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03:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Q: Get the Multiple images & its positions from Json

vickey colorsI am fetching image & its positions [left(x) & top (y)] from json with help of below code & displaying in html page.... if there is single image in json, than its working fine.... var mask1; $(document).ready(function() { var maskedImageUrla = ""; var coordinates = { x: 0, ...

@SterlingArcher so toxic smh
hello guys
how can i disable default authorization dialog in Angular 6 ?
1 hour later…
some virologists here have concerns that the "movement" has a lot influence
wait till the movement reaches India
@ShrekOverflow so the mom is proud that his son is standing up for what he believes in, even if it is against her judgement..
or any less educated part of the world
@Neil Yep, but the lady who is describing it is using such horrifying terms
"Strangers on Reddit"
> disobeyed
> went against his mother!
have you guessed the audience here?
hint: it isn't the age of the son
If anything this is going to make the anti-vaccs feel OMG! LOOK VACCS --- THE REDDITS --- EMGERD THEY ARE BRAINWARSHING KIDS!
@Neil vOv
The same story could have been told
anyone knows how to disable default atuhorization dialog in angular 6?
"A boy goes out of his way, learns his own facts, makes his decisions. In life you'll sometime need to make em"
@GlacialMan HTTP Authorization?
It could have been an uplifting story about a kid who informed himself and did the right thing.. they put a bit too much focus on the mother
What you are asking is
Javascript has
how can i disable popup for login (it's default by every browser) when i return response 401 prntscr.com/mqrz5k
22 secs ago, by ShrekOverflow
user image
@GlacialMan That is by design. You cannot disable that popup.
I propose you return a 403 instead.
okey than how i can make it works because i cannot login even when i enter correct username and password like sing in button doesn't work
@GlacialMan You are gonna have to tell us more than what you are telling us
like, what are you trying to do?
what server are you using?
asp.net core and angular 6
why the heck are you sending a 401 on a non-xhr?
Are you trying to make a login form?
i'm new with angular
Doesn't matter
no i have it
this is not an angular problem, this is HTTP Basics
i return 401 when session expired
That is good
so when user click on some button and if session expire
as madara said you should return 403
i want to reload ait to login form
that'll generate a Forbidden error message
hmm yeah
ideally I'd just send a 302
ok i'll try
something like
302 /login?returnTo=/path/where/I/was
@MadaraUchiha I wonder if we can train a bot to detect new people :D
from a perspective of a data analysis problem
@ShrekOverflow do you know when it is legitimate to use parenthesis in URI's ?
@KarelG Never?
Well, according to tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.2 it is used as a "sub-delims" reserved character
@KarelG When in doubt, escape.
I have seen those + and $ used as legitimate URI's
Q: Is it ok to have brackets or parenthesis in URL?

nastyIm generating URLs for my AdWord campaigns and some campangin names have brackets in them ( ) and [ ] brackets. And a sample url looks likes this http://www.website.com/?utm_source=google%5BB%2B%5D&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=google_ad(B)&utm_campaign=product Is this fine?

I have almost always only seem them after query string
> listing parentheses as belonging to the “sub-delims” group which is allowed without %-encoding in the query part but the brackets as belonging to “gen-delims” which shall be %-encoded.
I read that
that was helpful. I should rethink about my googol terms
Esp when reading these god forsakenly old specs
remember, they were written when mobiles didn't exist :P
and then google best practices around them
the document is not clear about that sub-delims though
Back with some more jest riddly :')
test('no permission', async () => {
  WebService._showErrorAlert = jest.fn();

  Platform.OS = "android";

  WebService._requestGPSPermission = jest.fn(() => {
    return Promise.resolve(false);

  expect(await WebService._getLocation()).toThrow();

That is my testcase. The methodnames in combination with the classname aside, is there anything anyone can spot that will block the tests execution?
It always times out after 5 seconds.
The section I try to test is this:
if (Platform.OS === "android") {
  console.log("What the fuck?");
  const permissionGranted = await _requestGPSPermission();
  if (!permissionGranted) {
    throw new Error(constants.GEOLOCATION_PERMISSIONS_MISSING);
@geisterfurz007 .toThrow() expects a function to be passed to the expect() function.
ooooooooooooooooooooooo! Does that work with async stuff as well?
expect(() => { throw new Error('foo'); }).toThrow('foo')
@geisterfurz007 No idea. but "jest toThrow asynchronous" is likely a good Google query to make.
Appreciate it! I was constantly wondering where I went wrong with my train of thought :)
Looks like you want .rejects and to not use await.
Yup, just found that as well \o/
Hm, this still doesn't work though. The function, I am trying to test isn't even called. I changed the call to expect(WebService._getLocation()).rejects.toBeDefined(); and as first line of _getLocation I put a logging statement. The test times out before hitting it.
But now I have something else that I won't do in the future :)
WOW! It was because I mocked that function in another describe block ._.
I thought that they were self-resetting essentially ._______________. Learned something new again :)
@geisterfurz007 Why would they? You have no shared scope between two describe blocks.
Even stuff you define inside of a beforeEach (or whatever it's called) is not available inside of describe, the reference must be on the parent scope, so that it can be available from closure.
Well my idea was that each descibe block was run on it's own without influence from outside. But I guess it makes sense because I mock something that is imported globally and never return from that state.
@geisterfurz007 That's the problem with globals
I don't understand this stuff anymore... I was so sure I got it. I spy on a function from the WebService. I have it exported, I provide a mockImplementation.
It calls the original function.
And I know that I am a help vamp currently but I am just so desperate :D
I give up for now. Maybe I get a nice though during lunch. Later o/
Later o/
Hmm can "observe()" from mobx get as function a promise? Or does it not understand that?
Guys, I'm writing google chrome/mozilla firefox extension for internal use. It has to perform imageboard post highlighting (the posts with video attachments only, whose could be easily identified by post title that has .mp4 or .webm in the end).

Here's link to the github: https://github.com/psanatov/2ch-webm-highlighter/blob/master/webm.js

**Does anybody know how could I increase its performance?** I mean we have to re-run code each time when there is change to DOM (I've implemented MutationObserver)
@pavjel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
The IDE was the problem... Thanks WebStorm!
your welcome
my welcome? no your welcome!
The IDE was not the problem.
I am the problem.
I am the eggman.
I didn't mock the stuff I thought I would mock because I exported an object of functions and not a class. Hence my spyOn call was wrong (eventhough I don't know how it would have been correctly) and now after wrapping "all the functions"™ in a class, the stuff works :)
good sir
nice geisss
mr. nice geiss
Anyone managed to save download blobs with a specific encoding? In my case i can't get it to download a blob specified to be iso-8859-1
But it always downloads the files with UTF-8 as encoding
var blob = new Blob([files[file].text], { type: 'text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1', encoding: "ISO-8859-1" });
does not work at all
putting window.URL.createObjectURL(blob) on a link as href still downloads it with UTF-8
can you not prepend with a UTF-8 mark to get around that?
The byte order mark (BOM) is a Unicode character, U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK (BOM), whose appearance as a magic number at the start of a text stream can signal several things to a program reading the text: The byte order, or endianness, of the text stream; The fact that the text stream's encoding is Unicode, to a high level of confidence; Which Unicode encoding the text stream is encoded as.BOM use is optional. Its presence interferes with the use of UTF-8 by software that does not expect non-ASCII bytes at the start of a file but that could otherwise handle the text stream. Unicode can be encoded...
that iso seems for excel files. I think that someone did that before on SO (which helped me as well )
@Dexception You can convert you know. Is there a particular reason why you don't want to send it as UTF-8?
if they're ascii characters, it shouldn't even occupy more space
that iso seems for excel files
duh. Irrelevant
hey everyone, has anyone ever worked with jquery fullcalendar? i´m asking this because i´m having dificulty on understading the startRecur and endRecur...what if the user doesn´t want to say when the endRecur happens? i mean simply say that the event has a start, but does not end
Uhh, anyone able to help me out? There has been very "thoughtful" answer to a question of mine. However the solutions are fundamentally wrong, yet I have trouble explaining that in the small text of comments.
Basically I notice that flowtype tells me a function expects another function that returns void. However I wonder if I can still pass in an async function (which violates the typing, however the typing is not made by the devs that made the library). - Since the library will have to wait for the promise to resolve.
The answer I get is: "just use ..then...else, and actually return void". - That solves the typing, however it doesn't go about the underlying problem.
I'm not sure how to explain this clearly
Like one of the solution the answerer gave was: "Turn your async function into an IIFE: ((...args) => { (async (...) {...})(...args) }" -- This most certainly breaks the world.
this is why I sometimes have a problem with TJ crowder.
don't break the world
he posted this answer while I just posted this comment
React Native utilizes props. Could it be that it is what you want? — KarelG 7 mins ago
@paul23 In TypeScript you can.
one line vs wall-o-answer to get rep points
Not sure about flowtype
In TypeScript, if I have this function foo(cb: () => void) {...} I am allowed to do this: foo(() => 42);
Because the void return type just means that the return type, whatever it is, gets ignored.
Well flowtype you cannot. But I'm wondering if the typing is "wrong" or the way I use the library is "wrong". In mobx there exist the function `observe` which takes another function and executes that function given a change in the observed values.
Now flowtype states that function explicitly needs to return `void`, so not a promise or anything. Yet the typescript file also lists "void" which as you state can be "any type but is ignored"; The documentation is also silent.
So that made me wonder not about the typing, but about the actual library: can it take a promise (and does it guarantee execution of the promise)
@KarelG That would save it into UTF-8 encoding? It's not what i want
@Neil I have tried converting the data, but the file seems to still get saved with UTF-8 encoding.
Yes, a program that will import the file requires it to be iso-8856-1
@Dexception when you load the file, pass it through a converter before using it
@Neil I generate text from database, which will then be downloaded through a blob
You happen to know such a converter in javascript?
No, but I'm sure there are plenty
@Neil Well ys, i tried with FileReader whic hseems to be able to do it
reader.readAsText(blob, 'iso-8859-1');
Altho, storing the result from that into a blob and then downloading it still makes it UTF-8
you want to read as utf-8 and write as iso-8859-1
the source file is utf-8, right?
There is no source file
I have a string, which shall be converted to iso-8859-1
This string is utf-8 yho
Interestingly, using TextEncoder and TextDecoder, Windows-1252 seems to half work
Opening the file in notepad++ says its ISO-8859-1..
argh, flow doesn't seem to have any way to declare an abstract method :(
I am using puppeteer for UI test
now I happen to come across a problem.
Suppose in my UI
I click on a button
and it takes me to different page
and I want to test this using puppeteer
So it provide me various things.
so what I essentially did was
await page.click()
await page.waitForNavigation()
and page.waitForNavigation()
both return promises
so I can wait for them to resolve.
Now the problem was my code was not working.
They said I should instead write my code like this
someone with experience on office-js ? looking in a method to autoload an office add-in..
@Vidal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
await page.click().then(() => { return page.waitForNavigation()})
Now can someone tell me why should that work, and not my solution
I am having hard time, thinking about this.
o/ is a person waving their left hand in the air
maybe it did not cross the boundaries of r11 :)
o/ is generally recognized across the internet
... unless the question mark was you scratching your head, and it went over my head...
@KevinB That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: woosh
damnit :P
... on another topic, is it possible node's process.env be decoupled from the environment variables that are passed through the environment configuration in a docker-compose file? It seems to me the ones defined in my docker-compose.yml are ignored by the webpack transpilation run in the Dockerfile when launched inside docker-compose up -d while the local ones are defined.
I haven't had the privilege of working with docker yet
how does first or default work for .map?
var month = TimeToolsClosingCycleDateDataList.filter(x => x.TIMETOOLNAME === sourceName).map(x => x.MONTH);
what do you mean by first or default
returns all the items on the object list, im just trying to get the first item where sourceName == x.TIMETOOLNAME
and pull only x.MONTH
sounds like you might not need .map then
simply [0].MONTH
i got an error
no x
no .
wait, the . is needed
like in my message
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
 var month = TimeToolsClosingCycleDateDataList.filter(x => x.TIMETOOLNAME === sourceName).map([0].MONTH);
i'm not sure why it would through that error
[0].MONTH isn't a function
but what i meant was replace .map entirely
hence the "sounds like you might not need .map then"
...=== sourceName)[0].MONTH
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'MONTH' of undefined
that will however throw an error if the filter ever returns 0 results
so you'll need to either check to determine if it's zero, or ensure that it never is zero, before doing [0]
yup yup,
how do i get the most recent one?
so... in LINQ at c#
it'l return the 'most recent', 'latest', 'last' item
it seems that in JS it gets the oldest' item....
uh what?
filter/map in JS will return an old item in an object list
for example, list contains: {1-2-2019, 1-3-2019}, JS returns 1-2-2019
c# LINQ returns 1-3-2019
That has nothing to do with the contents of the list
unless you sort the list first
ive been up for like 18hrs
im tired....
!!> ["1-2-2019", "1-3-2019"][0]
@KendallFrey "1-2-2019"
i should just filter then sort by DSC
dsc would re-list it to 1-3-2019, 1-2-2019
because each is tied with a column 'ID'
so id of 1-2-2019 == 1
id: 2, 1, [0] == 2
@KendallFrey does '.sort' do DSC by default?
not that I'm aware
how do i do DSC on id?
just use the reverse comparison function
a - b instead of b - a
or whatever
numArray.sort((a, b) => b - a);
im tired... thanks for the input!
how do i sort the ID?
sort by id' and [0].MONTH
posted on February 27, 2019 by CommitStrip

Today, we’re welcoming a new sponsor, TruePath Technologies! TruePath Technologies is an industry-leading provider of enterprise monitoring software, hardware and services. They specialize in configuring and maintaining your monitoring software so you can avoid costly network downtime and maintenance. TruePath is a premier technical support provider and reseller for partners like SolarWin

@KendallFrey 1 last thing if you have the time
var month = TimeToolsClosingCycleDateDataList.filter(x => x.TIMETOOLNAME === sourceName).sort((a, b) => b.ID - a.ID)[0].MONTH;
it might not have a value... because the sourceName does not have anything related
how do i tell it 'if nothing found, set var 'month' --> 0
so when i console.log --> 0
check [0] !== undefined or .length > 0
thanks ; )
so have y'all been listening to the hearing
I just stopped listening at the break but
wow it's been a rollercoaster
i only heard the first 45 min or so
then had to leave for work
@forresthopkinsa well now it's just going to be 70% Jordan
everyone just yields time to him.
was the same for the FBI testimonies
yeah that's why I haven't tuned back in, they're getting pretty repetitive
"you're a bad man!"
> jordan: asks question
> cohen tries to answer
> jordan: no! don't answer!
lol seriously though
Literally all of them: "Did you do this???"

"No, I --"

"Yes you did! You did this! I yield my time."
love it
@KevinB well his actual testimony was only like 45 mins long
and it was all read from paper which was released last night
yeah I guess they had a lot of argument before he started
so you can just read it if you don't wanna listen. but you won't get the Q&A
the argument was about whether or not to postpone is
Rs wanted to move it back. Ds wanted it now
i left right after jordan yielded and then decided to try to make a motion, but got denied the opportunity
found it funny
lol that was funny
it was flipped during the peter strzok testimonies
in this regard, I will say both sides.
they know the game.
they all seem pretty disingenuous
that's the job
I feel like it would be such a breath of fresh air if someone spoke reasonably
like 1/20 you get that
I was so pissed off that our rep from AZ was such a jerk
but you have to listen to all the bull between
like think about it, they all get 5 minutes.
ah gotcha, guess I left too soon
half of them probably don't have any clue what legalities this is about
think about the zucc hearings.
so if you can't ask a stupid question, smear character.
good stuff
I just don't get why no one is asking him questions other than trying to smear his character, which is already destroyed.
I was talking with my co-worker about it, they need more diverse tactics
Obviously because they don't want the answers
I guess you're right there
or don't have questions
that's my take
3 mins ago, by rlemon
so if you can't ask a stupid question, smear character.
that's worded poorly.
I mean, they have no good questions. they don't wanna ask stupid ones. so they smear.
imo those two reasons are the same
oof that's awfully cynical
"the only good questions are the ones that produce answers favorable to me"
i'm sure many of them would like to catch him in another lie, which would require asking questions for him to lie about... but they probably know by now that they're more likely to cause more damage to trump (or themselves) than to cohen
huh? I'm talking about him being there for a testimonial of his work with trump.
or that's my understanding of this.
smearing his already ruined character is just a waste of time.
I'm no cohen fan. not defending him.
you misunderstood my message
I guess
I'm talking from the perspective of the committee members
lol yeah no that would've been pretty hostile otherwise
There's literally zero reason for someone who wants nothing to do with the hearing to ask questions, he's already damaged goods and anything he says can be dismissed with "well he lied in the past so..."
😂 h/t @evansiegfried
what lmao
hahahaha classic
i assume he just read the first sentence and retweeted
2 hours later…
it's so painful
but I can't stop watching
it's like a car crash
or the zucc hearing
i wonder what big story will happen tmorrow to hide this
How can i make an object instance available in all components of a React application?
or that
read up. tells you when and when not to use
Injection seems tedious for all components
in any sane case, you'll have to still make a call or a ref to pull in the object.
create a base component class and inject into that
and have all components inherit from it
its basically for an Auth service class which has methods to check for authentication etc. Will read up on context now
sounds more like you want a store.
But what about a method to check whether or not a user is currently "logged in". I cant call that via a store can I? (I don't know, I'm asking)
stores are just gorified class objects you inject to components.
they can have methods
so you can store anything you want there (but should only store things that belong in a store ofc)
Is a store something like Redux?
redux offers support for stores (I think. never used it. I'm a mobx guy)
I've refrained from using Redux up to now
i have no interest in trying redux or investigating it
so use mobx :)
i do, :)
stackoverflow.com/a/43742234/5173968 does this seem reasonable?
I'm assuming he means something such as gist.github.com/samjtozer/82d54c190e82d16752f5c3bc74b8b0cd
Hm not seeming to work
When trying to import the Auth object and use one of the instances methods I get a TypeError: _AuthService_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7__.default.loggedIn is not a function error
you still have export default class AuthService {
so if you're just importing the default you're still gonna get the base class, not an instance
I seem to solve it by importing both the AuthService and Auth
Oh is that what you're saying
just export default const Auth = new AuthService();
unless you need the class to make new instances later, which you don't appear to need.
ahh wicked. This will make my code a little more DRY now :D
thanks guys
so just keep AuthService as class AuthService{..}
I know @rlemon I am coming from that post only, can you tell me why that would work?
he explains it
> Thats slightly different. In my example you're awaiting the resolution of the entire promise chain, not just the page.click promise.
I don't use puppeteer so idk why that makes a difference. but that is the difference between the codes.
So they say is waitForNavigation checks for navigation to start and end, and after clicking navigation already started
so they say use promises.all
and its fine I understand that
but the solution on github, I do not understand how might that be working
1 hour later…
A: AJAX request to PHP file on login page

Erin Radchey i see youre still using php in 2019. have you heard of javascript?

For those who use mobx, do you know if the observe implementation can take a promise (asynchronous function) instead of a normal function?
03:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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