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I just tested with robocop1.avi (700mb) and it works fine
meh. :P
in fact it only uses 96mb memory
so it's pretty smart
Ok, a 40 GB virtual hard drive is too much for vim.
same with vedit... uses very little memory - ohh well - this really is a none issue, who the fuck uses notepad anyways.
but notepad++ would crash too
if you want a super simple editor notepad++ or geany pop into my head
Emacs is simple :(
yea but the edge case of editing a file that large would (imo) warrant a second editor.
I will use notepad to quickly write myself a note.
@Collecter Really? I use this thing called "pen and paper".
I also use notepad to write quick notes.... but mines not on a pc
@Zirak Maybe if I had a pen within reach of my desk....
When I want to write a note, and I'm in front of a computer, "Win+Rnotepad<CR>" is generally faster than fetching pen and paper.
there is an 'eraser' add on, but it's not visible in this picture
@Collecter @RaphaelR. And who's fault is that?
@rlemon Must be hard to modify that in paint constantly.
if you are a developer and you do not have a notepad handy at your desk you need to stop what you are doing.. - and go get a pen and a notepad.
@Collecter ugh. win-trolls assume everyone uses windows.
in gimp it's really easy actually, I just keep the note paper and the pen as a layer each and overlay my text.
@rlemon Outside of the programming community it is a relatively safe assumption.
Why do people close their editors? I always have Emacs open, so it's simply a matter of Alt+Tab. I see no reason to close it.
@Collecter not at all.. not at all my friend. Maybe out of the small subset of users you know.
There are a crap tonne of linux users (none devs) and A LOAD of mac users.
and I can show you a pie chart that make it look the other way
Statistics like that is bullshit unless you happen to be the entire world.
you show me what wikipedia says. I tell you to get your head outta your ass and on the internet learn to never make assumptions about he users
Let's also note that Android and Mac OS are UNIX derivations
is anyone else having the chat be uber laggy for them ?
Yeah, but it's fine now that your image is gone
Yeah, it's odd
yea mine is lagging hard core - already killed chrome and reloaded it - no better.
nothing else is laggy for me though, just chrome when the chat is open.
Meh, I was using a very popular website to try to illustrate that at the very least greater than 50% of PCs are still running a windows system. If you go down to the bottom you can get the actual stats of traffic on wikimedia.
@Collecter 50% of the users who visit the sites they are polling on
So what if even 70% of the world uses Windows? That fact is irrelevant to you, because you don't know and interact with 100% of the world.
@Zirak The point was that I could say windows is a relatively safe assumption for the general population.
Do it have to be painted on the moon for people to realize this? Statistics are only good for what they are made for, and that is not your case
@rlemon @chat Y U NO LET ME STAR THIS
Yes, I may be taking some liberties using only one source, but I really don't feel like finding more for this conversation.
No you can't. Because I could easily live in an underground cavern filled with mole people using an old copy of Mac OS (I use the word "easily" quite wrongly)
So for me, the general population isn't using Windows, it's using Mac OS
@Collecter the only safe assumption you can make with users on the web is that they are dumb. idiots to boot, they know nothing and you need to hold their hand.
@Zirak Unless you moved to another planet in this scenario, you would still be on earth, and for the population, be a minority.
@rlemon I can agree with that for any use of a computer.
@Collecter you're missing the point that there is no legitimate source online that will accurately tell you the marketshare of OS's or browsers. the best you can do is check your own metrics and see what is important for you to consider supporting.
I do not know everyone on Earth! If I did, then yes, you're right, the population has a majority of Windows users
i.e. I'm sure the ms website see's like 30% IE or higher, whereas MDN probably gets <1% IE
@rlemon I know I will not find a source saying who is using what exactly. From my own experience, looking at sales volume, etc, is why I conclude windows is most prevalent.
@Collecter was, this is rapidly becoming a false statement.
Do someone want a coffee ?
ohh fuck I need one
Checking sales volume on Unix-based ideology doesn't check out...
@Zirak I know...
gist: Gitnologist, 2012-07-26 18:27:11Z
Fork it, use it, break it, fix it,
Comm it, push it, pull - request it,
Fetch it, branch it, patch it, fake it, 
Merge it, ssh it, never - https it.

Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Build it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Clone it, crack it, crop it, comp it,
Drag and drop it, gzlib - gzip it.

Protect it, pub it, grep it, drop it,
view it, code it, bug - just doc it, 
Scrape it, scroll it, refresh and click it, 
Copy it, paste it, rm - and erase it.

Name it, watch it, follow it, star it, 
Gist it, encode it, salt - md5 shit,

Rebase it, encase it, protect it, reflect it,
Burn it, leave it, git - format it.
gist for you :P
You know what? Fuck this.
Anyway, work is over for the day. Sorry I caused some trouble here
@rlemon Love ya
:) right back at ya
Holy crap I just figured out why the chat is laggy
It was my fault :<
Okay, hang on. Just because a general stat won't reflect your exact user-base doesn't mean it's completely impractical to use it for making sound guesses about what you need to support unless you have a very specific demographic.
the notepad picture is 2meg :( 6000 by 4000
@Zirak starred for "unicorn sauce"
@ErikReppen you should never make assumptions about your audience. take metrics and work with those. never make assumptions
you will bite yourself in the ass
A metric for a concept site with (hopefully) broad appeal that doesn't even exist yet and doesn't really have anything that's easy to compare to?
topic changed
Hi, do you know how I can change the MSIE accelerator(-ms-accelerator) position via javascript? (can I even change it's position at all?)
@Esailija I tend to lump unit testing in with TDD since I assume the idea is that you are writing tests for every single 'unit.' I tend to use 'automated testing' as a more general term.
Yeah, it looks like TDD is newer than the idea of unit testing though. It still makes me want to kick puppies when people try to bring either into JS. It's liking lighting a candle with napalm.
What's JS got to do with it? Isn't it language agnostic?
@xtal the difference with JS is that I'm more likely to have to put up with it.
I don't follow, sorry.
@xtal - If it becomes as popular in JS, I'm more likely to have to implement it, which I'd rather not. As I said, I have no problem with automated testing in intersections of complexity, but not for basic stuff where point of origin of breakage is going to become immediately obvious.
Yes it's not an all-or-nothing proposition.
Certain things are more amenable to unit testing than others.
E.g. it's not so easy with user interfaces.
But you'd be crazy not to write unit tests for your lexer.
Anyway, implementing unit tests in any language is easy. The recipe is here.
$('body').append('<style>.avatar img { -moz-transition: ease all 100ms; -webkit-transition: ease all 100ms; -ms-transition: ease all 100ms; -o-transition: ease all 100ms; transition: ease all 100ms;   } .avatar:hover img { -webkit-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(1.2); -moz-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(1.2); -ms-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(1.2); -o-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(1.2); transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(1.2);}</style>');
paste it into your console.
I just made the chats more fun
for even more fun change scale(1.2) to (4.2)
does not work for me :(
@rlemon for more fun Firefox has a blink css property.
gist: 3184443, 2012-07-26 20:53:35Z
$('body').append('<style>.avatar img { -moz-transition: ease all 100ms; -webkit-transition: ease all 100ms; -ms-transition: ease all 100ms; -o-transition: ease all 100ms; transition: ease all 100ms;   } .avatar:hover img { -webkit-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(4.2); -moz-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(4.2); -ms-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(4.2); -o-transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(4.2); transform: rotate(-720deg) scale(4.2); z-index: 99999; opacity: 1;}</style>');
try to keep the stupid chars out of it
no I am trying :P
I can see a big yellow blurry Zirak head.
didn't see the hover ^^'
What does it do?
@dievardump Oh, I've not tried hovering, that's just a recurring nightmare I have.
@rlemon The unicorns are better.
Q: How do I catch a PHP Fatal Error

too much phpI can use set_error_handler() to catch most PHP errors, but it doesn't work for fatal (E_ERROR) errors, such as calling a function that doesn't exist. Is there another way to catch these errors? I am trying to call mail() for all errors and am running PHP 5.2.3.

Hey everybody!
wow what a terrible accepted answer
oh the better one came 2 years later
Does anybody here have any recommendations on books to learn CSS, PHP and Javascript?
all at once
i think those are the three most popular tools for building a professional website
I know javascript well enough
css is simple I guess, php not so much. I'm looking for a good reference to combine all of them
html isn't required for building a website? Cool.
i don't know any way to build a website without html, do you?
i thought it was pretty pointless to include that
There are plenty of ways
gist: avatar yahouuuu, 2012-07-26 21:12:35Z
$('body').append('<style>@-moz-keyframes myEffingAnimation {	25%  { -moz-transform: rotate(-360deg) scale(4); }	50%  { -moz-transform: rotate(0) scale(1); }	75% { -moz-transform: rotate(360deg) scale(4); }	100% { -moz-transform: rotate(0) scale(1); }}@-webkit-keyframes myEffingAnimation {	25%  { -webkit-transform: rotate(-360deg) scale(4); }	50%  { -webkit-transform: rotate(0) scale(1); }	75% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg) scale(4); }	100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0) scale(1); }}@-ms-keyframes myEffingAnimation {	25%  { -ms-transform: rotate(-360deg) scale(4); }	50%  { -ms-transform: rotate(0) scale(1); }	75% { -ms-transform: rotate(360deg) scale(4); }	100% { -ms-transform: rotate(0) scale(1); }}@-o-keyframes myEffingAnimation {	25%  { -o-transform: rotate(-360deg) scale(4); }	50%  { -o-transform: rotate(0) scale(1); }	75% { -o-transform: rotate(360deg) scale(4); }	100% { -o-transform: rotate(0) scale(1); }}@keyframes myEffingAnimation {	25%  { transform: rotate(-360deg) scale(4); }	50%  { transform: rotate(0) scale(1); }	75% { transform: rotate(360deg) scale(4); }	100% { transform: rotate(0) scale(1); }}.avatar img { 	-moz-animation: myEffingAnimation 5s infinite; 	-webkit-animation: myEffingAnimation 5s infinite; 	-ms-animation: myEffingAnimation 5s infinite; 	-o-animation: myEffingAnimation 5s infinite; 	animation: myEffingAnimation 5s infinite; }</style>');
There we go
Now we have cool chat extension. We just need something that makes new text chat fly around the page. lol
Brilliant, google...why am wasting my time with smart a** people when there's google...Thanks for the helping hand. I know better than to ask for opinions now.
@JoshElias Honestly (no more url jokes), here's what'll probably happen if we recommend a book. You'll go out and buy it (or torrent) and read the intro. It bores you. The book sits on your desk, a waste of money.
I can't recommend a book, because books never really taught me anything in programming. Writing and reading code did.
Thats what happened to my books
If you want a book that'll teach you how to code (and I mean really code, not some two-bit script kiddie playing with jQuery because he thinks that'll make him cool) read Code Complete 2
That's about the only coding book you'll ever need
is it better than code complete 1?
sequels are usually bad
except batman
I couldn't tell you, I didn't read the first one
I'm only 200 pages into 2, but it was worth every penny already
CPD: Copy-paste development
Hey, do you guys know much about IE8's aggressive caching? Does it just cache all get requests by default? I'm just wondering why other browsers tend to handle ajax GETs better in that regard. Do they only cache linked files/images but always reload the content?
I did it
i survived!
i made my project using the era old , turbo c 3.1 compiler !
sorry i just cant hide my happiness
good night btw
Q: How to style numbers differently with javascript

shrxI'd like to have a different font face for numbers on my website. I know it can't be done with just CSS, but could it be done with javascript?

I thought this is the javascript chat room.
@user322896 We're not usually on topic
it's only a javascript room when someone brings up java
When your types are loose, you can pass functions around like dirty whores, and even built-in objects are mutable, you tend to... uh... wait, what were we talking about?
@JoshElias DOMScripting is a good read for the client-side stuff. PHP, I got no idea. I'd opt for Python/Django if I had to do a ton of back end work.
Hi guys...
Guys is it possible to check for the existence of a cookie set by another domain?
Should be. I never remember the cookie stuff off-hand though. It's weird. I'll have a look.
Python is a good idea. Easy and much, much cleaner than PHP
I also think Django's a nice simple framework that let's you sidestep it if it's ever doing something that pisses you off. I don't know what it is about PHP that I find somewhat 'meh but I just do.
I think using '.' as a concatenation operator was pretty jacked though.
guys do you how I can track ad clicks for ads from viraladnetwork.net ?
I can provide some code here if anyone is interested in helping
You'd have to access the cookie of an iframe for the cookie thing.
Is there some command to get the JSON like this [2] from [1] to DOM -objects?

[2] http://pastie.org/4339337
<--- I need some function: wget, initiate a var with the value of the JSON
@hhh [1] is a loopback address...
side-effect? Cannot yet understand, this [3]?

[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loopback
Meaning that if it gets typed into a browser, it goes to the local machine
I cannot understand at all what a browser is, so much under the flower.
Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome, Safari

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