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would you guys mind look at: stackoverflow.com/q/63716950/13710015
@KetZoomer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
it is react native
7 hours later…
@SmithDwayne Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@SmithDwayne Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
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I don't know How to handle CORS error in Express JS.
my CORS function is here in the pastie link: http://pastie.org/p/47bLyiVNid9vMoyj3prUwS

Even though I added the customized error Handler, I am getting the error like as below in my API call
`Error: Access Denied
at corsOptionsDelegateForApis2 (/home/myproj/appfolder/app.js:321:12)
at corsMiddleware (/home/myproj/appfolder/node_modules/cors/lib/index.js:204:7)`

I don't why It is not going to customized error handlers?
2 hours later…
is something like this possible in js
result foo.x === 2
just foo.x === 2 ?
is not what I want, I want to 'encapsulate' an object decoration (something like this)
this.x.y.z.a = 1
this.x.y.z.a = 2
this.x.y.z.a = 3
to be avoided like
this.x.y.z = (
building of z here
I want this because I have the following code:
    this.parts.nimb = scene.add.graphics();
    this.parts.nimb.lineStyle(2, 0x1ef725);
    this.parts.nimb.strokeRect(this.x - 2 - this.displayWidth / 2, this.y - 2 - this.displayHeight / 2, this.displayWidth + 2, this.displayHeight + 2);
    this.parts.nimb.alpha = 0;
you can use a variable that acts as a reference?
(if I understood it correctly)
@BoteaFlorin Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
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@BoteaFlorin Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
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I want something like this (is only way which working in my case)
let foo = (() => {
    let bar = {x:1};
    bar.x = 2;
    return bar;
but I find function ugly
same concept as:
let foo = {x:1}
let bar = (foo.x=2,foo)
can you not start with the full structure and just change that?
not sure what the problem is
sorry, was just a curiosity, for myself :D My code is working fine, but I wanted to visually delimit some objects props assign
i can use as well an extra indent for this (visual)
well logically, no reason to reassign something unless you're doing so conditionally
I solved it by indentation
I think my actual question was: can I have an expression like
let bar = (foo.x=2,foo) with foo declaration inside '()'
does the expression (foo.x=2) not return anything?
parenthesis hack
leave it for minifiers
it returns 2, not foo
but hey, I am not going to read that code someday anyways
@Neil it returns foo with foo.x set with 2
and yeah, it's probably just going to wind up looking unreadable.
I'm wondering how to work out memory constraints for a node app... I have a rabbitMQ job listener in a docker container, a typical job requires it to download about 180 50-60Mb files.
i have set the container limit at 2G... but it seems to hit that within a few minutes
Mb or MB ?
MB sorry
!!> 180 * 50
@KarelG 9000 Logged: `` Took: 0ms
that's 9GB (assume that 50 MB)
container limit is at 2GB.
so i should bump it to something like 12GB?
either wait with downloading additional files if there aren't sufficient memory or yank it up
it is likely that the download part is faster than the processing part
yes i would have said so
if you were me, I would apply both strategies
reserve 4 (or 6) GB memory and adjust the code to halt download if the memory is at 3.4 (or 5.4) GB
to check, would that be v8.getHeapSpaceStatistics
if that node script is the only one running in the docker container, you can use the function in os
|| nodejs os.freemem
Invalid command! Did you mean: nope, norris, poke? Try help for a list of available commands..‍.‍.‍.‍.‍
@JBis any chances to support node.js API method linking?
Hey is there a good way to create a "variable"
with a string...
I kindof wanted to use a function to create "Ids" and add them to an object as variables
const id= Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10000);
const obj = {};
Object.assign(obj, {[id]: {}}
you can do that?
so something like this?
	add(type, id) {
		Object.assign(this.guiInstance.items, {[id]: {}});
and this is what my variable looks like
		this.guiInstance = {
			width : 250,
			items: {}
@MisterSirCode Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
bot.... shush
I hate bots
Butts? :/
There was absolutely no reason to say that
ffs people these days
there is no need for object.assign
@KarelG So just this will work?
		this.guiInstance.items[id] = {};
lol get off your high horse there kiddo
why should it not?
try it lol
this works well for objects
what about singular variables?
just don't?
Well yeah I guess that serves no point
I tried running the debugger on my code for my datatable, but I cannot seem to find the issue. How come when I tell the DataTable rows to be collapsed on page load, they are expanded
Q: DataTables Collapse/Expand Rows (After Page Load, Automatically Collapse)

zgoforthso I have a DataTable that works like a million bucks. Its functionality is doing everything I want it to, but one part of it is buggy. The expand/collapse of the rows works like it should but on page load the rows aren't automatically collapsed like it should be doing. I ran the debugger and not...

I wouldnt reccomend sharing your questions here for attention.
If you want help, just ask it here next time :)
It eliminates repetitiveness
Why should I reask a question I already have asked on the site
The chat and the SO network are separate entities
it doesnt matter how many times the same question is asked here
if you want to ask how variables work?
ask how variables work
Taylor ...
posting it once is ok, the problem just starts if it gets posted often.
|| shrug
||kill Mister SirCode
This conflicts with the First Law.
irobot reference?
JBis is such a joker
the irobot movie is based on Asimov's work. I suggest you to read it.
The Foundation series is very great, albeit being tough to step in. kinda dreadful at start
Well the whole first law robot thing has been in many shows and stories
Even applies somewhat to a few real robot designs....
|| joke
A DHCP packet walks into a bar and asks for a beer.
Bartender says, "here, but I’ll need that back in an hour!"
Good morning everyone.
I am using jquery clone and remove feature. How do I make it just one field, if the person erases everything.
change them in a way such that you can easily select them for removal
or... just make a clone up front and do all your cloning from that clone.
https://jsfiddle.net/MisterSirCode/sd5q0x9h/82/ Hello again...
Im having some trouble getting my menu to close or open.
Ive been logging my values and they are correct. It should be setting the top to -20 when it closes... and I know its running the line, its just not changing the top
				this.guiInstance.closeTabSetting = !this.guiInstance.closeTabSetting;
				if (this.guiInstance.closeTabSetting) {
					menuBaseEl.style.top = 0;
				} else if (!this.guiInstance.closeTabSetting) {
					menuBaseEl.style.top = -menuItemsEl.getBoundingClientRect().height;
Heres the statement Im using
to open and close
this is the tidbit causing me harm
menuBaseEl.style.top = -menuItemsEl.getBoundingClientRect().height;
anyone got any ideas?
rowGroup: {
            dataSrc: [
            startRender: function (rows,group,level){
				var all;
            	if (level === 0) {
                    top = group;
                    all = group;
                } else if (level === 1) {
                    parent = top + group;
                    all = parent;
                    // if parent collapsed, nothing to do
                    if (!!collapsedGroups[top]) {
Why does this return collapsed: false
I need it to return collasped: true
r.style.display = collapsed ? 'none' : '';
^That should do it but it isn't
@zgoforth Why are you using !!
What do you mean
I didn't even realize that I had two ! operators
Er dur
@KevinB There is a time when you do not delete the cloned div. I wonder why?
Ah, right
event delegation is needed.
you cloned it after you bound the event
@KevinB Thank you very much.
I feel like such an idiot
menuBaseEl.style.top = `${-menuItemsEl.getBoundingClientRect().height}px`;
I forgot that css measurements in pixels require "px"
so that entire time I was sending 0 to my top
This is what I get for leaving javascript for half a year
hi guys, please help, I'm stuck too much on this...
I've utilized this Materialize Card component... If I use Card-Reveal (https://materializecss.com/cards.html#reveal), how to close it by using back button - instead of closing the Modal component?
@NinoPavletic Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
bad robot
my discord bot never sends messages without a command.

That whole automated bot chat system is quite annoying tbh
could anyone please help me out with this:
In tsconfig.json (create one if not present) in compilerOptions add the following line: "module": "commonjs". Typescript info page here. Tsconfig info page here. — Carlo Corradini 14 mins ago
this is getting frustrating
if its not answered here, SO works better
Plus this is Javascript... and yes I know typescript is a pre processor
but I believe there is a typescript channel
I forgot
Oh Im a big dummy dum
That is SO
@SamuraiJack you don't tend to need the .js in. the require
1 hour later…
Anyone know any nice CSS styling for a datatable or have any recommendations
Im confused how this is not working....

"this.guiInstance.items" is an object array

But foreach doesnt work on it...
		var allItems = this.guiInstance.items;

		allItems.forEach(e => {
			var guiElement = document.createElement("div");
Uncaught TypeError: allItems.forEach is not a function
Perhaps Im getting confused by C# foreach...
well actually that ones more like a for loop
jshint is saying its completely valid
Im absolutely confused
there is no forEach standard for Objects
@KarelG I'll look into it.
How can I make the attached photo appear in the corresponding input file?
It's showing up for all fields
Thanks for all your guyses help so far.

My dat.gui replica is coming along nicely https://jsfiddle.net/MisterSirCode/sd5q0x9h/106/
Hey by the way @KevinB I tried out that method you and JBis showed me yesterday with returning this for method chaining...

It absolutely isnt working.

I even tried saving current this, and passing it into my return statement, but its still saying that `.title(...).color(...) is not a function`
		var ogThis = this;
		this.guiInstance.items[id] = {};
		this.guiInstance.items[id].title = id;
		this.guiInstance.items[id].type = type;
		return {
			title : (s) => {
				this.guiInstance.items[id].title = s;
				return ogThis;
			color : (c) => {
				this.guiInstance.items[id].color = c;
				return ogThis;
And here Im initializing it all
const menu = new jGui();

menu.add("button", "firstButton").title("Button Text");
menu.add("button", "secondButton").title("Button Text").color("blue");

I am learning Javascript. I have working code that shift the alphabets, I am begineer and I like to create output = undefined and console.log empty.. how can I do this?
function alphabetShift(str) {
  var result = str.replace(/[z]/g,"`");
  let newStr = result;
   return newStr.replace(/[`-z]/g, function(x) {
   return String.fromCharCode(x.charCodeAt(0)+1);
return inside of return doesnt really work that well
@Prashant Try this:
function alphabetShift(str) {
  var result = str.replace(/[z]/g,"`");
  let newStr = result;
  newStr.replace(/[`-z]/g, function(x) {
  	return String.fromCharCode(x.charCodeAt(0)+1);
this works with the line console.log(alphabetShift("jdfhjdfh")
I get correct output if I add the line - console.log(alphabetShift("crazy"))l
If it works for you, good
how do I get console.log = empty
I mean can I print the output without console.log statement
Do you want to write it to the document's body
or to a specific element?
if you just want the text to appear on the page, use document.write(text);
If you want it to appear in an element, just set .innerText from an element to the text
I will do retry
how to make use of str.length in the above code
hey does anyone know how I can make chainable return methods?
		return {
			title : (s) => {
				this.guiInstance.items[id].title = s;
				return this;
			color : (c) => {
				this.guiInstance.items[id].color = c;
				return this;
This return statement inside a method is nice and all
but I want to be able to run title and color in any form after the method
I tried return this
but it didnt work how I thought it would
because you used arrow functions, this is the same as the this where you used return at the top
have you considered not using arrow functions?
I did notice that.

However, if I remove them, wont `this` just go off of the class?
I want it to be a chain method only to the parent method that its being returned from
Q: How does the "this" keyword work?

Maxim GershkovichI have noticed that there doesn't appear to be a clear explanation of what the this keyword is and how it is correctly (and incorrectly) used in JavaScript on the Stack Overflow site. I have witnessed some very strange behaviour with it and have failed to understand why it has occurred. How doe...

I see
the method with the return statement has its own this context
so then... I should just be able to do...
		var ogThis = this;
		this.guiInstance.items[id] = {};
		this.guiInstance.items[id].title = id;
		this.guiInstance.items[id].type = type;
		return {
			title : function (s) {
				ogThis.guiInstance.items[id].title = s;
				return this;
			color : function (c) {
				ogThis.guiInstance.items[id].color = c;
				return this;
what do I need classes for if I can just do stuff like <header banner> and select it with header[banner]?
Yes that worked...
thanks again kevin
Who here uses knex? What do you think about it? @paul23 iirc you've used
hii <3
@Jonathan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Hey guys, I am caching resources dynamically in my service worker but would like to prevent fetch requests from caching. Online solutions I'm getting aren't working.
@Emmanuel Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
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Here's the file https://github.com/ekaranjaa/weather-app/blob/master/public/sw.js
How do I go about it?
would you guys mind look at: stackoverflow.com/q/63716950/13710015
The comments seem to track with my thoughts on it
does the browser you're testing with have a dev console you can inspect the css with?
Hi everyone, everything good in the real world?
Long weekend, so good in ~1 hour I'd say
Could someone help me with this javascript code:
function myFunction(){
  var value = { word: "abc!!??def" };

  value.word = removeSpecialCharacters(value.word);


function removeSpecialCharacters(value) {
        return value.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/[!?@#$%^&*()+-,.;:'"`\\|]/g, "").trim();
I'm trying to improve this line:
value.word = removeSpecialCharacters(value.word);
Is there a elegant way to do that?
what theoretical way did you have in mind?
in other words, what would be more elegant than a function call?
Also shorter regex expressions to remove non alphanumeric characters, if that's what you're looking for?
maybe it is because I have a strong C# background and not really familiar with javascript...for me, that line seems fishy. Am I wrong?
no, just the line I mentioned
well... the only other thing i can think of that you might be thinking of is something like.. value.word.removeSpecialCharacters()
looks good, it remembers me Extend Methods in C#
but strings are immutable, so you'd need it to be value.word = value.word.removeSpecialCharacters()... which isn't better than what you have when you consider what you'd have to do to make that possible
humm ok
this part "value.word = value.word" looks terribly ugly to me huahuahua
but as I told you, I'm new in this world
just don't store it
or make the modification before you store it
anyway, thanks for your help guys...I'm gonna post it on CodeReview Stackexchange just to see if the guys there have a different outlook
@JBis bit late but I really like knex it is the only thing that actually feels like a good "baseline"
and gives me more of the feeling of sqlalchemy (which I still think is far far superior to anything else in javascript).
do you use the db migration portion of it?
You have to realize that knex is not an ORM though, and quite frankly you will wish to have those features. - So plan to either use bookshelf (traditional), or what we do is objection (which is not an orm but aims to bring all features).
We have not yet - we came from waterline which had no way to do migration and hence we developed our own migration mechanics. This still works in knex.
thats really interesting, bunch of questions if thats ok
Only other library I would take into account nowadays is typeorm, since it actually integrates with typescript - but that felt a bit to immature just yet.
1. Why did you move away from waterline?
2. Why did you move away from ORM in general as there are other ORMs instead of waterline you could of chosen?
3. Can you explain how your previous/current migration system is/was setup?
1. is easy: it's terrible in my opinion; it goes for a lower common denominator between all sql and nosql libraries. So it can't understand (or handle) say foreign keys. And all question about it were "use native sql and just send a string".
The syntax was also limiting, if you wanted to go "2 deep" into a "join" query (ie to get join the pets from all users in a given organization) you were either forced to do two queries. Or you were forced to once again use native sql.
2. Well cause we noticed that the advantage of ORM wasn't as great. In strongly typed languages like c# and lesser extend c++/python having an actual object of a known class/format can give a lot of help during development. In javascript the libraries we checked weren't using this, and were constantly modifying the objects itself, making it often unclear what the actual object would look like until runtime.
At that point ORM became just something "we set up, but weren't sure about the return anyways"; and manual checks had to be implemented anyways.
3. Well it was basically a "manual" system that was integrated into the storyboard. Where each story/set of stories were tagged for a database migration (+ dump). And the migration were manually created when developing anyways. (+ some python scripts I can't go into details to handle/backup/log this)
Gotchta with 1 & 3. A bit confused with 2. Why would it be different in js than python or c#? And when you say "In javascript the libraries we checked weren't using this" what is "this"?
Also thanks for this info, extremely helpful.
In C# if you tell the orm that the database has an numeric field called "a", a string field called "b". Then when you select something it will actually be an object that has those. And when you select only "a" it will be an object that has only an integer field. You can hence check the object using static typing tools (like the ide) and those can give you errors before you even run it.
In javascript... not so much. -- typeorm should "handle" this though, but as said when I had to pitch about the future orm/database (year ago) layer I considered it too immature for production.
There's basically no automatic layer between sequelize-orm-definition <=> typescript-type-definition
So you'd define everything twice anyways
At which point a "only define what you need" like tool such as objection would suit us better
@paul23 would you still say typeorm is too immature?
not sure :P
haven't check it for too long
very interesting
i'm looking at typeorm now and it looks pretty damn cool
Though I fell in love with withGraphFetched() from objection and it doesn't look like they ahve it
const people = await Person.query().withGraphFetched('[pets, children.^]');

// The children relation is from Person to Person. If we want to fetch the whole
// descendant tree of a person we can just say "fetch this relation recursively"
// using the `.^` notation.
thats cool also
so many choices lol
it's name is too close to typo
we've used an ORM once Hibernate, it generally felt like a waste of time/resources. nothing the application was doing was all that complex, and we kept running into situations where we needed a particular structure, and would have to either jump through hoops to get it or settle for something less ideal... then when it came to actually getting data out of the db for prod, it was too slow.
ended up spending more time trying to get the thing to work efficiently than the time we saved writing queries ourselves.
granted, it's coldfusion, so our options are pretty limited anyway
@JBis in the end it's quite an arbitrary choice anyways
I go for sequelize if you want a one size fits all package for orms. knex if you just wish to manipulate queries, and later "add" orm to it. typeorm if you wish to have integration with typescript.
def using typescript, i don't think i'll ever make an app in js again
Well you decide how important each feature is :P
the question is, whether i really need an ORM. Most of the apps i am building are pretty simple. As @KevinB, an ORM may just over complicate things.
i've used knex for a few things, it does it's job
Wel l would still recommend a layer between the database driver and the code. If not for added security (to prevent sql injects), then for easy "moving" to other databases. For example for tests we use sqlite, and apart from a few things there's no special code for sqlite.
"prevent sql injects", i mean i just use parametrized queries and i'm fine
Are you sure you always parametrize all queries?
It gets hard when you (say) allow users to store data in a database.
i don't think it does, but ok
And then you use this data (say in a subquery) as input for another query.
> then for easy "moving" to other databases. For example for tests we use sqlite, and apart from a few things there's no special code for sqlite.
then you have to parameterize not the actual direct input but the returned values from the database itself.
That i think is really nice
@paul23 i almost always parametrize everything, there isn't really a speed issue and it makes sure i don't have an issue
even trusted stuff
i mean, i'd like to pretend everything everywhere always gets parameterized, but relying on devs to do that is unreliable. putting a layer there that enforces it is a bonus
SELECT * FROM table WHERE "name" in (
    SELECT "name" FROM othertable WHERE last_edited > 10000
That would be unsafe just there.
Because the name column might contain injections
@paul23 you can opt out, i opted out
I don't see why it's an issue
At best it doesn't matter and at worst it's offensive, so why not change it
Cause I feel offended to constantly getting told "you're bad"
How is this telling you "you're bad"?
from a developer perspective: it screws up scripts, docs, and tutorials
from a civil rights perspective: It doesn't help anyone or anything. It just frustrates people and perpetrates the idea that BLM people are over sensitive. Especially considering many people have said this type of stuff doesn't do anything.
That I cannot use standard things anymore
like celebrating holidays with blackface
From a developer's perspective, "master" should never have been hardcoded in the first place because the main branch has always been configurable
and posting those birthday pictures on facebook just got removed.
and now it's even in github
I really can't see why someone would have a problem with a change like this
Cause it's just arbitrary
Because it helps no one.
For me personally, I couldn't care less whether it is called "master" or "main" or "primary" or "foobar". But for other people it does matter because the words are racially charged for them
So clearly it does help people
I also take offense in the name "dutch" or "holland" which were used as deragatory terms during the wars with the UK, and isn't the name of who we are.
If it didn't help anyone then no one would have asked for it
but do you see me ever publicly complaining about it?
If it's a problem then ask people not to do it
@forresthopkinsa from what i've seen most black people couldn't care less
some are against the move entirely
eh, to me it just looks like people trying to make "change" for the sake of "change", the goal being being able to say they somehow made a difference.
Github is doing it because people asked them to
but it doesn't really solve racism or reduce it in anyway
And as I see it, there's no downside to it
the truth is i can't determine how real someone else's... pain, or whatever, is
Anything can be considered offensive at any point. Why change because "in the past it was offensive".
Like, there's no cost to making someone a little less uncomfortable
i mean
prove that it makes someone less uncomfortable
moreso than it makes others uncomfortable
i also don't think "master" is inherently racist
its stems from legitimate master slave relationships in software
You don't seem to be bothered by it, but clearly others do seem to be.
It's the same with (say) gender neutrality, suddenly I have to adapt to always use "they" - while "he" is just the term I learned to use for neutral sense. I'm not a good linguist so it feel really annoying for me.
It's more justified for someone whose status in America is marred by centuries of racism to be offended by master/slave terminology, than for a random developer to be offended by the word "main"
and actually makes me feel awkward talking now.
> legitimate master slave relationships in software
well, yes, the analogy is pretty plain to see
master = ruler over a slave. So there, you have it.
That's just what it means.
well, yes, that's why they're changing it
Why the hell bring politics into it, then github shouldn't complain when I ask on their public board about other politic statements.
@forresthopkinsa but it's just english words, master branch is meant to "rule over all other branches".
I don't see why this has to be a political thing
main isn't saying the same thing.
Right, but the analogy is clearly "master rules over slaves" which could understandably make people feel a little less comfortable
that's what happens
given it's even more prevalent in hardware: where you have a master drive and slave drives.
because their current social status in America is largely influenced by previous generations of slavery?
why would you want to be reminded of that in other spheres of life?
now you directly bring politics to it...
it's not a political stance to say that there was slavery in america
"social status" "in america" "generations"
it's just a code repository
@forresthopkinsa whatever you do people are going to be offended
you bring local problems and enforce the local political problems on the global community.
Clearly, since you guys are offended by the word "main" lol
I'm not offended by main
i don't really care
Then why is it an issue
i just think the reason they are switching does more harm then good
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

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