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does anyone have a good idea when it is a good idea to use "use strict"
|| mdn use strict
I'm looking for kinda of a discussion rather than straightforward qa since the question and details posted are a decade old and I wanted something from the perspective of es6+
questions and answers* posted on SO*
generally, use strict is no longer needed
because strict mode is default on in... normal scenarios
what would normal scenarios be?
like non ie browsers?
or non legacy code
also why is it not needed?
usually, at least in a browser environment, you're doing some form of transpiling so that you can write code using modern features then transpile it down to the featureset you need to support, es5 for example. In that scenario, you're most likely using es6 modules (which are strict by default.) but because they'll be transpiled down to es5, they will no longer be strict by default so your transpiler can add use strict if you configure it to.
got it
am i being stupid? wheres the documentation for this lib? github.com/webrtcHacks/adapter
> Just import adapter, no further action is required
I guess that's it
thats weird
probably just overwrites window objects
@ShrekOverflow You inspired me XD. I'm going to make a ticket reader for my clients using webrtc and qr codes. I had this idea before but didn't look into it much.
ayy good to see ya shrek
> If a document isn't loaded in a secure context, the navigator.mediaDevices property is undefined, making access to getUserMedia() impossible.
Thats great and all except its a pain to test with
localhost is normally considered a "secure context"
it's normally https or localhost
Yes. However, I am testing on an ios device that is connecting to my mac.
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