@towc It's my drug. Making programs which run correctly as soon as you manage to compile them it's fantastic (no null pointer or race conditions like in go)
I suffered a lot, last month while trying to deploy Angular SSR to firebase. Decided to write a tutorial on it. Later I started writing Angular tutorials ;p
btw @BartekBanachewicz, I'm trying to move into FP jobs. Ever tried elm? Or suggestions for other stuff that could be fun, but also easy to find work for?
I don't think that Java is fun. But I know for sure that in Java I can get most jobs done quicker than I ever could in Haskell currently. Even faster in JavaScript (if it's not UI) but Haskell... idk.
Dunno if anyone has started using Angular Elements yet but..I've create a bundle for an Elements project then included that as a custom element in a host Angular app
With source map enabled on the bundle build..
But it seems you can't debug an Elements bundle hosted with an Angular app?
Looking for the bundle file in Dev tools doesn't show up. So I can't et a breakpoint on the Element build file as I normally would when I've included a vanillajs custom element
There's not much difference in developer tools for the dev edition... it is just the Firefox version of Canary
I personally appreciate FF's grid inspector tools for messing around with/debugging css grid layouts (but I spend more time on CSS stuff than JS stuff)
I need a push in the right direction. Im trying to add a bootstrap div to a container dynamically. The plan is to let the end user add a IFRAME to a card element on a page. How do I do this in a safe manner?
Figured :D A few people at my company are going to read it; hopefully this doesn't end as last time where all of them agreed that it was good and I got 55/100 points and almost failed the assignment :)
.catch works like the try-catch statement, which means you only need one catch at the end: