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Q: We're testing advertisements across the network

Juan MFor several years we've had advertising solely on technology-related sites. But many of our sites aren't about technology at all, so we haven't sold ads for them. Traditionally, that hasn't been a hardship since Stack Exchange sites have required only a small investment from the company to set up...

This has probably been said before but:
I am assuming that the big issue is StackOverflow and not other communities on the network. As such, why don't we just create a "beginner" StackOverflow, for people who are beginning in programming.
Bad quality questions are gonna be bad quality questions anywhere, but many I find many question on SO are not bad per se, they are just very rudimentary that people will downvote almost immediately.
(I know I shouldn't do this, but I'll be honest). One of the reasons I am so active on chat, is because I find it's less consequential to ask a potentially bad question. Many of my questions are simple things. I obviously try to look things up before asking, but sometimes I don't know what to search or just don't understand entirely. People will often either point me in the correct direction or directly answer the question. I feels as tho, if I asked those questions on the main site, ....
....I would get downvotes.
I know SO chat (or any SE room) is not meant for asking questions that should be asked on the main site, but it often seems easier, and more productive to do it.
Or if not an entire new site, what if we had a chat room for new users where they could ask their questions.
idk, I just find it very unfortunate what seems to be happening to this site
I haven't been around long enough to see SO at its best, but everything I seem to read and hear makes to seems like an awful place that was once great. People here have talked about the "regulars" leaving for various reasons. Just very unfortunate.
Not really a rant but I'll close it anyway
You can't get experience without experience.
4 hours later…
@JBis I liked the "StackOverflow beginner" idea, do you know whether this has been asked before in meta, or something like that?
I wonder if that would be a viable option?
I heard that Microsoft Excel 2019 provides the ability to create custom functions with JavaScript.
Sounds like a bad idea imo
Hello every body
@abbasjafary Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I want to disable the change color of underline ion-input validation in ionic 4, please help me
I have no clue what you're talking about, but it's probably possible.
@abbasjafary did you post it on the main site?
@MadaraUchiha Hi there. I saw you just set already the bounty on the post and wanted say thank you 👍
I solved my problem, thanks.
@JBis yes, this has been talked about extensively. For starters, read meta.stackoverflow.com/q/252777/6471538 . There was even a site for this for a while, called Not Programming Related. It's still here but no longer accepts "newb" type questions, see here : softwareengineering.meta.stackexchange.com/q/3412/240946 .
@JBis Because you would not get high quality answers in a "beginners only" website
And if you don't get high quality answers, you don't get questions, because they don't get answered.
Also, it isn't beginner questions that are usually the problem, it's low effort, no research, no google questions, that are.
There's usually a correlation because most beginner questions were already answered
3 hours later…
@JennaSloan OMG I wanted this for so long. Thanks Microsoft. I can do some much now!
@JBis, why would making functions with excel, using javascript be beneficial though?
If anyone can help point out what's wrong here:
function timeConversion(s) {
  s = s.toLowerCase();
  s = s.replace(/\s/, "");
  if (s === "12:00:00am") {
      return 0;
  else {
    if (s.includes("pm") === true) {
      s.replace(/[pm]/i, "");
      let number = 0;
      number += (Number(s));
      let string = String(number + 12);
      return string;
  return s.replace(/[am]/i, "");

@MadaraUchiha Well i think that's part of the problem. It's sometimes difficult to find a solution if you don't know the problem. Google searching is also an acquired skill. While me and you may look at a question and say that it's a duplicate, they may have no clue that is is/was a dup and how to implement that q/a into their own problem.
^ trying to convert regular 12-hour am / pm format to military time
At the beginning I had that issue. SO chat taught me how to do that. And now, for the most part I am able to find q/a online and lead from it.
i mean arguably that's not SO's job. Your expected to have some knowledge when using the platform. Idk I guess it's a partially unsolvable problem.
@OvieTrix there's so much you can't do excel because the Lang sucks.
For example, @HappyHands31 needs to learn how to find answers for themselves :)
@HappyHands31 Your past 2-3 I have helped. Try this one on your own. I will guide you but you need to find the answer.
first off, what are you tying to do? What's the function supposed to do?
It's supposed to turn regular 12-hour am / pm time into military time. I.e. 4:00:00PM = 16:00:00 in military time. I have the s.includes check working now.
function timeConversion(s) {
  s = s.toLowerCase();
  s = s.replace(/\s/, "");
  let number = 0;
  if (s.includes("pm") === true) {
    s = s.replace(/pm/, "");
    let newNumber = parseFloat(s);
  if (s.includes("am") === true) {
    s = s.replace(/am/, "");
    return s;
Now I need to turn 07:05:45 into a number with the colons still there, so that I can add 12 to it, in this case.
Number(s), parseInt(s), and parseFloat(s), all seem to turn 7:05:45 into 7
I could slice the first two chars off of the string, turn that slice into a number, add 12 to it, and then concat the rest of the string back onto that new number
Please just let me finish, I think I can solve it.
@HappyHands31 I would suggest looking at parseInt and .split both of which you have used. Remember. 12 to 24-hour time conversion only cares about the hours and am/pm.
Also, you don't always need to manipulate the original string. Maybe try creating an entire new string. Just an idea.
This worked.
function timeConversion(s) {
    s = s.toLowerCase();
    s = s.replace(/\s/, "");
    let military = 12;
    if (s.includes("pm") === true) {
        s = s.replace(/pm/, "");
        let slice = (s.slice(0, 2));
        military += (Number(slice));
        return military + s.slice(2, s.length);
    if (s.includes("am") === true) {
        s = s.replace(/am/, "");
        return s;
glad you found a solution
Sometimes just asking the question helps me think of an idea - "Rubber duck debugging". Sorry if this isn't the place for that. I'll try to improve my questions to be more specific.
See, HappyHands is learning
Hey chat
Just a quick question for react user
Can you do multiline in ternary operator in react ?

Something like
{ true ?
   <MyFirstCompToRender />
  : () => {
     const something = somthg
     return <MySecondCompToRender props=something />
It appears that you can do it like : ( () => { something .... })
You just have to encapsule it in parenthesise
Not sure why exactly tough if somebody has a better understandign of what I'm doing
Even if you can maybe just don't.
That's nasty
Well less nasty than doing twice the same with an if else :/
As if there are only 2 options?
Did not understood
Is it a question ?
The thing is not sur if it is nastier to declare const over and just do a simpe

? <Comp1 /
: <Comp2 />

Or to do like I did but not declaring const for nothing if not needed
@Baldráni Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Even for latter refactory I think it's better to do it the second way around
Lets say refactory vs readability
Good day folks! Hope you all are doing well
I have to develop a POC, and my deadline is short. I am a no-web app developer, therefore have very little idea about stuff.. Though I have some experience in react native. I am wondering what tech stack would be suitable for me.. React bootstrap, React js or if anyone can recommend me to look into a framework? Thanks
I will search myself rest, just need a headstart/direction
What are you developing exactly ?
I need to develop a web app, that will show real time cricket scores. It will refresh after every few seconds. I will receive real time data from API. Moreover, that realtime data will be heavy, therefore I have to use some technique to make it efficient.
By Web App do you mean that you have to take into account mobile too ?
Can JS be useful if I want to add tabulation-characters to a Wikipedian edit-page?
I asked a question on this here (outside Stack Overflow): superuser.com/questions/1452001/…
I'd prefer node.js with react for async and real time things @NightFury
(Not responsive but about the performance)
@Baldráni I might have to be. So answer is yes
@weegee for backend, I have used python.. I don't know about front end :(
@Baldráni performance + basic UI for now
getting started and quickly diving into
You could definitely do a back with python which give you and endpoint you use in react native
And if you want a true PWA its a bit more complicated
You could do one in react and win a lot of time with a library like material or antdesign for UI component (I prefiere the second one)
Especially if you know a bit of react native already
Oh I see. What would be better.. react- bootstrap or react js ?
There is a warning mentioned in react-bootstrap:

Because React-Bootstrap completely reimplements Bootstrap's JavaScript, it's not automatically compatible with themes that extend the default JavaScript behaviors.
So where are the pitfalls ?
if it is not automatically compatible with themes
How can we get the complete url if there is a # in the url using javascript Ex: www.xyz.com/#/api/xyz , how can we get the complete url
@Shivanshu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
React-bootstrap is only usefull if you want to use bootstrap. Its actually just bootstrap coded in reactjs.

If you use a UI component librayry (which I guaranty would be easier and worthy for your time) you don't have to use at all bootstrap.
Thank you for all the suggestions and help. Appreciated (Y) :)
Does anyone have a suggestion for event booking software? Client needs to be able to create events, send out emails to a list of people inviting them to that event, and handle payments for that event. May do it custom if theres not viable option.
google ?
I mean google calendar
The only things not handle is payment
4 hours later…
Just putting it out there
cors is the worst invention ever
Hi, anyone uses angular-ui-grid for AngularJS?
Could you help me with my problem https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56728123/typeerror-i18nservice-getsafetext-is-not-a-function-when-rendering-data-for-g ?
That was dumb
I didn't set the content type of the request so I was getting a 500 error, which didn't have the right cors headers on it
so it made it seem like a cors issue when it wasnt
@Meredith No.
Its for security
Don't care about security
cors is dumb
security is dumb
@Meredith But your users do. If you don't have users, and you want a non cors browser, than use chromium and disable it
cors is dumb
I would agree with you, but then we would both be wrong
Is it possible to render data from express server to client side in React?

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