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Facebook is just so damned heavy
the web app is heavy, the mobile app is heavy, Messenger is even heavier on both accounts and less justifiably so
I literally have to open Chrome devtools and hard-reload messenger.com once every couple days, because it leaks memory so bad
If I leave it running without hard-reloading for more than a couple days, it starts approaching 1.5 GB of RAM usage
How does that ever make it past QA? it's BS
Most people turn their computers off at night because they pay power bills
It's a laptop, it charges while docked at work lol
doesn't drain much while asleep anyway
and I think "most people" is a stretch anyway. I feel like "most people" probably have no idea how much power their computers use
my s/o used to leave her tower on all night before I started hounding her about our electric bills. Now she hibernates it, which wouldn't alleviate the memory leak problem anyway
You make a good point, my laptop never gets turned off. I definitely don't have that memory leak though
Chrome hibernates tabs that are inactive, I think
keep my chats open in "un-tabbed" windows
so perhaps if they were open in regular tabs then Chrome would keep a shorter leash on Messenger
I would think so
you can pin tabs eh, so if you pin it, navigating to it would be as simple as ctrl+1
yeah but it's pretty convenient to be able to see what people are saying without moving focus to the window
This is true. But are they worth 1.5GB of ram :D
What's probably happening is since the window is in "focus", it's keeping all the messages and associated data in memory. It's probably less of a memory leak, and days worth of data accumulation
eh I feel like it should GC or something
2 hours later…
Credit to the ransomware people. Their instructions are easier to follow and understand than most instructions for regular software.
this is more of "if anyone knows the answer" then "I'm dying for an answer please help me" type of question.
On youtube I don't login but I still get suggestion for vidoes i'm interested in so I took a look at the localstorage structure and was suprised at how it was put together.
{data: creation: expiration:} does this mean that youtube is using my IP to create an ID so that things like watch history can create suggestion lists ?
2 hours later…
Can anyone let me know if this is the right way to create a spy on angular service?
8 hours later…
can someone help me creating a zoom function that sets the scale origin to the mouse cursor?
3 hours later…
Hi I have a React Component , say Component1, it has a model this.model = new ComponentModel(); and there is a state it has, say stateVar1. Now another component , say Component 2, has access to component1's model and wants to know something which needs stateVar1. But model doesn't have access to stateVar1. What is the good way? Like how should model and component's state be connected so that they know about each other?
Like how should I access component's state from model
@RahulJain It's not a very React thing to look into a component and determine its state from the outside.
If you have interesting state to share, you should put it on the model itself
@MadaraUchiha I think I should give you a little idea how things are in our code
So, like there is a container component which can contain different type of components. Based on the inner component, the outer one decides what actions to show on outer component (which needs inner component's state). The outer component has access to inner component's model only.
If I put that state in model, how would the component always access it as a state? I am a bit confused with this (Needless to say, I am new to React)
why is this not working :S
  var findGameSettings = document.querySelector('#gameSettings');
    if (findGameSettings !== 'null' ){
      console.log('findGameSettings exsited-------------pass creating new settings.');
      console.log('findGameSettings = >' , findGameSettings);
    } else {
// do stuff
it keeps loggin in my console ...
findGameSettings exsited-------------pass creating new settings
findGameSettings = > null
nvm i think i got it
if (findGameSettings !== null ) *
@RahulJain This is an antipattern in React, just so you know
You're not "supposed" to do that, even though React gives you the option using refs
You're not supposed to make decisions on the parent, based on what child was passed to you.
hi quick question
i'm new to the arrow functions
    .then(todo => console.log('todo = >>', todo))
this works fine
but if i wanted to add another line of code
    .then(todo => console.log('todo = >>', todo)
it keep sayin in console
missing ) after argument list
why is this ? how to fix that ? anyone ?
@JRick Cannot reproduce.
@MadaraUchiha Oh right! I think what I can do, is have a method in parent and pass to child. Now child can call this method with an object as parameter whatever parent needs to know about child. I think thats not anti pattern?
@RahulJain That's called state uplifting, and yes, that's OK
But seeing as you already use model (I'm guessing mobx?) Why not share a model between the parent and the child?
@MadaraUchiha But in that way, parent will be directly accessing child's state, no?
Btw never mind if I am making no sense :P
@MadaraUchiha what do you mean ? i can only use then() ones ?
@JRick I mean that I tried your exact code and didn't get a problem.
@geisterfurz007 @BenFortune I've merged all PRs and resolved all issues. If you have any more improvements/bugs to report, feel free :)
@MadaraUchiha here is an example
Just suggested a small change for the readme but other than that, I am happy for now 😛 Thanks @MadaraUchiha \o/
.then(todo => console.log('todo ----> ',todo),call(todo))
this makes an error
don't use ,. It makes for horrible code :)
Basically how then works is that the next then will be called with what has been returned from the previous then. You can also have more than one line in a then by using braces to make a bigger function body.
.then(todo => {
  console.log('todo ----> ', todo);
If you want the result of call to be available as argument of the next then, you can simply put a return there and should be good.
@geisterfurz007 thanks alot buddy , that fixed it :)
You're welcome!
1 hour later…
I finally changed the nozzle on my 3d-printer to 0.2mm ! such resolution wow
@geisterfurz007 Approved ❤️
This anime though Kimetsu no Yaiba dam.

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