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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

@JBis what about eslint(and babel)/prettier or standarjs? jest/mocha/istanbul/karma?
what about your code quality and tests?
eslint/prettier already setup yesterday
and at this point ill just test it myself XD
ok, carry on then ;)
Custom button engine in canvas :>

Try clicking on the semitransparent red square
My game engine is starting to come together
my firefox still doesn't like what you write
@makadev wdym?
Uncaught SyntaxError: private fields are not currently supported
Sucks for firefox I guess
I thought firefox did support em
you might have an outdated version
its supported by everything except firefox, safari and IE (obviously)
(This is why you dont use firefox)
@makadev Have you ever tried chrome before?
or atleast opera... tor... anything else?
Isn't Tor based on FF?
SyntaxError: Invalid character: '#', so much for safari
Last time I used it, it was.
But...that was also like 10 years ago.
Chrome.. hmm.. I have Chrome for development, not for use
You can enable private fields on firefox
its not enabled by default
thats what MDN says anyhow
so I guess safari is the only one that truly doesnt support em
(and IE)
too bad, bec theyre so useful to keep junk and class-only methods out of public class use
IE... no-one cares about IE anymore
I use IE maybe once per year or two, to download chrome
(like if I reinstall windows or something)
I use Edge for that.
True, theres that too
but edge 2021
is basically stripped down chromium
chromium is stripped down chrome
so edge is basically a crappier version of chrome now....
IE I accidentally launch now and again and its only function is to take a bajillion years to start and then annoy me with "Do you want this to be the default browser?"
@VLAZ Yuppers... Sadly if you use third party apps to actually scrape it off of your windows installlation, itll actually fuck up a lot of stuff
youd be surprised how far edge and IE are intertwined into windows
No, I won't be. That's why I still have it around.
It's not as bad as it was back in the day.
yup, but its still shitty
But I still wouldn't trust removing it.
IE you could totally remove and then random shit like PowerPoint stops working because they use some DLL from IE for some reason. And obviously you'd have IE on your computer, right?
and all the old winforms or other apps that use edge embeds
theyd all break
I think because of that troubleshooting applet, IE also Fks up windows explorer if you remove it
I know someone made a video on it
Help articles would also sometimes launch the browser.
well, either way, anyone with a semi modern browser that supports private class fields, could you please test my button algorithm? replit.com/@MisterSirCode/CGame-Engine-Alpha-10#engine.js
Id like to see how well it works on other user's computers
Ive managed to get it to the point where I can setup custom button designs for most states, such as mousedown, hover, and draw.... or you can ignore all that and just have an invisible clicking region
Uh, what should that do?
I'm not sure how I can judge how well it does it.
@VLAZ The colors should change accordingly to your clicks / hovers / drags and react quickly
as long as it behaves like that, it should be fine
Im surprised how smooth / fast it is considering how large each button state handler is
and how many events are firing
they do. Green on hover, yellow on click.
as long as it works, thats what matters
so Ive got position detection, custom shapes / drawing events, an entire button engine, and now Ive gotta add collision detection
this little API of mine is coming together quite well so far
definitely not perfect, but pretty damn good for what it is so far
@MisterSirCode Found a bug
No need to thank me, just doing my part.
Oh, let me help you more - you need to move the mouse left. Doesn't seem to happen if you move it to the right.
@VLAZ I thought I removed the mouse cursor rectangle, thats was a test object for debugging
but the weird positions makes sense
anyhow, thanks
forgot how to middle click on a laptop
@VLAZ well, id love to test this out, but it seems my laptop only supports middle mouse clicking, not middle mouse dragging, which is too bad
Thanks for the report anyhow, Ill debug it when I get home tonight
It's a middle click, not a middle drag.
tried that
nothing happened
windows 10, chrome
You should get the scrolling...thing. I don't actually know how it's called. But if you middle-click you can move the mouse in any direction and it'd scroll towards there.
Had the issue when this was toggled.
Page scroller?
Im aware of it, but Im not sure I can activate it on a laptop
this thing
remember, images dont work
but I know what youre talking about
the circle with the arrows
allows you to scroll without using scrollwheel
I was just going to describe it as a "circle with some arrows"
I used to use it when my scrollwheel was acting up
sadly, yeah, I cant use that thing on a laptop
if I can, I dont know how
Me neither. Some laptops are weird.
I can triple click... win10 has a devices / touchpad section that lets you set shortcuts for 3 finger and 4 finger taps, which you can set to act as middle mouse click
but it isnt enabling the page scroller
so this is probably an issue Ill have to solve at home
either way, as long as the rest of my engine is working well, I dont have an issue with it
1 hour later…
@JBis Hello JBis! Let me first say that you have a very cheerful personality :) Thank you .. I will share a link to my stackoverflow post which explains my problem and code.. If you could review it and provide insights... i would appreciate it very much :)
Cringe... also... dont ping specific people to help you... its quite rude.
Q: MongoDB and Jest test

Sanket RajgarhiaMy Mongo DB connection is getting created in a module as follows - also mark how I am creating the User model // zanemailDB is a 'connection' promise object module.exports.zanemailDB = mongoose .createConnection(APP_CONSTANTS.MONGODB_URIS, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnified...

My apologies Mister.. can you suggest an alternative :)
@SanketRajgarhia too much text to read, im lazy
If you would like assistance, please create a
|| man mvce
mvce: "User-taught Command: If you would like assistance, please create a " Creator: JBis
Dont read the code #Jbis .. the text explains the problem
|| mcve
If you would like assistance, please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example
there we go ^ please do that
There is something very slight that I am getting wrong in a production level code.. :) This is production level code not a hobby project.. Its standardised but I am missing something.. you could be the person who could suggest... visiting the link for a pro will convince one of the best practices.. and not a problem :)
Nonetheless I appreciate this forum's co-operation :)
@SanketRajgarhia please reask your question here with the following format github.com/jbis9051/The-I-want-Help-Manifesto#template
@SanketRajgarhia if you say that the text explains the problem, then you can leave out a lot of those code fragments?
most aren't relevant
Hi @VLAZ I was wondering if I could interest you in $100 via PayPal to help me through the implementation of my "Live Timing" feature on my site? I can pay in advance and I'd offer more if I had it
the second fragment can be cleaned: only show 3 lines with return ect
There are a few things about this example which Id like to refine but am unsure how to proceed jsbin.com/winegoc/1/edit?html,css,js,output
@KareIG This problem is rampant and jest doesn't suggest an accurate way of resolving this.. This has to do with how you code to connect to Mongoose and how you initialize your models.. The code is standardised and at disposal for somebody to spot shy promises are not getting resolved at the expected juncture (not time..timing is silly in asnyc code)
@Stuart whats the issue?
Oh a few things but VLAZ has already gone to the ends of the earth to help me previously so Id like to remain with and compensate him
and what I need to do I feel would take me a year of learning the JS which I dont know
and I'd like to get back to "Moto Journalism" (writing content and taking race photos)
Thanks anyways @JBis
You mostly do motocross right?
Something I kinda want to get in to, or a dirt bike at least. Just have an SV650 right now
I spent 10 years learning HTML, CSS, JS (Believe it or not), jQuery, PHP, MySQL and a few other things and thought I knew "enough" but the last JSBin example I provided has pummeled me
Nice @Cameron I'd like to get something similar (XR650 etc or an Africa Twin)
@Cameron where are you located? If close enough maybe you could join me at a race I plan on racing at Gatorback cycle park the 18th
Ontario, Canada - a little far
as far as the "Live Timing" example, Thats for the AMA Supercross series
But if JBis is offering you help on that, I'd take it. People in here aren't in here for money, and he'll definitely be able to help you out if he wants
I'd go for an Africa Twin too, if they weren't so much (and MC insurance in Ontario is crazy, 2k+ a year)
Yea... but gotta be some epic scenery and adventure roads up there
Computer froze Im back
Oh I meant no harm twds @JBis... Just trying to look out for VLAZ but I may revisit the idea of chatting with JBis if you have a moment
Most of where people live in ON isn't great riding, you're looking at at least 4 hours to get somewhere real nice here, or heading to Quebec
Yea Africa Twins are pricey for sure
Oh I didnt know that.
I can make out most of the example I previously provided (That VLAZ Provided and wrote) but some sections of the code just leave me lost
anyone got a second? I'm having an issue with react native and RefreshControl
and I dont want to ask any more of VLAZ without compensating him. He's already gone to the ends of the earth to help me
I'm working on some stuff right now, and VLAZ definitely knows a ton more than me too, but I can take a look if you've got some specifics @Stuart
Ok Thank You Cameron
@gmacerola please don't ask to ask, just ask
fair enough
Before I added RefreshContext, everything worked
(disregarding my lack of knowledge regarding sections such as "const cellsForRows = Array.prototype.map.call(tags, tag2cells);") 1st of all Id like to refine the script so that it doesnt rewrite the entire table and TH's every run
The idea is that when you first login, the first useEffect with getImages() runs
and only rewrites the TD data
getImages updates context, specifically the imagePaths array which should then call the second useEffect which runs getImagePaths()
Additionally Id like to do a little refining so that the link which a user will click on to show this table will style.display = "none" after each race (There's multiple)
@Stuart So first off, you'd probably want a new function where you could pass the row/cell element and the updated data
then I setLinksUpdated to true which should then map over the and create those cards
Good idea but I just dont know where to start
So you're continuously calling getData?
@Stuart wheres the code from?
Ive been essentially throwing darts in the dark the past day or 2
just trying to not bother VLAZ but Im not really getting anywhere now
@JBis its code which VLAZ wrote (Freehanded on the fly) and provided
No, getData() should run on first mount\
then it should run again when pulled down with onRefresh function
@gmacerola the data is updated during a race every 600th of a second
so it appears "Live"
I want to run this script against this XML file every 500th of a second
Its just currently set to 2 seconds but that's easy for me to fix
Im trying to figure out the hard parts still
so its at every 600th and you want to be every 500th?
the XML file is updated every 600th
(I think)
there's a bit of an issue though
Ive determined this by looking at teh AMA's code
who provides the xml?
Sry... American Motorcyclist Assoc
if you're trying to display information from an xml document that gets updated every 600 ms... i can guarentee that if you checked every 600ms, it would quite often result in you going 1200ms between getting an actual update
for the same reason using setTimeout or setInterval set to 1 second for a clock would routinely result in seconds that last 2 seconds
Ok thats fine. Small potatoes
you absolutely don't want each request to be independantly checking that file
Ahhh Listening...
currently it looks like the second useEffect for getImagePaths() isn't running despite me seeing imagePaths being populated in devtools
More than likely, the best approach would be eliminating the xml file
whatever is retrieving it, just stores it in memory for incoming requests to access
if its something you don't control, i'd probably have a server request it every 600ms and push updates via websockets to clients
There is also a JSON file with this data but I have a feeling it's slower than the XML file which it parses
Err... IDK what Im talking about
I do know that the AMA's implementation from this file sucks
and I can do better
Infact they are using <ul> and li's to display this data as a table
and see scripts in source code... Looks Terrible
I want to display this data in a real table
actually only part of the data
and running the JSBin example provided earlier does this
I just want to refine it
to not rewrite the entire table each run
as well as make a few unrelated refinements to the UX and implementation of calling this script
NM, Got it! Thanks for your time.
the second useEffect i changed to user?.imagePaths
(as the dependancy array)
Any comments anyone? (Otherwise Im patiently waiting on VLAZ and hoping he will be able to assist)
i mean
comments on what
you're trying to do something "realtime" in an inefficient way, i think we've elaborated on the issues quite a bit
2 hours later…
Not as inefficiently as the AMA thats for sure
posted on April 08, 2021 by Prudhvikumar Bommana

The Dev channel has been updated to 91.0.4469.3/.4 for Windows and 91.0.4469.4 for Linux and Mac. A partial list of changes is available in the log. Interested in switching release channels? Find out how. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. The community help forum is also a great place to reach out for help or learn about common issues. Prudhvikumar Bommana Google C

Is it a good idea to execute a bunch of functions asynchronously using Promise.all?
if that's what the code needs to do, then..
I have a single mutation observer and a wrapper on top of it. The idea is that everyone “registers” their handler with the wrapper and those handlers get called when the mutation observer runs. I’m trying to make these handler functions run in a non-blocking parallel way, so a poorly-designed handler does bring down the application
I was going to loop over all handlers and call each one using a setTimeout, but I don’t think that would improve anything
Any ideas?
if they're all running in the same runtime, there's nothing you can do to stop one from being bad if it blocks
other than running it in it's own sandbox of sorts
Yup, but there must be a way to run them asynchronously or concurrently, right? Essentially, every one else shouldn’t get queued up if one handler takes a long time. I was thinking of calling Promise.all([list of functions]), but I don’t understand if that will be concurrent as such, especially if the functions themselves have not been marked as async
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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