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Hi all , i cant see the Load seconds in my Dev tool any idea ?
1 hour later…
@GayathriMohan you that's weird. I'm not seeing any related settings
maybe the request never completed?
I don't know but that's my only guess. seems unlikely
4 hours later…
@GayathriMohan do you have set a debugger somewhere in your script? It is odd, indeed;
3 hours later…
hey hey
Does using a thunk in redux immediately makes my action async?
let's assume I'm not doing any API calls or typical async behaviour.
I'm just using a thunk so I can compare the state with my action, then dispatch the action.
does it make it async?
3 hours later…
@Thaenor no it doesn't. You need to return an async function in your action to make your action async.
@RicardoLopes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@RicardoLopes Gracias!
@JBis seems untested before release? :P
@KarelG Yeah exactly. Its just really annoying because its such a stupid error.
tell me what, recently a page has to taken from production because it contained a JavaScript error. Nobody tested it. Now people is complaining that the said page is resulting in a "404 page"
I don't care. It got modified on request, so both dev and requestee had to test it.
2 hours later…
I'm the largest moron in the world....
For a hotfix our build server was building the docker. While the build server was "busy" (It's a slow server) I was like "well let's prepare the public server instead of fumbling thumbs for 5-10 minutes". So I removed the old docker and put everything in place to get the new docker - it was a very minor hotfix anyways, shouldn't cause any problems whatsoever.
Turned out, our ancient build server actually has crashed during building, so now I have a server that's crashed, I've already thrown away the old docker, and ict has gone home for the day.
that sounds "fun"
@CaptainCthulhu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
oh its a bot
anyone alive here, to help this monk with his Delima
> If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i just started learning php and javascript(html you know how to make forms and etc):
my problem is i want to detect the state of certain elements in form
like if collapsed set a certain hidden input with value A if not set value B
why i said collapsed, just think of it as me trying to make an optional part of form (upload image in this case), if user chose to upload image the optional part gets expanded, if not it gets collapsed and hopfully the form will not send an empty file
k but what is debugging — Victor 52 mins ago
I have this ajax script
  success:function(data) {
 // alert(data);
var json = $.parseJSON(data);
 $(json).each(function (i, val) {
$.each(val, function (k, v) {
console.log(k + " : " + v);
and the output
[{"id":3,"project_id":1,"location_name_local":" \u0641\u0631\u0646\u0633\u0627","location_name_english":"France","parent_id":null,"created_at":null,"updated_at":null,"office_id":null,"projects":null}]
My question is how to get location_name_english values only
the inner loop isn't necessary if you only want one property.
var minC;
var maxC;
function foo (){

    window.minC = document.charName.minChar.value;
    window.maxC = document.charName.maxChar.value;
    console.log("minC and maxC: " + minC + "/" + maxC);


function check (){

    console.log("Checking global variables ->"+minC ) // undefined

    regex= new RegExp('\A(?=\w{'+ minC + ','+ maxC +'}\z)'); //undefined
    console.log("regex: "+ regex);
hi team, I have browsed SO, solutions talk about hoisting and scoping
foo does console out proper values
but regex is not able to pull the global variables, it says they are undefined
this should be very extremely basic
not able to put together what I am doing wrong, my understanding is that minC and maxC are global
my functions should be able to access that variable
@KevinB It does not work
var json = $.parseJSON(data);
you removed too many loops.
You have an array
you can't just ignore the array and access a property of an object in the array
@KevinB please more explanation I am not familiar with js
right, so, you have this: [{foo: "bar"}]
and you want the value "bar"
obj.foo is undefined
because obj is an array
to access an item in an array, you need it's index
but, what if there's more than one?
since it's an array, presumably there's a possibility of there being more than one.
so you need a loop
that way you can display all of the values, rather than just the one at index 0.
@KevinB okay this works
then I need loop to get all values
2 hours later…
Hi :)
Is it possible to remain anonymous on the dark web?
define anonymous
Be able to receive payments without giving your location up
and to host websites
@BlackBeard, thanks I almost broke my monitor

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