartJS
Fixed it, I was on a version that doesn't support it yet. Newer versions do.
@JeroenE GG wp
Hello Devs. is there any free api that support all the countries with state, city and postal code?
@BeginnerCoder "all countries": no, at least not up to date or without paying a lot for data
There are some projects thought, specifically OSM related
Like nominatim.org for geocoding/reverse geocoding
Hello folks, can we incrementally build a code coverage report? And fail a build or a devops pipeline if the code coverage falls below a pre-set threshold?
More context: there are two tests that can't be run together in one stretch. But they test some critical part of the software. So if I were to run a single test suite, my code coverage tool (istanbul) will always report a threshold has failed...
@BeginnerCoder mapbox gl js
@deostroll I have a similar problem running php backend tests with coverage (unit and browser tests), my solution is to run them in parallel and merge the coverage information. It seems this can also be done with istanbul.
it's not incremental thought
Happy Thursday, how is everyone
@makadev thanks šŸ˜Š. But what is that .nyc_output in the merge command snippet.
Hi is there anyone who can help, or explain to me angular primeng table frozen columns? I am like out of ideas how to do it. Thanks
@luxx Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@luxx have you searched the forums
@BeerusDev yes I did but everything just destroy my table
if I have
<p class="black"></p>
<p class="black"></p>
<p class="black"></p>
how can I select in increments of 2? like for the first two to style green
Nvm got it
  color: green;
Are we allowed to show off projects here??
@Camashima Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
What do you mean
I've been working on a project (im pretty new to js) and I just wanted some opinions on it
Yah, just put it in a jsfiddle then send the link
don't forget to update the title
Yeah good call. I did update it on glitch, but I must've forgot to on my fiddle
In your HTML, heads up. You cannot have a <div> element within a <p> element
I was wondering why it was red.
hmm can anyone explain why I cannot have a covariant array in this situation?
reset isn't changing the color back to default
Yeah, I noticed that. I couldn't figure out how to fix that.
the entries in order_arr is more specific than what the function requires. And since the function already specifies that order_arr is read only the data can't be written or extended right? So it should be type safe?
ANy ideas on how to make it go back to default color?
the same way you change it at 10, 20, 30, etc
Oh so just manually swap it? Wouldn't it then just get stuck on default color?

I am stuck on a limb here. Why does this only style the first two elements, but the following 4, nothing is being applied/styled with :nth-child()
not if that only happens on the reset button click
Alright. Also, how would you go about deleting a button element?
At the end, when you hit 60, I want the buttons to be deleted, so you can't keep clicking them.
disable them
you don't want to delete them if you'll need them again
@deostroll maybe the output from the previous step and the --no-clean flag
as that'd mean needing to recreate them
I dont want you to be able to hit reset at the end, I just want the player to refresh page, so would that affect anything? Deleting the button, then refreshing the game page??
up to you
Well how you disable them?
Missing args
cc @JBis
!!mdn element disable
:o Woah
James bot
not that, but you can search for dom manipulation there
Codegrepper is great
I couldnt find anything on MDN but i found a ton of examples
on codegrepper
@KevinB thanks
@KevinB I don't see any issues with that o.o
TMK cap would have a naughty response instead
Also, got all the issues you guys pointed out to me fixed. I think.
Whatever you see that's wrong just let me know. I'm just trying to learn js, and I usually learn by doing.
think it'd be cool if it incremented by a random amount
@KarelG that's why we loved her
@BartekBanachewicz aye. But with those "political correct" times we're facing atm, the room would get issues with that šŸ˜
I wouldn't know
i haven't used SO to socialize since forever
hello, sometimes using angular giving style such as [style.borderLeft]=".." works on stackblitz but not on corporate codebase
what could be the reason, the style is completely ignored and there is no border left in inspect elements styles also
.endOf('isoWeek') will be a Friday date correct?
Yes, I think so
@BeerusDev if you're not sure, try it out in dev console?
or check doc?
I tried nothing.
It seems like ('isoWeek') is only available for the .startOf ?
I am going to be Whis on ya, pal.
posted on July 15, 2021 by Daniel Gagnon

The Beta channel has been updated to 92.0.4515.98 (Platform version: 13982.51.0) for most Chrome OS devices. This build contains a number of bug fixes, security updates and feature enhancements. If you find issues, please let us know by visiting our forum or filing a bug. Interested in switching channels? Find out how. You can submit feedback using 'Repor

Wheres Vados
1 hour later…
@KevinB whats up
wait how did this dude get hyperlinks in code
thought it'd be useful for !!mdn to link to mdn
yesterday, by Shawn Eary
// https://nodejs.dev/learn/reading-files-with-nodejs
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/parse
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
function getConfig() {
  const data = readFileSync('../etc/config.json');
  const theJSON = JSON.parse(data);
  return theJSON;
export { getConfig };
there's a way to see the raw source of that message
@KevinB ah, sure i'll add that
|| mdn mdn
that also works
voodoo magic
new user voodoo magic
// nodejs.dev/learn/reading-files-with-nodejs
// developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/…
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
function getConfig() {
  const data = readFileSync('../etc/config.json');
  const theJSON = JSON.parse(data);
  return theJSON;
export { getConfig };
it's the transcript
the transcript hyperlinks them, where as it doesn't in here
it doesn't do it if you just do
but what about
that's weird
probably a bug
|| sudo restart
My life has come to end. I hope to be revived soon.
|| mdn
|| w3schools
@{1} Don't use w3schools.
@JBis w3schools is a terrible resource. We suggest using MDN. Here's an potentially equivalent page: Array.prototype.sort() - JavaScript | MDN
posted on July 15, 2021 by Prudhvikumar Bommana

The Stable channel has been updated to 91.0.4472.164 for Windows, Mac and Linux which will roll out over the coming days/weeks. A full list of changes in this build is available in the log. Interested in switching release channels?  Find out how here. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. The community help forum is also a great place to reach out for help or learn a

Anyone (front-end focused) recommend vue.js?
oh lord, i gotta interact with an XML API
send help
Just use regex! :)
@BeerusDev there's bound to be someone
facepalm I am trying to use the Namecheap API to update the A records for a server with a dynamic IP address. But in order to use the API I have to whitelist the IP. But I have no idea what the IP address will be because it's dynamic.
var searchMon = moment($('#dpicker').val()).startOf('isoWeek').format("MMM Do YYYY");

var searchFri = moment($('#dpicker').val()).endOf('isoWeek').format("MMM Do YYYY");

if (moment($('#dpicker').val()).format("MM/DD/YYYY").isBetween(searchMon, searchFri)) {
moment(...).format(...).isBetween is not a function
who needs static typing or total functions
you don't wanna know
just break up your expression into smaller parts and figure out where it's failing
what does .format return?
i would expect it to return a string
docs seem unclear
if it returned a string... calling .isBetween on it would be weird
A string
I knew that I don't know why I did that...
Been a long day, logging off. Have a good evening everyone
posted on July 15, 2021 by Ben Mason

Hi, everyone! We've just released Chrome 91 (91.0.4472.164) for Android: it'll become available on Google Play over the next few weeks. This release includes stability and performance improvements. You can see a full list of the changes in the Git log. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Ben Mason Google Chrome

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