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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

2 hours later…
i need to add dynamic drop to my form on run time in react can anybody give me any idea for the same?
1 hour later…
Hi All
i have one fundemental interview question to which im not finding an answer after googling.
Concepts like
1. Promise
2. Async - await
3. Asymc.queue
are the part of es6/es8 or latest nodejs version?
1 hour later…
@SamSam They are part of the ES6/ES8 standard.
@lavor Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@SamSam how comes that you cannot find an answer on Google?
just "javascript promise" gave me this as first result. If you don't encounter any documentation or reference, add "documentation" or "MDN" ...
1 hour later…
I just realized HTML actually stands for HyperText Machine Learning
a TIL for you? :P
@JBis much better
I am now curious at the difference between "cyber security" and "cyber specialist"
one has a degree, the other pretends to
hi can anyone help me? im making a tournament bracket for single elimination. but I dont know how
@ecksdee Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@ecksdee can you define that problem with more detail?
currently im developing a tournament system. given that i already have input such as number of participant for such tournament events, in order to determined how many number of rounds for such tournament trees. the single elimination that I would like to have is just for 4, 8, 16 without any byes. and also i dont know how to render the tournament bracket on the client side, do i need to use jquery? currently i only have a hardcoded tournament bracket with 16 participant using html/css
heres my thread, stackoverflow.com/questions/58619625/… would appreciate if anyone could help :)
you need to think a bit
if you are using flexbox (with flex-direction: row ), then flexbox is capable to manage those boxes themselves
ideally you want one row, 2^n items on each row and to have each item spaced evenly
once you have that you can go any number of levels down and you'd only really have to worry about space issues
        //numberOfParticipant= 4, 8, or 16
        let amountOfRounds = Math.log(numberOfParticipant) / Math.log(2);

        for(i=amountOfRounds; i>0; i--)
          s = 'Round '+(amountOfRounds-i+1)+' of '+amountOfRounds+' consist of '+Math.pow(2, i-1)+' matches';

//example of participant size 4
Round 1 of 2 consist of 2 matches
Round 2 of 2 consist of 1 matches
@ecksdee Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
ops.. sorry first time using chat here..
i dont know if im doing this correctly or not..
it is πŸ‘
javascript really needs a way to format strings nicely
or is that a thing and I don't know about it?
template literals?
//> 1+1
@KarelG Use a space between || and your command. For example: || help
||> const a = 1; const b = 222; my a is ${a} b is ${b} no?
@KarelG Invalid command! Try help for a list of available commands..‍.‍.‍.‍.‍.‍
@KarelG undefined Logged: ``
that backtick does not have to be parsed
@KarelG ty..
Henlo, quick question to make sure I understand something correctly before I throw it into my thesis:
With hooks you can use lifecycle stuff and state in functional components with a much more confusing and worse to read API?
(and more because you can define custom hooks as well)
@geisterfurz007 that sentence does not make any sense for me :P
Yeah same, that's why I am asking
context? And that is not a "scientific" sentence tho
Context is React/ React Native; sorry, I was sure I put that in somewhere but I didn't it looks like
And I know it's not a scientific sentence; I am just trying to get a better understanding of dafak I am talking about. For me in my head it makes sense to use class components because that is what I am used to and they also provide really readable and verbose functions to use like componentDidMount.
When I read that, I go "Oh hey! That is probably called when the component did mount!". With "useEffect" my first question is what the fuck an effect is supposed to be and where it gets used when by whom.
maybe you can read this as a start
That might be the issue; I have never faced the problems they talk about in my stuff before so it's hard for me to follow that
For example the stuff about "classes confuse people". Well nej, they didn't really so far.
And the only time I saw the stuff with render props was in React Router DOM if I remember correctly :D
can scss file be used on browser?
First google result for "can scss be used in the browser": freecodecamp.org/news/… (Jan 21st, 2019)
> All Sass/SCSS code compiles back to standard CSS so the browser can actually understand and render the results. Browsers currently don’t have direct support for Sass/SCSS or any other CSS pre-processor, nor does the standard CSS specification provide alternatives for similar features (yet.)
@azam you need to pre-process it to a CSS
yes I know that, but I was checking angular and I saw only scss file in chrome browser
using webpack I do that and get the css file in dist folder
Karel, you a woman?
just check my profile description
nobody cares
(I'll show myself out)
i know your from SO chat for 2 or 3 years.. always thought you're a woman..
Karel's a girl's name
maybe in your culture
In America "Andrea" is a female name, but in Italy, it's very much a male name.
@Nobody it's the first time I heard that.
unfortunately humans don't support ACCEPTS header
hey i want to add multiple input on an fom on runtime and the input is select value but the problem is that select input is not getting executed propely
you need to add more information on that
@KarelG i want to implement form array in react without using redux any idea about it and the input type for the array should of type select
i can add code in case you can help me out with error
this should be quoted as the xy example
@Atulkumar wtf?
Do you know React can have State? reactjs.org/docs/state-and-lifecycle.html
@ShrekOverflow i want to crate a form where we add field on runtime and the input type should be select i.e. a dropdownlist
does anyone know how i can style the facebook share button
@MiladDeraawi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@Atulkumar and ....?
anyone remember how to prevent inputs from breaking to the next line?
@ShrekOverflow i'm unable to create and the one i created is not function properly
I keep forgetting, and now I cant find it anywhere online
I only see things about preventing TEXT in inputs from breaking
@Atulkumar You know there are infinite ways you could write and mess up that code, so -- do you mind sharing yours?
import React,{Component} from 'react';
import {Form,FormGroup,Button} from 'reactstrap';
import Skill from './Skill';
class Addskill extends Component
let {skills}=this.state;
<Button color='primary' type='submit' onClick={this.addSkill}>Add Skill</Button>
@Atulkumar Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
@ShrekOverflow here is the main page code import React,{Component} from 'react';
import {Form,FormGroup,Button} from 'reactstrap';
import Skill from './Skill';
 class Addskill extends Component
         let {skills}=this.state;
@Atulkumar Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
annnnnnd why is it not working
also why is cap james now?
@ShrekOverflow here is the Skill component code                                                  import React,{Component,useState} from 'react';
import {Input,Form,FormGroup} from 'reactstrap';
import axios from 'axios';
class Skill extends Component{
     let {subCategory}=this.state;
are the ids uinque?
@ShrekOverflow yes
then the only way you can have messed it up
w3schools.com/tags/att_option_selected.asp (yes i am linking w3schools)
i have set the options value correctly but i don't know about other things
but that wouldn't make much sense
vOv try just using seelct
and not whatever library u are using
see if that works
@ShrekOverflow okay let me try that
@ShrekOverflow jamesbot is from JBit (he only used the code on github)
rlemon left after the SO shitstorm that raged hard the at the start of this month
@ShrekOverflow my problem is i want to give user to select option multiple time on a click of a button on runtime
and that occurs for a minute and then disappears
@KarelG tldr of the storm?
anyone know how to stop inputs from wrapping
I forgot how and for some reason google isnt giving me my answer anymore
@TaylorS what do you mean with "wrapping"
word wraps?
like, the input gets shoved down a line when I put it next to another element
omfg word wraps, thats all ive found today...
ah, make it inline
theres like nothing on the actual ELEMENT itself..
I tried that
I tried float:left;display:inline-block; on the style
Then the input is too wide for the containing element... Or the element before it isn't inline.
it all depends of the container (parent element) behavior
Why are inputs always wrapping by default
it does not
Well, karel, even if I make a blank document, and write an <a>text</a>
and an input next to it
the input wraps
@TaylorS: Can you provide us an example of the problem on something like jsfiddle?
if parent says: u're too big, go down then input follows
I legit just started a project...
and already coming across more css/html problems
@TaylorS input width > list element width
Look at the width of the container...
.-. This school screen screws up the dimensions for me
It shows its larger for me
... wat
That's not how scaling on screen resolutions works...
@KarelG ooo boy
FFS I quit
The input fits just barely if I set width: 250px;
Ill rephrase that, My school laptop LITERALLY viewing it larger than the input
it's in pixels fam.
so wut again
You think i know? Ive been having these problems forever, I dont do much HTML design work at school anymore because this stupid laptop always renders incorrectly
@ShrekOverflow your right. I will be sad. But I think that you can find other regulars on their Discord
press CTRL + 0 or CMD + 0
No, a laptop doesn't render HTML differently.
Oh, reset your zoom level
Cerbrus, not sure what to tell you then
Its not zoomed in, Ive already thought of that
So, if you open up codepen.io/SkylerSpark/pen/BaawxGw, what does it look like? you can upload a screenshot here.
The school admins have custom modded chrome on these devices to block all sorts of things
think that could have anything to do with it?
Yea that still doesn't change how CSS works.
Their program edits the inline styles of the site
adds little block dialogues and such
stop with talking non-sense please.
Well, unless you guys got another answer for the stupid thing rendering differently, then Im not sure what to tell you
brb Ill screenshot it
"image not found" on my screen
If I view it on my phone or home computer, it always looks fine
Well that sucks
but sometimes, like increasing the width to a definite value, like 2000px will do nothing
yet other times, it will work fine
I don't fucking know anymore :l
Is this for a school assignment?
nope, my IT class does html, but its like bare basics.. like writing a header or changing background color
What browser is that? can you install a different browser?
And no its not codepens fault
This problem happens in any site, and also occurs with offline HTML files
It will work one moment, and not another
I cant reinstall or install anything
admin perms :3
But I CAN run jar files ironically
Again, what browser is that?
Our computers are up-to-date, but its just glitchy/buggy as all get-out
Well, frankly, I'd give the sysadmins shit for breaking the internet
FWIW I can see the same issue on my PC
Theyve completely ruined the internal components
Heck, even flash players renders things incorrectly sometimes
Bottom line: There's nothing we can tell you that will fix issues on your end.
File a complaint, give the sysadmins hell, whatever, but that's up to you.
well, they wouldnt listen to me
I could change the wifi password as punishment for them not being sure to block access to our ISP configuration page
which for some reason is fully unlocked
Do it... If they can't manage the systems properly...
School ITs tend to screw up our computers a lot... dont know why :L
The schools I went to were fine in that regard
They spent a month last year blocking all access ports to minecraft's servers (due to a gaming problem with kids spreading a cracked launcher around the school through word docs)
and then they suddenly forgot to block inappropriate sites and movie sites... funnily enough at one point, I was able to run any program on the computer for about a week.
Cerbrus, not sure you have been sarcastic after that image?
Shows you the quality of their work lol
but I got the first screenshot when I examined his codepen
That first screenshot contains a width:700px
That's not what the preview is showing
combined with that bottom border not being below the input
lol check the inline css styling
just made up
Ow, yea...
Wow... So you went through the work of trying to say Im lying? Im not lying, its a problem with our browsers...
Remember, I cant see images
Check the width there
Yea, i'm not gonna remember details like that
Blame my school for blocking that sort of thing
That first screenshot you sent with broken HTML
You had a wifth set to 700px in the HTML
But you also had an width with no value in the element's style attribute
That's not good.
Is it fine to add an answer to an unresolved question on SO from 4 years ago? Provided it doesn't have any dupes with an answer on SO?
my best guess is, they have zscaler modifying the inline styles of the site to block content of images, iframes, and add "blocked site" messages to links.
And that has casued the positioning and dimensions to have problems,
Listen, if you dont believe me karel, thats alright, simply was asking earlier if anyone knew how to fix it
@Vap0r Sure
No, Karel actually noticed something I didn't, in that screenshot
yes, I noticed I placed an accidental width attribute there
thats not the cause of the problem
may I remind you, this happens to nearly every site I visit on this laptop
where a width or dimension or property of an element just doesnt seem to function
@TaylorS no OS related policies has an impact of how a browser renders its content. Period. You are using pixels as dimension, which is consistent among all browsers.
Well? What? is it just magic then? it doesnt just... "not work"...
Im just a single year amateur webdev, I have no idea whats causing this...
yours first step is to not use inline CSS styling anymore.
that is just a not good idea.
again, this isnt about codepen or my "writing inline css in html", this has occured before on other sites besides sites I have written, where it will render content correctly one time, and a couple refreshes, and the dimensions are incorrect
@KarelG Yes KarelG, i have gone over lots of sources explaining Promise, but i did not found anywhere wherein it mentions whether it is a ES feature or a nodeJs feature.
promises are an ECMS Script feature
added in ES6
you can consult MDN for that. If it is there, then it is supported in JavaScript and Node.js uses the same JavaScript interpreter as chrome (V8 engine)
aside exceptions ofc
@SamSam MDN lists the specification where they're defined.
1 hour later…
I have a monolithic nodejs application. I just started developing a new module, which could in essence run as a microservice. Which technology would you use to communicate with it ?
e.g. spawn it as a process and use stdio ?
would you use a queuing system like rabbitmq ?
or something else ?
I want something - simple, easy, low overhead, but not foolish :)
and not hopelessly outdated
In comment section of a question, @ is not working.
Any body seen that
is it disabled
works fine
note that the @ isn't necessary if you're trying to @ the person who wrote the post you're commenting on.
then how can we reply to that only person
You are implicitly replying to them by commenting on their question
or answer
Stack Overflow and its chat sites require participation to be in English.
As this is a moderated community, and our moderators are required to be capable of moderating only English content.
2 messages moved to Trash can
@towc thanks! How's this? Is it too motion-ey media.giphy.com/media/LSFujDUUXXoIyXZ7MS/giphy.gif
How can I generate a 32-bit signed float string in JavaScript ?
@vdegenne why?
what are you doing with js that requires managing memory so low level?
@JBis I am not doing anything. That's the REST API that asks for this property
|| mdn math.fround()
@vdegenne How's that?
angular website is showing scss file in browser. Why is that?
seems good! so (''+Math.fround(-Math.random())) right ?
wait.. isn't -Math.random()+'' already a 32-bit signed float ?
don't blame GitHub, blame the authorities
Why? GitHub should say fuck you and leave it up
Why should they take it down?
why not?
Support freedom of speech (or code)
They should support freedom of speech (or code)
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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