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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

good morning
What does this mean
var mozL10n = document.mozL10n || document.webL10n;
Just got my first hello world up in an android app via phonegap.
Anyone interesting in a bit of stream chatting?
@Raynos I'll check it out. Just grab the zip and run in a browser locally?
not quite
you'll need to spawn the node server
im opening a tunnel to my local host
I'm ashamed to say I haven't touched node yet.
Any room name?
test :P
The interesting thing about this is the code not the chat itself
var pagePromises = [];
Not Found now. :(
wat does this mean'
whit is this [];
It's a new array assigned to var pagePromises.
it is used in js or jQuery
back up
thnk @Abhishek and @ErikReppen
jQuery is JS. Not even particularly strange JS.
Just a function called $.
It builds an object and returns it. Most methods of that object return the same object. That's why you can keep chaining if you want.
@Abhishek how's it going?
So you put a css-looking query string in as an argument, and then it just uses all the normal DOM API stuff like getElementById to find an element or elements and wrap it all in an object with its own methods that are used normalize for old IE and other stuff while adding some bonus UI methods.
@Raynos Is Streams.js org related to what you're working with?
i highly doubt it
no not at all
Good. I was trying to figure out why they were so excited about data structures with infinite items. Uh.. JS?
Good Morning People:)
@Raynos eww
good morning by the way
but seriously .. no html ?
Good morning all
hello karan
hey abhi are u good in jquery...?
@Abhishek all DOM
@Karan am mediocre in javascript so i guess i can handle jQuery nicely
i am getting error Uncaught TypeError: Property 'undefined' of object #<Object> is not a function
@Raynos yeah you can literally save the whole webpage
@Karan console.log(Your_variable);
@Abhishek want to help me build the UI ? :D
it should be undefined;
@Raynos Sure :-)
me and florian are already building a chatsite you know ?
@Abhishek which variable...?
@Abhishek oh :P
show the whole code :-)
@Raynos ^_^ , so yes i can help
i have shown the whole code
@Abhishek 3zp7.localtunnel.com :D
is there any tool to watch execution of js file ... actually I want to look at the working of a pdf viewer
Unexpected response code: 400
and now its not even loading :-|
Oh yeah
its a bitch
localtunnel doesnt work cleanly
haha wow
that works :-)
it also has reconnection logic build in
but that doesnt work as nice
The UI sucks many balls
hey @Abhishek one of wordpress plugin adding jquery how to remove the code from it...?
@Raynos atleast it works
btw what are streams ? the STREAM as in HTTP STREAM ?
@Abhishek does your one not work?
@Abhishek stream as in node streams
it works
every room is a stream
and you can just write to the stream and listen on data events from it
its pretty damn clever
i have an old tapeer 1.0 ui already ready
gimme a minute
i need to find it on my hard disk :-$
what is tapeer
and where is your chat site?
well thats tapeer
i started it then closed it , now i am re-building it with florian
as our combined "side project"
we are adding stuff like voip to it ^_^.
i see
@Abhishek....can u provide solution...please
personally i feel i can code an actually useful site now rather then before
there ya go @Raynos old tapeer 1.0 mobile version
heh cool
let me install mongo
then u can chat on it ^_^
code is ugly but works
my code is clean
but it looks ugly :D
maybe we 3 can make tapeer together
cause i am monetizing tapeer
i dont want something that big
I just want to play with the UI
and build out the features necessary for a chat library
so that I know how well streams work as a message bus
kay :-)
localtunnel wont work for me on fedora
dear christ
mongo is huge XD
@Raynos wanna see my ugly code ?
yeah its extremely rantable :D
why is it all in one file?
did you see my server?
its clean
yeap . i see it
back then i kinda still too much noob
You know you can upsert right?
now yes
back then Nope
my shit code is running !
Old code always looks horrifying.
@Raynos its working
now wanna chat ?
How a function like this called with , in the end
renderHighestPriority: function pdfViewRenderHighestPriority() {
// Pages have a higher priority than thumbnails, so check them first.
var visiblePages = this.getVisiblePages();
var pageView = this.getHighestPriority(visiblePages, this.pages,
if (pageView) {
this.renderView(pageView, 'page');
// No pages needed rendering so check thumbnails.
if (this.sidebarOpen) {
var visibleThumbs = this.getVisibleThumbs();
var thumbView = this.getHighestPriority(visibleThumbs,
and what is "getHighestPriority:" in code ? is that used to call function ?
getHighestPriority is a property of some object that you're not showing.
var someObject = {
myFunction:function(){alert('blah'); },
otherFunc: function(){alert('meh'); }
someObject.myFunction(); //would alert 'blah'
@Raynos if you refresh it will fix
{} is an object literal. Really simple object.
The : stuff is special syntax for defining a list of properties. No comma following the last property. That breaks things.
@ErikReppen thnks .... this is really a BIG code to paste here :P .... I will try ur code to get BLAH alert :D thx
@Raynos fixed it
wont happen now
Fancier JS objects are built with function constructors. Google 'em. We also have Object.create now but learn function constructors first.
well u can use the UI / UX if u want
I'm so psyched. My boss is going to crap his pants if I show up with our desktop gadget implemented in Android on Monday.
G'nite gents. Happy streaming.
Q: How to implement AI for fighting game

Lambda DuskI was a little drunk yesterday and build this in a kind of half-conscious state. Anyway, I noticed today that the second 'player' does hardly anything. Actually, nothing. To be honest, I have never made any game before that had an opponent like this. So my question is, how does one start with A...

@ErikReppen actually I working on mozilla.github.com/pdf.js/web/viewer.html I just want to show single page at a time ..... and next when we click next ...... I got order from my boss ..... that why I am hitting walls from last 2 days
there is guy at worldwidewhat.net/2011/08/render-pdf-files-with-html5 showing how to do this thing but PDF quality is so bad here :/
Morning everyone.
RT @vincent_hardy: Registration opened and schedule available (check out the workshops) for The Graphical Web conference http://t.co/lrS ...
ughhh I have an great idea for something and it's waaaaaay over my head
what idea
Ok hang with me..Im looking at jsPlumb and it has me thinking. You ever seen how the fbi used to diagram an organized criminal organization showing links between members?
pretty sure I haven't :D
You've never seen that in a movie?
@Esailija morning!
well I suppose
@Eugene morning
@Esailija would it be possible for you to take a look at this code jsfiddle.net/cKHKR. I don't understand why it works as it does.
so basically when I ctrl+shift+a everytime a new event is added
@Esailija I expected, that if I'm standing on(in focus) textarea element and pressing this key combination, then it should work at once, no?
Ok so what if that method could be used to connect corporations, politicians, banks, etc to everything they're involved with. Say you search Bank of America. They popup in a bubble in the middle of the screen and branching out are everything connected to them..fines payed to the government, scandals, foundations they fund, their major heads and everything they're connected too. Creating like an infinite wall of connections.
@Esailija problem is, that I see result only after I blur and focus textarea element again.
you are adding a new focus event everytime
@Esailija so like this focus -> press key combination -> blur -> focus
well, a focus event is fired when you focus something
if you are already focused when you attach event listener for it, it won't fire until the next focus
and another thing is that you are binding this event every time
so I get like 2350 console logs
@PolluxKhafra yeah sounds interesting
kinda like wolfram alpha
Any suggestions on how to fix it? I need it to execute on focus -> press key combination and not to accumulate all those event calls.
Only more in diagram form
More visually stimulating and clean.
@Eugene what exactly are you trying to do
it's impossible to tell here why did you not just do this:
if (event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey && 65 == event.keyCode) {
@Esailija sorry. Well I have a quiz app. It has multiple forms on one page. One after another. Each form has textareas. I already have buttons to dinamically add another question for quiz and answer inside question form, but I would like to add also key bindings for that purpose. Since I need to know to what question I need to add an answer field, I need to know what field is focused at the moment.
@Esailija Yoda conditions, huh? Nice
not my code :D
they always make me laugh
if sixty-five is event keycode
Yeah, they're amusing
document.activeElement is the focused element
then waht you want to do with it?
@Esailija now I see. Thank you. I think I can take it from there. Just looked at your and @Amaan dialog and didn't understand it at first.
yeah we were laughing at 65 == event.keyCode
Yes, I know about Yoda conditions. I just didn't realize at first to what it was addressed.
Yoda can sneak into any where. Even this chat! O.O
Hello Could someone help me with JS Problem
Depends on the problem
it refreshes the page only once
but it should refresh the page every 2sec
and then save edit time after hash
What do you mean 'refresh'?
update the page
Once your page is reloaded, your JS doesn't run anymore
It runs from the beginning again
This code isn't really well written, and I'm busy now, so I can't help you now
Ok. could someone else help
since I don't understand why it does not run anymore
@Olli What I said was wrong
You're using setTimeout
Use setInterval
@Amaan helloz
Or if you actually want to reload the page, remove the hash and use ? or something instead
@Abhishek Hey
Nothing. You?
You do that a lot
How'd that chat thing go?
What's the plural of penis?
It should be "penises", but maybe "peni" (like fungi) or "penes"
hm, the Latin seems to be "penes", but in English "penises" is common.
Case closed. Thank you everyone who participated in this heated discussion.
@Amaan well i fell asleep testing it
lol zirak someone flagged every single one of those messages
Damn mormons! Interfering with the expansion of knowledge!
It is wrong to wonder!? Is it not right to gaze into the endless void which fills human knowledge, and torment yourself over the greatest questions!? I am human, and therefore I ask in all might, "what is the plural of penis"!
@Amaan This is not working - jsfiddle.net/cHUzB
I wonder who :-$
even if I changed #->? and now setInterval
could you see it
or if you are busy maybe @Zirak could help Please ?
This is an automated response from Zirak. He is unavailable at current time due to tentacle rape (ignorance is bliss.) Please try again at a later date.
@Zirak #var SkipAutoResponse=true;# could you help
since Amaan is busy
This is an automated response from Zirak. SyntaxError: All your base are belong to us He is unavailable at`SegmentFault: Tentacles...they're everywhere! REQUESTING BACKUP` current time due to I AM OCTOGODtentacle rape (ignorance is bliss.) Please try again at a later date.
Why some website use .html extension even content is dynamically generated. any reason ?
@Zirak help me formulate this comment to this question: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/142259/…
I have so far
Because it's not a real question but a help vampire luring people for feeding.
@Ankit I have thinked that many times too :D
@Olli is this help in SEO or anything else.
@AnkitGupta facepalm
html can be dynamic too!
DOM meet le legend
@Esailija Looks good. There is some grammatical ambiguity, but any human can decipher it
i am not saying
that dom is html
but DOM which is present in all browsers allow you to have dynamic content with html
html is static, because it's markup. Using other tools, you can change it; but the html itself never actually changes.
@Abhishek Suppose I see a website where all XHR request goes to .php url it's make me sure that it's made in PHP but the page they have show are in .html extension.
@Zirak I went with this
Because it's not a real question but a help vampire luring people for feeding. As you can see from the OP's comments to the answers there, he is just asking more questions and if the victim is fool enough to follow through for long enough, then whoopsie-doo they have built his entire application for him. — Esailija 1 min ago
When you tranquilize an angry bear, the bear's still angry at you, it's just asleep
@Esailija *fool=>foolish; other than that, no problem
@AnkitGupta What ? , @Zirak what is this line supposed to mean ?
@AnkitGupta ah now i see
so whats wrong in that ?
you are deliveraing static content as .html
and then using xhr for the dynamic part
@Zirak thanks
@Ankit hmm... might be
don't know actually.
@Robw are you availabel
sorry, but this place is the only human contact I have right now: I just lost The Game
this has now been going on for days
do you ever learn
I learn but this is different problem @Esailija
I mean learning to solve your own problems, it's a pretty nice skill to have
I can solve some problems
but this chat is for solving problems
No it's not
no it is not
not for that kind of rude comments
This is a discussion chat
Which is really the definition of a chat
it's both
there are some users, me included, that sometimes fall as prey to help vampires and can't stop but it's not the norm
chatting and solving problems
oh the hours wasted on helping someone
Because a chat can be many things. It has also been used as a hub for gay sex and slavery.
lol dude
oh don't deny it
some day I will not be able to counterflag all those flags you cause
what you actually mean by counterflag
when you have enough reputation you can mark the chat flags as invalid
Some people bake, some people run, some people swim, but me? I aggravate uptight internet peeps.
Oh, hi @Olli
but you cannot mark "flag for moderator" as invalid
thats not possible Esailija
I can
then someone can directly email SO
anyone with 10k+ reputation can flag flags as invalid
When you have enough rep you can. Moderator tools or trusted user privileges
or maybe it's 20k+
@RobW Hi. I cannot get this to work jsfiddle.net/cHUzB
it works finely in jsfiddle
Define "not working"?
here we go
the feeding has started
So, I might be able to access it in...4 years or so, judging by recent rep progress. woop!
you just need to play The Game and you'll get 10k very fast
So many users that shouldn't be even near to moderator tools have 10k
because of The Game
pfft, you sound just like that cocaine-ridden hooker I met the other day. Playing The Game gives you shiny stuff, but it also makes you want to kill yourself.
all true
playing The Game is very exhausting mentally
Now, I rather like living. Sure, it has its ups and downs, but on the grander scheme of things, I value my entire future more than harbouring e-points
but shiny...
I nominate this to be the best question title of the month:
Q: How important are the people I work with?

MichaelI'm a very lucky individual who's managed to push a job I enjoy as a junior developer (I say push as I was hired as a Business Analyst but moved into development by proving I could do the work). I'm happy with my salary and working conditions. BUT (Seriously, why wouldn't there be a but?) the pe...

"if I murder them all, nobody would notice, right?"
what is knowledge hording
I think he meant hoarding:
!!/define hoarding
@Zirak hoarding: A temporary wooden fence around a building or structure under construction or repair. (source)
Accumulating something without releasing it; they hoard knowledge, so they have and gather more, but never let go of any
Bug in Stackoverflow .
I get notified from this room for
@AnkitGautam Not a bug, intentional.
But iam not Ankit Gupta
But it wasn't a ping for Ankit Gupta, it was a ping for Ankit, which both your names begin with
You mean it will ping hundreds of Ankit on SO
Only ones who were very recently in chat
@SomeKittens I hate you.
!!>var f = function () { return 'f'; }; f.foo = function () { console.log(this()); }; f.foo();
@Zirak undefined Logged: "f"
hi to all
my script not work in IE browser only , why?
We have no way of knowing, but my magical code wand directs to a problem on line 7
(which IE version, which script, what error messages did you get?)
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

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