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Well in my case I need to care about ones who don't work well, since they will complain first -_-
i am only making a demo to take a few videos, so I need some band-aid app that is Filmable and that's all :-)
use CGI :D
Interesting fact. For research project i am comparing FB's privacy policy in 2015 (prior to 2016 election) to theirs now. In the 2015 the section "How is this information shared?" was colored red, but in the new one it is colored green. Almost to come off less alarming....
I'd keep all docs in GIT
so people can see what changed
I know that CyPress lets you compare pages by doing screenshots and then highlight pixels that changed
I guess page design did change as well so not too useful
and fb's old ad guidlines is the smallest ToS document i have ever seen web.archive.org/web/20150823154852/https://www.facebook.com/…
is that even a page
I am not sure if they keep verions of what user agreed at point in time
probably they do now
@Raimonds wayback machine remembers all
Not db
userAgreed = true
since gdpr it is more like useragreed = true, agreedToWhat = ... agreedWhen ...
wayback machine is an extremely vital tool especially today
@Raimonds In order to sign up you had to agree so they just need the date users signed up which they def store
I mean nowadays you need to store way more data when users agree to something
unless you want to get in legal troubles
@forresthopkinsa Forrest, can i apply my SVG filter to my canvas element like this:
I hate that some websites assume I have mobile phone and this is only way I can register -_-
@forresthopkinsa context.filter = document.getElementById("turbulence");
@forresthopkinsa how can JS fetch it
does filter accepts node as param?
@forresthopkinsa <svg>
<filter id="turbulence" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
<feTurbulence id="sea-filter" numOctaves="3" seed="2" baseFrequency="0.02 0.05"></feTurbulence>
<feDisplacementMap scale="20" in="SourceGraphic"></feDisplacementMap>
<animate xlink:href="#sea-filter" attributeName="baseFrequency" dur="60s"
keyTimes="0;0.5;1" values="0.02 0.06;0.04 0.08;0.02 0.06" repeatCount="indefinite"/>
@AlexH Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@Raimonds like what?
@AlexH is it really that hard to format your code properly?
I don't work with CSS filters, like, ever, so I don't think I can answer your question
@JBis a. too many fingers in many many different pies PLUS gym daily b. i am not a pro so apologies
@JBis you can read about in GDPR guidlines, but idea is that you can provide data to user on demand that should contain not less of what was presented to him/her at that point in time
@AlexH that made no sense
> hit Ctrl+K before sending
use pastebin if there is too much code
@JBis having many fingers in many pies is an english expressions, meaning busy/involved with a million different things
i know what it means but it has no relevance
testing:    <svg>
      <filter id="turbulence" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
        <feTurbulence id="sea-filter" numOctaves="3" seed="2" baseFrequency="0.02 0.05"></feTurbulence>
        <feDisplacementMap scale="20" in="SourceGraphic"></feDisplacementMap>
        <animate xlink:href="#sea-filter" attributeName="baseFrequency" dur="60s"
        keyTimes="0;0.5;1" values="0.02 0.06;0.04 0.08;0.02 0.06" repeatCount="indefinite"/>
The CanvasRenderingContext2D.filter property of the Canvas 2D API provides filter effects such as blurring and grayscaling. It is similar to the CSS filter property and accepts the same values.
@Raimonds wdym by "not less of what was presented to him/her at that point in time"?
Can anyone help me with my method? Can't seem to figure out why it's not working.
@Kyle Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
sure ask away @Kyle
yohoo... Ok this is my SVG> how do i point my JS filter to that SVG, @JBis context.filter = document.getElementById("turbulence"); ?
@JBis let's say if you accept to T&C you need copy of that version they agreed to
Can I post a link to my question i submitted?
does turbulence has filter aplied by css?
it says same props as filter in css
no, it is just a standalone thing. None of it is applied to any of my css
so it should be string I believe
@Raimonds yes, they def store the policy but i dont know that its readily available. Are you saying GDPR requires users to have access to all previous policies they agree to?
@Kyle sure
@JBis yes
@Kyle fyi if you send link in separate message it looks cool
I believe at eary ages people just swaped policy all together
Q: How can I get the selected value of an object in an array on click?

KyleI have a an array of objects listed in a table, and I'm needing to get the value of the clicked object. When I click on of the numbers, it loops through and only gets the last arrays value. I'm currently looping through all of the objects in the array, but I can't get it to just pick the one obj...

and if you accepted it once you autoaccept it once it changes
after that there was a rule that you need to wipe all accepted states if you change ur policy
now you need to track all that shit :D
@Raimonds good to know thanks
but GDPR only relates to European user data
as far as I know
Our Security team knows better, we just implement on demand
Yes but most companies that operate in EU and US comply in the US
@AlexH what prop are you setting there, was it grayscale or blur?
it is the LOT, basically animating Ocean Background image
this is what context.filter accepts
it may sound simple, ihave SVG sitting in my HTML. How do i tell JS where it is :-)
ctx.filter = 'blur(4px)';
you find it using DOM
my SVG code is sitting in html body , i need to refer JS to that:    <svg>
      <filter id="turbulence" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
        <feTurbulence id="sea-filter" numOctaves="3" seed="2" baseFrequency="0.02 0.05"></feTurbulence>
        <feDisplacementMap scale="20" in="SourceGraphic"></feDisplacementMap>
        <animate xlink:href="#sea-filter" attributeName="baseFrequency" dur="60s"
        keyTimes="0;0.5;1" values="0.02 0.06;0.04 0.08;0.02 0.06" repeatCount="indefinite"/>
isn't context.filter part of canva stuff
does canva apply to svg?
it can be applied to the WHOLE of Canvas so why not to part of canvas element
haven't done much work with canva
I tought canva is basically empty container and you interact with it using canvas API
I mean from pure DOM perspective
will that work? context.filter = document.getElementById("turbulence"); or context.filter = document.getElementById("turbulence");  How can i refer to something sitting in HTML body
<filter id a node
you can target filter and tweak attributes
context.filter =
sets value of filter to result of your right call
context.filter = <filter id="turbulence" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%">
which is not valid value for filter
ok, so basically JS can not pick up an SVG filter
it can pick anything in your html file
DOM to be more precise

will give you your filter node <filter ....> childnodes </filter>
you can use js to tweak any of props inside there
but I don't think it is correct approach
@AlexH do i get it right, you want to set bg of canva to your svg?
yes but i have tried and SVG is applied the entire canvas
there is no "background-filter" in css, only "filter"
when i apply to the entire canvas, my ship looks submerged under the water, quite fun LOL.
can't you just put svg over canva
with position absolute
it is how it is donw
Wish me luck on my venture into the world of Swift and desktop app development, I had embarked on this treacherous journey once before only to turn back within an hour out of confusion.
div should be position: relative, this will let you set svg bottom:0 and it will stay inside that div
@JBis GL :D
take care Jb
thank you!
@AlexH not sure will it resolve your issue, but this is first what comes to my mind
you might need to tweak z-index for svg so it sits on top of canvas and make sure it has right dimensions
if hte only way to "trigger" that filter is via "filter" in css, which applies it to the whole canvas, i am not sure how we can get around it
A CSS <url>. Takes an IRI pointing to an SVG filter element, which may be embedded in an external XML file. WE need to dig deeper into this if that is poss
since my svg has an ID in HTM "svg" ( <svg id ="svg">) i can't see why this wont work but it doesn't :-) context.filter = document.getElementById("svg"); Maybe my syntax is wrong
YOHOO, i think i am getting somewhere using this syntax: context.filter = "url(#turbulence)";
@Raimonds thanks for your help, encourgement and inspiration tonight.
Not sure if this is the place for backend, but I'm looking for some help with typegoose. I'm trying to store a "complex" data type that I've defined in a typegoose document, but it's saying that the type is undefined
Any ideas?
I give up again
its too hard
2 hours later…
How to filter. echarts based on dataZoom
how to display the datas based on echarts dataZoom
october 1-november 30
but in echarts dataZoom >> october 23 - november 19
it should display only october 23 to november 19
I have embarked on a great journey down the road known as Machine Learning in JavaScript. I have emerged with partial success. Can you help me debug the following CodePen: codepen.io/BrianTheExpert/pen/XWWVyNX
@BrianNguyen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
3 hours later…
how to export echarts line chart to excel file
@AlexH you can't assign HTML node to context.filter, since filter does not accept these kinds of props, it is like if you would have to choose number from 1 to 5 and you would pick letter "x"
@AlexH, yes second one would work, see example on mozzila docs
also see this
@Raimonds you can use svg as filter. Probably he intended to do that but did not implement it correctly
I did not know there is a filter function "url"
@BrianNguyen what do you expect to happen?
posted on November 06, 2019 by Michaël Zasso

Notable Changes cli: Added a new flag (--trace-uncaught) that makes Node.js print the stack trace at the time of throwing uncaught exceptions, rather than at the creation of the Error object, if there is any. This is disabled by default because it affects GC behavior (Anna Henningsen) #30025. crypto: Added Hash.prototype.copy() method. It returns a new Hash object with its internal state clo

@Neil You can see the thread topic here: stackoverflow.com/questions/58723892/…
aOutput = model.predict(tf.tensor2d([parseFloat(aInput)], [1, 1])).dataSync()[0])
ola SO servers is having problems atm?
got timed out
@BrianNguyen you've got an extra parenthesis at the end :P
probably won't work too well if the js syntax is incorrect
@KarelG seems fine to me
must be a problem at CDN then
does it persist?
how to export echarts to image.. separated button export
@BadgerCat no congrats yet, not sure if I got it, and the one im in currently, it's an internal opening
@Neil It works. Turns out I just typed an extra parenthese. Thanks a lot.
@BrianNguyen np :)
@BrianNguyen it helps to check the developer tab often
it lets you find the stupid easy-to-find errors quickly and it's the first place I look
@Neil yes.
@KarelG still works for me :P
1 hour later…
I've got javascript running in <script> tags in a php document. It has lots of <?php ?> inside it. If I copy/paste it all to a .js document, will it still work?
if you don't modify (=update) the variables set with <?php ?>, no
My code runs fine, but it's very ugly and not at all future proof. I'm trying to make it cleaner without breaking it
Maybe... just leave those bits inside the file, while copying other functions to js files? It still feels ugly, but at least it's an improvement
Any tips on what you'd do in this situation?
for best solution: use loose js file and provide values via xhr. But that takes time. What you can do is
do this in php
The top result when I was looking was stackoverflow.com/questions/3241422/… along with the heading "terrible advice, don't do this"
  const pageNameCache = {
    var1: '<?php ?>',
    var2: '<?php ?>'
  // or better: have an associative array in PHP and supply it as JSON to that pageNameCache
<script src=....> load ur file here
and access the variables in your js file via eg pageNameCache.var1
ensure that the "cache" is named properly and not just "cache" to prevent conflicts if multiple php pages are getting tied together
Okay, I think I follow
So it's still have one script tag for scripts that work without php, and one for scripts that require php, but we're making the latter as small as possible to the point where it's just declaring variables
the other script tag is loading your loose (=separate) js file
best to keep it simple by having a single object where you know that it is filled in via PHP
a best practice is - as said - use xhr
but that involves more work ofc
oh, right
(googled xhr)
xhr = ajax
ajax is a proper term :P
we are now using Fetch. But I work on legacy code and has to work with the old XMLHttpRequest (aka xhr)
No, don't need xhr. I only need to call the information on page load. But yes, I use ajax plenty in other places
For example, I'd display lots of products on page, and I'd need an array with all the product information for calculating prices and postage
that is more an ajax job
interesting. My understanding of ajax was it was only useful for doing things after the page load, but was unnecessary during the page load
if your "page" is just the code, then all the data is technically "after page load"
that's the preferred method nowadays
because that gives you way more flexibility for presentation, you start with an API that's more robust and has more uses, etc. etc.
My goal was to create a page that still functions as much as possible even if your device goes through an internet blackspot
So by loading everything ahead of time, everything else can run offline
that's orthogonal and can be achieved regardless of whether you load it with xhr or not
but it's also in general a more advanced concept
I am intrigued. I like to know all the down sides of doing things the wrong way, even if I stubbornly stick to my guns and do it the wrong way regardless
Not sure I understand how one choice has a more robust API than the other though
> that's orthogonal
not sure if he understood that 😀
I thought I did, but I probably misunderstood it
I'm self-taught, so what I understand and what I don't can appear random at times
@JonathonPhilipChambers if you offer data as API, then you ensure that there is a separation between the presentation (webpage) and data manipulation (back-end server). If there is a decision to have a new site design, it is easier to re-use the API in the new website without having an impact on the current one.
so that people can maintain the website that is being in use and work on a new website, only accessible internally so that eg your manager / design team can test/update accordingly
setting the variable within php gives you fewer flexibility] because the presentation is being tied with the data manipulation. If someone wants to change the website, he has to duplicate the code that runs as a separate project.
Okay, I think I follow that
@KarelG basically this
you can also have multiple frontends for one backend this way. E.g. a mobile app, or a whole another service can directly reuse those endpoints
That's why headless CMS's are a great idea
that's what our CRM would become. But that's a loooooong process
we're also doing API first right now at my company
obviously the old code will take time to be adapted
the next possible step from that could be e.g. GraphQL
This is one I've used very briefly
it's a mixup of java ee concepts, static pages, static jsp pages (with db interaftion), single jsp scriplets, servlets with templates, servlet with jsp, servlet with tagging and (recently added by us) data endpoints for the website.
you can say that I accepted a toxic project 😕
@JonathonPhilipChambers FWIW most of us here are
after all, after a few years in the industry your formal education doesn't really matter anymore
Okay, I'm trying to understand this in the context of my project. I run a page for a small store with about 250 kinds of items for sale, and it may get an extra zero on the end as it grows, but no more than that. Because it's such a small store, I can afford to load compressed images of the entire store directly on page load, allowing for faster browsing speed between items, all client side.

Would you be able to explain that concept using my store as the example?
Currently, a php loop creates the html required for each item
Try not to load everything at once, especially with a store as it can hamper SEO scores and increase load times.
I just kept the thumbnail images compressed and the loading times were fine
Clicking an item loads a high resolution image
what's the loading time in actual value? 1 seconds?
But that's stored on a different page
What if I just send a link and you tell me?
Should I post a link here?
I hear no objection. Okay woolchambers.com.au
I'm okay with the slower loading times in order to get the faster key word search to work. (Yes, it works terribly at the moment, but it works terribly extremely fast is my point. I'll make it work better next year some time.)
it is good. Not bad for a starter that are self-taught.
There are much worse websites out of there, some of these got made by "professionals"
Thanks Karel. You see the good, but I see plenty still wrong with it
noticed some bugs tho. Yet the design is ... :P
reminds me to the nineties
I hope they are known bugs. Which ones did you spot?
Yeah, I know. The design is very html with minimal css. Slowly working on that
Eventually it will be... pretty much the same with more css
The font choice is bad on purpose. I don't want it to look too clean and professional. Most of our customers like to support a small struggling family rather than a faceless corporation. So it needs to look a little pathetic.
ha, yeah, known bug if you mean the description
that particular product has missing variables, and the code doesn't know how to handle
and when emptying the basket, the postage was not cleared
another known bug. It's only incorrect for non-orders. But making zero grams ship for zero dollars is on the to-do list
using +/- signs does not do any increments but does steps.
that said, thanks for finding these bugs for me
eg had 57. clicked on +, expected 57+10 or 57+50 or whatever 57+# but got directly 100
That was by design. All the steps are frequently ordered quantities. But advanced users have the option to type the quantity they want
It was just for the ipad user that wants to place an order in a hurry without typing
but your site as whole is good.
I am actually impressed
By the way, just for taking the time to look, I definitely owe you a favour. Call it in at any time
there have been "newbies" here that are coming with horror examples. You are even trying to understand what you were doing (programming wise).
This is a proud moment in my life. I have never impressed a stackoverflow user before.
Yeah, I've heard stories of people coming here with "can you do my php homework for me?" that clearly don't care about learning the craft
Okay, current plan:
Step 1: convert my massive <script> tag into multiple tags. Test
Step 2: make the <script> tag with the php stuff as small as possible
Step 3: convert the rest of the tags into files, based on which functions are unique to this page and which functions are shared
Step 4: repeat steps 1-3, reusing js files where possible.

Does that sound like a good approach?
I tried to break it by calling the new cart page willy nilly, hope you're not paying by the query :D
did you tried some common SQLi's attacks yet?
carts? They're mine. That said, I only get 250 currency calls per month. But anything else... have fun
Yes, I patched all those up early
I'm not so purist as to patch holes within the system, but anywhere where it has exposure to the outside world, I made it air tight
That is to say, php code trusts other php code, but never trusts js code
Nor the database
you need to cap it tho
total price: £1.07168e+29
Perhaps, but I'd be more than happy to fulfil that order for you.
Heck, you place that order, I'll deliver it myself
could checkout with only 1 gram product :D
maybe a secret backdoor for getting good stuff
1 gram? That's a bug. 5 grams is the minimum
Could you tell me how you did it?
I tried to get 1 gram. No luck
How did you do that?
in https://woolchambers.com.au/ConfirmOrder.php step
ah... I haven't got access to the back end from this computer, but I'm guessing it processed them as 0 grams
But you do raise a point. That button should not be clickable if errors exist
Okay, I'll add that to the to-do list. Thanks for that
check for order id 578 as well
could proceed without any valid information. And payments?
not requested
best to send a mail to the customer first. If it does not get delivered, then the mail address is skewey
you need a point of identification if someone is not paying your order.
even if the address is right, but might be a different person
Correct. The design is that your details are more valuable than your money, and I don't trust javascript to know the difference between invalid details and poorly entered details.

Once the order is placed, we just wait for the money before packing and sending
If no money comes, we have your details to try to reach you. If we can't, we delete your reservation
I know this sounds insane, but in our demographic, assuming the user has an email address isn't a good assumption
We have customers that would rather communicate over the phone
Hi, I have a logic question I'd like to confirm.
@JonathonPhilipChambers it was requesting me to fill it in (so required)
but also +1 because of using HTML5 validation
it overrides if you give me a phone number
@Euridice01 just ask your question
I have an object that can be an array. If I add the first item to the array, I want to set it as default item. For any other item afterward, I don't want to set it as default when I add it to the array. However, when there's another setting where I can change the default to be a different item and then save that value. So just to confirm the check I want to make. Here's a code snippet
i.sstatic.net/7neNe.jpg <-- check this. Popped up when I clicked "complete order"
if(this.props.items.length ===1 || items.isDefault) {items.isDefault == true}
Does that handle both scenarios properly, that check?
okay, I'll put that on the todo list.
The changing the isDefault value however when saving is a different line of code
I'll manually add change the isDefault value and pass it into the save call
@JonathonPhilipChambers it is ok for a small store. That does not work well in a large store like those webshops you see online :P
But is that check above fine for initial page load?
hold on.. did you mean "items.isDefault = true". Not sure why you'd use == there
you can make yourself easier by providing a class
who me or Jonathon for class?
yes sorry = @JonathonPhilipChambers
Does that look right though in general?
logic wise?
Ha! I actually spotted a user's bug in stackoverflow! This indeed is a day of firsts
Thanks for taking the time to look, and for the two bugs you brought to my attention. Would store credit be worth anything to you?
class Something {

     constructor(defaultItem) {
        this.defaultItem = defaultItem; array = [];

    addItem(item) {
      if (! this.defaultItem) this.defaultItem = item;
   // add methods such as makedefault ect
@Euridice01 was for you, ^ (syntax is not proper but you should get the idea)
if you don't have a default item at start, just deliver none.
Well I mean, if (! this.defaultItem) this.defaultItem = item; can't be done
because I only want to set the default for the first item I'm adding
and not subsequent ones
but I can change the default later, hence the other check
The add item hence, looks like it just assigns all items that go into that array as default
also there can only be one default item at one time... wait so it better to create an in memory object that holds the default item?
Okay, I'm going to leave the chat now, but thanks for everything everyone.
KarelG, thanks for finding new bugs for me to patch. If you ever want some free spinning fibre, you know how to reach me. ;)
have a good day Jonathon
@Euridice01 read the code
initial it is empty.
but forgot to adjust it, the constructor body is not correct
it should be
if (defaultItem) {
  this.defaultItem = defaultItem;
  this.array = [defaultItem];
} else {
  this.array = [];
then adding item only sets a default item if it has not been defined yet (so the first item you add to an empty constructed object)
ok thanks
Curious, but does anyone know why when I set my object in my canvas velocity to 10,000, it freezes
is it just too fast?
Before I updated, I could send it at speeds up to like 10 million
but like even 1000 is too much now :L
yet like 600 works fine
This is the piece of code that causes the error...
 } else if (vx >= 700 && vx < infinity) {
  color = "red";
 } else {
even something as low as 700 freezes the canvas..
is it just because Im using infinity?
sigh nevermind, im just an idiot using infinity in a calculation
@JBis that's what she said
@TaylorS the only reason that I can think of why that might be a problem is because reversing the direction might place the ball beyond the bounds
but unless you're calculating faster than light travel, it's probably a safe thing to cap the max velocity
otherwise you'll need to consider multiple border hits within a single frame
why does http Digest access authentication use md5?
@JBis it's not authentication, it's just validating the checksum of what was received
unless I'm mistaken
@JBis the intent is to use it as a one-way authentication but ... gets used as something else let's say. Also it's an old tech that did not incorporate the newest security standard (md5 was considered "safe" back then)
@KarelG mother of god
1 hour later…
I want to assort by length of string
var combineTypesToArray = ((setOriginal, setNew) => {
            union(setOriginal, setNew).forEach((value) => combinedEntityArray.push(value));
            combinedEntityArray.sort((a,b) => a.type - b.type);

        combineTypesToArray(setB, setA);
I want to do a sort by length of string
@here I am not sure if this is the place to ask this question however I give it a shot. Does anybody has any kind of knowledge, tutorials or experience with building sort of a SaaS platform for B2B? We are looking for a way to build a platform that can generate an API based on the clients needs, a frontend based on the client needs and a CMS backend all with a single simple interface so the user doesn't have a to write a single line of code. Is this is possible?
@ChristianMatthew add it as sort criterion?
Anyone know anything about Vue transitions? I'm trying to figure out how to do expand/collapse transitions on table rows.
@TaylorS could also be because you used infinity without capitalizing it
1 hour later…
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, alright
then good luck
@forresthopkinsa Hey. Thanks.
It took me more than a week to successfully deploy an Angular SSR build to firebase. So wrote a tutorial on medium.
@KarelG they should update the standard
@Nobody Yes, yes she did say that
Hi guys, anyone an idea how to solve this issue? stackoverflow.com/questions/58660127/…
@Valentino Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@Valentino What issue? you said it was resolved.
@KevinB its about his issue. stackoverflow.com/questions/58734889/…
why down vote?
@Valentino kevin downvotes just about everyone don't feel bad about it :)
1 hour later…
@forresthopkinsa Did you want those computers?
were you able to figure out what the servers specs are?
I sent you the link i think
Nov 1 at 0:17, by JBis
One of them is that. It def works. The older other works i think, not 100% sure.
Has anyone used Pi's?
I always love when I get to write such commits:
> git commit -m "dev: much linting. very camelCased. such different"
do other people get to read your commit messages
that's what I want to find out :)
noone reads mine
you can send me a text file with the messages if you wish, I will gladly read them
"spelling","typoe","spacing","fixed bug"
haha yeah
afk meetings for the next 2 hours
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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