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ok, I don't know where this misconception came from; If you don't know how to program... you can't write a program! Why do people all of a sudden think programming is akin to lego blocks and you can just stick shit together and expect it to be awesome?!
@rlemon I love it.
@adscriven yea but what I was showing you was a Ford Pinto (regarded as one of the biggest Lemon cars there is)
it's a K-Car
Do someone know what OS is it.
@rlemon Yeah, I know, you said. I just said it looked like a ... nvm.
lol i get you
@AnkitGupta linux
one of many distros
Anyway, what's a K-Car?
@rlemon which linux
you pick
Ah. Amercian cars aren't well-known in Europe. Looks cool though.
@AnkitGupta that is incredibly hard to tell because each distro you can install your own DE (or a compatible one at least)
Holy Hell Chrome! Y U LAGGGGG
Oh hey hello.
@rlemon Here too
@rlemon i am thinking of give up on firefox because of the same problems, lagggssssss!!, but they say the last beta has been pretty good. fingers cross for 16th of this month. :D
@copy Same here. SO chat is laggy as hell
Anyways, I need a DOM Selector. don't let me use jQuery.
How on earth is it lagging for yall ?
oh yes it is (XD)
thanks to lemon
It's only this chat window
@FlorianMargaine I can't be bothered testing, I need something that works on IE7+ and FF+ chrome my chrome and safari users are all up to date bastards. :)
@Abhishek Because my PC's retardedly show
@Abhishek Doesn't run in IE8.
@SomeKittens okay
Oh, no, wait, just v slow ...
@OmeidHerat get a QSA shim.
just remove the image rlemon showed using js or inspector
and it will work fine
and @adscriven that sucks
oh yeah
@rlemon y u so big image
@Abhishek I don't even need to enlarge the image
@FlorianMargaine LOL
@Abhishek Well, there are one or two failures ... :-)
E[attribute] (2 out of 7 failed)
and florian we will have to think something for "lemon" like image warriors
so that they dont kill the heavy chat :3
maybe-rescaling images on server ? [nah too stupid we aint facebook].
::before, ::after, ::first-letter, ::first-line all failed
@adscriven the funny thing is
ie 8 works with :after , :before
And all the tests from :root onwards failed.
@Abhishek Block huge images
@Abhishek we'll think about it when it happens
Ew, CSS work
rather, "hiding a line" would be a better idea for example.
@Abhishek Yeah, :after passes, ::after does not.
or just checking the scale of image [okay 1000px + just show link ]
@Abhishek o/
mornin folks
@Loktar \o
@Loktar troll dad yay \o/
@FlorianMargaine @rlemon @Zirak o/
@FlorianMargaine haha
man some people were so PISSED at me
I was like jeeze lighten up it was a joke
What if
Those were just friends of your son with fake accounts ?
for anyone interested
@Abhishek lol
@Loktar make 'em respect the classics
he actually got the 3ds though :P
thats what people were mad about
Then what's the problem?
he didnt showed him with the 3ds finally
and.. I wasnt entirely truthful.. he cried because I pretended to call gamestop and they said I couldnt return it
so people think . he was just tralling
but I didnt feel like going into detail on the imgur
it was evil but humouros
@FlorianMargaine removed the js requirement , it will work with or without js :D
with js it will just wait a lil .
dag nammit, even when I'm not on reddit at work.. I'm apparently still on reddit at work ;)
and check on client before sending
it better doesn't have any js yet.
is anybody aware of a lightweight, probably somewhat minimalistic DOM-operation lib ? Just for basic DOM operations with chaining abilitys
u want me to remove the js part ?
as whole :
I need an iterator that outputs 64 arrays in the following format - ((0,0)(0,1)(0,2),(0,3),(1,0)(1,1)(1,2),(1,3))
@jAndy like nodecomposite ? github.com/Raynos/NodeComposite
@Abhishek yeah
we'll add it when we'll have some structure
Then the next one starts with 3
Shalom all ^_^
@jamesson have you tried anything?
I tried a 2d array, but that gives me 0 and 1 over and over
@Neal ¡hola!
@jamesson code.
My boss just said I could write blog articles on anything even remotely related to technology on company time. Job+1
@florian 1 sec
@adscriven Whats up? ^_^
This looks like it'll be one of those "I love my job" days
@Neal Spaniards balance their punctuation. I wonder if that makes them better programmers.
When i load js file from document.createElement then i knew that js file is in my head
But when i load js from `$.ajax("java.js", {cache : true, dataType : 'script'})` then where is script tag appended .
@adscriven :-P
ok, i've had enough. I'm redoing my company website dryermaster.com
I just viewed source..... Fucking TABLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And those MM_* functions...
before I started here he payed a company WAY too much money for this
and they did it in DreamWeaver
Dreamweaver? Nooooooo
I know a guy who gets paid thousands to (essentially) modify Wordpress templates.
function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
  var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
    var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++)
    if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
It's ridiculous.
well this company got thousands to make a table layout site... and use DW to fapp the thing together.
Preload images are win!
mind you they did make some video content (training DVD's) but I'm also wondering how hard those would have been to do (not a media guy)
how else can you make sweet ass hover buttons dude!
@Loktar MM === MacroMedia
oh, IE7 and your z-index - issues
@rlemon: how long were they, and how much did they charge?
well the training DVD is like 20-30 mins. website + dvd + a few pamphlets === 6K
but no people in the training DVD. audio and images and some animations
I'm basically taking charge of the website (I demand so :P)
@rlemon, bullshitical
I usually have two thoughts when I hear things like that:
1.) Pathetic. How can people do that?
2.) For 6k, how can *I* do that?!!
Douches love to Douche with their Douchery
@SomeKittens, +1
because (and I can understand this) not everyone knows about this stuff. we think that is outrageous. but a small business owner doesn't know any better.
6k ain't that much
@FlorianMargaine too much for what they did though - he got flossed
not sure
depends on the backoffice too
and btw, a training DVD can take days to create
i mean fucking headers are not even H[1-6] they are all <p> with CSS to style them!
@FlorianMargaine yes this one looks nice... but methinks I could probably do it in flash in like a day
fuck flash
@rlemon, indeed
my text animations will be so bauce
@rlemon you gonna stick wit the FAPP ?
anyone know about this book PHP the good parts?
@rlemon I used your markdownify as boilerplate for github.com/petkaantonov/chromebeautify :P
@OmeidHerat FreeBSD Apache PHP and Postgre? FAPP
@DavidDV yea it's one page and inside all you see if a troll face.
^ best $19.99 I ever spent.
@rlemon yeah, cause I just saw your mentioned that about some guy and DW stuff, haha
so anybody on mine?
@DavidDV I think a troll face would have been bette.r
@rlemon haha, @ircmaxell will bin it as soon as he gets around. :P
My boss gave me a raise. Three raises and he has not told me about any of them. I just get my pay cheque and it's there. lol
your boss is a boss.
I am my own boss, son.
somebody? anybody?
Is there an easier (i.e. smarter) way to do this:
for(service in services){service--;}
@jamesson On your what?
(Other than redoing all of my bosses work where he decided that 1-indexed arrays were a good idea)
services.forEach(function(service) {
     // code
@SomeKittens rofl
@rlemon Thanks
@SomeKittens I'm not sure that will even work, will it?
My Uni is going to start on Monday I just got an offer for a 2k$ project.
@SomeKittens do a perf test.... idk what is faster
@RyanKinal well he didn't var service... so who knows
for(var service in services)
Right, but it looks like he wants to re-index an array.
@RyanKinal, iterator that builds ((0,0)(0,1)(0,2),(0,3),(1,0)(1,1)(1,2),(1,3)), ((2,0)(2,1)(2,2),(2,3),(3,0)(3,1)(3,2),(3,3)) etc
That's the impression that I get, anyway
@rlemon confession bear I don't know what a perf test is.... (performance?)
@SomeKittens JSPerf
@SomeKittens yes
Array I have: ["1", "2", "5"]
Array I want: ["0", "1", "4"]
@RyanKinal Awesome, thanks. (Sorry for being such a newb)
@SomeKittens ... OH
@SomeKittens, out = in-1?
did I screw something up badly?
for (service in services) { services[service]--; }
service is the index, not the element
ohh yea ^
Wait, now we're decrementing the element?
2 mins ago, by SomeKittens
Array I have: ["1", "2", "5"]
Array I want: ["0", "1", "4"]
(Also, there are some unfortunate bits with strings in this case, but... whatever)
Yes, but... never mind.
nobody proposed while?
@SomeKittens so you want your arrays to be 1 indexed?
The first thing I thought of was map, actually
@minitech Array.prototype.map :p
And I don't think while is appropriate in this case
Oh by the way, terrible article:
@FlorianMargaine Array#map. Ruby people.
@rlemon Heavens, no. I'm grabbing a list of numbers from a database w/PHP and then converting it to Javascript with json_encode()
@OmeidHerat What?
My boss (the one who designed the database) decided that the first service would be represented with a 1, etc, etc.
I usually only use while in destructive cases, like while (elem = arr.shift()) { /* stuff */ }
@SomeKittens And... what are you doing with it that everything needs pre-decrementing?
services.forEach(function(service) {
     // I appear to be faster
@RyanKinal same
@ircmaxell The, PHP Good parts thing on PHP room. :D
uh huh
@minitech I have an array of the ids of the services. I could create a dummy service in index zero of the array (bad practice) or decrement the array I got from the database
@RyanKinal, so, any help on my thing?
@SomeKittens Subtract 1 when accessing it?
(As opposed to in advance.)
that might work
lemme try
var i, x, y, arr = [];

for (i = 0; i < 15; i++)
	x = Math.floor(i / 4);
	y = i % 4;
	arr.push([x, y]);
Extra variables included for clarity
@RyanKinal, ok, will study in about an hour, ty so much
@FlorianMargaine If a training DVD only takes a few days, it's probably crap.
@adscriven I did say "can take days", and no, let's not exagerate, a training DVD made in two or three weeks is a good one, really
@FlorianMargaine That sounds more realistic.
Developers shouldn't make them though.
it's rather for marketing guys
for two reaons: they're not technical, so they won't tell some weird words, and they know how to talk to people.
lol 2 upvotes for this stackoverflow.com/a/11434502/995876 what the hell
@FlorianMargaine Yes, definitely.
@minitech It worked, now on to the next bug
i'm sorry, i guess i'll have to freaking rage right now
@FlorianMargaine google.com/…
IE7 keeps resisting
those z-index issues are just freaking idiotic
oh, yeah. IE7.
stupid op doesn't even mention the browser he gets the error in
he'll get 5 answers then update with "ohh yea this only fails in NN4"
if MOSVG is an SVG <object>, why is svgDoc null?
var mySVG = document.getElementById("MOSVG");
var svgDoc = mySVG.contentDocument;
A: jQuery conflicting with prototype in Magento

Shailesh DhawareUse jQuery.noConflict(); Your problem will get solved.

flagged as "not an answer"
I can't let this guy have 46 rep with a blatantly false answer
FFS I thought I downvoted him the first time... I actually upvoted him. Had to edit his answer just to downvote him again.
blah.map(...).toArray(); // um ...
@dievardump meh. Play this: www.kongregate.com/games/polymerrabbit/frantic-2
I've been slaving over it.
@FlorianMargaine well, at least one good thing right now.... 34 rep to go \o/
starting to scratch the magic mark ;)
@GNi33 24
I can't upvote all your answers tho :x
sweet :D
haha, you really don't need to ;)
sweet new badge
and my edit was trivial so I could change my vote :P hehe
@RyanKinal, what in the world are you doing in that pic?
or not maybe
blew it up and not what I thought
looks like ropes, not a rod
It is, in fact, ropes
Belaying down the side of the building?
And that is, in fact, the roof of my office building
@RyanKinal, your boss must be on serious meds to ignore the potential liability
They're perfectly aware
@RyanKinal, and they dont care? wow
The former CEO and founder is a trained climber
That platform was put up there specifically for this purpose
We have a few trained climbers in the office, actually
@RyanKinal, ah, ok - but still, how the **** do they ever get insurance?
I have no idea
What the insurance companies don't know won't hurt em.
until they know it.
especially after he posts that to his profile
We're looking for another web developer... want to come jump off the room, play ping-pong, bring in your dogs and/or children, and have beer at 3:30 on Fridays?
To compensate, you have to use the Microsoft stack :-D
@RyanKinal want a css warlord ?
** css3
I like that term, but probably not.
@Abhishek voscast won't bring you to canada? :|
yeap :P , i am just pulling his leg lol
I'm in... cept I live in Canada and won't relocate. You can mail me the beer. The rest I will do from home over skype to feel like i'm part of the team (lives top floor of a tri-plex)
@rlemon hey don't i owe u a beer ?
yes you do
and I owe you a free room (couch in my living room) for when you visit.
is ready() can be used with .on
like $(document).on("ready",)
for what purpose?
because i want to use off
Man, I'm not sure what I'd do if I ever met any of you guys in person. I'm... kind of awkward. :-D
@Abhishek if you're coming over france, don't hesitate :D
Zirak, I don't really like this kind of game ^^'
@RyanKinal awkward = poo on the sofa?
@Random dafuq? explain. you are likely doing it wrong if you need to do this.
@FlorianMargaine ... not that awkward
@dievardump You're a "dier", aren't you? I love bullet hells.
@RyanKinal hehehe, same. I'd just stare at you until you feel uncomfortable.
@Random ...dafuq? why?
No one is awkward with a 12 pack of Canadian beer in you
@rlemon is there something like online beer selling lol
@Zirak Worst staring contest EVER.
@Abhishek I'm sure there's beer on eBay
@RyanKinal BRING IT ON
No like dominos e-pizza , there should be e-beer :D
ASCII staring content!
>_>     <_<
I want a function to be called when an element is loaded, but only once
who is gonna win?
currently it's being called until my computer crashes.
Some of you Canadians should come down to Buffalo for a concert... I get out there every so often. Saw Sam Roberts a couple weeks ago.
@SomeKittens Then you're doing it wrong, because an element only loads once.
element.onload = function() {
@RyanKinal Isn't that far for you?
or element.onload = func
(>o.o)> <(o.o<) kirby will win
i have a tab to load html via ajax in which a script is using $(document).ready()
now if i click on the tab 3 time then it binds 3 time the .ready function to document.
@Zirak no i just don't like it. I prefer game like extinction.fr/minijeux the Booboom one. A revisited bomberman
But i want it to one
currently using mySVG.addEventListener("load",function(){
there is some german beer iirc that is over 40%
o_O | 0_0 | O_o <- lE ANIMATION
@SomeKittens It's a couple hours from here... but only about an hour from my parents' place.
so i want to use it like
ASCII FTW CSI is awesome
@Random ugh.. i'm not even going to try to explain why this approach is so very wrong because you likely won't listen and think there is just a minor bug
@RyanKinal , now being serious if you company get get me migrated and pay me enough then i can consider filing a resume
migrating out of here is very important
oh yeah, gief feedback pl0x: gist.github.com/3086939
@RyanKinal Nice. I'd be interested in a meetup. I missed the last SO meetup by hours
I live kinda close to @Incognito (~1hour drive - maybe two )
@rlemon what's wrong using this with document or using this concept
@Random everything. again i'm not getting into it. too much explaining and too much time
sorry to share this
but step back. consider a few other options. see if any make more sense.

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