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@Esailija Well. sometimes you can not make a global find and replace because it can kill the encoding of the files (true story...) so you do "how you can"
@rlemon Cats are the demons spawn. They can fuck you over with every cell it have.
@AndréSilva so are "jQuery Developers"
@rlemon Laughed hard now hahaha
Ah @rlemon I fixed my code. It is working now.
jQuery Developer: "I develop with a toolkit, but don't know the language it was built to serve"
@rlemon you think you are funny but not really
@ProgrammerForNow ohh I know i'm funny. I think you missed the OBVIOUS suggestion in my sarcastic response which was "SEARCH MDN"
@rlemon I just renamed the function name.
Old : 'AbreTreeView'
New : 'AbreTree'
Magically it works.
programming by coincidence is fun
While adding the Google+ share button, is there anyway, I can override the description part of the content before posting it to google.
@dievardump you should never do what was being done in that article regardless :D
@Esailija Sure. But it's not always "as easy..." and when you have 10 minutes to correct this thing, and can't deal with file encoding... $().replace works well.
Even then I would just walk the text nodes instead
I don't know why but I rather struggle with javascript code then magically use jQuery and have no idea why and how it is working...
@AndréSilva that is the right attitude to have.
@AndréSilva what is jQuery ?
eventually you will stop struggling and gain understanding. once you have understanding you will open up jQuery and probably not want to use it
hello, anyone would like to answer my G+ question ..
unless someone throws $$$ at you
fuck i'll do anything for enough $$$
@rlemon I used to use jQuery, but then I took a rlemon slap to the face.
@AndréSilva rlemon SMASHES he doesn't slap
lol I use jQuery for RAD purposes when it's something stupid like internal sites... and I never RAGE unless it is someone who is using jQuery because they dont know JS... that is a total crock thinking.
@AndréSilva sure you didnt take it to the knee?
@dievardump He isn't that big to smash... From his image I can tell he can slap...
@Loktar I still am an adventurer hahaha
@dievardump btw it's strange that the files would be corrupted... you basically see that when you serve utf-8 as ISO encoding or windows code pages
@BoopathiRajaa Got twenty bucks?
@SomeKittens :P ..
at face value I'd just say to serve the file as utf8 and be done with it...
I can tell due to the cane against the wall
Everyone knows @rlemon's skinny as all get out
camera RBG tints
was taken in a nursing home
It is actually me, 8 years ago, when I was 25 lbs heavier and worked out.
however I just started my P90X so give me 30 days... i'll get back there
they say once you have had the muscle it is not as hard to get it back
8 years ?
p90x is rough
@dievardump something like that
the first 2 weeks or so
How old are you ?
@dievardump I was anywhere from 16-18 in that pic. i'm almost 26 now.
hello guys, does someone here know html5 canvas framework KineticJS?
@Irakli I know the Hokey-Pokey, does that help?
apparently you can get 10k on SO without knowing how to loop? stackoverflow.com/q/11891204/995876
Hokey-Pokey what is that?
@SomeKittens Hokey-Pokey what is that?
it is where you turn yourself around. That is what it's all about
@Irakli It's what it's all about!
If you wonder why the framework tabs are defaulted to what they are on jsfiddle.net, here's the answer cl.ly/image/231k1x1d2v3e
@SomeKittens I need a little help, I have a noob question, when imgObj.src is allready defined how to change x, y, width, height, or crop image?
asking from this tutorial html5canvastutorials.com/kineticjs/…
@Irakli It's a caching issue. Try rebooting your computer.
Could be ghosts in the machine... in which case you will need to find will smith and have him turbo punch the shit outta your kernel.
@rlemon haha Will Smith will do the job
@ProgrammerForNow see I am funny
@rlemon yep it just hit me
you just needed to hang around long enough.
I guess so lol
@SomeKittens no you misunderstood something, I have no problem of caching. I asked you about html5 canvas in KineticJS but the upper example was not about KineticJS. I need help in KineticJS only
@Irakli LOL
this is epic
@Irakli Latest version of KineticJS?

Epic trolls are epic.

6 mins ago, 5 minutes total – 12 messages, 4 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 5 secs ago by rlemon

@SomeKittens 3.1.3
@Irakli Yeah, that one has caching issues, pretty bad too
It gets stuck in your RAM, rather than the browser, so you need to reboot.
Make sure to shut down your computer completely and unplug it from the wall to be sure
lol I made my bookmark too early it seems.
after that, boot as normal
(It's pretty rare, so this should fix it)
@SomeKittens are you kidding me?
@Irakli ...no? They're trying to fix it. Should be fine in the next version
I vote @SomeKittens gets badge :D (what is even worse is he is only picking up now that it is a troll and i've been calling it out for like 5 minutes)
Who you gonnal call ?
@rlemon I won't be here for Troll Friday, so I'm getting it out now
@SomeKittens I'll make sure to double troll for you
@SomeKittens so you are trying to tell me that I must shut down the PC and take off my RAM?
@dievardump Troll Busters!
@Irakli no just shutdown and unplug, wait 30 seconds and plug back in and reboot.
@Irakli No need to take the RAM out, just (@rlemon beat me to it)
:D :D :D I am not IDIOT
@Irakli if that does not work you can try downloading more ram
I know a lot about PC
the 30 second wait is legit, you need to ensure all capacitors are dissipating their stored energy before you fire it backup.
I thought this should be place of really good js developers
it is. most of the time
I do more PHP, but I know enough JS
Are you sure ?
I am a JS hobbyist/enthusiast
you never know enough JS
I wish I could get paid to write JS full time
Occasionally we get someone who thinks they know a lot about PC and who wants us to fix their code.
Oh realy and you are telling me that if I want to change image property after it's path declaration in KinteticJS I must shut down pc? lol
Crockford don't know nothing about JS. Brendan Eich don't know ANYTHING about JS. Even Chuck Norris have some problems with it.
@dievardump >I do more PHP, but I know enough that JS exists
@dievardump Crockford is a Crock, Eich is the sound I make when I sneeze, and Chuck Norris doesn't need to know JS... He knows jQuery
I know a lot about PC but PC and WEB are very different so don't try to fool me
@rlemon He IS jQuery
come oon here must be someone who knowes KineticJS
@Irakli ok, just being serious for a second here. If you had come into the room with a shittly coded script that didn't work but showed you made an effort and not just "help, here is the tut i'm following. FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT" we may not have spent the last 20 minutes trolling you
I asked in a webforum about how to define Array's. He told me this was the best way:

var list = new Object();
list.foo = ['hello','some stuff'];
list.bar = ['hey', 'Hi'];
list.hello = ['hey', 'Hi'];
fyi, it's more common to use {} instead of new Object()
@dievardump he can't be jQuery, Chuck norris has no noConflict mode.
The cleanest way would be this IMO:
var list = {
    foo: [...],
    bar: [...],
    hello: [...]
@ThiefMaster Thank you. That looks way better :D
@user1426486 also for what it is worth, var list = [] // I am an array.... var list = {} // I am an object
actually list might not be the best name anyway, especially for an object
var list = {
    foo: [...],
    bar: [...],
    hello: [...]
}; // I am an object with arrays
@rlemon That's why I asked if you knew this framework, if you did it is easy to answer this question, I just can't find example on internet. Don't waste my time please. If I could fix it myself I would not asked you
well I call them lists or dictionaries because this makes sense to me (key value pair) from a C# life.
@rlemon I know. I am making a program that selects one of the arrays. They have to be defined by something.
@Irakli no, you're wasting your own time by not learning. Read the docs, put together SOMETHING and come back. we will be more than glad to help
@user1426486 ok just making sure :)
@rlemon but the variable name usually shouldn't contain its type
why don't the indian guys get away with these questions but he does
@ThiefMaster I suppose, however list in this case is kinda ambiguous
var list = [
}; // I am an array with objects
Thanks for your help everyone :D
@rlemon I read that f**king doc, nowhere is answer for my question.
@Esailija I've seen way worse questions
@Irakli in "that f**king doc"
@Irakli then the toolkit does not offer methods to do this (is what you can assume) so you hop on the ol' google and search "canvas crop image" and "canvas position image"
so have I
and almost-10k rep plus a ton of gold badges probably make people less likely to hit the close button quickly
yeah but I was too scared to say it
basically I wanted to say
if he had 1 rep
this would have been insta-closed
But I don't think the question is that bad besides the OP being lazy and not posting what he tried
I guess people subconsciously want to impress 15 golden badges ?:P
There was once a world where people wrote their own code instead of relying on convoluted bloteWare
I doubt he even tried anything, after all you just need a loop
" Edit: As is mentioned, you can also check if something is not undefined by simply writing if(myArray[i]). Whatever suits your fancy. "
@rlemon Yes. But now we are a whole community helping eachother. On Stackoverflow, you get points for helping.
@rlemon I tend to write all my own code
That makes people ask questions and respond
@rlemon I googled "KineticJS change object property" without any help
@user1426486 I was specifically calling out @Irakli and his 100% attachment to using only methods provided by the toolkit
3 mins ago, by rlemon
@Irakli then the toolkit does not offer methods to do this (is what you can assume) so you hop on the ol' google and search "canvas crop image" and "canvas position image"
key word there is canvas
@Tgwizman I like to write as much as I can. I usually use Vanilla JS (no librarys, I like to know everything that is happening)
wow @ "find min index" question
if the toolkit does not offer it rely on the API provided by the browser.
@user1426486 exactly my point
Libraries and toolkits were designed to aid in Rapid Application Development (RAD) - not to circumvent knowing the language itself.
@rlemon I was not trying to be negative. It's great for beginners to learn and understand.
is now away, on the search for munchies
@rlemon agreed
I often find basic javascript questions answered with jquery solutions
Yay new CH post!
and it infuriates me
@rlemon That is good for people writing a lot more advanced programs than me; I tend to make small usefull programs :)
jQuery cannot be used to solve basic javascript questions...
psh whatever, yes it can
you can add with it!
I rue the day I will see $.var('foo').is('bar');
haha great idea
@canon Yes - people like to use shortcuts. I find that a little dumb if the person or you are learning JavaScript
@Esailija omg what have I done...
@ThiefMaster too bad it was a too-obvious troll :P
@ThiefMaster :(
$(1+1); // [2]
no adblock?
I am honest
and there isn't obtrusive ads in SO after 200 reputation :P
I never even notice the ads. methinks my brain just filters them out at this point from all sites.
yeah if the ads affect the experience in anyway I just stop visiting that site.
and yeah @rlemon I do the same thing
sucks when a sites content looks like an ad, i skip over it.
I think he overdid it with the spelling
it just doesn't come off as genuine retardation
@Esailija jQuery is a cancer. Pretty much you just confirmed.
look at his second comment, if you are still not convinced it's a troll, there is no hope for you in the internet
I mean first but it's second altogether
His first comment / Second comment of all
We can see it is a troll but come on. There are idiots like that.
Like anyone thought "bob jones" was a real name
no there aren't
they're all trolls
If you say, blindly believe it.
But really. That post gave me cancer.
@dievardump Thanks, but the MDN info is very meek, for instance: this
Hey there
i'm using firebug on chrome
when inspecting a certain object , in the 'DOM' section , there's a line
Oh, here's an example of answering a javascript question with "use jquery" stackoverflow.com/a/10839693/621962
jQuery15206264945548027754 324
you are using firebug on chrome?
what does it mean ?
@Esailija , yes
> I never used jQuery, but I was suggested to and now I always use jQuery
Why would you do that?
not only are dev tools far superior, they come with chrome
var storage = {};
(function $() {
	return {
		var: function(key){
			return {
				getValue: function() {
					return storage[key];
				setValue: function(value) {
					if (storage[key] = value) {
						return true;
					} else {
						return false;
what does the line jQuery15206264945548027754 324
what does the line jQuery15206264945548027754 324 means ?
I remember this was asked some time ago; it's part of some jquery identification thing
it's the jQuery expando property that jQuery infects dom elements with
Part of their expando object. Something like that.
there is no other way for jQuery to have its own event model
i'm dealing with a problem for few days
@Esailija this was not an actual question, right?
yes it's a real question
you see it if you have 10k rep
i'm using a sliding content carousel , using jQuery i made the object in the carousel draggable
@Tgwizman Why would you do that...?
oh god
after scrolling back and forward , some of the objects are no longer draggable
well, must be a troll after all
I like how you warmed me up with the expando property, only to follow up with some help vampiric carousel issue
now using firebug i find out the expando property ( as you said) is changing
What is this 'expando' you're all talking about? :(
It's a jquery internals thing. It shouldn't bother you unless you want to tinker with internals
Your code can be jQuery free without adding more than ~15 characters... fail. jsfiddle.net/MmdwMrlemon 9 secs ago
well, I haz things to do. Sorry that I'm not around anymore...I have a shitload of stuff, and this time not because of laxatives
if the expando of a certain object changes , what does it mean ?
I don't want to tinker with jQuery internals now, I don't know enough JS to do good things.
But it is always nice to know
17 mins ago, by rlemon
I rue the day I will see $.var('foo').is('bar');
it means that the object is constantly being removed and readded to jQuery.cache
Q: How did "mountain dew" website do their animations?

fliimI try to find a javascript library to do what the "mountain dew" website does. http://mountaindew.com/ I dont found it anything. Did this kind of animation has a name ? Do you know how they do that ? Thanks

that might be the problem why the object is no longer draggable
@Esailija Isn't that really bad for performance ?
if the object is now cached
as you can see here jsfiddle.net/Ur7p4
all data and events are removed from the element
so it's removed from cache entirely
then you add new stuff to it and it gets a new id
otherwise it would keep its original id (1)
so it has anything to do with the fact the object is no longer draggable?
@Esailija , and thanks for the jsfiddle example !
it's same as inserting a row in auto-increment id table
you update the row with more stuff
it keeps its id
then you remove it entirely
and add the same data back
you get new id
now it's much clearer :)
Q: Whyare my graph points not lining up with date on x-axis in jquery FLOT

BrianWhy are all my points a little to the right of the date on the x-axis on my graph? I attached a screen grab. I have converted all dates to unix and multiplied by 1000 as required by FLOT. Any ideas? Thanks

I've got another question
altough the object is readded to jQuery cache , it's class name hasn't changed
and this class is set to be draggable
so what may cause the readded object not to be draggable ?
do you have a jsfiddle
@Esailija , here's the fiddle
altough the scrolling is not working here for some reason , and the code is extremely messy
I mean, minimal case that reproduces the issue
it looks like you are misusing .live too
where do i have to use .live
@Esailija , I really appriciate your help !
@Esailija by using it at all?
@SomeKittens no I mean really... he is using .live inside a loop, with .find
if you were to use live, you would use it with a static selector outside any loops
$("a").live("click", goToGoogle );
I'm starting to second-guess myself. Is this correct:
Anyone know off the top of their head on how much revenue the stack exchange network brings in on an annually basis?
@Tgwizman n
@SomeKittens Know where I could find this information?
I doubt it. Fog Creek (the guys in charge of SE) aren't public, as far as I know
the use of .live() is part of the carousel plugin
well find another carousel plugin
it's not like there is lack of them
if you want quality go for bootstrap carousel
Anyone know why I cant go on websites if they have an ip or 5.*.*.*
no idea
I !@#$ing hate Sencha. I hate them so much...

The !@#$ing tools require opt-in if you want use native browser JSON methods in place of their obscene eval contraption (which we've noticed breaks in firefox exclusively).
the bootsrap carousel displays one object at a time, do you know any other good carousel which disaplys more then one object?
It can't just display one object at a time. That would be completely stupid.
each "go left" / "go right" replace one object by another
take a look at
it's a sample of a carousel which displays one then one object at a time
I got something bugging me that actually works BETTER in old version of IE than new browsers.
I stand corrected. But that IS completely stupid.
@Itamar I've written my own carousels because I haven't run into many good ones. I imagine the jQuery-UI one is probably moderately competent by now but it was a complete piece of error-prone junk a 2-3 years ago.
twitter bootstraps is not bad
if you don't mind the lack of semicolons
It displays one item at a time!
@ErikReppen , you've got it :)
easily remedied if you can understand their source code (Which is easy as well, minus the RAGE from no semicolons)
I'm trying to center vertically and horizontally an image inside a div. The image is bigger than the div. margin: 0 auto doesn't work, so I created a div inside that's 50% width and height, and I'm offsetting -50% top and left. Works great in ie7. doesn't work in ie9 or firefox.
i might have an idea which may solve my problem
if it works in ie7 and not in a modern browser, it's screwed up beyond repair
is there any function I can use that will set every object of the class "ca" draggable
and i'm not talking about $(".ca").draggable()
It only seems to not work when the image is not square, which boggles me
the images can be variable sizes.
works with a square image, but mess with the image size and it doesn't work, EXCEPT IN IE7
because IE7 sucks and is doing it wrong.
it works by coincidence
margin: 0 auto; for horizontal. Give the container top-padding of 50% on top. Then the image top-margin of -50%
I can sneeze out a spaghetti noodle, but swallowing it is a much better approach.
IIRC. Been a while. I'll test in your fiddle.

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