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@JBis With ReCaptcha V3, I'm pretty sure that the user won't be prompted to solve a puzzle everytime unless their mouse movements and interactions on the page look suspicious before completing a protected action (determined by a score on the probability that the user is a robot). I know in my case (for websites using the latest version) it's just a matter of checking "I'm not a robot" and recatpcha is satisfied, no questions asked.
I think the main problem is webdevs not keeping up-to-date and still using older versions..
3 hours later…
anyone's worked with google maps geocoder before?
12 hours later…
I've worked with google maps' geocoder before @d4rk4ng31
I want to publish a React component to be used in multiple apps held by my team, but I need the state of the component to be shared with other (non-descendant) components within an app. Does anyone know the best pattern to achieve this?
It seems clunky but my current plan is to just pass a callback function to this shared component, have that function called each render, and inside that callback, set the relevant part of the redux state tree in my application
@duhaime Typically you would pass down a callback which will be called on/after state change and not on rendering.
yes, in my case there is just one piece of state so updating on render is identical to updating on state change but I appreciate you!
In that case it's pretty much like most other components with onChange callback. If you want something more fancy you could go all the way with custom Conext, create a Provider/Consumer pair (and if needed) a useContext Hook and propagate that components state like a redux store.
But I'm not sure how to mix that with redux if you need the information in redux.. and I'm too tired to think about it.
onChange callback for the win

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