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I forgot to remove that code should not check the actual month
@John That happens :P
Yep ^^
Thanks for the help :) Also, i have another small question. What is better/faster? To run loop in the php code (called by ajax), or just transfer parameters and loop them inside javascript?
@gosto Man that indenting.. Sorry but I can't make out much of that mess, you didn't include the form's code neither the other external js code such as jAlert
@FabrícioMatté <form action="" method="POST" id="form0"><input type="text" name="date0" class="tcal" value="" readonly="readonly" /><br /><input type="image" style="margin-left:9px; margin-top:3px; " src="./components/com_jumi/files/img/submit.png" onclick ="submitform()"/><input type="hidden" name="submit0"></form>
this form code
I see, there is the function call
@John What loop is this?
@FabrícioMatté so ?:)
Ok i will explain the whole thing. I pass the parameter of month (from select) to php which calculates how many days is in that month. So, should i loop through all the days in php code (for days <select>) or should i just return the number of days and loop trough them in javascript.?
Loop is intended to create <select> options
you should just return the amount of days and let JS to generate the select locally
much better to calculate the days in javascript, since you won't have to query the server
Okay, thats all i wanted to know
Q: What is the best way to determine the number of days in a month with javascript?

ChatuI've been using this function but I'd like to know what's the most efficient and accurate way to get it. function daysInMonth(iMonth, iYear) { return 32 - new Date(iYear, iMonth, 32).getDate(); }

thanks again :))
@gosto was trying to decipher some of the code
@gosto deleting most of the php i can see it making some sense
@tereško (y)
this is not skype =P
I'm off, good night
@gosto Not sure if this is what you're trying to accomplish, but to prevent the form from submitting you'd just return false in the function and add the return keyword in the onclick attribute.. jsfiddle.net/ult_combo/ajcEx/1
obviously there are many better ways to do this, with event listeners
but i didn't edit your code too much or i'd end up rewriting the whole thing
@FabrícioMatté it will submit with js and not php to refresh right ?
with my code it wouldn't submit
i'd use an ajax solution
do you want to display the result after submitting?
you'd probably have to rewrite the php code to echo after submitting/processing the request if that's the case
too sleepy atm though, best of luck
yes display result when submiting
it didnt submit at all ur code
im having some minor issues in writing a speedometer type javascript reporting speeds in the thousands of miles per hour, anyone mind looking to see where I done goofed? jsfiddle.net/Bu3CD
correction: 22 million miles per hour
some background info for the math; 1 revolution of a wheel triggers 1 keypress, 1 revolution = 20.42 inches
i like good questions
Q: Are JavaScript arrays actually linked lists?

nw.I'm new to Javascript, and notice that you don't need to specify an array's size and often see people dynamically creating arrays one element at time. This would be a huge performance problem in other languages as you would constantly need to reallocate memory for the array as it increases in siz...

is there a javascript Round() to round to say the fourth decimal place?
Guys how can i set the jquery.get on an interval?
maybe a combination of Math.floor and multipling the float by 10000 and then dividing
For example, jQuery.get('analytics.tsv', null, function(tsv, state, xhr)
I want to get it every 2 seconds or something
you can make it recursive and invoke setinterval
can you show me the syntax for that please?
@JohnMerlino by putting my code in here right?
setInterval(function() {

}, 2000);
I'm having typhoon winds and rain! xD
just got the power/internet back :p
@hanleyhansen , have you tried reading the fiine manual ?
Adobe BrowserLab should allow you to not only see a screenshot, but also allow you to mess with the page
interact *
@Raynos I have peer connection enabled under the chrome flags, yet it still pops up the alert, telling me that my browser is either not supported or I need to enable peer connection
I'm using chrome 20 btw
ohh, I also need to enable Media Stream
you should add that to the pop up
I'll test it in canary
Q: Javascript - Start function after a specific time

Ricardo Potozky de OliveiraI do not know if this is possible .. I would like: The script check the system time. If the schedule is between: 21h and 22h = The script "shows" the iframe or div. Thanks ^ ^ And .. sorry for my english .. I'm Brazilian

does this look over commented to you guys? programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/160106
Which is uglier
objective C or Java :$
or them both are doomable ?
obj c
by far
it's ugly as shit
the main reason I don't use either is because of how strict the value types are
I'd rather be able to use a string as a true or false :p
I stick to js ;)
objective-c is ugly, but not java. Your beloved javascript so influenced by java, that it even reserves the class keyword in its honor.
maybe you go to a bad school where they dont teach java correctly, dont blame the language for that one. blame yourself.
but in terms of algorithms, even basic ones like pascal's triangle, java is a perectly suitable language for exploration and development
Just pushed a new copy :) http://jsfiddle.net/Tgwizman/8Ff9w/show
it now has more controls, more organized controls, and even a head with movement! :D
I need to "pretty" it up a bit though :S
Good Morning People
@allll hi frnds.... my problem is, ihav a db table and select data from that table order by some field(time), (work fine) but while printing same result in js the order of result changed,
order of result array was diff
runnig same query on sqlite manager igot currect order, but in js order was diff
iam sorting time (eg: 10:12:AM) using this query pastie.org/4419639 (time:-DayBook_TimeAlert)
@Tgwizman allow muliple key
Discussion Topic : As we grow we deprecate our old stuff or atleast stop using it.
Why we no follow this in computers strictly ?
I mean we are having browsers with 80+ % of HTML 5 and CSS 3 and modern JS API's but we still stop developing just because there is maybe 10% user which still use IE 6/7
guys no
the help pls
I swear my codes be the right
but I am the failing coderbyte hardz
here's a gist with my short code gist.github.com/3301694
added the question at the top of the file just now too
the example I'm giving it should log true instead of false
for some reason my chars[k+1] is return undefined as opposed to the next letter in the array
not sure why
hi i have developed register form.it contains four field.now my ques is that if i not fill the first field at the same time it should display some msg before going to next filed
@Abhishek Will do! I tried to make this as fast as I could, so I could have a working copy to show off :P
@Tgwizman Multiple keys is easy btw
but u will have to break the logic loop
from the key events
1 hour later…
Hello guys I have a problem with JavaScript and IE8, here's the question if someone wants to help: stackoverflow.com/questions/11878743/…
Anyone here?
@Esailija o/
RT @vincent_hardy: Exciting new proposal to allow multiple pseudo-elements in CSS, see http://adobe.github.com/web-platform/utilities/css-pseudo-elements/ (check out the demos and the ...
hi to all
i have some doubt in javascript ya
don't we all
Hey all :)
@AndersMetnik hi
anyone here has knowledge of jquery mobile ?
how to stop the scrollbar vertically in chrome?
how to stop the scrollbar vertically in chrome and each 10 seconds my page is refersh time? any solutions...
RT @mozhacks: New blog post: Remote Debugging on Firefox for Android https://hacks.mozilla.org/2012/08/remote-debugging-on-firefox-for-android/
RT @ChromiumDev: Tomorrow at 9 a.m. PST join @cwilso as he discusses Web Audio on Google Developers Live: http://goo.gl/fWWr8
Socket.IO's `listen()` method expects an `http.Server` instance
as its first parameter. Are you migrating from Express 2.x to 3.x?
If so, check out the "Socket.IO compatibility" section at:
{ [Error: listen EACCES] code: 'EACCES', errno: 'EACCES', syscall: 'listen' }
Error: listen EACCES
at errnoException (net.js:646:11)
at Array.0 (net.js:732:28)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:192:41)
"""... but I don't have express
@bdz define "knowledge of"
for example if i have a href to a multiple page then i use data-ajax="false" so that i can use javascript functions in the next page,,, but the transition slide won't work..
i need to fix it :(
any one knows hoe to use this pdf to html convertor
Minors aren't competent to take contracts
@jAndy sup!
long time no see
@Esailija: y0 bro! :) All good, lots of work, bizznizz as usual
but when I'm reading some of the top-rated comments, makes me wanna leave again :p
rlemon is joking :P
@Amaan you are in india
you think you will follow , your choice btw
Hahaha, I know
I'm just telling you that this means that you can't sue / be sued
i know i cant xD
but u are a mino :P
Do your employers know your age? :p
They could just not pay you and you wouldn't be able to do a thing about it
yes they do
and btw i am 19 :D
just 1 year above the minor act ^_^
Oh. Ass. :p
I thought you were 17
what ?
i was 17
now i am nearly 19
Oh, yeah, I've been on SO for 2 years now
does it looks good ?
Looks like the login for some bank
Reminds me of Kotak
its user-editable :3 , theme wise
Looks cool
Not bad
Hello you beautiful scripters! If the jquery doc doesn't list any events for a method, it has no events. Right?
Talking about api.jquery.com/load-event specifically.
Hey guys. I'm new to JavaScript, I'm from Java, Ruby and ActionScript environment. I was wondering what's your thoughts on CoffeeScript?
nice approach, takes out some quirks from ECMAscript. play with it, write ECMAscript in production anyway
beside that, its somewhat questionable to "re-format" or "re-structure" an interpretated language.
@jAndy Yeah, that's my main concern – how to debug my code. Right now I have 1k lines of it, and it's already quite frustrating to map error from js to coffe. And I just started on the project, codebase will be 3-4 times bigger and debugging will be problematic.
at same time I just don't enjoy javascript yet. And coffee-script provides me with my packages, and makes me think that there are actual Classes in my code :)
@SomeKittens hey!
@SomeKittens what's your opinion on using CoffeeScript in production project :)?
@nirth: good question actually. I never digged in too deep into CS. don't they have an alien-technology debugger which auto-maps errors back to coffeescript code?
or can you actually only debug in plain javascript ?
which would be horrible
@jAndy I never heard about alien-technology to be honest. I'll check it out thanks
@nirth I've never used CoffeeScript (I refuse to shorten it, CS is my major) but I've heard it's bad.
I'm mostly back-end developer, and making front-end just to become CTO in 1-2 years :)
@nirth: that was just a joke :)
pretty much sarcastic
@jAndy oh, well, this days "alien-technology" can be just someones nick on internet :)
@SomeKittens you majored in Counter Strike?
so, real javascript programmers don't like coffee-script :)
I wouldn't consider myself a "real" programmer. I don't have nearly enough strong opinions on why I hate everything.
o/ @jAndy
good to see you around again after some time :)
@GNi33: \o
thanks, same to you.
how are you?
pretty fine. Was quite busy with projects, thankfully on the most shiny and bright new features out there (ajax is so dead... :p)
what about you ? all good ?
when did ajax died?
when server-push events and websockets became available in all major browsers I think
nah obv its not dead, there is still room for http requests
@jAndy sockets and pushing was available out of the box on majority of technologies (erlang, java, ruby, even flash) HTTP POST/GET is still most used and well standardised option to use.
Actually.. except shell scripting and javascript I can't think of modern platform/virtual machine without socket/pushing/pulling support :)
@nirth: the problem was that clients (foremost webbrowers) didn't support dual-side connections for a long time
not without, hackery
yeah, I remmember implementing long-pulling :)
yay thats one way, which still is needed for.. some android-webkits for instance which still don't support neither server-push-events nor websockets
I was surprised 4-5 years ago, when I got a request to add GET/POST request without timeouts or timeouts set to hour or two :)
but it sucks anyway
to add on back-end
I wouldn't expect ajax to really go away
I was working on Java/Flex(flash/actionscript framework) project for a year. And while we used sockets here and there for updates – primary communication was done via RESTful GET/POST over SSL.
that's actually what ajax is good at, you get https support out of the box :)
websockets offer secured connections aswell
and I don't think you can compare a flash project respectively flash-sockets really
flash was/is always.. questionable itself
@jAndy Java Project :)?
worse :p
.NET app with sockets does not really matter :)
@jAndy TWO JAVA PROJECTS?!?!?!?!
@SomeKittens: hehe

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