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05:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

hi is there anyone??
what does timeout do in javascript
it's an timing event..
setTimeOut executes a function, once, after waiting a specified number of milliseconds
classNames = $(this).parent().attr('class').split(' '); what does it means
The setTimeout() method will wait the specified number of milliseconds, and then execute the specified function.
classNames = $(this).parent().attr('class').split(' '); sets the classname to the variable classNames
i'm having problem creating datetime picker using javascript which shows nepali calender..
do you have some idea for it??
I think you should consult bijay
3 hours later…
I have multiple div on my page that require similar functionality (making an ajax call to external service) achieved by calling a javascript method specified in a js file. Can anyone tell me how I can create and associate different instances of js so that each one is associated with its own div. I don't want to use the singleton nature of js.
@rlemon: Good to see you here man. Help me again.
oh my god
i just really switched to a MBP at work
Hi all !
Who can answer at this ?
Q: Mysterious ajax json request problems jQuery

RochesterFoxI want to read an rss feed converted to json format with a google api ; i had put some alerts but i can't see them when i run my page ! Why ? Here is my jQuery code : function getFeed(url){ $('#screen #content').html(""); $.ajax({ url: 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/aj...

Thanks !
hello everyone! does anyone know how a jquerymobile element is initialized? ie: $("#element").button() which steps follows?
2 hours later…
^ New found respect for IE (after reading that)
they did a lot actually. the only problem is, that they just kept falling behind and didn't care enough about standards
and now we are stuck with these old versions. hopefully this is going to change anyhow
Hi All, I want to convert a url page info to pdf when a page loaded using js. how can I do that? Can anybody please help me?
@maryam Your question areadyy has 2 answers
@Amaan can you give the links of pages
I could not find a good ans
@maryam What?
@maryam By good answer you mean one that actually solved your problem, or one that you could understand ?
Q: Convert HTML or .aspx to PDF using javascrpt

maryamI want to convert html or .aspx page to PDF. I've found some example for converting a file to pdf; But I want to send a url then convert the page to the pdf. I've used iTextSharp.dll in my project for converting a file to pdf. can anybody please help me?

You've got to implement yourself
one that actually solved my problem
It's my question in .net group?
but I really like to solve my problem with js.
Those links seems to work pretty nice to me. And it is as answered on your post.
Help vampire
He probably wants a solution he can simply copy and paste
Oh.. did not notice that..
Well, lazy developers aren't developers, they are just lazy.
what's your meaning? is he lazy?
I mean that you, @maryam, are lazy. The answer is there on your question, using js, you just don't want the trouble to read it.
:) maybe I'm. but I'm trying some ways and I was'nt able to find a good way.
there is a web application program that I can't edit any pages of it , so I want to use JavaScript or JQuery and I can't find good example yet
Thx all anyway
Hey I use this
` $("#refresh_"+option).css({
width: 0,
opacity: 0
width: value+"%",
opacity: 1
},"slow","swing", function () {
$("#percent_"+option).find("strong").text(value + "%").fadeIn("slow");
But it's not working in IE 9 IE 8
can some one help how to fix this .animate for internet explorer 8-9-7
@BasicBridge Fiddle it. jsfiddle.com
I saw, some people write var SomeVar = SomeVar || {}; When does it make sense in common????
I do not understand
When I use that, is because I have a parameter from a function that might be undefined... So if it is, the received variable should be some other default value.
function(ParameterVar) {
  var SomeVar = ParameterVar || 'Default Value';
But for that example, SomeVar might be an array.
So if SomeVar is undefined, then it instantiate a null array.
@AndréSilva Object*
{} makes an object
isn't {} empty JSON object??
Q: Understanding the "|| {}" construct in javascript

larryq Possible Duplicate: What does “var FOO = FOO || {}” mean in Javascript? Javascript - Can you add condition to variable declaration I believe this has to do with scoping, and not redefining scope. I see a lot of this in popular javascript frameworks: var something = some...

Oh. Did not know that. I thought it was an array structure. Thanks for the correction.
@metal_fan In JSON, yes. In JavaScript, it's a normal object. After being parsed, a JSON object is a normal JavaScript object too.
@Amaan em?? then how JavaScript differentiate between JSON object and JavaScript object itself????
A noobly question, but I'm wondering, the 'n' in 'nbsp' means 'null' as 'null blank space' ? ._.
@metal_fan It doesn't!
@AndréSilva Hahahaha. Non-breakable space.
I hate acronyms :( Thanks.
When you request and receive JSON data from a server, it's in the form of a string
That makes it an empty JavaScript object
@Amaan then how could it be the same for both??
JSON -> JavaScript Object Notation
and also throws an exception if parse falls
@metal_fan How can what be same for both?
it has the same syntax
@AndréSilva It's easy to know what the acronym stands for if you know what it is
  lets you add multiple spaces, right?
It isn't breakable like a normal space character
That's why I thought it was null blank space. Because it is a space, and it is blank, and it doesn't have a value ._.
@AndréSilva jsfiddle.net/aZq7d/1 well actual code has json response from php but this is working and that is not. Only IE has trouble in animation. Working well in rest browsers
Isn't there a sql server chat in stackoverflow ( with >1 persons )
@RoyiNamir I think you can try it on PHP chat
what is the difference between undefined vs "undefined" ?
I didn't find a good explanation
@RoyiNamir undefined is an object; "undefined" is a string?
what is the meaning of prototype in javascript function?
@Ritesh Are you talking about the library?
In which "javascript function"?
prototype is something that...lets you go up the inheritance chain
@Amaan Animation.prototype.getContext()
We need more context.
Animation is probably a constructor function
So when you do, var a = new Animation();, a will have the property getContext
@Amaan ok
@Amaan that means creating a new object called var a = new Animation();,
Try learning basic JavaScript before going into understanding the nitty gritty details of it.
don't know what programming background you've got, but if you know "classical" inheritance, prototype may seem a little weird in the beginning
it's very, very useful though, once you get your head around it
@Abhishek Think you'll have something to say about this: data.gov.in
Oh, also, got your patent?
hm, MacOs is kinda nice actually
I like it
Q: Which flash player does this website uses

Registered UserI want to know which flash player this website is using http://www.videochaska.com/video/thriller/adaalat/chand-par-hatiya-part02/10238 How are they streaming video; I do not see any where rtmp protocol in the embedded javascript.

well, the apps for web developers are the real advantage for me right now
CodeKit is awesome
CodeKit? What does that do?
got a lot under it's belt, less compilers, linting, image optimization
all automated, kinda cool
how can I add a question to the community wiki ?
well, for instance
Q: jQuery Tips and Tricks

roosteronacidSyntax Shorthand for the ready-event by roosteronacid Line breaks and chainability by roosteronacid Nesting filters by Nathan Long Cache a collection and execute commands on the same line by roosteronacid Contains selector by roosteronacid Defining properties at element creation by roosteronaci...

instead of an author, there is the "community wiki" ..tag..thing. whatever
yep, and it's locked
Q: What are "Community Wiki" posts?

Justin StandardSome questions and answers are marked Community Wiki and are owned by a Community Wiki user. Why have Community Wiki posts? How do Community Wiki posts work? How does a post become a Community Wiki post? How can the Community Wiki status be removed from a post? Return to FAQ Index

@jAndy You can't edit that one because it's locked
Q: Useful Javascript snippets

jAndyI'm wondering why there isn't such a thing like a "useful javascript snippets" question / thread up on Stackoverflow. There are things like "jQuery tricks" and stuff like that, but I'd like to see some (fundamental?) useful pure ECMAscript codes. We should have some rules on that, I wouldn't lik...

I'd like to have that thread as community wiki
I don't want the rep and it shouldn't get closed
ah, now i see what you mean
there should be an checkbox if you edit the question
there isn't, unless I'm blind
i can't see it either when editing my own question
@GNi33 That's there when you're answering questions
@Amaan: so questions cannot go in that "area" ?
ah, yeah. i see
They can, as the one you linked to did earlier, but I don't think we can choose to make a question a community wiki
is it just me, or doesn't that make sense right now?
okay, here's something
> A moderator has reason to believe that the question serves better in community wiki mode - if you believe your question should be converted to a Community Wiki, you may flag it for moderator attention.
so, you'll need to flag it I guess
the kind of thread I created there, should totally getting closed as SO question. But I don't want to gain any rep out of it
so it should be in that 'wiki space'
or give ThiefMaster a ping ;)
ok I just flagged it
Confusing people. — Javier Badia Jan 4 '10 at 16:19
In response to this:
So what purpose does == serve in the eyes of the language designer? — Chris S. Jan 4 '10 at 15:20
can some one tell me why exactly .animate with json response not working in IE
not able to find any thing anywhere
with that amount of detail, you'll probably not find anything anywhere
not even here ;)
@Amaan It's going okay, I'm playing with the css Foundation for it, seeing if it's what I want to use for layout.
@GNi33 lol your right but i have also friddle this earlier jsfiddle.net/aZq7d/1
/ultra late reply.
I'm presently in learning mode so I'm consuming information rather than producing lots. For instance, I've finally picked up the Gang of Four's book on design patterns.
Quick question.
I have a page and an iframe inside an iframe.
From the deepest iframe, how can I get an element from its parent iframe ?
@AndréSilva Are all the frames in the same origin?
I guess so.
Does that mean you don't know what same origin means?
Actually I don't. :(
Everybody learns things. Accept what you don't know, and ask for help to learn it.
example.com is not the same origin as example2.org, for instance.
Oh. I see what you mean. Yes, they are in the same origin.
Each frame should have a name associated with it. How are you accessing the first iframe?
The name and id are the same for the iframes. All named as ifr_corpo
IDs should generally be unique, which is why using nested iframes is confusing. Why are you nesting iframes?
Can't use simple HTML to do some modal stuff, so I am using ASP components to do that. And it uses IFrames to create modals.
Lets say you're at iframe #foo you should be able to access it via document.getElementById("foo") right?
@AndréSilva This sounds a lot like you should be working on your knowledge of HTML/CSS.
You're using a small bit of knowledge of iframes to compensate for lack of knowledge elsewhere. It's leading to this headache, amongst other usability issues you're going to find down the road after you finish the product.
Modal popups can be done via CSS
You don't need any iframes to do that.
TypeError: Object #<HTMLIFrameElement> has no method 'getElementById'
I know I don't have to. But the my boss wants to use ASP components.
Is your boss a programmer?
@Incognito I'll add that to my Reading List with my 18 other books
Old school, yeah.
Ok. Thanks anyhow. Got a way to do it. I didn't like the idea but I think it is the only way.
var a = window.parent;
var b = a.document.getElementById("hdContainer");
@Amaan It's more about design patterns, it's a good one to understand how to architect large applications as well as why you want to do something.
You into making games with JS, @Incognito?
@AndréSilva It might also be a conflict with your getElementByID. If I test it over here with getElementByTagName("iframe") they all come out as an array. Try other IDs. I don't know what your HTML is like.
@Amaan Not so much. I've been spending a lot of time on the backend of things.
@Incognito getElementById*
Hmm. js13k looks interesting
@Amaan symfony.com is what I've been working with recently.
@Loktar, @rlemon either of you participating?
I know, you'd mentioned that
Redesigning your blog using Symfony
I haven't been heavy into JS in months.
Which languages do you use regularly now?
PHP and?
I want to get into Node.js
PHP mostly. I'm goofing around with some haskell for personal stuff.
I feel like I'd learn best if I had a project that used Node. Can't think of anything worthwhile. Might just try making a simple multiplayer game to learn
Node is easy to get into, all you have to do is launch it and goof around for your first hour or so.
Make a nodeJS server that shares game data between two games
Multi-player pong or something
Yeah, I guess I'll do that
There's too much to do
I've got to decide what I want to do first
Got to learn C, C++, and VB
(C++ and VB are needed for my courses)
Pong's a really easy game to make. If you have a client going you can easily extend it to work with a nodeJS service to share data.
VB is a waste of time, C++ is cool.
C is interesting but I don't enjoy it.
I'll be learning VB first according to the syllabus :/
It's good to know C, it teaches you how the computer works.
Yeah. I want to kind of try Assembly too
can you give me example sites that uses node.js
There's lot of assembly languages. I used to do x86
@BasicBridge nodejs.org
Yahoo does
@Amaan I edited some books into the assembly tag on SO if you're really interested. I think learning assembly before you learn C might be helpful, depending on how good your teachers are.
I really doubt I'll find any good teachers in India
I know =/
SO moderators are either pretty busy, lazy or not online that often :p
Teachers for C or Assembly?
@jAndy The site's community driven. Anyone with over 10k can do mody things.
I tried learning JS by professionals ~1.5 years ago. They taught me how to use DreamWeaver
@Incognito: not putting a question into community wiki space
@jAndy You know this :P
Q: Useful Javascript snippets

jAndyI'm wondering why there isn't such a thing like a "useful javascript snippets" question / thread up on Stackoverflow. There are things like "jQuery tricks" and stuff like that, but I'd like to see some (fundamental?) useful pure ECMAscript codes. We should have some rules on that, I wouldn't lik...

I thought Jeff disabled CW years ago.
still waiting for some guy that does this for me
He didn't disable it
He prefers if it isn't done
so those kind of threads aren't wanted/desired at all ?
Not really. Your question looks good to me for a wiki
Posts enter community wiki mode when one of the following happens:

The body of the post has been edited by at least five (5) different users.

The post has been edited ten (10) times by the original owner.

The answer's author checks the community wiki checkbox when composing the answer. Note that this checkbox isn't available to new users.

The answer is edited by its original author, who when doing so opts to check the community wiki.

An answer posted to a Community Wiki question will also be Community Wiki. Note that when a question is made CW after answers have already been posted, th
Q: What are "Community Wiki" posts?

Justin StandardSome questions and answers are marked Community Wiki and are owned by a Community Wiki user. Why have Community Wiki posts? How do Community Wiki posts work? How does a post become a Community Wiki post? How can the Community Wiki status be removed from a post? Return to FAQ Index

thats what I imagined..., just a wiki-thread'ish things which is a useful source
Anywho. I gotta roll. Cheers all.
not about rep or whatnot, but it seems like no one cares about moderating it :-) flagged it quite a while ago
@jAndy So you need 30 answers
Unless a mod does it first
@Incognito Best of luck with everything!
I don't see the chance before it gets closed
which would suck imo
It's CW now but I'm sure it'll end up closed anyway
"not constructive" ;)
ahh thanks Thief
would be a shame :/
how did similar threads/questions make it so long ?
like all the "jQuery tricks / tipps" stuff
years ago people were far less strict
And well... for most useful snippets you can find a question with a high-voted answer containing a good snippet anyway
I'm sure. But there isn't a thread which collects general code like this
So if you have a really useful/great snippet consider posting a question that can be properly answered with that snippet and post it as an answer (using the "Answer your own question – share your knowledge, Q&A-style" option when posting the question)
Yes, because such a thread does not fit in the question-and-answer style of SO
Yea.. I had that in mind. However, maybe the "community" sees some value in a combined answer-thread for stuff like that (even tho the chance isn't that great as you mentioned)
dunno, I like to surf through codes/ideas without a specific question in mind, just to get inspiration and learn
@jAndy was looking for the same kind of stuff :) stackoverflow.com/questions/10029549/…
@FlorianMargaine: it didn't get closed at least
heh, yeah, didn't get enough attention for this I guess, but it still has more downvotes than upvotes
Is it possible to reduce the size of a XMLHttpRequest?
@FlorianMargaine o/
@Abhishek o/
N/A tho sorry
@user1431627: elaborate "size"
@jAndy The amount of bytes sent back and fourth
yes. send an empty response :p
@user1431627: not really. Its still a standard HTTP request, so it comes with all the overhead information including cookies & stuff
if you really looking for a slim communication layer, go for websockets
@jAndy Thanks. Flash sockets are also very slim. Omegle uses it :)
@user1431627: yes from a communication perspective thats correct. but flash still involves flash right..
How can i Load data from oracle DB using javascript ?
@jAndy I have no idea why he didn't use WebSockets. Maybe because of IE.
@user1431627: yes, of course its always more important to aim for the target requirement. If you're more after IE than any Apple device, flash-sockets might be good
@ShabanMousa use php asp jsp or anything... do an ajax call to a function, fetch the data from db and return it in json format
@user1431627: I guess the most common library which abstracts that away for you is socketIO. Which is kinda bloated, but it offers like any communication available
@jAndy I should check it out. The reason I'm asking is because I have to perform SQL querys ASAP to make the user wait less.
my vote still goes for web-sockets or maybe server-push-events
Thanks. Stick with PHP or use Python?
I can't make any really judgement on that, guess its pretty much personal preference. I like ruby & node on the server, but PHP and Python will do aswell
@VDP thank you for your help . i'm using jsp
@jAndy Thank you! :D I'm still learning and stuff... thanks for making me understand a bit more :)¨
@user1431627: I hope everybody is still learning :-)
@jAndy Early learning phase x)
Any one knows about canvas html5?
Why not google for it?
But in google i didn't get the source code for how to construct the rope in canvas html5?
I am struggling to do the rope in canvas html5
Q: Useful Javascript snippets

jAndyI'm wondering why there isn't such a thing like a "useful javascript snippets" question / thread up on Stackoverflow. There are things like "jQuery tricks" and stuff like that, but I'd like to see some (fundamental?) useful pure ECMAscript codes. We should have some rules on that, I wouldn't lik...

there we go :(
c'mon, re-open vote :)
man I can't express how much I disagree on that part of SO policits.. how can that question/thread/whatever be not constructive
I mean, seriously
@ThiefMaster: tell your boss :p
Why not post on Meta Stack Overflow?
Um guys
I don't think the number of people who are actually writting code comes even close on meta
which makes it pretty much pointless there
hello guys i need a little guidance with mysql database. I need to move it to another domain location. Any help?
not constructive... that is so messed up
almost insulting :p
lol i know :p
didn't mean you @kush
@jAndy ah ok
its so unconstructive that 9 ppl fav'ed the question in the first 15minutes, rage !
how much rep would i need for cv and reopen-votes?
3000, right?
@GNi33 Yep.
mysql :(
9 mins ago, by Joseph Potts
Um guys
yesterday, by Florian Margaine
@Abhishek ^
Why are these starred?
probably because no room owner unstarred them yet
starring random crap is fun!
This API is implemented in C++ and supported in JavaScript, C#, Visual Basic, and C++ in a way that feels natural for each language.
@jAndy You need two more reopen votes on that question
@Abhishek How'd the patent thing go?
@Amaan application submitted we will find out soon
@Amaan: indeed, I'll do my best to advertise for it since I DO believe those things are constructive
however, I guess even if it gets re-opend by community votes, sneaky lizzard billy boy will lock it or something
because of tunnel-vision
Node is awesome.
Still looking for data samples to transform into a Heatmap
hello guys :D how do i remove all non characters EXCEPT white spaces and dots (" " & ".") from a string using regexp?
hi, is somebody here?
@Amaan sure, but why?
@dievardump what kind of datas?
@FlorianMargaine It just is. I've never looked into it before. Just saw how cool it is.
hi there I have a problem with javascript and can't figure out why is it. can you guys help me?
@FlorianMargaine do you know Javascript well?
@Irakli We can try.
I have done some debug but none could help me to fix it
please guys, I really don't know what to do. I tried everything I know, but stll don't know what is wrong with my code
Tell us what your problem is!
@Irakli: No matter what, please stop pinging random people for help just because they were active in here.
And yes, ask a real question instead of just asking if someone knows something about something. Depending on how complex the question is, asking it as a question on SO might also be a good idea.
@Irakli i do, he's actually quite a nice guy, had some beers with him on saturday
@GNi33 Irakli is probably just confused now
I have developed small Javascript Class that uses html5 canvas element to draw graphics, everything seemed fine but when I tried to use animation function with 2 objects same time I got the wrong result
elements changed there place in main array
05:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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