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I mentioned earlier that I would recommend against going that route
@DavidKamer do you have any other way ?
Just query it like the sequelize docs say
I can't really tell you what you're doing wrong w/o seeing what you've tried
the page I linked right there literally describes exactly how to do what you're trying to do
@DavidKamer you can look in the above question and guide me to an specific solution
are you using sequelize-cli?
@DavidKamer i'm doing it directly
Hi, I need Angular Help.
@SupunAbesekara tell me
clear your local storage
:45792548 import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {CanActivate, ActivatedRouteSnapshot, RouterStateSnapshot, Router, Route} from '@angular/router';
import {
} from '@angular/common/http';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs';

export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {

    constructor(private router: Router, private http: HttpClient) {

    canActivate(next: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<boolean> | Promise<boolean> | boolean {
@Atulkumar I did not get it?
clear you browser local storage and try again
@Atulkumar ok i will try
5 hours later…
3 hours later…
/\ 🚽
Morning everybody! Is there a way in jsdoc to declare an error class as error for the docs? So that it is not listed under classes and under errors instad? like @error
CSS Quiz: can someone help me rebuild a gradient animation like the one of these:
except the green bit moves back and forth
	var copy = 'test 1';

	for (let i=0; i<2; i++) {

		let t = copy.replace(/(\d+)/, function (fullMatch, n) {
			return `${Number(n) + 1}`;
		console.log(t);  // Output: 'test 2';
		let copy = t;    // <-- ReferenceError: copy is not defined

What is happening? I did define copy!
@xingZì Using a block scoped variable (let, const) will overwrite any variable under that name outside of its scope. therefore, the copy variable will be overwritten.
Exception: ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration `copy' before initialization
that's in Firefox, so try renaming the variable
anyone having knowledge of sequelize?
what's that? sounds awesome
it's an orm for rdms
that's a bunch of gibberish to me haha
is it like a transpiler for SQL?
Just googled it, turns out i'm just not used to those acronyms.
2 hours later…
@rlemon Did that reboot of Cap work out? She isn't in any rooms :/
1 hour later…
anyone here who could recommend a routine to magically make a javascript file IE11 compatible?
use case: continuous integration. tried babel but as soon as i start using features that are unavailable i also have to use core-js.. turns out this spits out require statements into the output file wich, it seems, i can only clean up with webpack or similar..
anyone knows of a simple node module that would do that through command line without the requirement to create .babelrc, webpack config etc. etc.?
or a docker build image
it's literally a non profit project
Why are you not allowed to use "calc()" when setting the css border-left property?

  	border-left: calc(100% - 75%) solid #F5D97B;

why are you calculating 100% - 75%?
that's not how it works
1 hour later…
@JacobSchneider isn't there an html element that does that already?
And when are they goign to liberate jerusalem in a crusade against those.
anybody here today
yeah, no one here, it's saturday
what kind of loser would hang out in here on a Saturday :D
this loser right here
Yeah, I'd never do something that lame
@GottZ use babel within webpack
that's the standard way
I don't know of a better one sadly :/
can you explains this statement
by a for...in loop (the difference being that a for-in loop enumerates properties in the prototype chain as well).
enumrates propertes in prototype chain """"AS WELL"""
the as well part
@towc that's pretty much what i do now:
"scripts": {
  "babel": "babel src/js --out-dir dist/js",
  "parcel": "parcel build dist/js/nxy.js -d dist/js/ --public-url /js --target browser",
  "build": "npm run babel && npm run parcel"
ugly AF but well.. does the job.
well, that's nice
i do have to have .babelrc though
@GottZ you might be able to inline it, if it's ugly
from one, you can take it from stdin
    "presets": [
        ["@babel/preset-env", {
            "useBuiltIns": "usage",
            "corejs": {
                "version": 3,
                "proposals": true
    "plugins": [
for some reason i really don't like such boilerplate files if trivial stuff like that could be done by cli arguments :/
sadly corejs 3 and babel 7 seem to break common workflows for this usecase
that's why i use such a strange chain now
huh, interesting
well i just stumbled across this issue while researching for a solution
you could use parcel instead of webpack, will save steps
@GottZ no webpack
@DavidKamer he did
you come across so many issues..
no wonder there is no simple solution to this
added 777 packages from 525 contributors and audited 11714 packages in 16.209s
found 0 vulnerabilities
frontend dev these days..
hey, found 0 vulnerabilities
probably cause the package-lock is pretty new
for some reason i still avoid yarn
dunno why.. everyone i know has switched over by now
no, I use npm
yarn was great because it filled some things that npm did badly
but now afaik, npm is ahead in some respects
yarn is still good
this is how i init that build btw:
docker run -v "$PWD":/data -w /data node:10-alpine sh -c "npm i && npm run build"
CI toolchain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if wanted to to make a new object with new created values how would one do that
so I am not able to build an array that has a single array of the build new array
it only lists 1 at a time
let fetchedJson = fetch('https://my-json-server.typicode.com/xtianus79/sample-json/carData')
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then((json) => {
    // console.log(json)
    return json

var extractData = async () => {

    let jsonToExtract = await fetchedJson;

    console.log('blue', jsonToExtract);
    console.log('blue values',Object.values(jsonToExtract)[0]);
    console.log('blue values keys', Object.keys(Object.values(jsonToExtract)[0]));

    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(jsonToExtract)) {
1 hour later…
I'm wondering: why do the rooms in stackexchange always have the name as part of the (default) url?
chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/17/whatever will redirect to this room. So the name seems superfluous and not needed.
client side routing (or whatever it's called when you push to history)?
might have to do with admin
or maybe just how routing works
There's no reason to add the last node to the routing.
maybe not here, but might in the larger arch
1 hour later…
hmm how mad would people be if I just say: "sorry you cna't be any other gender than male or female, it doesn't fit the data type so pick one".
oh boy
@paul23 once i thought about swapping unisex toilet logos with usb logos
It's easy to implement a boolean field. But if we can just "do whatever we want" it's hard to create type safety.
probably not the best place for this conversation lol
maybe 8chan or something
@paul23 SEO
Nicer looking URL.
Questions are the same.
That's what I'm wondering, does google actually "do" that? I thought it stopped at the first non-nice-part of an url. (So the 17) - to prevent keyword bloating.
@paul23 As far as I know, it looks at the entire URL.

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