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I mean
<button on:click={spawn_add_row_callable(selected_entity_name)} class="add_row">+</button>
4 hours later…
posted on April 02, 2021 by Cindy Bayless

 The Beta channel has been updated to 90.0.4430.51 (Platform version: 13816.34.0) for most Chrome OS devices. This build contains a number of bug fixes, security updates and feature enhancements.  If you find new issues, please let us know by visiting our forum or filing a bug. Interested in switching channels? Find out how. You can submit feedback using ‘Report an

@Nathan777 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
3 hours later…
hey guys i need some advice. i was making a project but my boss was busy and didnt pay much attention. i had a model working but now with all the constant changes the project isnt working. im getting "Uncaught ReferenceError: iupdateTable is not defined
at Object.complete " my boss is saying this can be fixed with a mysql join ..... how should i respond to that ? also i cant figure out the error. should start from scratch ?
should i*
Doesn't sound like anything SQL related. The error means that iupdateTable is never declared. You need let iupdateTable = /* something */ to stop this error. But you still need to know what /* something */ is.
it doesnt need to be defined at this stage. even if its defined itll still give an error
Well, I don't see how we can help without actually knowing what's wrong
|| mcve
If you would like assistance, please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example
2 hours later…
Is there anyone active here
a little patience
I dk when someone will come online, sorry
No issues MwBakker its not your fault
(you're both online here)
yes VLAZ
i m in trouble please help me
i was processing csv file which has one column of homepage urls of different websites, what i processed using this as follows
i was using that csv file as upload and one string keyword which i was searching in the crawled html content of the received csv file
but that crawling process took more time that's why i decided to send single url each time using spawn child process
but to my bad luck i was not able to achieve that
and that for sending of single url i m using for loop and then inside it spawn child process, but i think i m going wrong way
You can get my complete code on this link github.com/rinku16/keysearch
VLAZ r u there
So, what is the problem, exactly?
Are you after a more efficient way to handle many URLs or?
The main problem is i have uploaded this code on Heroku platform where i m getting request timeout error
This is my first project on nodejs
Oh...well, it's possible Heroku doesn't allocate enough resources. Or has other limitations.
Not really sure - I've never used it.
But I know that some services that host and run your code might do stuff like terminating the process if it runs "too long" (determined by them - might be 30 seconds or 2 minutes)
I think if i process single url each time instead of sending all urls of csv file as a string then this timeout error will get solve
you can have a look to my application keywdsearch.herokuapp.com
first thing i m working alone in this project second thing i have no knowledge
just with overview i have jumped in this project
In this application if you try to click here you will get a csv file which has two urls and use that csv file to upload in second HTML form
and when you upload that you have to enter keyword let enter "patent"
and then check box -> mark it and click submit
it will prompt you final output file
If it works for one URL, then perhaps on uploading a CSV you can process it in the browser and fire off individual requests for each URL in it, then collect them all and make a CSV in the browser.
with relevant links having the keyword you entered initialt
Assuming the data is not a lot, it shouldn't be a bit problem in terms of memory.
HI, i have made all my effort of explaining this code if you need more please text her
i work in company where i m only computer science guy if you give me the right path then it will be great
Well, my first assumption is to try doing it in the browser, as I said. You can parse the CSV there and just repeatedly call /urlsubmit
But I'm not really sure if that's the best way. It's a workaround.
In the github github.com/rinku16/keysearch, you can see my code in file app.js
that app.js has nodejs code which i think need to change
yes the main think i want to discuss here
is that i tried to use for loop then inside it spawn child process but
that will again raise an error of headers already send
// form submit request
app.post('/formsubmit', function(req, res){

csvData = req.files.csvfile.data.toString('utf8');
filteredArray = cleanArray(csvData.split(/\r?\n/))
csvData = get_array_string(filteredArray)
csvData = csvData.trim()
var keywords = req.body.keywords
keywords = keywords.trim()

input_url_array = csvData.split(" ")

for(var i = 1; i < input_url_array.length; i++){
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var process = spawn('python', ["./webextraction.py", input_url_array[i], keywords, req.body.full_search])
2 hours later…
Hi J Moss
are you there
are you there
can u help me
2 hours later…
Thought it was fairly busy in here for a weekend, then remembered it was a Friday. Most Americans don't get Good Friday off?
depends on the state/employer
not a federal holiday
Ah, I suppose it's the same the same thing up here, except for QC (which does Easter Monday instead)
It's only Easter for heathens.
Follow your false god. Our true Jesus™®© will be resurrected next month.
That's how wars are started
And through the grace of the Lord, the true believers will prevail.
Unless the false believers are sneaky and deceitful, then they can win but that doesn't mean they are right.
(/all of history)
Are false believers different than non-believers? Or is their non-belief a false one, in the minds of other believers?
i mean
I guess no god = false, therefore they are false believers?
that depends on what the non-believers believe doesn't it?
what about those who just don't care?
I'm gonna be honest, I'm probably not the best person to ask here.
Oh, me neither
I feel like people that don't care one way or another are kinda like Agnostic Athiests, in a way?
well, the problem is... there is no... not caring, without also believing that it's not important to care
(me being one such person)
I suppose just indifferent, then?
it is, but it's not enough to not be insulting to someone else who believes not adhearing or believing to be.. anti-their belief
tldr you can't please everyone
just being passive doesn't either
I'm more, if it makes someone else happy and doesn't infringe on other's rights (not government given, but human rights), that's all that matters
Which I suppose is similar to yours, but maybe a different viewpoint
it is... but... it's not that simple
particularly when it comes to things that can't be proven by physics
well, not yet
More like, your participation doesn't matter to me, if the sense of community and belonging makes your time on this earth better, you should do that. Whether or not I agree with the ultimate beliefs is irrelevant for me
until, of course, those beliefs are used as a basis for laws
Hence my other comment on it not infringing on other's human rights
Which obviously doesn't mesh well with how everyone feels, so
But no one argues when other religions give them paid time off work, and that's the true way to bring everyone together
assuming their own religion gets time off for their holy day
> The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.
All people will never be happy at once
I feel like there's another way to word that, but it's confusing
"People are miserable cunts"
Saying that in (North) America is a good way to make even more people unhappy
Good thing I'm not in North America :D
Yeah, but your translation isn't as useful for me then
Or it helps serve as proof of the message
Let's just shorten it to "People are miserable"
Or shorten it further "People :("
Or just not talk to people because they're miserable
I suppose
So do you just work late often, or hang out in this room after work?
VLAZ, as he's not in NA
During and after for me. Well, I'm not active all the time.
I finished work an hour ago
Interesting. Well, I've got oil changes to do, so you all have a good Easter weekend/normal first weekend of April
See ya, have a nice weekend o/
Hi guys! I have this: text = "Our B2B selling Price is: 630 € - 1110 €" and I would like to get the amounts in an array like that [630,1110]. I tried multiple stuff but it seems stupidly simple. I am working on javascript. Thanks a lot
@Mario Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@Mario do you mean that you wnt to extract the prices from the string?
yes exactly @FélixGagnon-Grenier
so € can be used as a reference
depending on how much of a headache you desire, you can use more or less regular expressions to extrat numbers that precede a €
If you decide on that path, use regex101.com, put as much test strings as you can and hack at it until only the numbers are matched
here's an extremely naive example regex101.com/r/PKN4Gn/1
here's the same example but grouped so only the numbers are returned regex101.com/r/PKN4Gn/2
have fun but take care, the general wisdom is that if you try to solve a problem with regex, now you have two problems
improvement points would be to match numbers with decimals, you should be able to manage that
it works perfectly
just one question
how can I get group instead of the match
so instead of [ '630 €', '1110 €' ] i want to get [ '630', '1110' ]
I can replace of course and get what I want, but maybe there is a better practivcer
The second link have groups, unless I misunderstand?
you may need to access the groups in another element of the returned match
true, I had a /g at the end of the regex
it works without it, thanks a lot!!
like, if the whole match lives in return[0] generally speaking the groups would live in the next index return[1]
np, have fun!
@ZainUlAbidin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
||> text = "Our B2B selling Price is: 630 € - 1110 €"; re = /(\d+) €/g; Array.from(text.matchAll(re), ([num]) => num)
@VLAZ ["630 €","1110 €"] Logged: `` Took: 0ms
||> text = "Our B2B selling Price is: 630 € - 1110 €"; re = /(\d+) €/g; Array.from(text.matchAll(re), ([,num]) => num)
@VLAZ ["630","1110"] Logged: `` Took: 1ms
@Mario ^ If you have access to matchAll
In React, Is it bad practice to have a lot of stateful components?

Like I have a lot of components which are 'Screens' and they have local states which are used to fetch & store data from the db?
Hello guys! I am coding an Google App Script and I would like to know the following
@manooooh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I have fields on Google Forms named Univserity (1), Univserity (2), Univserity (3) and Univserity (4), and I need to declare each field as a const
So I can do:
const array = [
	e.namedValues['University (1)'][0],
	e.namedValues['University (2)'][0],
	e.namedValues['University (3)'][0],
	e.namedValues['University (4)'][0]
@manooooh Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
@VLAZ Im working on trying to understand one (All) of the examples you provided me and am hung up and wondering if you have a moment to chat and help decipher some for me
Is there a command that "simplifies" the declaration so I don't have to write the same name every time? Like using a for loop:
const array = [
	for (var i=1; i<=4; i++) {
		e.namedValues['University (' + i + ')'][0];
However this doesn't work. Is there something similar? Thank you!!
Im just trying to learn it all vs C/P'ing it (Which would work)
Hi all, need some assistance how to refresh a component in React.. anyone available?
@LV98 lol I had that problem yesterday
@manooooh This should work. You just need to move the loop outside the array declaration.
And use .push.
@JMoss Haha! did you manage to solve it?
@Stuart Yes, I'm around.
Thank You So Much
@LV98 well @KevinB is the man
@VLAZ thanks for the fast reply! How could I achieve that? Sorry I am a beginner
Im even working through examples I likely wont use
@manooooh if you're a beginner I might be able to assist
const array = []
for (var i=1; i<=4; i++) {
  array.push(e.namedValues['University (' + i + ')'][0]);
@VLAZ Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
@LV98 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
1 message moved to Trash can
@LV98 if the state hasn't changed, react has no reason to re-render
@LV98 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
How do i bloody format it :D
@VLAZ before coming in Ive studied JS arrow functions but that has only scratched the surface for me
ctrl K
1 message moved to Trash can
@Stuart Ctrl + K
This is my component where I load the products:

            import React from 'react';

            export class ShowProducts extends React.Component {
                constructor() {
                    this.state = {
                      products: []
                    this.componentDidMount = this.componentDidMount.bind(this);

                componentDidMount() {
                        .then(res => res.json())
I have stumbled upon that you can create an an empty array
const startArray = [0, 1, 2];

const addonArray = new Array(startArray.length * 2);
what is the logic behind it ?
Me? Ctrl K? I havent provided any code today
Oops, I meant to reply to a different post
@VLAZ thanks!! It worked. A very small typo: const array = [] should be const array = []; right?
@Stuart Ctrl + K
just trying to explain an overview to you beforehand
damn it. How did I reply to the wrong one again, lol
I figured...
lol No worries
@LV98 Ctrl + K
So anyways...
@VLAZ Got it :D
I figured but I was just frustrated with myself.
Im working with this example which I call Example 4 in the source code
On submit form, I am needing to refresh the products component - anybody knows how to?
So far Ive rearranged a few lines
in an effort to better understand
Ive also tried editing and breaking things just to see how it all works / reacts
@Stuart thanks for helping me out! However @VLAZ already commented my question
NP @manooooh
@VLAZ consider my experimentation vs C/P my way of showing appreciation
@Stuart Doesn't look different? Maybe you need to do File -> Clone and then paste the link. JSBin doesn't always save the changes.
Oh I havent made it that far yet
I have a version on my site (coming up)
You see... I could C/P but that wouldnt show any appreciation
@JMoss Not so much bad practice, but you need to keep in mind that using a components state (this.state or useState()) works best within that component. The moment you need to pass the data around, maybe even modify it in other components, it's much better to use React Context or a framework for keeping a global store/app state like Redux/MobX or similar.
of which I truly am appreciative. Very much so
So here we go
@randomscientist If you give one to the array constructor and that argument is a number, you get an array with that amount of empty slots. Since you do new Array(startArray.length * 2); that will create an array with 6 empty slots (length = 3)
In no particular order
I read about arrow functions which I seem to see a lot of in your examples
So I tried to edit this line
const makeCell = data => $("<td/>").text(data); to look like this: const makeCell = data () => $("<td/>").text(data); but that didnt work
@makadev Ahh that makes thank you.. So its fine if I have a lot of components that use their own state but when I need to share states between components, Its best to use context API or Redux rather than High-order components?
@Stuart The correct syntax is const makeCell = (data) => $("<td/>").text(data);
in large applications
Since from what I read the () is optional in certain cases
which I thought applied here
since $("<td/>").text(data) appears (to me) to be a single param but that broke it
but this is the least of my problems
Thank You
Right, so a normal function is declared like this:

const foo = function (a, b, c) {
  return a + b + c;

An arrow function is declared like this

const foo = (a, b, c) => {
  return a + b + c;

You remove the word "function" and add "=>" between the parameters and the body. You can make things shorter in two directions. If the body is *just* `return <something>` you can remove the curly brackets and the `return`

const foo = (a, b, c) =>
  a + b + c;

This is the same, just shorter. Also, it's my personal preference to add the body on a new line, you can also do `const foo = (a, b, c)
@VLAZ Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
Uh, I don't like how it's all or nothing for multiline comments.
In terms of formatting, I mean.
Ugh... Computer froze up had to restart
Anyway, const makeCell = data => $("<td/>").text(data); is a function called makeCell it takes one parameter called data and the body of the function is $("<td/>").text(data)
So, it returns a jQuery element which is a <td> and the text inside it is whatever is in data
Thank You
If you call makeCell("hello world") you'd get (effectively) <td>hello world</td>
Thats another thing... Where is data defined or where does it come from?
Plz give me one moment to create a standalone example of what Ive done so we can go line by line
as I currently have all examples on one page
for future reference
I sure do do things the hard way lol
Hard way = trying to understand everything at such a granular level
Okie Dokie...
There you'll see a slight difference from JS Bin as some lines are moved around to make better sense to me (Might not be ideal or correct but produces no errors)
I dont even know where to begin...
Im lost from head to tail on this
I muscled my way through this line
const filterFields = new Set(
			["C", "IN", "V", "S", "P", "RM", "FD", "H", "I", "PS", "T", "A1", "A2", "A3", "LS", "SR", "DIC", "GIC"]
and sort of figured it out while looking at JSON
and the example you provided (A1`, A2, A3) as I found these within the JSON and worked from there
Ill try to shorten up my misundrstanding... IM just LOST
There is a CORS error when trying to get the JSON. Which seems weird.
Oh...I'm just dumb
It was my ad blocker :D
Froze again. Im back
@JMoss More or less. It isn't really bound to HOCs. You could probably write your own Provider/HOC for sharing a state too. But that is what Context is for (afair react-redux is using context too).
Sorry for the trouble VLAZ, I dont know whats wrg with my computer. This has been happening for a couple months and I dont visit sites I shouldnt
I know its an old machine tho
and I did Google the issue briefly in the past and see it's a semi common issue with Win 10
I just havent gotten around to addressing it yet (Which I need to give priority)
Add more hamster wheels. Then add more hamsters for the wheels. :P
Welp... I dont want to tangle you up with every character of this code so I think Ill study it for a few more days b4 asking any more
My computer seems to have a hard time with anything but my very simplified site
Before I go, Plz allow me to take a quick look for any "Simple" questions
Anyway, sorry. What was your question again?
Oh, right - where does data come from.
Im stuttering and tripping over my own feet on this
OK, let me give you a simpler example and work from there.
Ohhhhhhh PLEASE
Even more perplexing is I probably wont even use this example on my site. JUst trying to learn the code
Some things really stop me cold
ie: const cellMaker = specialFieldHandling.get(key) ?? makeCell;
I commented out some lines so it's clear what is removed.
Do what? (The ??) lol
Yes, I'll come back to that
Thank You, Plz give me a sec to take a look
So, the data for makeCell is the value variable. If you look at the JSON that is received, the value is...well, each value for each item in B
The key variable is the corresponding key for the value. So, because "C" is added to filterFields it's removed by .filter(([key]) => !filterFields.has(key))
Hung on just: "So, the data for makeCell is the value variable"
No need to explain
Plz allow me a few mins to "process"
OK, waiting
I think I need to pursue a JSON tutorial before proceeding
You've used PHP before, right?
gotten pretty good at it too
OK, so JSON is similar to an associative array
Or rather JSON is similar to JavaScript objects and JavaScript objects are similar to associative arrays
The screenshot above was just the formatted version, here is how it actually looks
{foo: 1, bar: 2} is (if my PHP is not too rusty) ["foo" => 1, "bar" => 2]
Real sorry about the delay
Computer is freezing more than ever b4
In an effort to save you having to explain everything at an atomic level plz allow me to review your latest example and chat comments for a few hours
Most Grateful
I promise Ive coded my entire site where it stands
i mean
Mostly proud of classifieds feature (PHP & MySQL)
how much of it was copied code from here
its not how I roll
ask around you'll see
JS is the one language I always knew I was behind on
@KevinB Are you able to assist me regarding React?
I am simply needing to refresh the table on form submit
don't think of it in that way
it's not the react way
Hmm okay.. you got my attention
the table should be built based on data that is in the state. When that data is updated in the state, the table will update
without you needing to tell it to
This Is The Way
so you'd just need to update the state when the form is submitted
@KevinB to be fair I DID ask a LOT of questions here during my learning of PHP and MySQL
i was here
Sorry I'm confused what state is, I'm new to React. Are you okay with me sharing the code and run through it?
Thank You @VLAZ for
{foo: 1, bar: 2} is (if my PHP is not too rusty) ["foo" => 1, "bar" => 2]
I gotcha there
import React from 'react';

export class ShowProducts extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
          products: []
        this.componentDidMount = this.componentDidMount.bind(this);

    componentDidMount() {
            .then(res => res.json())
            .then(res => this.setState({products : res}, console.log(res)));

    render() {
        return (
          <div className="App">
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './App.css';
import { ShowProducts } from './ShowProducts';
import axios from 'axios';

class ProductForm extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      productName: '',
      stock: '',
      basePrice: ''

  changeHandler = e => {
    this.setState({[e.target.name] : e.target.value});

  submitHandler = e => {
    axios.post('http://localhost:5000/addProduct', this.state)
Heading out to review latest example
At the top - is a component where I show the products.
so, in your case, you'd simply need to move your fetch into a callable function
when called, it fetches and updates state
you're close
Which class would I create the function to?
Think I got it
id on't yet understand the relation between them
but haven't spent a whole lot of time digging though it
was just looking at first snippet
I added this

    updateData() {
        .then(res => res.json())
        .then(res => this.setState({products : res}, console.log(res)));
render() {
    return (
      <div className="App" onClick={this.updateData()}>
          {this.state.products.map((product, i) => (
            <div  key={i}>
               <p style={{fontSize: "12px"}}>Product: {product.product_name} - Stock: {product.stock}</p>

^ all in ShowProducts class
that's what i was getting at
and changed the button in ProductForm

 <button type="submit" onClick={this.props.updateData}>Submit</button>
It works! :D
Is that the correct way of doing it?
i expected onClick={this.props.updateData} to be a problem
because you didn't use an arrow function for updateData, so it should be losing this and failing in the .then callback
No errors are showing.. and it updates.
but maybe i'm a bit rusty
But thank you for the suggestion @KevinB
Hmm.. it creates an infinite loop...
The console is going crazy
I'll change it to arrow function as you mentioned
no not worked..
didn't suspect it would
infinite loop in react us usually caused by a state change causing another state change
I have a prototype list in prototypes.js.
How I import and use in main.js ?

// prototype.js
import Vue from "vue";
const baseURL = process.env.VUE_APP_URL;
Vue.prototype.example1 = xxxx;
Vue.prototype.example2 = xxxx;
Vue.prototype.example3 = xxxx;
Vue.prototype.example4 = xxxx;
Vue.prototype.example5 = xxxx;
Vue.prototype.example6 = xxxx;
Vue.prototype.example7 = xxxx;
Vue.prototype.example8 = xxxx;
Vue.prototype.example9 = xxxx;
Vue.prototype.example10 = xxxx;
!!choose barb wiz crusader monk doc hunter
!!choose ksp barb
1 hour later…
Have posted a question
Finally got it!
1 hour later…
@VLAZ I cant believe Im having such difficulty grasping this. Maybe it's b/c Im trying too hard IDK but as a token of my appreciation Im prepared to spend the entire next week studying all these examples you've provided
both as a token of my appreciation for your help and to better my overall coding knowledge

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