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@Amaan are u learning C++ "?
RT @ariyahidayat: First look at Dolphin Engine: repackaged ICS WebKit with enabled features, performance improvements, and some drawback ...
obivously busy
Hi everybody
Does anybody know how to attach an event to a form using jquery? I know of doing something like this: `$("form").bind("submit", function(event) {
Here api.jquery.com/bind they have examples in which you replace the default behaviors but I'm still clueless as to how to make it continue with the default behavior
@Loktar o/
hey @Abhishek
sup bro
@jmlopez Don't do event.preventDefault()
$("form").on("submit", function(e) {
    // return false; // I do the above two
   // if you do nothing then the form will submit after this block of code is done executing
Because, it, you know, prevents default
@Zirak, I'm aware of it
I just typed the whole example. But I already tried it, and it doesn't work.
@jmlopez look at my example
if any of the commented lines exist the form will not submit.
What's "it"? What have you already tried? Because just attaching an event won't prevent the submit.
The only thing close to it is by doing event.stopPropagation();
ok, hold on..
$("form").on("submit", function(event) {
    if( condition_to_prevent_form_from_submitting_like_validation ) {
       return false; // again, in jQuery events return false does stopProp and preventDefault
    // if the above condition is not met the form will submit
Might be worth asking what event you want. Do you want to submit via ajax?
!!/todo add "Make OctoGod annoy people who say ajax instead of xhr"
@Zirak Item(s) added.
@Zirak (1)Make OctoGod annoy people who say ajax instead of xhr
!!/todo add "find snuggles"
@Zirak Item(s) added.
ajax is a technique. xhr is the interface you use to produce the ajax technique. the terms mean VERY different things.
I say ajax to immortalize Jesse James.. uh... whatsisname.
@ErikReppen, I'm not sure, I'm simply modifying some code. And there is some form that has attributes: onsubmit, method and action.
@rlemon, let me try that...
@jmlopez what are you trying to accomplish I guess would be a better question.
If you can't just delete the onsubmit attribute then, what rlemon is telling you is probably what you want to try and stop it but form submits can be capricious and I don't remember if I've ever stopped an actual inline onsubmit handler before.
@ErikReppen, There are some buttons on a website. and I'm just making a bookmarklet. The purpose of this is to make it display something when a form is submited.
And then I want it to continue doing whatever the form was supposed to do
all I'm doing is something in between the clicking on button to submit and the actions that the form does.
Okay, well usually a vanilla submit will reload the page so anything you pop up will go away.
true, the page will reload, but I just want to do something before that happens.
and so far it seems that the page reloads but the form forgot what it was supposed to do
ahhh what a nice lunch
what is going on with links in the about-section of SO user-profiles?
@rlemon What's the benefit of on vs the submit shortcut method? I thought on was just like delegate pretty much. Which makes me wonder if it would stop the bubble before the bubble hit the inline handler.
Anyone ever used this timeline? csslab.cl/2011/08/18/jquery-timelinr
Nah, its for jQuery...
It seems packed with lots of unnecessary stuff. Though given it's jQuery, saying that is redundant.
I ment that making everything as jQuery plugins is stupid.
Its freaking broken
I definitely starting to prefer JQ as a DIY omni-tool over library/depot.
Do It Yourself, as in quickly.
DoItYourself, but this doesn't seems to fit here
Or maybe it is ;p
I can't have multiple events linked to the same date.
Is it so hard to do such a simple thing without any jQuery crap?
For me yeah. I'm a PHP developer. But a JS script kiddie.
@hanleyhansen when you say multiple events - what do you mean ?
It's getting less hard but I still prefer JQ methods to the DOM API and without JQ, I'd probably write something similar pretty fast.
And the best way to get better in any language is to not learn it and use abstractions instead.
PHP Developer =/= programmer. Anyway, as I think you want some event to be fired at some date?
I learned all about the DOM from using jquery
document.querySelectorAll gave me all I really needed from jQuery ever
@Killah yeah but document.querySelectorAll doesnt work in IE6 or IE7 for that matter !!!....
@ManseUK For example, multiple images can happen in the same year. I want the year to stay the same if the event happened in the same year of the previous one.
ugh, css selectors...stay in css, where you ugliness and failure to comprehend trees is minimal
@ManseUK Like I give a f**k about IE xD
@Zirak lol wut ;(
@Killah By events i mean timeline events.
@hanleyhansen just add the year twice
I'm on the anti-selectors boat with Matt. I hate selectors. They make me feel dumb.
@ManseUK I know but that's not really elegant.
<li><a href="#1900">1900</a></li>
<li><a href="#1900a">1900</a></li>
@hanleyhansen so if date == somedate you want several events to be fired?
And they make me do dumb things
ah ok
@Killah replace =/= with !== if you want to make comments about "real developers"
And they're dumb as well
As long as you think about what's going on under the hood selectors are great, IMO.
@SomeKittens "developer" is offensive to me ;)
@hanleyhansen add a "next event" button / link at the bottom of the content
@ManseUK ok
I have written a selector engine, do I have permission to use them :P
@ManseUK I have one.
@ErikReppen What does that have to do with selectors being dumb and enabling you to be dumb?
@Esailija Yes, you can sodomize yourself with a baton. You have my blessing
@Killah If "developer" makes you react, quit being so negative
thank you kind sir
Send pics
@hanleyhansen other than those 2 ideas ... not really sure what your options are ...
wasn't that from piratebay emails?
Hey @hanleyhansen, haven't you thought about writing this without any plugin crap? This is really simple... if I understand correctly what you want to achieve.
boy .
@SomeKittens it doesn't make me react, but if someone would call me that I would feel offended, as I'm programmer.
navigator.registerProtocolHandler anybody used it ever ?
@Killah I'm not fluent in JS. I'm just looking for a quick turnaround. I would love to learn to write it but I don't have the time for this project.
Perl, you majestic beast. Took me 10 minutes to figure out why chomp( lc $something ) doesn't work. However, chomp( $something = lc $something ) does.
look at him rage
@Killah ...did you even look at the link?
@SomeKittens yeah, but too late
@Killah You look like a werewolf
ah, fair enough.
So... what's the difference between a developer and a programmer?
What happened? Found a rainbow-coloured crayon?
@RyanKinal if you asked that question, you will never know
@Zirak xD
@Killah loltrollz
@Killah Explain to me like if I was not a native English speaker
I'm also not native English speaker
@Killah Wow. You're so mysterious and smart and l33t and cool. Marry me.
then try search://google in browser
@Zirak rofl
A "developer" is someone who understands that the difference is arbitrary at best. A "programmer" is someone who thinks that titles matter outside of HTML.
@SomeKittens LOL
Good afternoon for y'all.
I'm really curious to hear @Killah's definitions, though
Or, rather, read
Well as an axe-wielding maniac (only on Tuesdays), I'm offended when people call me a "hacker."
Same here
@RyanKinal, here it comes
@ErikReppen Do you prefer "cutting-edge professional?"
:waits with bated breath:
@SomeKittens Nice one!
May I ask if this is the best way to do a recursive call of a function that is supposed to close the active modal/menu on the screen if it is not clicked inside parent node
function ParentCheck(target, parent, limit) {
    limit = (limit || "body");

    if (target.parentNode.id == limit) {
        return true;

    if (target.parentNode.id == parent)
        return false;

    if (target.id == parent)
        return false;

    var blnRetorno = ParentCheck(target.parentNode, parent, limit);

    return blnRetorno;
@SomeKittens that would be my first chat star for you there.
@ErikReppen I'm special!
@RyanKinal nvm, just realized developer has many meanings.
@Andredseixas don't be a douche, just use a while loop
ah, SO chat. Where the Like button is shaped like a star
@Killah Which one were you thinking of to begin with?
@RyanKinal the one about people inventing stuff I have to do.
Yeah, developer's kind of a rectangle. If you help build apps and there's any kind of code involved including just declarative, they'll call you a developer.
@Esailija I don't know how many nodes I can have as parents, that's why I used that recursive function.
I just call myself a happy badger and write code
come here when you are bored :P
@Andredseixas what does that have to do with recursion
Developer is to our industry as "car" is to describing every automobile. It is too vague in todays market. "Front end Developer" to me would mean HTML, JS (or jQuery for a shitty one), and CSS with limited knowledge of server side code and SQL
I have
<div id='Modal'>
 <div id='container'>
  <input type='text' id='txt' />
  <div id='txtContainer'>
    <a href='#' id='aAnchor'>anchor</a>
So if I click on aAnchor I will have to check if I clicked inside div Modal
@rlemon that is why I'm a programmer - I'm just programming, whatever it is to code (excluding the washing machines).
@rlemon You'll like this: $ perl -e 'print join("... in bed", `fortune fortunes` =~ m/^(.*)(\.|\?|\!)$/), "\n";' | cowsay
@Andredseixas events bubble. You could check for the event just on the modal and see what was clicked.
No haxorz, promise.
And since I don't have a parentNode list, I can't loop in it. It is a recursive call to check the parent of parent of parent..
Q: Interlinking websites using javascript - safe for SEO?

webmastersBack again I have a nutrition network of 20 sites which share the same hosting account, though different C class IP's. They were interlinked and suffered a massive traffic drop after penguin. I have decided to stop interlinking them for SEO purposes but I'd like my user to still visit them becau...

I'm a Demigod. I contain the power to will the bits into place and produce well functioning applications while I take a piss.
When you click a, it's parent gets a click event, then that parent's parent gets a click, all the way up to the body.
@Andredseixas the anchor is inside modal, so if you click it you are also clicking the modal
Wouldn't I be repeating the same code over and over for all the modals/menus I have ?
$ perl -e 'print join("... in bed", `fortune fortunes` =~ m/^(.*)(\.|\?|\!)$/), "\n";' | cowsay
<  >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
what code
ugh, try again ~_~
Why does that happen sometimes...
The verification of what I clicked.
if you clicked the link, you clicked the modal
No, you'd be intercepting a click at the modal, and then seeing what was first clicked to set off the bubble.
happens every time for me
Alright another idea. Anyone know how to modify the attribute onsubmit of a form element with javascript?
And if I clicked outside the event won't trigger, how would I know that I have to close de modal/menu ?
$ perl -e 'print join("... in bed", `fortune fortunes` =~ m/^(.*)(\.|\?|\!)$/), "\n";'
Beware of low-flying butterflies... in bed.
oh, you probably don't have the fortune package. sudo apt-get install fortune
bind a click event to the overlay that is blocking the page
So instead of writing a little piece of recursive code, I'll have to check for mutiple events if it was triggered ?
$(document).on( "click", ".overlay", closeModals )
$ perl -e 'print join("... in bed", `fortune fortunes` =~ m/^(.*)(\.|\?|\!)$/), "\n";' |cowsay
/ Lady Luck brings added income today.    \
| Lady friend takes it away tonight... in |
\ bed.                                    /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
Am not using any jquery.
what are you using
pure javascript
Most fortunes make sense with ... in bed at the end
@jmlopez document.getElementsById('formId').setAttribute('onSubmit','myNewFunction()');
That's the funny point :D
@nil Hello , Can you help me a little on sublime text.
@ErikReppen LOL
LOL * 10
you don't know how to translate that jQuery to pure javascript?
why should I write a shit ton of code when I can express it to you in one liner
@ErikReppen, thanks, I'll try that
@jmlopez if you use that code I will find you and strangle you in your sleep
@ErikReppen omfg
@jmlopez Don't!
@Esailija & @ErikReppen sigh
@ErikReppen omfg
getElementsById === fail
setAttribute === fail
('onSubmit','myNewFunction()'); === UBER FAIL
I'm going back to Perl. It appreciates me
What is going on?
Well, I rather give my code some performance instead of easy reading.
But thanks. I'm going to check about that overlay.
lol. Oops. Element. singular. You can't set a handler that way?
@jmlopez hint: addEventListener
var form = document.forms['formName'];
form.onsubmit = myNewFunction; // notice no ()
@rlemon, no need to go through all that trouble, I'll probably strangle myself if I can't figure how this thing works.
Oh I see. You guys aren't paying attention to what he's trying to do.
@ErikReppen No, your code is just horrible
@ErikReppen I just looked on your code
@ErikReppen I see you know nothing about JS. now kindly stop giving bad advice that was full of errors.
@rlemon it was not full of errors. It was only errors
setAttribute does not do what he thinks it does.
You can all go fuck yourselves. I know plenty about JS. He was asking how to set the attribute in pure JS. I typo'd on getElement.
@ErikReppen your code says otherwise.
@ErikReppen yep, but why did u used an event to illustrate that?
actually what @ErikReppen said seems to make sense... I just want to change the attribute. And I wouldn't use what Erick said, but lets try to be a little bit more polite.
document.getElementById('formId').onsubmit = myNewFunction; would be acceptable. yours was not
@jmlopez the attribute is state data. you want to change the property
Because he asked how to replace the handler
The inline handler.
/ Don't let your mind wander -- it's too \
\ little to be let out alone... in bed.  /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
Setting a new handler with .onHandler will overwrite any previous handlers iirc
so no need to muck around with attributes.
basically unless reading the initial state... you never need to touch attributes... most if not all are mapped to a property once JS gets wind of the element.
stackoverflow.com/questions/5874652/prop-vs-attr I know you are not using jQuery however this answer does a descent job of explaining the difference between a prop and an attribute
Q: How to organize html in JavaScript template for unknown number of entries?

armaOkey, i'll try to describe my code design problem as good as i can. I have a page where with button click via javascript (jQote2) templates user can insert new fields to parent fields (so it's like tree like structure). Also notice that i can send parameters to template from current file. Examp...

Well well well...@ErikReppen, thank you. What you said did what I expected
The result is boobs
That might be the awesomest thing I've ever said
@jmlopez but not the best way to do it. I get results smashing a nail with my forehead... but I would get better results if I used a hammer.
@Zirak @jmlopez this was for you btw.
@rlemon, yeah, i figured.
Everything is going to be okay.
He is probably right in most cases. I just jumped on 'how do I set the attribute' and didn't worry about the circumstances.
if the form has an id document.getElementById('formId').onsubmit = myNewFunction; // notice no () this will work. The passed argument is the event for the form. so function myNewFunction(event) { ... } would be your handler. This would effectively over write any previously assigned handlers (inline as well) - Attributes are state data and are only useful if you want to *know the initial state of a property on page load.
Changing an elements properties (the .whatever) is going to be what you want in most cases.
if the form has a name.. you can use the (cross browser compatible) document.forms.formName or without dot notation document.forms['formName'] and the elements can be accessed similarly by name using document.forms.formName.elements.elementName
how do i right x 2 the website????????????????
document.write('x'); ???
whats up
@rlemon that's not right?
It looks right to me.
If you can make heads of tails of the horribly asked question then maybe it is wrong.
me two
@rlemon ok, see your point
@Steve, @KGZM go learn Javascript then
What're you @ing at me for? I know JS.
"how do i right x 2 the website" === "how do I write the letter 'x' to the website via javascript"
"ty" === "Thank You"
"me two" === "me too" (or me as well)
You said that it looks right to you.
As an answer to 'how do I right x 2 to the website' it looks pretty accurate.
lmao i'm just screwing with you, chill out
And when document.write is called after the page is loaded it will first clear the document.
@rlemon, ok, so I managed to change the state data but it still doesn't work. The initial state of the onsubmit is return Event.__inlineSubmit(obj,event);
@killah You're confusing right or correct, with appropriate.
and I want to call a function before that
how would i go on modifying the onsubmit of the form so that some code is executed
ok you want TWO handlers to fire?
@KGZM maybe
just do an alert
I would like to say `alert(" you are about to submit")
and then do the return thingie
@Killah Well, I thought it was pretty funny!
Did you try formElement.onsubmit = yourFunction;
Do I smell a sock? sniffs
@ThiefMaster mildly entertaining
@jmlopez or is this what you are after jsfiddle.net/rlemon/hmZyk/2
@ErikReppen, I did, but I have trouble because the original onsubmit has this: return Event.__inlineSubmit(this,event);
@rlemon, actually the first thing you had seems to be in the direction I want to go
the only problem is that I want to execute any of the bars before foo
@jmlopez Then you need to use some sort of event management. Like the many addEvent implementations out there, or the native "addEventListener" (beware browser support)
Keep in mind that the thing that is giving me trouble is because I don't understand this: return Event.__inlineSubmit(this,event);
addEventListener is good in everything but IE8 or less.
There is a form that has onsubmit="return Event.__inlineSubmit(this,event);"
@jmlopez Sounds like some .NET crap.
Ohhh... webforms maybe?
@RyanKinal, it probably is, I don't know
@jmlopez facebook crap
All I'm doing is modifying an existing website
is there any advance in using $.get or $.post over $.ajax, or is it better to use $.ajax for any kind of request?
Because normal form submits aren't good enough for ASP.NET
var btn = document.getElementById('btn'),
    deferredEvent = btn.onclick;

btn.onclick = bar;

function foo() {
    alert("Foo was executed");
function bar() {
    alert("Bar was executed");

yes, facebook crap
<button id="btn" onclick="foo()">BUTTON!
if JavaScript is written in C++ / C then we should be able to code in such a way that we can loosely use data types in C++ ? By understanding how they are actually freely used internally
since $.ajax I can specify it's async parameter, what is the advantage of using $.get instead of $.ajax?
semantics arguably
the async parameter really changes a lot of things
Q: What are the various frameworks available for java in the world?

IndishI seriously doubt the essence of having many frameworks for the development based on same programming language.Why do we need so many frameworks ? This question is not concerned only with java.It is related to all the programming languages.

@rlemon, awesome, now I just hope that it works on the actual thing
@Abhishek are you trying to add strict types to JS or JS to C++?
@ErikReppen loose types to C++
well neither but it would be cool to learn (:
Well, I believe you can overload operators in C++ so you could create you're own jsNumber and jsString types and possibly have them auto-cast to appropriate values. I'm not sure how you would work around needing to declare types.
@rlemon, thank you so much for giving me a hammer to hit the nail.
Maybe just with a factory function that let's you drop in a JS declaration string so you could use js literal declaration form and have it drop one of your JS objects on you. I've only browsed C and C++ though.
@jmlopez good luck
I use $.ajax instead of $.get/$.post mainly because of the async parameter
Never understood why they went with 'type' rather than 'method' for the spot where you stick 'POST' or 'GET'
I think it's because of the type of the request you are trying to make
-20	 13:38	removed	User was removed
^ I hate that
@ErikReppen that star earned my Outspoken badge
@Xeo I only let close relatives see my privates. It would have to be a very close friend if I let them see my privates as well. — Neal 3 mins ago
@rlemon fixed
lol thanks
@Neal Ummm.
@neal that joke was created before you were born....
hey @Neal didnt know you had experience with C++
@SomeKittens And when was I born?
@rogcg I most definitely do :-)
@Neal how many years working with c++?
@Neal October 14th 1988... IIRC it was a tuesday and overcast.
@rlemon lol good year, but everything else is wrong :-P
Im going to work on a company, developing on C++, in a GPS/satellite track vehicles system
@rogcg Since college.
no..... everyone else just lied to you.
@rlemon HA
I was there... I remember.
@rlemon sure sure :-P
I've changed from tumblr to my own blog system! YAY, entirely build on app engine with python!
such a great experience!
instead of a tumblr in the middle of the url, I have an appspot on it.
heh, Google app engine
is it nice?
why does obama blame everything on bush, its so annoying
hi to all
@FlorianMargaine totally.. and you can integrate with Django (if you are using python)
i would like to know
i mean he's been in office for what, 4 years now
he should just admit that he has no idea what he is doing and resign
why IE9 compatilble mode works some script and normal mode doesn't
what is the difference ?
@Steve face it; your last good president was Clinton... and that was only because he didn't really make anything worse and was lucky to ride the coat tails of the tech boom.
Bush Sr. and Jr. were horrible and lead by fear mongering
The Clintons actually set a lot of the things contributing to the current mess we're in, in motion. And no I used to vote Democrat and would still favor them over Republicans.
Obama was given shit and expected to make it into a pearl.
Clintons were also cleaning up after bush sr.

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