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getting universal requires a project type of 'application' while trying to add @nguniversal/express-engine to Angular 10 project.
This used to work on Angular 8.
These people are sick
they now removed client-project param
without it, works fine
if anyone trying to this in future, ng add @nguniversal/express-engine --client-project=<appname> has changed to ng add @nguniversal/express-engine
good night all
ANYWHO: off topic question:
Im stuck at 40 subscribers for my YT, how can I get that number up?
@AaronHall that should be ok, but its a bit of a hack. If you can, avoid it at all costs. If its a small lib, you may even want to copy the source code and make your changes.
I would like to see a repo with an example...
readme seems to make sence. You install your packages, make a change in node_modules, and then run the patch-package CLI tool
Hi guys
im new to JS and want to learn. Is the "W3School tutorial" enough to get me to an intermediate level?
provided i do losts of practice on what i learnt after
|| w3schools JMoss
@{1} Don't use w3schools.
@JMoss Don't use w3schools.
@JMoss w3schools will give you an introduction. tbh, I started with w3schools,
The problem is, many people always stick with it. Don't do that. Once you got the basics, move on.
@JMoss I highly recomend not starting with w3schools. I suggest starting here: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/…. They have HTML, CSS, and JS tutorials that far exceed the quality of w3schools. However, they are comprehensive and less simple. But it's worth the struggle.
And as JBis told, try to go for MDN, nothing else is as helpful as the official documentation.
Hello all, I want to learn reactjs. any resources for beginner
official documentation
@JBis I can't edit node_modules
@AaronHall Why not?
are you using some ci?
It's owned by admin, I'm not admin.
looks like it's an npm submodule
I've made an attempt at creating the patch manually though...
huh? you're talking about file permissions?
crazy, right?
Is this expected? Like are you not supposed to have those perms? Seems really odd. How are you to install anything?
admin installs.
can the admin make the patch then?
@ABC react tutorial pretty decent reactjs.org/tutorial/tutorial.html. depending on how you learn, examples maybe helpful too.
@AaronHall sounds like a you problem ;) maybe ask the admin for permissions considering they are unable to do anything
alright, thank you guys. i think i was getting too comfortable with w3schools
that's not gonna happen. But if you have a sample repo to point me at I'd appreciate it.
especially with an example patching a submodule
git submodule?
@AaronHall maybe search through gh github.com/…
I think this isn't going to work for what I want to do...
@JBis thank you.
@JBis @SagarV
i have purchased a "udemy web development bootcamp", would this be a good source to learn JS or do you think their syllabus is too "narrow"?

Would i be better off just purchasing the "Eloquent Javascript" book and working through it?
No idea. I don't like pay to learn programs. Often, they suck or are as good as free alternatives.
...I say that as I apply to college so take it with a grain of salt
alright, so would the "MDN JS tutorial" be more than enough to learn JS?
To learn the basics, yes.
From there you just need to practice and explore.
so just learn the basics from there, would it be enough to do small projects like a todolist, clock, connect4 etc?
good luck! and welcome to the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad world of JS!
@JMoss yes, and probably more than that.
hahaha... im actually pretty hyped to learn JS and excited idk why
do you come from another langauge?
i dabbled here and dabbled there, with python, Java, C#, C++(hated it) but i was at beginner level on those languages
i actually want to become advanced in JS
good, your background in other langs should help
it does :D
Any good projects or exercises you know, that i should do after the basics on MDN?
finish mdn first, then worry about that
but theres plenty to build
haha i agree, alright thank you for the advice. it was really helpful!!
hey guys quick help needed
I created two maps using d3 and they load based on which button you select, however, when I zoom in and then out, the map is not centered
is there a way to approach this?
2 hours later…
@LttntLrk maybe try asking in the youtube room
lol, i am deleting my account
it doesnt matter anymore
you're 40 subs are gonna be quite disappointed
3 hours later…
anyone here
need help urgent reg for loop
regular for loop? do you really need someone to explain that to you?
i am implementing view cart list
|| mdn basics javascript for loops
@User ^
@User well ask your question and we'll help
but you'd be doing yourself a favor to learn how to lookup information on your own
that's a skill too, believe it or not
in fact, its probably the most useful skill you can have
Does the range of number differ in JavaScript between 32bit and 64bits (different bits system)?
@Rick Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@JBis oof
@Rick yes, depends on the engine
A: Do Javascript Numbers get represented as 64bit numbers in a 32bit browser?

EsailijaAnswers couldn't be more wrong, it does depend on engine. In V8 (Google Chrome, Opera, Node.js) 32-bit: Integers that fit 31-bit signed representation (from -1073741824 to 1073741823) are represented directly by embedding it them in pointers. Any other number is generally represented as a heap...

i am implementing for loop
for( var i=0; i < this.viewCartList.length; i++){
this.strDynamicProductQuantity = this.viewCartList[i].quantity;
strDynamicProductQuantity value is printing in html as same
of last value
inside for loop
@User this.strDynamicProductQuantity = this.viewCartList[i].quantity; is an assignment, so this.strDynamicProductQuantity will have the value of this.viewCartList[i].quantity for whatever i last used.. what are you trying to do? sum it up? output each quantity?
private room invitation? kinky
i need to update quantity on which i tap
I won't answer faster if you ping me more..
Did you implement the Card Items already? Buttons or Input for the Quantity? using Vanilla JS/React/jQuery/whatever?
increment decrement is too done
but when i update product one quantity,its updating last quantity
i implemented using ionic
but logic is same
what does your increase look like?
its not setting the quantity in the current product
its setting quantity in last value in cart
Can you clarify that? Back it up with Code? Look, the problem is that there are like 101 ways to implement a Shopping Card, for example personally I wouldn't use an array but a ProductId->Card Item map. So I (we) don't know what is wrong in your specific code.
@MisterSirCode Thanks for you suggestion. I already did google search and tried suggested solution but non of it was working. Now I have fixed it with the help of my friend.
Issue was with the podspec, I have not added .framwork file in podspec as dependency
Hi can i do make bundle.js one file by combine multiples files, I have simple .js files.
Example: script_1.js, script_2.js,script_3.js etc to bundle.js
Hi all. I have a list of images which are dynamically generated via an API. Each image has a data attribute. Trying to get the value of the data attribute using plain JavaScript gives me the value of the last inserted image. How I get the right data attribute? Thanks
@Nathileo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@Nathileo Give us an example
In jQuery, $('className').on('click', 'className', function () { const id = $(this).attr(data-id).val() }) is used. I want to achieve the same using plain JavaScript
and the html and whatever you've tried with vanilla?
question about jquery toggle
i have this statement which turns visible of a div container on
$('#visiblity').click(function() {
why does this only works when i set the visibility to off in the html doc
<div class="div_container" style="display:none;">
when i insert "display:none; into a separate stylesheet the statement has no effect
@real_hagrid jQuery documentation says: toggle(bool) uses show() and hide() under the hood, show() and hide() are roughly same as using css() which states: When using .css() as a setter, jQuery modifies the element's style property.
so.. it's manipulating elements style property which overrides stylesheet declarations (except with !important)
that said.. it should work if you stylesheet has display: none, the first show() or toggle(true) should override that with style="display: block".. probably
quick example: jsfiddle.net/c9ws24x8 works without setting style
@makadev appreciate it
@LandonSooHoo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I would like to know the difference between old javascript and ES6
I am compiling pure js 10 files in one bundle.js For example my_script.js, file_api.js etc
then code is not run properly and some missing function. What will be reason?
is it possible to missing function after compile in webpack. I ma not use any framework. Just pure js files
First i have phase issue of size after resolve this then one bundle.js is not run all code of 10 js files
If i did not compile the files then code run prefect.
I wana to know what will be reason if we write in js separate js files and compile using webpack. rather than any react js or vue js
@BenFortune Here is a link to codepen with the code: codepen.io/natemartins/pen/MWeqjKN
@LandonSooHoo it has new stuff
1 hour later…
@BenFortune Well I read the answer. But the answer seems to be concerned about integer only I think?
And the overall range seems to be the same on both 32bit machines and 64bit machines.
I just tested with a Ubuntu 32bit. I tried Number.MAX_VALUE in node. It has the same value in my 64bit Chrome devtool console.
@Rick Number is specified as 64bit double (see Number Type, newest spec but same type), doesn't matter if 32bit or 64bit system
and not really relevant performance wise, 64bit double operations where already possible on 32bit system (thanks FPU)
well.. probably depends on engine and optimizations
Ah I see. So that's written in the standard
Number ye, not sure about the UInt/Int types (and other ctypey stuff). They look more like additions but am not sure.
I also asked someone else. They say the answer given by @BenFortune is talking about the internal representation, which I don't really care about for now...
And the OP didn't ask about the internal representation at all. Who cares really?
I've two lazy loading modules in angular, business and customer. Now I need a shared login module. Can I create a single module and load it from both business and customer modules? Is this the correct practice?
if yes, how can I identify the caller module from login module? is there any recommended way other than using router.url?
@Rick i mean, who cares what the op wanted in a question from 7 years ago
What's more important is what people who are landing on that question today want
Well, the highest voted answer doesn't match the question's intention. So it made me confused.
Anyway, I got it now.
@Rick bad example maybe? OPs question was answered correctly: stackoverflow.com/a/19946853/3828957 and it was more about the "maximum safe integer" which is somehwere around 2^53.. weirdly it's flagged performance
Yes. But it got downvoted. So I was thinking the highest voted one may be more likely to be correct.
But in the end it turns out that answer is irrelevant to my need.
2 downvotes in the past year, keep in mind
they may be completely unrelated to the answer
XY.. why is it so relevant that 2^53 is reliable?
what are you trying to accomplish that would make this relevant?
I couldn't see when it gets downvoted... ;(
there's a little clock looking button on the left, below the bookmark button
in there, click show voting summaries
Ah Ok I see.
2^53 ? What is 2^53 ? I just want to know whether I can use same range on both 32bit and 64bit machines.
I don't... I think I'm blind or something
@makadev There is a icon under every up/down vote section
a clock
6 mins ago, by makadev
@Rick bad example maybe? OPs question was answered correctly: https://stackoverflow.com/a/19946853/3828957 and it was more about the "maximum safe integer" which is somehwere around 2^53.. weirdly it's flagged performance
@Rick ah that
javascript is a scripting language, it means it's not doing assembly code or memory allocation
it should be 2^53 because that's how it's defined in the language
your browser is what has to make this possible, and presumably on a 32 bit system, to make 2^53 work properly, it uses two ints or something
the details are kinda irrelevant
crossplatform libraries like jdk and .NET are all implemented the same way regardless of system
think of javascript like that, except it's not a library, it is the language
Ah I see.
The OP is asking about the Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
I didn't know that and I was asking for the max double range.
OK learnt a new thing
nothing wrong with not knowing something :)
you did well to ask
Yes that's why I like to chat in room. I alwaws can know what I miss when talking to others.
So what is that 8 voted answer talking about actually?
How is that related to the OP's question, 2^53?
@Rick internal representation as it seems
does the answer existing cause any problems?
No. I just don't understand what he says.
He's talking about internal representation in V8 Engine 32bit and 64bit variants. If Number is small enough it's actually stored in a pointer (unsigned integer, 32bit wide) on 32bit or int (64bit wide signed integer) on 64bit systems, otherwise as Object.
But not relevant anymore
and it seems it never was in the context of that question ;)
aaanyway.. have a nice weekend folks
is it wrong to break what is seemingly industry convention and in a React component with an ES6 function change the word "props"? Like call it e.g. "(userData)"?
@James, can't you do const {userData} = this.props; ?
@Ediit Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Is anyone good at recursion?
@rdevn00b Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I'm trying to do a recursive loop with JSON to populate a dropdown
I have the recursion working but I'm not able to keep track of the level at which the loop is
they go round and round
ask your question and we might be able to help
how do you iterate over a JSON object while getting the nest level for each item?
keep a variable that holds the current level
I have that
I can get the code to keep track of the nest going down, but I can't reset it for going back up in the recursion
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you shouldn't need to, if it' sactually recursive
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if the function calls itself on a sub property/value, when that call of itself returns, you're back in that top function
so the traversal back up to the top already exists in a sense
@rdevn00b Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
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How do I post code here?
it's not letting me
// Define an index-level.
var nest_level = 1;

function printAllVals(obj) {
  for (let k in obj) {


    // Object may be empty.

    // Nest down one more if we're about to enter a sub-object.
    if (Object.keys(obj[k]).length > 0) {
i copy pasted it to jsfiddle, clicked tidy, copied the result, pasted it here, then pressed ctrl+k and submitted
oh shit alright
so that code actually prints the right level going down, but it can't print the level going up
try it out on a JSON object
on just an object
JSON is a string, there's no such thing as a json object
whatever same thing
I think I need to pass a starting index to the function
if you wanted to print to the console how deep in the nesting you are, you would need something to keep track of that
starting index meaning the starting nest level
yea exactly
another parameter would suffice
I think you have to pass the nest level
how the fuck does javascript/jQuery not have a good recursion library? This is something that comes up all the time
i mean
it has a lot of tools
what exactly did you need this recursion to do?
for parsing JSON though, there should be a general library
recursion library?
What would a library do that this doesn't?
you mean like memoizing?
what is memoizing?
it's the only possible thing I can think of that you might want to do related to recursion :P
so how would you write a function for this?
suppose you wanted to calculate fibonnacci numbers..
like I said, the code above does the recursion, it's just not keeping track of the nest level
if you've already calculated that fibonnacci 5 is 13, next time fibonnacci 6 or 7 is called, then you memorize the value for fibonnacci 5 and you don't have to recalculate
this is assuming that the recursive function is pure and always returns the same output with the same input
it's basically just optimizing recursion to avoid recursive calls for everything
that goes back to my initial question though, what is the nest level needed for?
otherwise fibonnacci 5 gets called again, and calls fibonnacci 4 and fibonnacci 3
just display in the console?
it's being used to give indentation in a dropdown
just pass that information yourself
you don't need a library for this
the structure of the JSON is not static
therefore, the indentation is relative to the object received
call makeDropdownTree(0) which indents 0 times, then calls recursively for makeDropdownTree(0+1) etc.
I don't think you get what I'm asking
apparently not
here, this is the simplest form
@rdevn00b Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
function printAllVals(obj) {
  for (let k in obj) {
this is the most simple recursion possible for JSON without arrays
so, print the nest level on each function call
how would you do it?
well this doesn't actually print anything
the function name doesn't matter
what matters is putting console.log(nest_level) wherever it's supposed to be to show the nest level
ok, so like this?
function printAllVals(obj, nest_level) {
  for (let k in obj) {
    printAllVals(obj[k], nest_level + 1);
that's not correct
try it out and you'll see
that does what you said
it will continue incrementing the nest level
even though you haven't gone down another level in the nest
try it out, you'll see
it can't increment unless you've legit recursively called printAllVAls
I'm not adding one any other place except at the recursive call, that's how I know that
though to be fair, probably the log would be outside the loop, so:
function printAllVals(obj, nest_level) {
  for (let k in obj) {
    printAllVals(obj[k], nest_level + 1);
you have no way to subtract from the nest level
so this is wrong
here, let me try what you've given
I don't know what you're after.. please keep that in mind. If you wanted nest level to be negative, you didn't say so
for me, level 0 is root, and every successive level in a tree is greater than 0
no you dont understand
but if you wanted to print out roman numerals, this doesn't do that, you're right
the nest level is a positive number, but this method will keep adding as the tree goes deeper, but it doesn't revert back to a higher nest level number because it never subtracts
I don't think you understand what a nest level is?
your nest level should be relative to the current function
it doesn't increment unless the function calls itself
suppose you had this.. {a: 1, b: 2, c: {a: 3, b: {a: 4, b: 5}, c: 6}, what would you expect the output be? Because I would expect 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6....
and when it calls itself, it does so with the current nest level, and the new scope that is created will use it's parameter to know what nest level it is in
it sounds like you're using a variable that is shared by all the scopes instead
no this is not correct
oops, got that wrong, it should be 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 1 sorry
recursive functions are Markovian, meaning that the next value depends on the most recent value
that's why your method adds correctly, but it doesn't subtract correctly
recursion isn't a chain, it's a TREE
it doesn't need to subtract
it never needs to subtract
you don't walk up the tree with recursion
you only go down
walking up happens automatically when the function returns
fine, subtract one instead of adding one.. you get 0, 0, -1, -2, -2, -1
I mean, we're talking about the same thing here
no no no
you guys don't understand
well please help us
here is the output for your function
(1) 1
(2) 2
(8) 3
(1) 2
(2) 3
(7) 4
so you see that the nest levels right?
the number in parenthesis is how many times that number was printed in the console
ok, so let me show you the actual object
@rdevn00b Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
    "uri_external": {},
        "provenance_domain.json": {},
        "IEEE2791-2020.schema": {},
        "parametric_domain.json": {},
        "error_domain.json": {},
        "description_domain.json": {},
        "io_domain.json": {},
        "usability_domain.json": {},
        "execution_domain.json": {}
        "IEEE2791-2020.schema": {},
            "provenance_domain.json": {},
            "parametric_domain.json": {},
your code improperly identifys a top-level key as being at nest level 2, when in fact it is at 1
there are 4 levels to the data, that is correctly identified in your code (and the first version of mine)
however, because you don't ever subtract, the levels are misidentified
your code improperly identifies a top-level key as being at nest level 2, when in fact it is at 1
it works just fine
it just wasn't logging the correct thing
note how it goes back up the tree when it runs out of things to iterate over
@Neil undefined Logged: , 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Took: 0ms
@Neil Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
take this example.. do you see me ever subracting numbers?
I'm looking at it now
no subtraction needed
ok I see it now
I think I understand what you did
I think I had that before but maybe misidentifed the nest level
you don't need to subtract after you add
when the call returns after the recursion, you're exactly where you were when you called it
does that make any sense? passing a value + 1 doesn't increment the value of a variable by one
yes I see now because the value is held
thanks so much
with each call, all objects processed in that call will take that same level
damnit I had the right thing before I think oh well
what about recursive ones for JSON with arrays?
same principle applies
rather than cycle keys, you're cycling indexes
so you just check for the type basically
yes for any differences between objects and arrays you'd have to do that
Who can tell me what is used for this reactive web page background, it is so smooth cubcyber.com/cmmc/practices/re-2-138
Figured it out, its particles.js
Has anyone ever used before??
1 hour later…
Hey, does anyone here have experience with esprima?
@APerson Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I'm trying to make an alternate keywords for let,const,var,for,if,else
For example I'd like to compile this: 'notlet a=5', to this 'let a=5'
I came here because I saw @BenjaminGruenbaum who answered a few years ago on a kinda similar question often chats here

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