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02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

Hello, I have a reactjs question. if I run npm run build than after I separate the build file than if I delete my reactjs environment and than if I try to edit the build file how can I serve the old build file in new reactjs environment?
Am I the only one that find (in react) often that certain parts of the style of an object fit almost always better in the component (and thus as style) instead of as a css class? Things like display (flexbox vs grid, direction etc) I typically find more logical to write when writing down the divs instead of making a class each time.
Ok... Im confused, Ive been seeing the phrase "ES6, ES7, ES10, Where are we" referenced in so many places.

are we not actually in ES6 rn?
ES7 has a stage 3 proposal for singularly represented variables inside classes
We're past numbering
Would be VERY useful right about now
like, I want to be able to use:
stage 3 means it's close to finalized and needs to be tested for implementations.
class Name {
  variable = value;
for now, were stuck with
Though it might actually be still never get to full specification (like adorners did).
class Name {
  constructor() {
    this.variable = value;
Ive been doing JS for 3 years almost, and Ive yet to see a single new specification released
This crap takes decades
Uh you have babel for that
Ima be 24 by the time the full JS specification reaches ES7 or ES8
babel? meh, yet another framework to rely on
But class fields are native in any but internet explorer.
Dont mention IE
So if you decide to support any modern browser you can use that
this is 2020, IE was holding on in 2019.. we need to let it go
I heard like 0.20% of the 100% of browser usage is IE.
Though that was off a random page
What you're looking for is "public class fields"
Lol its always Safari, IE, and firefox
Always strugglin
thats sortof what Im looking for
@Tay it's higher :P
but the proposal didnt offer the static keyword
Whats the currently used ECMA version?
Ive always thought it was ES6
but Im hearing ES7 and such
We're no longer numbering.
just ES2019
Actually just realised Im out of time and got to work on something IRL, I have to go
thanks for all the info
People synthesized corona here in delft :P
Or well I saw it coming along from friends
corona is also a beer brand :P
I've been using/hearing that kind of joke as well
guys hello
any one here
Hey I need some help making a greyscale color rotator

I made this:
let currentGrad = 0;
let currentColor = 0x000000;
function rotateColor() {
	if (currentGrad = 0) {
		if (currentColor < 0xffffff) {
			currentColor += 0x010101;
		} else {
	} else if (currentGrad = 1) {
		if (currentColor >= 0x000000) {
			currentColor -= 0x010101;
		} else {
	console.log(currentColor.toString(16).padStart(6, "0"));

setInterval(rotateColor, 100)
Its a bit fat, but it should theoretically work, however, when I add 010101 to the hex, it starts outputting -10101
Im confused as to where the negative comes from, and plus, I have padStart 6, yet it only has 5 numbers (im assuming thats because of the negative)
In your ifs, you have currentGrad = 0 instead of === 0
oh shoot
Im not using booleans
I think its working now
I think
I need it to run the spinning gradients in my next canvas project
You can use rgb(${color}, ${color}, ${color} and just cycle color from 0 -> 255 -> 0 -> 255 etc.
Might simplify things
I guess, same concept, except without using JS Hexadecimal Calculations
thats much smaller
Alright, Ill try it out
thanks for the tip
I guess Im better at un-simplifying than I am at simplifying
thats not really good..
then you can define three colors and increments, set their starting values randomly, and allow all three to bounce back and forth: jsfiddle.net/hbfdt04k/2
Dude thanks a ton, I was in need of the simple gradient scripts to complete my project, but wow I didnt expect this XD
No problem, sorry, I didn't realize I was doing your homework for you :p
Ah its alright
I appreciate it
Well, crap, I knew I had to make an illusion or something, but jeeeeez this is like... hurting my eyes: jsfiddle.net/SirCode/m4Le3rsq
I had 4 of them
I only see 3 for some reason
the 3rd wheel is missing...
very wierd
Eh Ill update it an make it exponential
Now its finished lol
that is one wierd ass blur effect
Im seein pixels...
@Tay you forget that you have to clear the canvas before drawing
cool effect though
hmm there was a website that shows how to align (vertically) when using different things in css.
anyone knows it?
@paul23 I'm sure there are many
Well it was really neat as it showed like "use flex" or "use table cell" based on input like minimum browser version & if one knews the height of the element etc
Question: I have a datetime string "2020-03-03T16:30:37.0000000". I want to convert that to UTC date object using momentjs.

Is this the correct format:

const dt = "2020-03-03T16:30:37.0000000";




@Neil btw I cant clear it, the point was making a strange looking object in canvas, and not clearing the canvas creates stretched objects, perfect for the ffect
if I cleared it, theyd just be spinning bars that change color
thatd be boring
lol ok well I just meant that's the cause
in any game you play, the first thing done before any other is to draw black
ultimately everything in the game gets drawn on top.
but if you had an area that isn't painted, it'd look like the previous frame
in fact in some games if you clip through the wall, that's what you see
Ive done map rendering in canvas before, I can create array maps to canvases easily, Its actually fun to make too, Im just not good at the physics and movement part
I know a huge part is clearing, else everythings just gunna drag, and thats bad
maybe it'll be more apparent to you after a course in physics
the motion of a ball thrown into the air is just a parabola (not 100% true but for the purposes of a game, that's fine)
Yeah, I always try to do "easing in and out" kinds of movement.

Thats where I fail
Thats how I was even able to make that snake game forever ago
because its just incremementing
This is my life now neil... (you can tell I got REALLY tired and bored): jsfiddle.net/SirCode/uLd35r2z
ease in and ease out movements have nothing to do with physics
@Tay hah, you really are bored XD
I also attempted making a line renderer
But I got sleepy, and they werent rendering the way I expected
so I just left it
anyways, yeah doesnt Jumping have to do with physics
speed of a parabola
slow, fast hop, slow, fast fall, lose velocity
slow fast slow fast slow
jumping has always been an issue
Is there an elegant way to call a user defined function on both page load and onClick in one go? I find myself calling the function, then calling again with an onClick
@James Um... no? If you set the function to run onclick and onload, its going to call
if you only want it to run once, remove either of the calls
and keep the other
no I Want when user hits the page to do it's thing, as well as do the same thing when they click. So eg on page load if checkbox is checked show message, but also watch for click so if they click and it's checked show message. Checking if checked is in a function along with the message
so.. you should have it set on the page onload and click event. could we see some code?
|| mcve
If you would like assistance, please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example
function checkTheCheckbox(stuff) then inside $(function () {.. I call (1) checkTheCheckbox() and additionally (2) checkboxelement.click(function (event) {
Could we see.. the whole code?
Thats unformatted and missing pieces, its hard to understand what your doing
so (1) invokes the function on page load, (2) invokes it on click
ok one sec
@James, well this is awkward
3 james, 2 humans
@JBis Your no longer my master
there is only one James @JamesBot
@James thats a bot
JBis was using || echo to make it talk
|| echo robot
yeah kinda assumed given the name :P lol
way to ruin the joke :'(
Oh i thought you legit thought it was a user
nothing wrong with arguing with bots :D
so the basic premise (just written this as example, the real code is more complex) pastebin.com/WxEz2Ufi
Wonder how the world looks to me?
a bit like my JS coding :P
so as per pastebin, line 9 is for when they hit the page and pre-saved (from dB) form data the checkbox is already checked. line 12 is for when they use the form and uncheck/recheck etc
seems wrong to do both, calling same function, passing same params..
interestingly, if you go into the accurate formula for an object being pulled to the earth via gravity, it's an ellipse, not a parabola
hey give me the biggest website you know, like the one wiht the most HTML elements
Im going to screw it up
which makes sense afterall.. it would orbit the earth if the earth wasn't in the way
Well yeah neil
its just a ground exists
so it cuts it in half
boom parabola
and because of how we need to speed up as we jump or fall, it has curved edges in velocity
making it a parabola almost exactly
well a parabola isn't just an ellipse cut in half
but it's very very close
moment("2020-03-04 11:30:00", 'MMM D, YYYY [at] hh:mmA')
^ This is returning a valid moment object
but this is not..
moment("2020-03-04 00:30:00", 'MMM D, YYYY [at] hh:mmA')
Any reason?
possibly for the hours?
the second has zero hours, thats the only difference I see
yeah but why?
isn't 00 a valid number to consider?
I am thinking something is wrong with the format I am using.. but unable to figure it out
So is there a way to do what I'm doing in one line instead?
well technically leading zeroes can be undefined, or removed entirely. but honestly I have no idea, Id try a different format
But usually leading zero rules only apply in returning math, or when converting specific hexadecimals to strings, etc
even binary leading zeroes are sometimes removed by programs
Oh, @James btw, a lot of things in JS are hard to do in one line
there are many one liners, but you cant make a program out of a line.
I see numerous functions concatted in JS I thought that was one of the features (not a fulltime JS dev)
Randork on codemirror
I find it satisfying to destroy codemirror outputs
every keyword is an element
meaning everything... everything is going to get screwed
alright I gotta do work
gbye for now
We confirmed the bug at 2020-02-29 03:08 UTC, and halted issuance at 03:10
thats pretty good
@JBis or pretty bad
It could also mean the guy who did it knew he fucked up :)
well, many companies wait years before fixing shit
many companies aren't like most companies
@JBis confirmed is such a loaded term nowadays, it can also mean "confirmed to media" while first researcher notified them months earlier.
How do you guys consider joe biden not ultra right?
And how do you consider Sanders who's about as right as anyone can be before becoming a nationalist "too left"?
easy. consider just how ultra left a vocal part of the party is.
Like, he's not even considering increasing wealth distribution and preventing global companies
nor is he ever suggesting that people should stop private ownership
Without those you're far right in my opinion and luckily also in europe.
so if you're not a socialist you're far right, gotcha
Uh how are you a socialist by just stopping big companies from breaking down the world?
you're painting with too broad of a brush
But I really wonder, why is there no one even talking about that in your politics? Like how I don't even hear you talking about the obvious elephant that is the disparacy between rich and poor leading to increase in crime and violence.
i mean, in the end, it's congress/senate that will bring forward legislation
@paul23 well thats a big of a simplificaiton
presidents can say they want x y z, but without support from congress/senate aint shit getting done
which is why we should get rid the presidency
But I'll see myself out, I just don't get you us people with. And it especially angers me when people say "I didn't vote for x" -- no you might not have, but you didn't promote the other options enough that in the democracy it's still part of your fault that X is there... This statement i see so many american students make truly enrages me: when I disagree with the government that much I will most certainly not be idle..
Not going to lie I'm starting to fear, my dad owns property near the ports in Nigeria, and the Chinese have bought the whole ports and no Africans are allowed in and that's where the Chinese trade.
You don't even know whose really white and pro America anymore kinda scary world.
@paul23 huh?
Yang 2020!
Yang 2020? :(
I have a doubt in javascript
anyone here to help
@Unbreachable Yang 2024 my guy
||welcome Prakash
@Prakash Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
  const content = await readContent(filesAsArray[i]);
                  await uploadFile(content);
In the above code does if statement only run after resolving both awaits?
@forresthopkinsa I really hope so, he was the only candidate I liked.
@PrakashReddyPotlapadu Yes.
@Unbreachable Same. He's gearing up for 2024 though.
That's why he took the job at CNN
I also read that we can't use await without async
That's right. It has to be in an async block.
@forresthopkinsa Let's hope so.
it' s in for loop like this
@PrakashReddyPotlapadu Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. You have 25 seconds to edit and format your message properly before it will be removed. Please separate code blocks from your actual question. Put your question in 1 message and then your code in a 2nd and format it.
For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
async function doSomething() {
  const content = await readContent(filesAsArray[i]);
  await uploadFile(content);
  if (...) {
1 message moved to Trash can
yeah just put the for loop in an async function
for (let i = 0; i < filesAsArray.length; i++) {

      const content = await readContent(filesAsArray[i]);
                      await uploadFile(content);

You really need to format your code
there is no async but it works
Js looks very simple but it has lot of confusing concepts
async function doSomething() {
  for (let i = 0; i < filesAsArray.length; i++) {
    const content = await readContent(filesAsArray[i]);
    await uploadFile(content);
    if (...) {
That can't be right, it needs an async keyword
If you don't understand async/await then don't use it.
@forresthopkinsa thank you
You made it clear
It make syntax more clear
You're right that this is a complicated concept and there's a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes that you're not seeing
just i need to read more
I would recommend you stick with .then() until you better understand promises
async/await will bite you in unexpected ways if you use it blindly
and one more doubt I have is does if run after two awaits?
for ex each take 1s
does if run after 2sec?
or it run immediatly and wait for awaits
When you use await, it won't go to the next line until the promise is resolved
function doSomething() {
  for (let i = 0; i < filesAsArray.length; i++) {
    readContent(filesAsArray[i]).then(content => {
      return uploadFile(content);
    }).then(() => {
      if (...) {
this does almost the same thing, except that it won't wait to go to the next iteration of the for loop
You should do some research into promises
ok i got a challange
thanks for your explanation @forresthopkinsa
like I said: do some research into promises. seriously. It will help a lot.
heres a recursive function, make it return a promise that resolves when it would pass true to the callback and reject when it would pass false. No callbacks allowed (you can't just wrap it in a promise).
function waitForReady(key, amount, callback) {
    setTimeout(async function () {
        if (await isReady(key)) {
            return callback(true); // resolve
        if (amount > max_attempts) {
           return callback(false); // reject
        waitForReady(key, amount + 1, callback);
    }, 10000)

i tried for about 5 min and then gave up and went with a callback
I'm gonna break your rule a little bit but we'll see if it's acceptable
@forresthopkinsa it's right
const timeout = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms));

async function waitForReady(key, amount) {
  await timeout(10000);
  if (await isReady(key))
  if (amount > max_attempts)
    throw new Error('Exceeded max attempts');
  return await waitForReady(key, amount + 1);
How's that
@forresthopkinsa how old are you?
you look very young
I am 24
but know less js than you:P
Yeah well programming JS professionally will force you to get to know it
@forresthopkinsa hmm, i guess if it rejects you would get an uncought rejection on the outer function
well that goes for any promise rejection
heres a different solution but it doesn't use recursion so breaks that rule
function waitForReady(key, amount) {
    return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
        for (let i = 0; i < max_attempts; i++){
            await sleep(10000);
            if (await isReady(key)) {
                return resolve();
        return reject();
i like yours better
@forresthopkinsa evidently thats debatable
hahaha I guess you're right
the independent variable is whether someone hangs out in r17
I'm trying to figure out how to parse out a formula string that can consist of numbers, operator symbols, strings in square brackets, and nested formulas in parentheses.
Have fun building an AST
AST? More like sprawling over complicated regex, amirite?
Which fails on all kinds of "special cases"
Considering that the formulas it's parsing are going to be built by the editor that the parser is for, I don't think special cases will be an issue.
And I don't need to solve them, I just need to break them apart so they can be displayed in the editor. In fact they won't be solvable since the square brackets will indicate variables.
the correct answer is probably going to be a syntax tree
which can be a little formidable
the wrong answer is regex but you could probably make it work lol
regex libraries are often really bad at nested groups
an actual grammar library should be much more rewarding
I ofcourse... made my own... which is not available in JS
...you made a regex parser?
I'm not even considering doing the entire thing in regex. Maybe a bit here and there.
not a regex parser
a... parser
like antlr
not using regex?
you define grammar and let the lib generate a parser based on it
then you use that parser to build an AST with your input
What is AST?
abstract syntax tree
i've wanted to try to make a tokenizer
make my own lang or something
the horrific thing is generating the parser from a grammar definition
because... that is also using a parser
lexer definition for a calculator looks like
grammar Calculator;

	: '+'
	| '-'
	| '*'
	| '/'
	| '('
	| ')'

	: [0-9]{1,}

	: ' '
	| '\t'
	| '\r'
	| '\n'
and parser:
grammar Calculator;

	: .9 -> left=<expression '+' right=>expression	#plusExpression
	| .9 -> left=<expression '-' right=>expression	#subtractExpression
	| .5 -> left=<expression '*' right=>expression	#multiplyExpression
	| .5 -> left=<expression '/' right=>expression	#divideExpression
	| .1 -> '(' expression=expression ')'		#enclosedExpression
	| .1 -> value=&literal				#literalExpression
preteh preteh cool
interface ParserResult
	val startIndex: Int
	val endIndex: Int
	val tokens: List<MetaCodeToken>
	val option: RuleOption?
	val members: ManyValuesMap<CharSequence, ExpressionResult>

	val text: String
		get() = tokens.joinToString("") { it.text }
parsing something would result in these objects
it cant be in a domain specific AST because it doesnt use code generation
so, its a more generic result
the .n stuff in the expression pattern-set defines the order
so it is capable of parsing 1 + 2 * 3 - 4 / 5 properly
for which is what it was used to test
what lang is the lib in
its written in Kotlin
ah, that was my guess
@Hypersapien you could try antlr
but I found it to be a pain with recursion
(unlike mine which is really good at recursion)
this helped me getting used to it
cya everyone o/
I Heard it's like 2-3k a pop to check for covid-19
the extra 1995$-2995$ is ER + lab work in US
1 hour later…
Oh I just LOVE having to convert my objects and files to DataURLs because fetch is retarded and CORS headers are a thing
function fetchCSS() {
    fetch("data:text/plain;base64,KiB7CiBwYWRkaW5nOiAwOwogbWFyZ2luOiAwOwogYm94LXNpemluZzogYm9yZGVyLWJveDsKfQ==").then(function (response) {
        response.text().then(function (text) {
I cant use fetch locally, and I cant use it on the same server that the thing literally HOSTED ON.... so my only choice is to automate shet
By that, I mean totally dont automate at all actually, and just manually do everything
hows about use cors properly?
i mean
has anyone used jsfiddle before?
02:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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