<form nz-form [formGroup]="validateForm" (ngSubmit)="submitForm()">
<nz-form-item *ngFor="let control of controlArray; let i = index">
<nz-form-label *ngIf="i == 0" [nzFor]="control.controlInstance">
<span translate>SBU(s)</span>
Well, is there a way to still access the data when that blob is revoked?
Thats what Im trying to do
Normally I wouldnt have to worry about this, but if in the case you wanted to use the blob saver on something like youtube or netflix (Both of which use blobs and video tags) it wouldnt work
function whatever() {
const blob = new Blob(['bunch of data']);
// blob is in memory
// blob is now garbage collected and the memory is freed
function two() {
const blob = new Blob(['more data']);
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// the 'blob' variable is garbage collected but the data is still in memory because of the object url
// this is a memory leak because now we have no way of revoking that url
@forresthopkinsa I wonder what would happen if I loaded a script before page load that rewrites the builtin "revokeUriObject" or whatnot, and just made it do nothing
Now thinking of it, I dont know if that would even do anything or not
three() {
const blob = new Blob(['even more data']);
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// now we free the object url
return blob;
// at this point, the object url has been revoked, but the data is still in memory
// as long as the blob object is in scope
// it wasn't garbage collected because the function returned it
function run() {
const data = three();
// now our data is in memory
// and now it's not
so, even if the object url is revoked, if the original blob variable has not been garbage collected then it's in memory
that's the only way you could retrieve data after the object url was revoked
if the blob variable has been GC'd then you're SOL
// no functions in this one, all global scope so it's a little clearer
let blob = new Blob(['...']);
// data is in memory
blob = null;
// data is unloaded
blob = new Blob(['new data']);
// in memory
let url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// still in memory
blob = null;
// still in memory because of the object url
// finally unloaded
// one more example
blob = new Blob(['last time']);
// in memory
url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// in memory
// Important: it's still in memory
const disk = await navigator.requestDiskAccess(); // prompts for disk access in a specific folder + only aval on https
const file = await disk.createFile('foo.txt');
await file.writeData('Hello!')
const stream = await file.readFile('foo.txt');
const stream2 = await file.readFile('bar.txt'); // fails because browser can only access files it created
If you use TestBed.configureTestingModule to compile your test component, here's another approach. It's basically the same as the accepted answer, but may be more similar to how angular-cli generates the specs. FWIW.
import { Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
import { asy...
...I love the names of libraries: "druid". I'm sure there is some convoluted explanation for why that name was chosen and it only makes sense if you know the history of the project.
@MisterSirCode what do you mean? You can use Object.defineProperty to make a safe(-er) addition to prototypes. Or you can probably clone it and extend it or something. I'm not sure what your hoal is.
I foresee globalAlpha, a property on the context, being a problem. Not everything on the context is a method. globalAlpha may only apply to the "outer shell" and not affect the context at all.
As long as Im not effecting the scope or overriding original methods, it shouldnt matter??
I just want to add NEW methods to it. I can do this super easily with prototypes, but prototypes suck
Theres literally no point to this, but I have like digital OCD, and if I cant get my custom canvas functions into the same organized "ctx." system, itll drive me nuts
Found it.. @KarelG Theres already MDN documentation of what Im trying to do. Its also using extend just like you mentioned.
The only issue is that this is extending the actual date class and renaming it, I dont want to rename it.
@JBis I KNOW, RIGHT! If I remember correctly, you can thank Microsoft for it. It's what IE did, which meant that many websites had code that used the "feature", which and then meant it had to be standardised behaviour.
@KarelG all IDs (and names, I think?) are just directly added to window as references to the actual elements. So you should be able to call foo(myId) as long as you have an element with id="myId" and the identifier myId is not shadowed.
are you looking to send mail with postfix or receive mail? SMTP (sending) occurs on port 25. You will not be able to get a server that opens port 25 without paying large bucks, and still its a bad idea to mange your own mail system. I would suggest using a gateway/forwarder. If you just need to send and not receive, using something like Mailgun. If you only need to receive a few emails still use Mailgun. If you want to use it like your personal email, I would use Gmail custom domain account.
Notable Changes async_hooks: Merge run and exit methods (Andrey Pechkurov) #31950 Prevent sync methods of async storage exiting outer context (Stephen Belanger) #31950 vm: Add importModuleDynamically option to compileFunction (Gus Caplan) #32985 New core collaborators With this release, we welcome two new Node.js core collaborators: Juan José Arboleda @juanarbol #32906 Andrey Pechkurov …
Fun fact, that's why 9 out of 10 doctors tend to recommend something. It's actually 10 but marketing changes the message, because 10 out of 10 doctors doesn't sound as convincing.
Also, they ask the doctors very generic questions "Would you recommend people brush their teeth?" to which the doctors say "yes, duh...", which then marketing rephrases as "Doctors recommend our product" because they sell toothpaste.
It has never been specified why ["three", "two", "one", "four"] is "correct". All we know is that it is correct. We just don't know why it is.
Parsing big files is not the reason why that specific order is correct. Nor is providing a demo because it isn't clear what this is demonstrating other than the ability to rearrange arrays in JS.
I am building a table and the data come from json file. but json file data is not decorate correctly like [d,b,e,b,a,e] etc and I need to change the some position so that table heading looks good
Curious (may start a holy war): does anyone have any success or horror stories with Typescript?
Having had to use it for several months now I personally find it to be a hinderance and prefer alternative solutions.
The articles/talks I read online always seem to come off "Stockholm Syndrommy", and proponents assume that nay-sayers have never used TS or care about testing.
@JeffreySweeney I used to hate it. It's grown on me, however. I think I do get what you mean by the articles, since a couple of years ago, I was in the same boat - most of what I heard of TS sounded useless. Types? Sure, whatever - there are other tools for that, too. Features like classes, and destructuring? It's also in ES6+. So it seemed useless, overall.
But I think the selling point of it is the type system. It's weird, since it's the thing for TS (it's IN THE NAME!) and it's probably the most talked about feature...yet, it's also not very well "sold" to people.
Let me whip up a quick demo of my favourite feature to show you.
@paul23 IMO, they're not as bad as we used to make them.
Utility-based CSS, even some inline styles for one-off things, is realistically A-Ok. TailwindCSS is the only CSS framework I've given any thought and it defines everything in the HTML.
The goal to separate presentation from content is noble but if you need to change HTML and CSS every time you want to tweak something anyway then it's NBD.
Well I'm actually having more difficulty maintaining the current setup, since I'm getting confused between the 10s of slightly different grid "templates".
About strong typing: That's just it. I like strong typing. And there are lots of solutions for that (prop-types, strict linters, run-time proxies, etc).
I just am not sold on the way TS does it. I feel like I spend way too many hours getting TS to be happy when the real goal is just to ensure the type doesn't change...
How do you mean? Just use multiple css files, one for each. For each grid in HTML have a class like "gridname1". Then each css file is named after the class like "gridname1". All styles are .gridname1 .foo
But then you can't reuse css (@jbis) between the javascript files.
@VLAZ that's quite a different question, comparing typescript to "just javascript" is about "do you wish to have types". But now you're comparing different type systems.
Not needed a separate compilation step is hardly a reason now btw, babel can do it fast enough that it works for life coding. And if it doesn't require compilation it means it checks at runtime, which might or might not be desirable.
We used however flow in the past, and I liked how it used to be really "clever" in deducing types. And this cleverness made it feel less rigid than typescript 3 years ago.
The article calls them "flavouring" but the better known name is "opaque", so I renamed my implementation there. Basically opaque types aren't assignable between themselves - you can see in the demo that ProcessGUID is not the same as StateGUID even if both are literally just strings.
It's not providing type safety at runtime but I find it works really well for stuff like IDs, so you don't accidentally use one where you need another.
We use webstorm, and flow tends to blow up my work pc using 50 gb ram and counting :P. - Typescript is a bit more rigid but really works better for the ide.
Popularity is definitely important. If your library/tool isn't backed by a "big fish" or a big community, it's not worth using. Remember CoffeeScript? Yeah. If there is a wider community using it, then you'd have a lot less issues - some of them would be solved, you'd find solutions for others.
I currently maintain a system written in Vaadin. Heard of it? Didn't think so. Whenever I google some problem I find, like one or two people discussing each thing. If any. And I keep bumping in the same names. I'm almost convinced there are maybe a dozen Vaadin developers in the world.
import './grid-template/grid1.css'
import './view1.css' // overrides anything that changes for this specific view
import './grid-template/grid1.css'
import './view2.css' // overrides anything that changes for this specific view
grid1.css only has things that are constant for all views. The specific css ones either add or override properties.
So if most grids have color: black then you put that in grid1.css, but view2 is special and uses green color, you put color: green in view2.css.
@paul23 If you are using a framework, it will handle it for you. If not, just add an extra class. <div class="grid1 view2grid">. Then in view2.css you prefix stuff with .view2grid.
yeah right now we're using sass.. But in the end it is the same: you just define a single css class with no reason ever to "decouple" it from the view.. As then it makes no more sense.
So the main advantage of maintainability: you can update view & how the view looks separate doesn't work anymore. If you update the grid to suddenly have only a single row the whole view will often "crash".
the idea of maintainability is that you can quickly swap css styles without having to update the html/javascript.
But if you need (A) a framework to compile it, which is probably coupled with js and (B) updating it isn't free/save anyways since the view expect major constraints like always having x-column grids. What is the advantage of keeping the separate anyways??
It sounds like CSS Modules, or many of the other CSS-in-JS packages, does what you want. Others include Emotion (my current favorite), Styled Components, or many of the packages here.
A CSS Module is a CSS file in which all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default. All UR...