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James is getting an upgrade. Yarn workspaces, eslint, prettier, CI (GitHub Actions), and an improved plugin API.
2 hours later…
anyone use jquery validate on a MVC form?
4 hours later…
I'm looking at some javascript / possibly typescript syntax I've never seen before in this new project. I'm not even sure how to google it, it looks like:
Sorry, thought ctrl+enter would newline, not send. Editing above message
... i don't know how to newline lol. but it looks like: `const Header = styled.div`
  position: relative;`
with a template string just sitting there after styled.div. I'm not really sure what that means. It can't just be evaluating as a string that then evaluates to a property name off styled surely? Then that would mean styled as a property on it called div\nposition: relative; which seems impossible
Ah, mystery solved by a friend on IRC, it's styled components syntax: medium.com/styled-components/…
2 hours later…
is there a easier way to get the coords of the caret than jsfiddle.net/dandv/aFPA7
5 hours later…
well jetbrains has a really bad bug
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'catch' of undefined
thank god for squash
eslint prefer-destructuring is stupid
it likes [, this.prefix] = match; instead of this.prefix = match[1];
function loadData(fullUrl) {
  return fetch(fullUrl, { headers: { accept: "application/json; odata=verbose" } })
    .then((r) => {
      if (!r.ok) throw new Error("Failed: " + url);  // Check for errors
      return r.json();  // parse JSON
    .then((data) => data.d.results) // unwrap to get results array
    .then((results) => {
      results.forEach((r) => (r.source = source)); // add source to each item
      return results;
when I define fullUrl as a variable outside of loadData, it doesn't return anything from fetch, nor does it show any errors in console
@bigchungus eslint.org/docs/rules/no-shadow, you can't have function loadData(fullUrl) { if its going to be defined globally. You won't be able to access the global variable.
function loadData(source, url) {
  return fetch(url, { headers: { accept: "application/json; odata=verbose" } }) // make request
    .then((r) => {
      if (!r.ok) throw new Error("Failed: " + url);  // Check for errors
      return r.json();  // parse JSON
    .then((data) => data.d.results) // unwrap to get results array
    .then((results) => {
      results.forEach((r) => (r.source = source)); // add source to each item
      return results;

window.addEventListener("load", function () {
@JBis this works but is telling me

undefined is not a promise
    at Promise (<anonymous>)
I still don't understand why you are using Promise([
without it, the data won't load from the loadData
it does literally nothing
On which line above is your error occuring?
It occurs on the line after
    loadData("WeeklyReport", _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('WeeklyReport')/items?$select=Deliverables,MajorTasks,Actions,Support,Resource,Team,Training,Upcoming,WeekOf,Travel")  ]);
Because I haven't implemented the rest of my code. But when I do, the whole thing fails...
As it should
that code does nothing that would be useful to further code
loadData returns a promise, you would need to await it or .then it
if you .then, then you'd need to put the code that needs the result inside it
Let me put inside a fiddle rq
If I include

.then(r1) => {
const data= r1;
var listContent = [];

followed by my for loop, it tells me
It tells me at .then I am missing a semicolon
and a few more errors
Unreachable '.' after 'return'.
could i get some help with this?
Q: Recreate which checkboxes are checked in a string generated using innerHTML

LlamaButtI have a program to create and share checklists, and in the program that opens shared ones, a submit button that uses google apps script htmlbody to send a recreation of the checklists to a teacher, submitting your checklist, after it is generated using innerHTML and some buttons to add different...

@bigchungus sounds like syntax errors
checking it now
that doesn't seem useful
data isn't defined.
Pay no attention to the Promise as I know you hate it, but why is the .then doing this?
can I get some help with this? stackoverflow.com/questions/66030674/…
why is the .then doing what
.then((r) => { is a syntax error
the preceeding line was ended with a semi-colon
facepalm semiclon
The downvote = unnecessary
the downvote is on a not useful question
you're free to disagree
not useful to you
Do you have documentationon what Promise([aPromise]) should do?
Promise is a constructor, but you're not using it to create a promise instance... at least not correctly
nor do you need to, because you already have a promise instance
your misuse of Promise is throwing an error, not using it would make the error go away
if the code still doesn't work, it's not because you aren't using Promise([])
the promise is storing the url, I can't define the url without the promise, atleast I tried and it failed
it's literally not a thing
Dude I am over the "Promise" thing. I have removed that why are you stuck on that
new Promise() accepts a resolver function
because you're entire question revolves around it
im just listening to you guys like
var listContent = []; is kinda weird, since you're appending strings to it, but it'll work
@LlamaButt you need to stop asking questions in the format of. "I want to build this", <paste of your entire attempt>, "fix it for me"
i'll work on it, thak you
sorry if is ound sarcastic that's actually really helpful advice
I removed the promise, then I need to define "url". I do that, and nothing is recorded in the network tab to show I actually fetched the items from said list.

Followed by - (Uncaught ReferenceError: then is not defined)
It throws me nothing in the network tab in regards to the items I am trying to pull, says nothing about the url, because I definitely think I messed that up at least the declaration.

All it says is "Uncaught ReferenceError: then is not defined
.then((data) => data.d.results) // unwrap to get results array
what happened there
oh, that typo has been there for a while
i just didn't see it till now
my eyes are failing me
nothing wrong there
then((r) => { is weird
then isn't a function you have defined
i assume you meant to call that on something
like loadData(...).then
looks liike there's whole sections of code missing
you defined loadData, never called it, then called some mystery then function
i don't understand
i feel like i'm being trolled
this is the way
@VLAZ So when you guys said I should use a promise instead. I hadn't been familiar with that or used for a few months. So this is what I used to populate a table jsfiddle.net/47wbrsm9 I figured it would be similar minus the concatenation
This is driving me nuts
that code looks fine
though, it's not gonna work in jsfiddle
I know it works fine, the only things I changed were the Promise, like you said to remove, tableContent is now listContent which I defined as an empty array bc JS is going to post to it, plus it isn't a table. The .then and the const objItems.

I don't understand how it fucked it up that bad?
I have this code to find how many html input type = checkbox elements there are in the value of a DOM element, but the code I'm using returns an error because the element I'm looking for contains a slash, which is the opening and closing boundary for what you are trying to find, any advice?
var count = (codeInput.match(/<input type = 'checkbox'/>/g) || []);
1. const/let not var
2. count sounds like it should be an number not an array
3. You need to escape slashes in regex
A: RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags

bobinceYou can't parse [X]HTML with regex. Because HTML can't be parsed by regex. Regex is not a tool that can be used to correctly parse HTML. As I have answered in HTML-and-regex questions here so many times before, the use of regex will not allow you to consume HTML. Regular expressions are a tool th...

5. that regex won't match all inputs with type checkbox
can you use a variable with regx
like codeInput.match(/myVar/g/)
const myVar = /someregex/g;
i see
i just need to do .match wuth a string that contains slashes
var count = (codeInput.match(/<input type = 'checkbox'/>/g) || []);
just need something that makes this work
do .match with a string that contains slashes
1 hour ago, by JBis
@LlamaButt you need to stop asking questions in the format of. "I want to build this", <paste of your entire attempt>, "fix it for me"
I see
you are correct
want to parse html? use an html parser
I know
i need to give an id to every <input type = 'checkbox'>, and to figure out how many there are, I figured .match would be good
@KevinB Think I am on to something...
return fetch(url, { headers: { accept: "application/json; odata=verbose" } }) // make request
      .then((r) => {
        if (!r.ok) throw new Error("Failed: " + url);  // Check for errors
        return r.json();  // parse JSON
      .then((data) => data.d.results) // unwrap to get results array
      .then((results) => {
        return results;
    .then((results) => {
        const data = results;
        var listContent = [];
For example it is posting to the HTML page
- null
because there was no data attached to the training column. How should I go about

if data[i] = null

post something under the header saying "There were no notes attached"
1 hour later…
posted on February 03, 2021 by Cindy Bayless

The Dev channel has been updated to 90.0.4400.0 (Platform version: 13764.0.0) for most Chrome OS devices. If you find new issues, please let us know by visiting our forum or filing a bug. Interested in switching channels? Find out how. You can submit feedback using ‘Report an issue...’ in the Chrome menu (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner of the browser). Cindy Bayl

So going off of that^^

I have come up with two potential fixes but they still both return null and I Cannot figure out why
posted on February 03, 2021 by Prudhvikumar Bommana

The Beta channel has been updated to 89.0.4389.40 for Windows,Mac and Linux. A full list of changes in this build is available in the log. Interested in switching release channels?  Find out how here. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. The community help forum is also a great place to reach out for help or learn about common issues. Prudhvikumar Bommana Googl

         if (results == null){
    $('#report-summary').text("There were no notes");
You set the text of the element, then change the html content?
@KevinB @phenomnomnominal @Cerbrus and any other RO's. Would it be useful for James to format code people post that are unformatted? Currently, he move's it to trash and posts a message. Would it be helpful for james to additionally post the code formatted properly?
@JBis I'm obviously not an RO (or that active) but I'd say yes - would prevent the cases where users post the same unformatted message 5 times in a row
^ exactly what i was thinking
What would happen if they format by editing or in a new message?
this would occur after the 25 second they have to edit or delete the message. If they edit it, then a duplicate wouldn't be posted. If they post another message with the code, hopefully they would delete the old one.
@Cameron fixed it but still posts null to my content
if (results !== null){
          $('#report-summary').text("There were no notes");
Something like "Username's formatted message:..."? I think that's a fine idea
Or is that wrong
is it exactly equal to null?
or is it a string that contains the 4 characters 'null'
"Upcoming":null,"Training":null,"ResourceRequest":null,"SupportRequest":null, some of the responses that are null
So I believe you hit the nail on the head with the second one
null is a valid value, just like true/false,
so it very well could have actually been null and not a string
but if it were a string, it may not perform the way you expect
  "d": {
    "results": [
        "Tasks": "Test 1 Test 2 Test 3",
        "Deliverables": null,
        "Actions": null,
        "Upcoming": null,
        "Training": null,
        "Resource": null,
        "Support": null,
        "Team": "Team 1",
        "WeekOf": "2021-01-18",
        "Travel": null
This is what returned, a lot of nulls because those columns were left blank.
posted on February 03, 2021 by Bindu Suvarna

Hi, everyone! We've released Chrome Beta 89 (89.0.4389.40) for iOS: it'll become available on App Store in next few days. You can see a partial list of the changes in the Git log. If you find a new issue, please let us know by filing a bug. Bindu Suvarna Google Chrome

So results isn't null, but resullts[0].Upcoming is null?
So am I going to have to
would I need a for loop/conditional inside to read through every Team
or... just an inline conditional
foo || 'none'
Unsure of how to go about that
result.something || 'whatever'
it's not really psuedo code, it'll work as is if you replace the left side iwth your property and the right side with your fallback
It looks like it that is why I am confused
for (var j=0; j < results.length; j++){
	if (results[j].Tasks !== null){
          $('#report-summary').text("There were no notes");
  if (results[j].Deliverables !== null){
          $('#report-summary').text("There were no notes");
  if (results[j].Actions !== null){
          $('#report-summary').text("There were no notes");
So verbose, but would this work?
for some dumb reason yarn won't run if env var HOME points to /dev/null
Lol of course it doesn't fucking work
i don't see a reason for it to not work
It is still posting a "null" value
you're overwriting $('#report-summary') over and over
the changing of text shoudl happen on these lines: listContent += '<ul>' + "- " + data[i].PersonnelActions + '</ul>';
ul's should have li's
not text
Im confused how to specify that
How the hell do I have it change the text on just that line?
if (x) {
  listContent += '<ul>' + "- " + data[i].PersonnelActions + '</ul>';
} else {
  // etc
I propose the equality assignment operator and the strict equality assignment operator.

`x ==== y` short for `x == y & x = y`
`x ===== y` short for `x === y & x = y`
now how do i submit a ecma proposal
for (var j =0; j<results.length; j++){
if (results[j].PersonnelActions !==null) {
  listContent += '<ul>' + "- " + data[i].PersonnelActions + '</ul>';
} else {
   listContent += '<ul>' + "- There are no notes attached to this section " + '</ul>';
Am I even close with that
I did that, and now it is telling me on page load "Error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'MajorTasks' of undefined"
did you intend to use i?
rather than j?
or data rather than results?
inconsistencies are fun
You are telling me
I want to blow my brains
Now nothing posts.
I blotched it didnt i
i didn't look deep enough to see why it wasn't working
but the part i meant to edit wasn't edited
you don't need 2 for loops
the if statements go in teh first one
after the loop, you append the html
@bigchungus Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@bigchungus Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
1 message moved to Trash can
@JamesBot god damn relax it won't let me format it
eg that
listContent += '<ul>' + "- There are no notes attached to this section." '</ul>';
jsfiddle highlights each of these lines with a syntax error
even underlines it
Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.
Says I am missing a semicolon too?
Where the hell.
your second string ends here: s section."
then you have a wild '</ul>'
just hanging out there
"foo" "bar"
"foo" + "bar"
I do not see where you are talking about the second string?
"- There are no notes attached to this section." is the second string in the line of code i shared above
you're trying to concat three strings into one
but only two of them are concatenated
the third is just hanging out there

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