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minus the change from string to int this was the (working) example in in a script
it would be invalid with the strict compiler option
@phenomnomnominal Not sure what you can tell me. Who/what team is responsible for encryption/DRM protection of media on Spotify? Like who implemented it, etc.
you sound like you're planning a heist
Not to be concerned. I'm not planning a heist on his bank, I'm planning a heist on all banks ever.
(I'm trying to crack widevine)
ah very good
Cracking widevine is a noble and diligent effort
Haha that definitely falls into the category of stuff I won't talk about
join the revolution craig
1 hour later…
anyone familiar with webpack?
@10111110 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I have a question in regards. I'm not familiar enough with webpack yet to know if it is possible. But my question is here:

Does anyone have recommendations for firebase-nodejs template repositories? I'm a beginner here coming from a PHP-MySQL background
Hi I have a question in javascript which is here:
Can anyone please help me as I had also included the codepen link in the question itself
3 hours later…
//split to thousands, hundreds, tens (123 => [100, 20, 30])
function splitNumber(num, splitArr){

    num = num+'';
    if(num.length === 1){
        return splitArr;
    const numOfZeroes = num.length - 1;
    const firstDigit = num.slice(0, 1);
    const restDigits = num.slice(1);
    const digitInTens = firstDigit + '0'.repeat(numOfZeroes);
    splitNumber(+restDigits, splitArr);
Respected members, i am trying to read the file content or a file text after selecting my file from dropbox. Below is my javascript code to read the file name from dropbox. But how to read the text of that file? below is the code to read the filename from dropbox.
var file=document.querySelector("#mybtn2").value = files[0];
var file_name=file.name;
How to read file text or how to extract the file text using javascript. by using file.name i am getting its name.
I can't understand why this returns undefined. If I add a return splitArr after last line it returns the array. If I don't it returns undefined even though I return the array when the length of a digit is 1 in the last call(in the ``if)
@hirazzz Make a fetch (or XMLHttpRequest) request to the file's URL?
nvm i got it
@Abhi you're missing a return in front of the recursive call.
...OK nvm, apparently you found it.
@All Hi
im using swagger with my nodejs
i want have multiple documents in my swagger because my single nodeapi covers two different login types.
so i want to separate api's for both the types of users with separate swagger endpoint
is it possible to do in a single nodeapi service
is this possible?
@Lapys @Lapys perfectly implemented. It is successfully reading my .txt file. Is it possible to read .docx file? Can you give me an idea about it as well?
Respected members, greetings. I am following the below code to read the .txt file from dropbox. but it is not working for .docx file. I am perfectly able to read .txt file via the below fetch request. but not able to read .docx. Please advise with best. here is the code.
@hirazzz Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
1 message moved to Trash can
  fetch(file_link).then(x => x.text()),
]).then(([sampleResp]) => {
You need some sort of special handler for .docx files as they are complex.
Each .docx is actually a zip file (you can try unzipping it, or even change the extension to .zip, if you wish) which contains multiple files that compose the word document. Stuff like the text, the formatting, probably pictures, etc.
Even a simple .docx would have to at the very least be unzipped. There is probably a library for this but I've not used any, so I don't have any recommendation.
Hi! I'm trying to make a website responsive to iphone X, i'm using the the toggle device tool in inspect (Chrome). This is great, but it does not simulate e.g. Safari or Chrome etc. So it looks very different when I check the webpage using my phone and safari or Chrome. Is there any tools out there I can use to simulate different web browsers?
You can try Browserstack - it's what I know is used for testing on multiple browsers, OSes, and so on. I've never used it, so I'm not sure how you do that.
thanks for the tip. I'll look into it :)
4 hours later…
how to create a virtual host like "local.example.com" on windows? I was able to do something similar in mac by editing "/etc/hosts" file.
not with javascript
awesome thanks.. checking
seems working fine. my site is just not loading :|. Thanks again!
Grr. Anyone have any idea how to install Widevine on chromium on macos? I can only find instructions for linux.
not with javascript
it could be done with js
if i knew how to do it
you're done with js
I checked the website and I don't even know what Widevine is. All marketing talk. If I didn't read your message, I wouldn't even know it's something you have to install.
widevine is basically drm
EME worst web spec ever
got it!
hi everyone , need help regarding jquery datatable, , footercallback not returning updated record for sum of rows in the column , please help on this.
Anyone want to review a blog post for me?
From the second time on --> From then on,
love the "Finding a test subject..." part
> And we get a whole bunch of issues reported in the .betterer.results file:
maybe make that code snippet shorter by adding a [...] in the middle. No need for the entire output.
Try again now?
Other than that it looks pretty good. Just a pet peeve of mine: 1. Don't use yarn. Regardless of whether you think yarn is better or not, it adds another thing that a beginner must learn and install before using betterer. Obviously, someone could use NPM but a beginner might not know that. I'd use the bare minimum. 2. Same goes with the VS code extension.
> . We can do this pretty easily, by first installing the Betterer VS Code Extension and then running the Initialise Betterer command:
The project already is using yarn :/
well that makes more sense
I would instead say something like. Do x to install betterer. If you would like y,z,a extra features then you can install the VS code extension.
If that makes sense
Yarn is hot
That's in the docs, and I'm half showing off the extension here, so I think I'll leave it
But that is a good note
They should expand Yarn to not just take over the node package manager, but the rest of node too. they can call it Yode Yoda
yarn 2 scares me
but i do really like how you used an existing project
I will never figure out strikethrough in this chat
i think its three dashes
Thank you, I'll probably ask again in a week
I like the formatting on dev.to, it's a nice platform
I like it too
Okay fuck it I'm gonna publish 😅
Thanks for reading it!
Good post
so this is the main file for typescript betterer github.com/phenomnomnominal/betterer/blob/master/packages/…
if i wanted to use something like typescript but that you didn't have a package for, would i have to copy and paste that file for the most part?
Depends on what you wanted to do
TypeScript is a bit more involved because it's not super easy to merge the configs
i'm wondering if there is a way to abstract this into to the betterer api
It already abstracts a lot of stuff
Nah, cause the options could be different for a different test
hmm, ok
It's already hiding away a lot of magic (like file structure diffing)
// .betterer.ts
import { smaller } from '@betterer/constraint';
import { AxePuppeteer } from 'axe-puppeteer';
import * as puppeteer from 'puppeteer';

export default {
  'improve accessibility': {
    async test () {
      const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
      const [page] = await browser.pages();

      await page.goto('https://phenomnomnominal.github.io/betterer');
      const results = await new AxePuppeteer(page).analyze();

      await page.close();
      await browser.close();

      return results.violations.length;
I'd expect someone could write a test like this
Yeah, i didn't think about not file based tests
Yeah, I see two main different types - file based tests with issues per line, and big whole repo things
One that maybe blurs between the two could be something like converting files from JS to TS?
Hello. I need some help
Q: Why I had to provide all the optional query string to get the value from database in ExpressJS?

Jakaria RidoyWhy I have to provide all the optional query string to get the values. My route is /log/:userId/:from?/:to?/:limit?. If I want to output only log/:userId it outputs an empty array. But, if I provide every optional parameter only then it's showing the values of the particular user. Below is my cod...

@phenomnomnominal just track the extension?
.ts vs .js
@JBis yeah, super easy to write, but would you want an issue per file?
I was doing get operation for a route that has an optional parameter but I have to provide all the optional parameters to get the user value. But isn't it was supposed to output the value I will provide for the query parameters.
Or just track the count?
Hi everyone, I'm playing around with canvas and am trying to make a bunch of circles for a calendar view. I'm trying to get enough circles for each day of the month but I'm having trouble moving them. Has anyone worked with canvas before? This is what I have so far
@charmy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
  //Selects the canvas element & get context to access 2D canvas functions
        var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas').getContext('2d');

        for(var i=0; i < 30; i++){
            canvas.arc(100, 75, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
            canvas.fillStyle = 'grey';
hmm. I think per file probably. Not sure tho.
|| mdn canvas tutorial
@charmy read through that
Does anyone know how to fix this NodeJS code which gives the error of Unnecessary escape character: \[ no-useless-escape
that isn't nodejs error that is an eslint error
and it just means that you are escaping something for no reason. Just remove the backslash (the escape character).
@JBis I'm not too sure if deleting it will screw up the regex, I followed this tutorial which uses this github.com/hidjou/classsed-react-firebase-functions/blob/master/…
@JBis that or change the ESLint rule if you don't want it.
it won't change the regex
Yeah but thats cheating @VLAZ
I wouldn't say so. If a rule gets in you way, you change it. It's how linters are supposed to work - you configure what you need only.
@VLAZ How would you suggest changing this? I saw some random .eslintrc.json file generated in my repository
add "no-useless-escape": "off" to the rules section. eslint.org/docs/user-guide/configuring#configuring-rules
It's part of eslint:recommended, so I assume it just needs to be turned off manually.
If there is an entry for that already, then change it to the above.
@JBis I already have, thats how I made the arcs themselves
|| mdn canvas arc
> x
The horizontal coordinate of the arc's center.
The vertical coordinate of the arc's center.
you are creating 30 circles at the same place, you need to offset the x and y
  canvas.arc(100*i, 75*i, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
is it too early to bring up caching to this individual?
something like that
Howdy! Anyone know of any open source frameworks specifically for delivering learning content. e.g. to build something akin to Udacity, or Coursera?
The term you are looking for is LMS
learning management system
what are you doing here ndug
who invited you
That's what I was missing. Thanks.
I still pop in on rare occasion to help someone or make memes
how are things at big T
big T is doing very well during the pandemic. I am hopefully going to get a promotion soon. Boss is submitting the paperwork, so I'm doing pretty well there too
still getting away with that gif profile pic i see ;)
hey that's super cool, congrats
I imagine your team is suddenly taken a lot more seriously lol
good web interface is the difference between life and death these days
I don't work on the .com, thankfully. That's such an nightmare. I make internal tools for business folks, but yeah, I've been pushing good UI/UX since day one of being hired.
Definitely full-stack these days, though
Ah good
What does full-stack look like there? JS all the way down? :P
I'm actually creating a Q&A platform for big T IT folks, kinda like an internal stack overflow, but this is just a side project on top of my actual product team
Anyone ever use this: npmjs.com/package/samlp (successfully)?
Nah, TS on the front, Java on the back, usually
Gotcha. You gotta get Kotlin in there my guy
Usually spring, but I'm doing a PoC on Micronaut
(PoC is in kotlin)
@DavidKamer! We got all the oldies coming back.
It's so funny you say that because I've been looking into Micronaut for Kotlin recently
Do you use it serverless?
I had trouble getting some of the micronaut plugins to work
I don't think so
not serverless
I didn't know you could
Spring is so heavy, I couldn't ever use it for a really fast-scaling system
Node is almost too slow to start up for the serverless stuff I've been doing
haha, I'm here out of desperation @JBis. I've poured through like 30 repos at this point trying to get this library working and as far as I can tell it's designed to fail
I hate spring, but our... medicore engineers hate to learn new things, so we're kinda stuck
Who knows, with the promotion, next project I will probably try to push us onto something different
Hahahah that's always how it goes
Yeah make it happen man
Is Micro noticeably faster startup?
Since it doesn't do IoC or anything
For sure startup is way faster, but I haven't gotten into the weeds yet on overall performance
@DavidKamer no idea, maybe open an issue. Never worked with that before.
David that does not look fun and I wish you the best of luck lol
SAML is a pain in the ass.
That it is. You know Shrek works at Auth0
He could probably give advice
SP side isn't bad in Node.js, but even the industry leaders use shibboleth to avoid implementing their own. I don't plan to cave just yet lol
@ShrekOverflow any advice?
Thanks forrest
He tried pretty hard to get me a job there when I was searching a couple years ago, it was very cool
Any talk to Abhi recently? Haven't seen him in ages
He was here like a week ago
Shrek hasn't been here in a while
It sucks here, so I don't pop in often
I swear I saw him within the past week
oh you're right
Room is active today
!!status ShreckOverflow
I am currently alive!
not that command, I guess
Maybe the stars will align for me and he'll be on today lol
Or...wait, is JamesBot actually Shreck?
well, might help if you spell it right
...that would help, yes
Have you never seen the award-winning Dreamworks film Vlaz
|| status ShrekOverflow
I am currently alive!
Do it again
|| status Donald Trump
I am currently alive!
|| status Shroedinger's Cat
well, there we go
And now we know...
James is solving existential mysteries by the minute
I feel like I know just as much as I did before
that was beautiful
|| status punk
I'd like to believe it was a well timed error
I am currently alive!
I wonder if it's the apostrophe messing it up.
only one way to find out
|| status Shroedingers Cat
*wipes a tear from my eye* thank you JamesBot for this gift.
|| status ShroedingersCat
I am currently alive!
it's the space
worked with Donald Trump
oh right
No I think it's Schrodinger shifting bits from his grave
Probably the spam mechanism. Just coincidence.
He's not here to observe it, so there is no way to decide on an answer.
There are no coincidences
opensaml::BindingException at (https://samltest.id/Shibboleth.sso/SAML2/POST) dear ghost of shrodinger, pz hlp
If it helps, I suspect the error is not a sex thing.
is there an internet law stating that if everyone uses the same implementation of a protocol, then that implementation becomes the specification
I guess if we start calling it the same thing, then it technically becomes the law.
are you saying that the implementation becomes the specification
Less fun though, I think it's just a de facto standard.
I'm pretty sure someone uses this library though
@forresthopkinsa how much do you know about the history of JS and browser specs?
I have a bowl of old rice next to me and it's dry and doesn't taste good at all but every few minutes I forget that and take another bite
so like 7,000 downloads a week. someone knows how to not break this
Vlaz I take all my understanding of computer history from that blog post you shared
:D good answer
I guess you don't really need much more.
@DavidKamer I sometimes use githubs feature "Used In" to see how others use it
@JBis that's the 30 repos I went though. I guess I can look at the rest of that list, but a lot of those repos have a lot to sift through
I also use github's search feature to see who committed passwords accidentally but thats another story...
There's a bot that searches commit history for secrets and then automatically files issues in those repos
github.com/OWASP/SSO_Project - this looks very promising just based on the name
that's one I went through. I'm trying the idP side of this whole thing. I already have the SP side figured out
Also this one sounds like what you'd want: github.com/FujiHaruka/saml-example
Well, that's just looking at the list. Hope those actually help.
Wow, very active today
@OneOfThem Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Anyone else watch the Starship SN4 static fire test?
Probably this: destination: samlData.assertionConsumerServiceURL, which is something I haven't tried since it isn't in the docs lmao
DRTFM, man - Don't Read The Fucking Manual.
someone keeps requesting to reset my instagram password :(
My EA, and many other accounts are constantly being logged into by russians. I don't have any payment info on them, and no games, so I haven't done anything about it yet
@JBis share the password with him to keep him quite
good plan
I have oneone (I suspect at least two people) try to use my Gmail account. Not maliciosly, they just seem to constantly make mistakes or something. There is one guy in the states who signed up to some university newsletters and car rentals and other things.
And (maybe?) another in Russia. I know exactly where - he ordered pizza once online and gave out my email for the confirmation.
That's hysterical
I sometimes put random email addresses into fields and I always wonder if someone gets the email
Every once in a while I get an email of them trying to sign up to something. If I'm in a bad mood, I just confirm the registration, then change the password to a random gibberrish.
omg lol
"requests access to google drive"
Not directly related to JS but it's programming. I remembered this comic, so I think you should see it, too:
1 hour later…
     {this.state.data.map((person, i) => <TableRow key = {i}  data = {person} />)}
@Permian Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
1 message moved to Trash can
i am trying to understand this code better, i have looked at the js documentation but still dont understand
that is jsx
how is this map function working? where has the "person" come from?
||mdn map
yeah i looked at that but it said the first bit is a function, but i have a tuple
moreover i dont seem to have a 2nd parameter for map function
posted on May 20, 2020 by Marina Kazatcker

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There are no tuples in JS
whats the (person,i) then?
On that MDN page I sent you it mentions that the callback can have up to three parameters
currentValue, index, array
yes i saw that, but i have no commas
this.state.data.map(function(person, idx) {
  return <TableRow key={i} data={person} />
^ Same thing
that helps
What do you mean? There is a comma in your callback parameters
but where will it find person, i?
this.state.data has to be an array of person objects (or strings or whatever)
@forresthopkinsa it looks like that but it is never called
||> ['one', 'two', 'three'].map((val, idx) => ({val, idx}))
@forresthopkinsa [{"val":"one","idx":0},{"val":"two","idx":1},{"val":"three","idx":2}] Logged: `` Took: 0ms
^ Does this make sense to you
||> no
and the rest no
I think you should take a few steps back and get a better grasp of JS fundamentals before learning React
It will take a little longer but will make your life much easier
React tutorials normally will expect you to have a good understanding of the language
i learnt js a while ago but have good oop experience
JS is not Java. It isn't a very object-oriented language.
i know
im just saying its not like i have no programming experience
I don't think you do. But experience with other langs != experience with JS
Experience with other languages will definitely make learning JS faster though
But I maintain that you need to get a better understanding of JS before jumping into React
@forresthopkinsa if i read about map() here digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/…, it is easy to understand. I still think my original example was trickier
I'd skim some of the content here
ive seen those before
never read them though
bottom line is that JS seems deceptively simple, and if you fall for it then it'll bite you in the butt. it isn't a simple language. But you can approach it whatever way works best for you, I won't tell you what to do
I'm getting off for lunch ttyl
i understand it all now
thanks for your help @forresthopkinsa
Hello. Greetings. Will someone please take a look at this issue I have been facing?
How do I fix the SQL syntax error here: pastebin.com/c3pfRb6i?
The error was near
           `Username VARCHAR(255),
            Date Taken VARCHAR(16),
            Time Started VARCHAR(16),
            Time Finished VARCHAR(16),`
Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
pretty sure you need a name there
CREATE TABLE table_name (
Well, not necessarily. It worked when I had different columns.
Created the table, etc. But I changed the columns now...
you need back ticks around columns with spaces, but don't use columns with spaces
yay, got it to a new error
Unable to locate satisfiable bearer SubjectConfirmation in assertion.
congrats are your new error
thank you lol. It means I solved one problem. I'm to a point where I'm emailing people who've worked with the library before. This is probably the most time I've ever had to spend on a problem related to a standard.
OneRoster came close until I realized how ridiculously simple it was
oh i did something similar
i found someone who recently used a lib so i wanted to contact them but the contact page wasn't working on their site so i opened an issue complaining that the contact page wasnt working so they would fix it so i could ask them about the lib
haha, that's amazing. Do you have any contact forms you manage?
I can understand why'd they leave it broken
yeah i used to get spam from there a lot, but then i added js to submit form and the spam stopped
really? that simple?
I always assumed they used some sort of bot and not just a crawler, but a crawler makes sense
document.querySelectory('button[type="submit"]').click() or something like that
!!!! I fixed it !!!!
say '<([a-z]+) [^/]?>
@JBis I don't know how you helped me, but you did it
@DavidKamer Telekinesis, i was born with it
well I'm glad you use your powers for good
Q: Gride Aligning Canvas Arcs

charmyI'm trying to practice using the canvas element by making multiple arcs and moving them on the screen. For this project I'm trying to make a mini calendar. I want the circles to be in a 7 (each day of the week) * however many rows are needed for each month until you reach the total number of days...

This is my updated code from a question I had asked earlier in the chat if anyone has any ideas I'd greatly appreciate it!
@JBis Hey, it worked. But now I'm getting an error here:
Error: 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') VALUES ('test1','today','too late','1','a','c','e','g','i','k')' at line 12.
The whole code is pastebin.com/PtCqZCD0
Never mind, I had a stray comma.
@JossieCalderon my security spidey senses are telling me that your code is vulnerable to sql injection

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