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thank you
Have you tried it?
Type 'Subscription' is missing the following properties from type 'Observable<BlogPost[]>': _isScalar, source, operator, lift, and 6 more
this is an error raised as soon as i've changed the code
oh yes, take the observable out please, that's specifically for pipe
getBlogPosts() {
    return this.http.get<BlogPost[]>(this.myAppUrl + this.myApiUrl)
		.subscribe((data) => {}, (errResp) => {
			// tslint:disable-next-line: indent
			// tslint:disable-next-line: indent
			if (errResp) {
				// handle error
@Riccardo Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
Also after get
2 hours later…
Hey, I have a question about nested function calls, what would be the better implementation?
function checkBalance(balance, withdrawAmount){
	if (balance >= withdrawAmount){
		return true;

	return false;

function withdraw(withdrawAmount){
	return withdrawAmount;

const run () =>{
	if(this.checkBalance(balance, withdrawAmount)){
		alert("insufficient funds");
function checkBalance(balance, withdrawAmount){
	if (balance >= withdrawAmount){
		alert("insufficient funds");

function withDraw(withdrawAmount){
	return withdrawAmount;

const run () =>{
	this.checkBalance(balance, withdrawAmount)
I personally feel like 1) is better, because nested calls will add complexity to the logic, but what do you guys think?
I am more interested in what would be the best method, the code is just a simple example
sorry this is kinda big and I lost the delete window... pastebin.com/YfRGAASw
I pasted the same code on pastebin and flagged to a moderator to delete it here
Need ReactJs props help. Imagine, I have app.js and section.js. Inside secton.js I have 4 component example 1,2,3,4 component and I want to use the number 2 component inside app.js not all component how I can do by using props or other way? I recently forget the solution but I did it before, need help.
1 hour later…
@NIKHILCHANDRAROY use named exports
6 hours later…
i am using anular and trying to call an api this is what I get
TypeError: 'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them
and this is how I'm trying to make the call

getBlogPosts(): Observable<BlogPost[]> {
    return this.http.get<BlogPost[]>(this.myAppUrl + this.myApiUrl)
@Riccardo Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
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can anyone tell me why i'm failing to call the api?
has anyone worked out how to spy on a module.exports = const abc() => {};?
Anyone got idea about axios?
@FawadShah Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
how do I handle delayed response and/or timeout in axios.all(). It just crashes
@FawadShah that's kinda vague
which kind of "crash"?
any error messages?
@KarelG This is the response

node:4832) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
at C:\Users\MIP Tech Pc 3\Desktop\Kpay-BPM\src\api\controllers/index.js:45:21
at wrap (C:\Users\MIP Tech Pc 3\Desktop\Kpay-BPM\node_modules\axios\lib\helpers\spread.js:25:21)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
(node:4832) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a
> TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
so look for any property access with name data and debug it (or look at the surrounding code)
My money's on a request is failing so something ".data" never resolves.
@FawadShah Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
No nic, no pta I suppose.
Try just console logging those values and see which is undefined.
setTimeout(() => {
  return axios.get('http://localhost:5000/two');
}, 2000);
that is not how it works
Oh wow I didn't even see that. Good morning.
then how?
I just wanted to see if they are called in parallel or not
best to do some research of how to simulate delayed response from a function
ok. Thank you
(which is just using async + await)
prior to arrow functions how did you access this in callbacks?
@JeffreySweeney Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
const that = this; or .bind?
@JBis I'd try not to ever use this :)
@JBis both. Depends of the use case
but in the code, I use axios.all which further calls axios.spread and calls the functions containing the apis
ah, those days must have been terrible
@FawadShah just curious, why axios as opposed to native fetch?
i dunno, it was the first module that came when I was searching. I am using it to call microservices.
@FawadShah Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
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why does code not work?
Which variable is undefined? nic or pta?
nic, Because I am delaying it. Which causes axios.all to crash
@JeffreySweeney it's both tbh. Read the code.
Right, because the timeout... Just remove the setTimeout code Fawad.
Stick those calls right in axios.all([])
I did it on purpose. To simulate real life API system.
testing out delay tolerance
setTimeout returns a numeric reference for the timeout for clearing it. It doesn't return the axios call.
I don't get it.
Presumably axios.all expects what is returned from axios.get. The functions are not returning that. They are returning a number, the result of setTimeout.
@JeffreySweeney both functions are returning nothing
Actually KareIG is right. There's not even a return in there
I know you want to simulate a delay but consider just trying to use the axios.get() values for now to make sure it works.
@JeffreySweeney It works standalone
const delay = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));
const virtualAxios = async() => {
  await delay(3000);
  return 1;
that's what you need.
^ Assuming axios.all expects any Promise that should work.
should be
regular axios requests are promise based
@KarelG I'm not sure how to fit that. I don't know a lot about promises.
then it's time to do some research on that topic. It's an essential part in javascript.
@KarelG Noted! Thank you Sir/Ma'am
To explain what's going on:
`Promise` is an asynchronous "thennable" type that executes code and always resolves/rejects at a later time.
`const fn = () => {}` is an alternate way to define functions.
`async` tells a function to return a Promise that executes the code asynchronously while letting the definition be writing in a synchronous manner. The value returned will be what the promise resolves as.
`await` is used within `async` functions to wait on a Promise to resolve.
3 hours later…
would you guys recommend node-fetch or axios as an alternative to request
@Aplet123 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I might be doing something that I shouldn't do, but here goes... I want to create a generic React (preferably functional) component that takes in a Component accepting props P as well as an array of P to create a grid using the component, supplying each component with the values of the corresponding P in the array.
Which I think I made sound more complicated than it is. My issue now is that I have no clue how to make that a functional component in TypeScript making sure all the generics fit properly. This is a working signature but not a proper React FC:
function TileGrid<P,>({TileComponent, content}: {TileComponent: React.FC<P>, content: Array<P>}) {

My (probably) best attempt was
const TileGrid: React.FC<{TileComponent: React.FC<P>, content: Array<P>}> = <P,>({TileComponent, content}) => {

Which doesn't compile; any suggestions on how to make this work?
class TileGrid<P> extends React.Component<{TileComponent: React.FC<P>, content: Array<P>}> {

would work but is not an FC
stackoverflow.com/a/53958176/6707985 nevermind my junk up there
 List<Map<String, dynamic>> el = [];

    "names": ["Jobs", "Tesla"],
    "location": "Earth"

  el[0]["names"].insert(2, "Bells");

  var foo = el[0]["names"][2];

  print(foo); // output 'Bells'
This works fine!
Forget about this nevermind I'll deal with this later lol
@Unbreachable i have tried the code but it does not work anyway
i have tried to call the api on Postman and it works but i can't call them on Angular
it's quite strange
Is it possible to get the function name from inside ?
@AK Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
1 message moved to Trash can
@Aplet123 Depends but I like node-fetch.
They passed the 2 trillion bill!
i haven't read much about it, is it good?
I don't think I am reading this right.....
here it is
Does that look good to you?
Yeah it's good
looks good
depends on whether or not you're against government for the sake of being against government
@Riccardo how were you handling it in the Component when calling it?
Look, there are two ways to handle this, using subscribe or the async pipe way
yeah looks good
i just don't know if 2k is really going to help people that much
i mean
What do you mean?
Not enough?
you have to look at who's getting it. what situation the avg person is in
here in mississippi... unless you're working at a dine-in location, you're still working
and those people are gettting the 2k + unemployment + 600$ on top of that
75000/12 = 6,250. 2000/6250 = 32%.
@KevinB how are they getting unemployment if they are employed?
by those people i meant the ones who lost their jobs due to dine ins closing.
wheres the $600 coming from?
' The bill increases the maximum unemployment benefit that a state gives to a person by $600 per week for four months.'
How can we filter courses Like udemy.com in Laravel. it's append query string in url and filter.


Please help me in flow, is it ajax or what's flow of route to controller. How Manage append html ajax or controller
@RaheelAslam maybe ask in the PHP chat
oh looks like you have
Does anyone see why my carousel takes forever to start on the first cycle? Im invoking the window.initializeCarousel from a c# blazor app. https://gist.github.com/tarrzan33/1e4ef4e35f6490ab9fad390ee68ef8ad

It works, just on first cycle it takes like 20 seconds to start the cycle. Then it moves ever 2 seconds.
Well now that I look at w3 schools example it just seem to be slow? w3schools.com/bootstrap4/… Has anyone else seen an issue like this? Or have a better solution than bootstrap?
@ZackTarr An error occurred with the request. But you still shouldn't use w3schools.
^ Interesting lol
Here we'd(he) rather you look at MDN lol
Thats fair, Ive used that as well. I was just looking for syntax for the 'wrap' prop and google did its thing with w3.
id assume it's trying to preload all of the images before starting the rotation.
> When a user edits a hidden question in a substantial way, it will automatically reopen (unhide) the question and return to its pre-close, public state. Additionally, a question can only be automatically reopened once. Any subsequent reopens would require review through the reopen queue.
so... it would need 3 more close votes?
@KevinB Ah makes sense. It does have a ton of data in there. Ill look into adding a little spinner or something down the road
I have 2 pages, both contain the same form with the same questions. When the user fills out the form on the 1st page I display all of the values from the form in a div on the 2nd page. The 2nd page also contains the same exact form incase the person would like to update the form values. For ex: If the person enters Name: Bob and Age:12 on the first page and decides to change there age, they can use the form on the 2nd page to update the age.
What I'm having trouble with is only changing the new values they enter, if they only want to change 1 thing how do you keep the local storage values for the things there not changing the same?
I am pretty sure I have a very small bug in my code, but it keeps giving me a true when it should be false. The selects have values of "" for the (choose one) option, which should mean no value. codepen.io/byuilazenbyt/pen/eYNbvWB
figured it out, iteration kept it from returning.
@csscoder - How are you currently storing the values in the 2nd page? JS Cookies?
Grabbing them from the GET? That would help narrow things down on how you want to then update things.
I'm storing the values from the form on the 1st page in an object. Then on the second page I'm displaying those values in a div. The 2nd page contains the same form if the user wants to update anything, but I only want to change the things the user decides to change. For example if the div contains name and age, if they only change age, then name shouldn't change. I'm doing all of this using local storage.
Also yes I'm using set and get. I used json.stringify to set the object as a string to save in local storage, then im using get to get it on the 2nd page.
Are you pre-popping the inputs on the 2nd page? If so, then you should be able to just submit then as you did the first page. Any inputs that have changed would be updated, those that didn't would still be updated - but with the same values as before.
If you're using empty inputs, then I'd just check for which inputs are filled and use those to update the local storage values where needed. Unless I'm missing something?
If you're wanting just the div values to change and not the local storage (or if changing local storage is not necessary), then you can assign ids to each div / paragraph / section and update their values based on what's been entered in the form on the 2nd page. A codepen etc may be helpful here as well.
i would make a codepen or fiddle but it took me forever to get it to have 2 pages and i still can't get it but this is what im trying to do
when i mean edit i want to change whats displayed in the div as well as the local storage values only for the things that are changed so i have a "updated" local storage for all the values
Right, so if you're pre-popping the form input values on the 2nd page after the form on the 1st page is submitted, you should be able to just catch the form submission via JS on the 2nd page and then update the local storage values, followed by changing the div values based off of the newly updated local storage values. That is if they're pre-popped (meaning each input contains the same value submitted from the first page).
 var people = [{

            name: name,
            age: age,


        //Changing the objects info to string
        var peopleString = JSON.stringify(people);
        //Saving string in local storage
        window.localStorage.setItem("people", peopleString);
thats what i put on the first page
2nd page: var peopleString = window.localStorage.getItem("people");

var people = JSON.parse(peopleString);
var text = people[0]["name"] + "<br/>" +
people[0]["age"] ;

var myDisplay = document.getElementById("myDisplay");
myDisplay.innerHTML = text;
so if i have another function for the edit button i'm confused on what i would write differently to only update what they changed (i also have more values but i only put 2 here)
i have an array because im assuming that more then 1 person may fill out the form
2 hours later…
@csscoder- You would check for the "Edit" form submit, take the values from those inputs and use that to setup your "people" array again (similar to the first part of your code). Then you'd update the Div in the same way you did for the 2nd part of your code.
I'm assuming you're not pre-popping the inputs on the 2nd page, which you would need to do - ex: document.getElementById('name').value=people[0]["name"];
That way their values are there, if they make a change and click the edit (submit) button you would then re-fill the array, send it to window.localstorage, and update the Div.
for the edit button i put the same exact code from the first page where i set the values and the code i used to display the div the get value part and put it again in the edit button but im having trouble understanding why thats not working
it wouldn't be 'inside' the edit button, you'd put it in some JS that checks for the edit form submission
  //Putting all info in people object
        var people = [{

            name: name,
            age: age,


        //Changing the objects info to string
        var peopleString = JSON.stringify(people);
        //Saving string in local storage
        window.localStorage.setItem("people", peopleString);
        var peopleString = window.localStorage.getItem("people");

        var people = JSON.parse(peopleString);
        var text = people[0]["name"] +  "<br/>" +
this is what i put inside a function thats called when the edit button is clicked
it's the same as the first page's set local-storage and the second page div functions
get localstorage code
im confused on what you mean by pre poping
"Pre-popping" refers to having the input values set after the 1st page's form is submitted. Meaning if I submit "Daniel" as my name in the 1st page form, the 2nd page's name input would already have "Daniel" set
Is that how it currently works? If I could see the entire code it would be more helpful.
i'll send the code through a file since the fiddle doesn't work
Right now yes, like you said in your example if you enter Daniel, Daniel is saved and displayed in the div on the 2nd page. But if Daniel has an age of 12, and I change it to 13 and hit edit, the only things that left in the div is 13, everything else disappears. But I want everything to stay, just update the new values from the form
But I'm having trouble figuring on what I need to change in the editProfiles function to do that
Do you have the HTML code as well? I believe setting the input values on the 2nd page is most likely your issue
If the inputs are blank, and you're entering 13 for age, then submitting the edit form would only update the age - which makes sense (and is what you're seeing)
The HTML is exactly the same for both the forms on both pages
Right yes thats exactly whats happening, if I dont want to update something and leave it blank it's not keeping the old values for things I dont want to update
Do your name and age inputs have IDs? If so, what are they?
The only part I changed was running the edit function instead of create
when the buttons are clicked
Name and age have the id name and age
I kept the ids the same for the form on the second page
Try adding the below to your previewprofiles() function ---- document.getElementById("age").value = people[0]["age"];
Also one for name --- document.getElementById("name").value = people[0]["age"];
This would go after the last line in previewprofiles()
Then when you submit the first form, you should see the inputs on the 2nd page now have the values already there. When you update age 13 to 14, then name should also update on edit submit.
if im updating then document.getElementById("age").value = people[0]["age"]; <- wouldnt that go in the edit function?
You'd want that on page load for the 2nd page
The same way you're sending the name and age to the Div on the 2nd page load, you also want to send the name and age to the inputs.
So that they are "pre-populated" --- and then saving one field will save both (since they now have a value). Again, a little hard to tell exactly without seeing the HTML and entire code - but I think that's what you're missing.
it's still getting ride of the values that aren't being changed
i'll try to send a file of the code not sure if it will load

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