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@Feeds That's weird to think about
If we ever make true artificial intelligence, they'd be resurrected in weird moments in human history and have a very odd perspective on things
they'd be a time capsule of human knowledge
@Neil Could you advise something? stackoverflow.com/questions/44876974/…
@Neil I think you're talking about books
@towc Could you advise something? stackoverflow.com/questions/44876974/…
@Umbro I could, but I won't because it's not nice to ping bystanders like you're doing
@towc I don't know. Would you say that artificial intelligence and books are the same?
@Umbro not a big react user, sorry
I would say books can be read in weird moments in human history and have a very odd perspective on things, while being a time capsule of human knowledge
@towc Sorry
@towc True. So again, I repeat. Would you say that artificial intelligence and books are the same?
you forget ebooks Neil
they're books but also computers
@Neil no
Because if I went to the store and said, "Hmm, I was looking for some apples to eat" and the clerk gave me oranges, I would say, "These aren't the same" even if the clerk says, "They can both be eaten.."
and in which means is that linked to the book / AI ?
A book that talks back would probably be a slightly different experience than a book which can't, I'd imagine
@KarelG now you're just being pedantic
nope. I cannot eat them
that's how metaphors work. You compare the relationship of two objects with the relationship of two other objects. You don't compare object on one side with an object on the other.
what's a metaphor? I only know metapod
3 hours later…
Are you happy that you are still a member of EU @BenFortune ?
Anyone here have a decent understanding of Dat.GUI?
function CSSGuiReset() {
 gui.__controllers.forEach(controller => controller.setValue(controller.initialValue));
I tried using controllers to reset all the default values
and overall "reset" the gui
but it doesnt seem to react to it
why are you using a library you know little about?
im an f-tard
eh Neil
Lul... its CSSGui.__controllers
if you start to use jQuery for the first time, then you barely know something about it right?
so I find your question kinda odd.
@KarelG It wasn't a criticism, it was a legit question
However, that still doesnt answer it, it still doesnt react, I got my answer from this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/41154519/…
I know how to write dat.gui and manipulate everything, but theres a controller back-end that some people use, and I never thought Id want to use it
@Neil If no one used libraries they didn't know, no one would use libraries :thinking:
@Cereal very profound, but my question was to get an understanding of what he was using it for
feel free to misinterpret and exaggerate as desired
I dont know react, three.js, or others, but Ive still used em before
dat.gui is one of the few I know a lot about
Oh, what Im using it for?
I just wanted to create a button in the GUI that would set all the values back to their Defaults
Its a dat.gui css editor im making for fun
I want all the CSS values to go back to their system defaults (As determined in the function CSSGuiDefaults)
@Neil rude
lol... Amusement
@Neil still an odd question
@TaylorS well please accept my sincerest apologies. Apparently that wasn't welcoming of me, and I respect you as a person
like I have dis problem. Boss ask me to show charts of sales. But there is no js library to render it for me. So I lookup and try some. I don't have experience with those libraries yet eventually I picked one so boss would become happy
@KarelG A little overly sensitive, man..
lol I dont mind, As an aspergian ive been have had hundreds of insults against me, you get used to it after 3 or more years.
@Neil bold of you to assume they're a person
you hurt me 😭
Use Excel :3
sorry, a sentient being
I like excel graphs because they are responsive :P
@TaylorS Did you really take that as an insult? Honest question
other than that feature, I hate excel
Not really Neil XD
eh, excel is a frequently used tool in administration
ok, well I honest to god didn't mean for it that way
LibreOffice Calc is still not on par with it.
dont get me wrong, excel is useful, and had sweet little regex and code equations to automate everything.
but, I took 2 classes on it for free credits
fricking boring as hell
but I still use it for graphs in powerpoint anyways. Cant be mad at microsoft
Everything's an insult if you're loud enough
^ Pretttty much
excel can do quite a bit if you know how to use it
I've seen people write entire programs when they could have done it far quicker using excel
@Neil Which most people don't
well admittedly, it can do quite a lot
between notepad++'s regex, column editor, and excel, I can pretty much manipulate data however I choose
I still need a good hex editor
@KarelG I don't really care
When all the boomers have died off, they'll reverse it anyway
@Peter Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
Please can anyone help out with this?

$(document).on("click", ".resendCode", function(){
	var delayTime = 60000*5,
			lastRequestTime = localStorage.getItem("lastRequestTime"),
			currentTime = (new Date().getTime()) / 1000;

	if (currentTime - lastRequestTime >= delayTime) {
		console.log("Sending new request..");
		localStorage.setItem("lastRequestTime",  (new Date().getTime()) / 1000);
		console.log("Please wait for 5 minutes before sending new request.");
@Peter what are you trying to do?
@JBis after first submit, if try submitting again in lest than 5 minutes it will show message to wait after 5 min
Just to prevent too may form submission.
What's wrong with it?
Also not sure why you're dividing by 1000
@BenFortune yah, i have seen my problem is working thanks
dat indentation
@Peter you can still bypass that easily
you should have a backend check as well
@Neil yes, i also have a check from backend. Thank you for the help
5 hours later…
3 hours later…
@forresthopkinsa (and others) I am redesigning my site, what do you think of this:

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