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Im the only coder in my school (and Im really not that good at it)
But either way
actionscript is easy to edit, so i made a living off editing/modding flash games
my school put python on the computers and everyone is abusing it lol
Ok: next time just get a usb flash drive and take a portable (linux) os with you.
USB are disabled
not at my school
They are not, modern pcs boot from usb before drive to rescue things
I literally have Minecraft on my OneDrive lol
Its a 'visual corruption" the IT forced into the pc, We cant use USBs or itll rework them and wipe the data :>
and if they don't take a screwdriver and temporary remove the hdd.
They blocked all minecrafts at my school except the browser classic one, and minecraft ed
(Been there, done that, afterwards I was banned from using the school pcs for the remaining of the year though).
so my IT logged into MC ED with the admin account (Teachers get admin in MC ED by default) and totally busted everyone
Rip Kids
my school block all games that they find EXCEPT coolmathgames, which they leave unblocked even though they clearly know that it's a games site
No, its an automatedd system
its search is labeled "math"
so its unblocked
they can manually block/unblock things
I simply ripped the popular swf games, made a custom adress site (it got shutdown, but they cant control my webserver at home, so I always put it back up :>) that had all the good games
Spotify was blocked, but I asked and it was unblocked
Stars seem random today
I remember when pandora and spotify got blocked at my old school (we used google pcs, like chromebooks) and everyone had to use google music
@JBis can you help me with my proxy pls
@JBis this room is looking pretty much like yesterday
22 hours ago, by forresthopkinsa
this room is unbearable today
I left early yesterday to watch Black Mirror. Must've gotten out just in time.
@GameMaster1928 please stop pinging people for help
First episode weird. Very weird. Not the good kind. The bad kind.
@SterlingArcher !!
Well JBis helped me before and hes good at networking
Don't "@JBis" just "JBis". No need to notify me.
you guys realize you're the reason the schools have such restrictive shit, right?
Kevin dropping truth bombs
I want to bypass restrictions at home, not at school
get your own PC then
so ask your parents
or better yet, give me their email
I'll ask for you
I do after 2 hours it locks me out
@forresthopkinsa THAT!
I'm pretty sure they're using school-assigned laptops rlemon
I know. I wanna tell on him
!!afk 🍔
Yea I'm not a fan of breaking TOS (possibly laws) by using school equipment/networks in ways you agreed not to
But it's funny to watch people struggle instead of just buying a personal computer
@GameMaster1928 All I am gonna say is don't use that site. You need a real server. That site is not meant for what you're doing. You are gonna have problems with ports speed or something else. You need complete control. Get an AWS or GC VM or self host at home. But, if its blocked at home, than its a local block on the computer. Your should look into booting to a different OS as others have suggested.
can you just look at my code and tell me if I'm doing something wrong please?
@KevinB Yeah but sometimes schools block actual resources. For example I have an assignment that requires youtube however youtube is blocked. I have two options, use my hotspot on my phone and paid for data. Or unblock it. I choose the unblock route.
@JBis KevinB is afk: 🍔
@GameMaster1928 No.
Your code is irrelevant until you have a platform that you know it will work in.
Can we please end this discussion now?
@JBis One of those is proper, legal, and what you agreed to do. The other is not :P
The only part that irks me is not holding up your own word. Not being honest/trustworthy
@DJSpud Who said I agreed to use data on my phone for a school project...? Also its not illegal its just against TOS.
I'd be like really interested in how such a mail would would like:

Dear parent of x, would you please unblock x's computer. So he can stop bugging the chatroom with questions and use normal tools like github and the console.

Yours faithfully, A javascript chatroom user.
@JBis It is illegal to access an organizations networks in an unauthorized manner usually. But yea in a practical sense it's not really illegal
You're still dishonest ;P
@DJSpud I am not accessing it unauthorized. In order for a proxy server to work is that they allow you to access the proxy. And thats all I am doing. The proxy does the dirty work. If they have a problem with the proxy then block it.
@DJSpud Yes, yes I am :)
You forgot the captain Kirk method: take the third option! Just tell your teacher your can't do the project and he needs to contact IT.
Shitty thing to be proud of :)
golly gee you're giving him a hard time
Especially considering you want to work in InfoSec... I just did a reverse engineering challenge for a big InfoSec company and they stalked me pretty well. Asked me about where I;ve mentioned piracy or bypassing networks and such.
Just kind of on my mind this week :P
@paul23 <link to transcript> "control your child dammit"
@DJSpud I am proud of the fact that I have the knowledge to and was able to create and manage a server that can do this. I also am proud that I could create a UI for command line SSH tunneling.
"I've noticed you failed to block one site..."
@JBis I thought you just said it's a proxy lmao
Nice. 10/10
!!afk call time
^ I really have a call. @me and I'll interweb-fight you later lol
Ill stop bothering everyone now
@DJSpud I simplified it for the discussion. Its a ssh tunnel and SOCKS5 proxy. By definition it is a proxy. It forwards connections and sends the response back.
@JBis Do you use ProxySwitchyOmega
it's a chrome extension that gels really well with using a SOCKS5 proxy to bypass network filters
No I just use system preferences on Mac which works for Safari and chrome.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that's more all-or-nothing
PSO gives you domain-specific rules of course, but it also lets you know what resources failed to load so you can add rules for those domains too
pretty nifty
also useful if you don't have access to system preferences ;)
thanks, might come in handy :)
Oh ma God... My Dat.gui is turning out so BEAUTIFUL!
I guess thats the reward of patient
press up arrow to edit
Oh cool
Anyone got any design tips to add to this? Im going to finish converting it to dat.gui and then Ill be done, but Im not sure if theres anything else I shoudl add codepen.io/SkylerSpark/pen/ELwmoa
I like getting other peoples opinions on my work
if I'm being honest. i recognize the demo. it's like one of the most popular demos on codepen
so.. what work exactly did you do?
@rlemon damn
@JBis Have you seen the new black mirror episodes?
Just the first one.
Gonna watch second today.
yeah me too. That was a weird one
I didn't like it. It was weird but not a good weird.
yep, that's been the consensus from people I've spoke with.
runescape girlfriends the movie
I was reading on reddit. Someone proposed an alternative fucked up ending: If just as the episode ended the son picked up the headset and put it on. Then screen goes black and the episode ends.
8 yo me would have learned so much
@JBis ew, that's probably illegal
I haven't seen them yet
@forresthopkinsa do yourself a favor and skip the first one lol
@DavidKamer There was a debate whether that would go too far. I think it would have, but so has many other episodes.
it's basically about runescape/minecraft girlfriends lol
I dunno man, I watched the pig episode
I don't think it can dip much deeper than that
It can.
@JBis I don't think it was offensive or went to far. It was just a little silly imo
I think "silly" would be the word. I get what it was going for, the acting was good, but the overall premise wasn't explored correctly imo
runescape? I haven't heard about that game for years XD
@DavidKamer Agreed. I mean it just didn't seem to affect anything. Literally nothing happened from start to finish that affected anybodies life longterm.
@JBis one of those things that's like "it is exactly what it appears to be and there is really nothing more to it"
@StephanS runescape mobile it all the rage these days lol
Hopefully the rest of the season, cough two episodes cough, is better.
they have a mobile app.... it wouldn't live up to classic runescape though.
yeah what's up with the low episode count
@StephanS it is classic runescape
they ported it to mobile
@DavidKamer Apparently its cause they wanted to make the episodes better so they spent more time and money on each one. Sounds like bullshit to me.
Have you seen Twilight Zone (the old black mirror)?
@DavidKamer SH** don't tell me that, I actually have a life now.
@JBis oh yeah, watched that all growing up. I think I've seen every episode of the original run
c'mon everyone's seen twilight zone
I'm too young. Might watch after Black Mirror ends.
@StephanS I mean it's probably better to spend time on something like that than candy crush.
@JBis if you have prime, watch electric dreams
It wasn't the same after Rod serling
I just don't want to watch a black and white tv show but I'll get over that.
yeah Electric Dreams is better than twilight zone
@DavidKamer Yeah you suggested that before. Maybe I'll take a look. I got so many shows I'm watching now. I can't keep up.
the twilight zone is a classic
classics aren't good, they're classics
@JBis yeah, I don't watch much anymore
I prefer to spend time gaming if I find free time
@DavidKamer 10/10 logic right there ;)
does anyone know how to remove the space that return() makes ?
return $(
'<li class="section'+($(e.target).text())+'"'
+ 'id="section'+($(e.target).text())+'">'
@DavidKamer I once played GTA 5, ~15 hours straight XD (Was when I first got it)
Hey um @rlemon Well I was wondering, Is there a way to write variables in the name of a tab? like gui.add(text, 'Wind') and set it so Instead of seeing a useless tab that shows Wind, Itll show Wind + windspeed variable, so I can see the windspeed on a dat.gui tab. Code in codepen.io/SkylerSpark/pen/ELwmoa
Lol I say "Was when I first got it" like it justifies it
I'm getting class="section
it's skipping a line
@JBis RDR2 gets me to binge. As much as I hate to say it minecraft can really take up some time. I get to solving a problem and I invent new redstone circuits etc. I only came back to minecraft like last week tho, Assassins Creed Odyssey has been a big time sink for me over the last months.
@StephanS what do you mean "extra space"
@StephanS first you should clean it up with a template string I think
like ` `
`<li class="section${$(e.target).text()}" id="section${$(e.target).text()}">`
@StephanS not really sure issue by try .trim() that will remove surrounding white spac
idk what return $() does but it'd be less distracting to trouble shoot if the string wasn't noise lol
@DavidKamer jQuery?
it is, but I'm not sure what the point of using it like that is
maybe it's doing document.createElement?
or create and append or something, but I don't know how you'd even figureout an extra space
"extra space" usually means you're referring to a string issue, not a dom issue.
@DavidKamer thanks for the solution, but the space between "section" and "$(e.target).text()" still shows up
@StephanS trim() it
then the space is at the beginning of $(e.target).text()
I just wasn't sure where the space issue was lol
!!> ' something'.trim()
@DavidKamer "something"
!!> ' something '.trim()
@JBis "something"
so yeah what JBis said @StephanS
to clarify:
If I have an object:
let week = {"Monday" : true, "Tuesday" : true, "Wednesday" : false, "Thursday" : true, "Friday" : true};
How can I return the day where the value is false?
function returnFalseDay(week) {

    for (let value in week) {
        //return the value where value: false;
    return "no false days";

@HappyHands31 filter it
this is really crappy but:
@JBis .trim() works great, thank you.
Every time I ask for help on here the solution is always something small I overlook XD
hmm can I get a static variable/call a static method from an object? Without hard typing the class name?
@JBis When I do console.log(Object.keys(week)); it gives me an array of the weekday names: [ 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday' ]
And when I do a `console.log([Object.values(week).indexOf(false)]);` it gives me the index value of the false element in an array:

`[ 2 ]`
Even after I've used window.location.replace() with an https url to redirect to, I'm still getting a MixedContent error in console. It seems that Chrome completely ignores the https and tries to load the redirect as http anyway, throwing the error.
@JBis You can accomplish this with Fiddler, kind of a pain tho
Oh okay, and then by putting those together, it's saying, get the 2nd index from the Object.keys(week) array.
@smallpants Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Does anyone have a better alternative to window.location.replace() for redirecting after a successful AJAX?
define better?
Perhaps one that works consistently.
I just don't understand why providing an https url throws a MixedContent error anyway.
@StephanS happens less often when you write cleaner code.
easier to diagnose
obviously the solution is to switch to React, mobx, webpack, sass, and graphql
it'll make your text formatting better
heh, don't forget you need to also learn TypeScript and use it no matter what
because it'll make your text formatting better
Don't worry though; by the time you've learned all that, there will be some new set of languages and libraries for you to learn.
Swap out ReactJS for JSON-P
@JBis Why would you do that when you have Object.entries
Object.entries(week).filter(([key, value]) => !value)
Or idk. But using Object.keys and then digging with Object.values on the same object is absolutely asinine
@DavidKamer ouch
He just meant it comes with time and you seem to be a freshee.
Keep moving forward
yep, not meant as an insult at all
* sarcasm *
no, seriously lol
there are negatives to use template strings
like if you wanted to have it on more than one line
you'd still need two template strings, plus the ${} with $() jquery is kind of trash
what text editor do you use?
atom is pretty good too. I use vim with whatever editor.
I get so much Sh** for still using jQuery
vim > any editor. Any editor + vim > vim
I use sublime
@StephanS someone has to make the code I'll replace in the next few years lol
I could use straight JS, but am I gonna
I'm still on Sublime

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