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Guys how do I apply a hover event to a dynamic selection.

My selection is: ".taskbarTasks > *" which selects all children of the class taskbarTasks.

However, I really dont know how to apply ":hover" to them. I already tried `(.taskbarTasks > *):hover`
try this @MisterSirCode youtube.com/watch?v=zoBsxEV0MAs
That just shows you how to use :hover on any normal selector
Q: CSS for hover that includes all child elements

Toby HedeI have a draggable div element with a hover style. This works fine, but the div contains some form elements (label, input). The problem is that when the mouse is over these child elements the hover is disabled. <div class="app_setting"> <label">Name</label> <input type="text" name="name"/> <...

Im going to try .taskbarTasks:hover > *
Didnt work, Ill check out that link
you could also try doing it on the body unless you dont want everything selected
ty its working
I also had the background set incorrectly funnily enough
no problem hey are you familiar with jquery and ajax?
im trying to use this weather api and i cant seem to figure out what im doing wrong
I know a bit of jquery and ajax
What are you trying to achieve / What isnt functioning / What code could be causing the issue?
// Runs when the DOM is ready.
$(document).ready(function () {

var forecastzipcode = $('#forecastzipcode').val();
var forecastcountycode = $('#forecastcountycode').val();

if((forecastzipcode != '') && (forecastcountycode != '')){
url: 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast?zip=' + forecastzipcode + "," + forecastcountycode + "&APPID=47c098b69f3a87da78af9314fd835bab",
type: "GET",
dataType: "jsonp",
success: function(forecastdata){
var div2 = showForecast(forecastdata);
i can't figure out whats wrong with my ajax call but it keeps says forecastzipcode is undefined but i have it in my html
@csscoder Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
 <div id="div2">
            <p class="searchheader">Get the Forecast by Zip Code: ⏳</p>
            <input type="text" name="zip" id="forecastzipcode" placeholder="Enter Zip Code">
            <input type="text" name="zip" id="forecastcountycode" placeholder="Enter Country Name">
            <button type="button" id="searchForecast">Search Zip Code</button>
            <span id="forecasterror"></span>
            <div id = "forecastinfo"></div>

i'm using this api openweathermap.org/forecast5
Do you have a jsfiddle, repl, or (preferably for debugging) a codepen I could see?
yes 1 sec
jsfiddle and repl dont output errors correctly into the browser js console, so its easier to just go with codepen
oh ok ill switch to codepen then
oh you dont have to, I was just stating my fav lol
ty, lemme check it out for a sec
Well off the bat, Jquery isnt included in the jsfiddle (assuming thats just accidental, Im adding it to test it)
oh i forgot to include that but im my files i have it
Thats so... strange... Theres no syntax or jquery syntax errors at all
eslint, jshint, everything says its fine, and Im only getting 1 error in the jsfiddle
This sounds almost like somethings wrong with the API itself
let me write a small app for it myself just to see
the thing is i made another call using my key to get current day weather and it works but when i added this other ajax call i get nothing back so im not sure if its me just getting the data from the api incorrectly because i already checked a few times
Well, Firstly, this is just a suggestion so feel free to ignore it, but I would suggest writing this in vanilla JS.

Jquery has become sortof out of place in todays world, as JS can now accomplish everything jquery can in the same amount of code or a bit more
Its using an XML retrieval system
which means youll need to parse XML
yeah i might just do that but it worked with the other ajax call using jquery so i just really want to know if its just something im missing for this one or just the api itself its been annoying me since this morning at this point i really want to know whats wrong lol
furthermore, I cant seem to find a good format to test it.

When it asks for the city name, how should this be written?
parse in xml? the forecast is available in JSON or XML format or at least thats what the website says, are you suggesting i only trying xml?
Oh it has json? my bad, thatll be easy then
the way it works it just enter the zip code but that didnt work so i tried two text boxes for zip and country code
javascript already has a json parser that converts them to object arrays, so itll be super simple to get the info out
Put in my zip and it worked fine: api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/…
Now to write the app to return the data
i dont mind if theres 2 textboxes or one but i tried keeping the " ,us" part and it didn't work so i thought maybe i should try splitting it and typing it myself
Its probably doing some weird formatting magic causing it to not place the zip code into the url properly
I just wrote a mini app and it works, but Ill set it up similarly to yours
guess it was something i missed then
Hmm, Wow Im also having trouble getting it working
it works fine with just a plaintext url with a premade zip
but if I load one in from an input, no matter how I do it, it always has issues
in the console it says queryselector is null thats odd
when i tried it i got an error saying my variable isn't declared when i clearly had it in my html
did it work with just 1 textbox when you tried or just not work at all? i tried both and either of them didnt work for me
See my current version:

tap the button and dont write anything
open console, it shows (perfectly) that it retrieved it (I can see my city name and everything)
But now innerHTML isnt working XD
thats so weird
There I updated it, check console, it just prints the name of my city and the other weather data lol
It seems like a fun project
just such an unstable way to retrieve data
hopefully you can use your and my project to get a head start, but like I mentioned earlier, Im no master in JS or xhr
But thats the basis of it
is there any other way to get that data on the page? i did it the same way for another function and i swear it works
i had the same format too for the ajax call and then inside another function i had
function showCity(citydata) {
    return  "<p>"  + citydata.name + "</p>"  +
            "<p>Description: "  + citydata.weather[0].description
and so on
I ultimately couldnt find out what was wrong with your project
jquery pushes away a lot of debugging opportunities
(IE: Its a pain in the ass to debug compared to vanilla JS lol)
it really is
Well I gotta continue work on my FarkOS project, Sorry that I couldnt fully help ya to the best of what could be done
no worries thanks for trying
hey @MisterSirCode sorry to ask you about this again but does it work for your if you change the url to city name instead of zip code and then get the users input?
can someone explain me what is the difference between an empty statement and a normal statement terminating semicolon
@user13104441 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
1 hour later…
@Greenman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
3 hours later…
Do you what happened of you include (import) a typescript files that not listed in the files key in the tsconfig.json it will work? If so, what it is mean the files key? Can I listed only the index? file
1 hour later…
Hello, I have recently started learning javascript and after going through the bascis I decided to make a tic-tac-toe game for practise but I am stuck on a problem that I am not able to understand
@Geek Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Q: this is referencing the whole window rather than the element in forEach loop

GeekI am new to javascript and was trying to practice what I know by building a tic-tac-toe game. I have created a grid in the HTML and am trying to record the player's move by changing the block, that is clicked, to an X or O by adding a class name to it. I am also saving the position of the c...

2 hours later…
G'morning everyone, I have an issue.

Im working on a trading card generator for terraria (Its not meant to generate custom cards, just to speed up development since I need HUNDREDS of cards)
And, well, Im trying to get it so it allows a custom text to replace "mob".
The value IS changing, but it always renders as "Mob"
It just doesnt make sense
If anyone could help me out itd be greatly appreciated
Ok wait wtf.

Its working now, only on the full page though, it doesnt seem to work from the actual codepen link: https://codepen.io/SkylerSpark/pen/bGVBpmj

Excuse everything I said before, Im just an idiot, I was using the same class for a different input.. ffs
1 hour later…
Could someone help me with object traversal. I have a list of nested objects where I want to check that all complete keys are set to true. How would be best to do this?
let nestedList = [
    name: 'foo',
    child: {
      name: 'bar',
      complete: true,
      child: {
        name: 'anne',
        complete: false
    name: 'john',
    child: {
      name: 'steve',
      complete: true,
      child: {
        name: 'sue',
        complete: true
I can flatten the list to get
Now I'd need to iterate over each of the keys and see if it contains complete
1 hour later…
hey @MisterSirCode , has the weather api codepen been deleted? the link no longer works, i was going to use it to compare to mine if you dont mind
My bad, it got removed from temp
Ill restore it @csscoder
Try it now
Can I ask what to do when I rotate player in my canvas game, if he reaches 360 degrees (in radians), do i have to put it back to 0 degrees, so if he rotates too much to one side, he could break the game?
@BluePrint Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Hey i dont know if any of you have experience in making a chrome extension, but I made this reallllly realllly tiny one with no js files, just a controller and an html file.

Its defaulted to open up the popup. But it wont open up. when i test it in chrome, its just... greyed out
Heres the source and repo: github.com/FunctFlow/Durl-Extension
It should open up the extension window, but its not, Im very confused
How to put arr.push({id, nome}) inside the textarea?
I did so document.getElementById('array').value = arr;, but the array will not.
Try converting the array to JSON and then parsing it back into JS
@MisterSirCode How do you do this?
var jsonArray = JSON.stringify(array);

var array = JSON.parse(jsonArray);
I'm trying to learn how it works, because I need to assemble the array with the select data
It converts it to a string-like format that can be placed into the textarea
what are you trying to do?
Mount an array, to save to the database and at the same time make the list #listaCondutores of the array
Can you help me do that?
@MisterSirCode update jsfiddle.net/u7vk1t9c/2
Im still not really sure what youre trying to do
just... explain it like you were talking to someone who doesnt program in javascript, it helps trust me
@MisterSirCode OK
I am investigating the topic of getting several scripts to work on a tabbed web-page. See aeternus.org/try and stackoverflow.com/questions/…
Only under the 1st tab, I get this working. When trying to integrate a similar script for the other tabs as well, the whole thing stops working. Any suggestions how to solve would be highly appreciated.
@MisterSirCode Here you will see the final result I hope (prnt.sc/s69iip). I have a list of people. I need additional ones below and at the same time create an array to save to the mysql database.
@MisterSirCode Did I explain?
How do I loop the information? I managed to put the data, but I'm having trouble looping and deleting
Is creating a linked list in mongodb a bad idea? I have a series of questions, and i want each question to point to the next question and to the previous question. Is this a good idea?
4 hours later…
Hi, anyone used VueJS with Vuelidate validation library?
Have you experienced such form behaviour, that whole form's model is still $invalid == true even after resetting it `this.$v.$reset()`?
Anyone knows why?
Before resetting the form, I've nulled all form's inputs values.

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