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ugh... did something to my neck/shoulder - even typing hurts.
RT @w3c: WebDriver Draft Published http://dlvr.it/1qxJn5
@OctavianDamiean o/
Yo brah! :D
@rlemon o.
is gravtar being a bitch ?
@OctavianDamiean y u no allow comments on mainerror
fucking hell gravtar is either down or wants to troll me
@OctavianDamiean the blog
I was going to comment on you jsFiddle bootstrap post
Oh right that blog ... reminds me that I should get rid of that one and build something with Node.js and CouchDB.
!!nudge OctavianDamiean 2 "Make a new blog in Node.js and CouchDB"
holy shit I answered someone's self answering question almost as fast as the OP himself stackoverflow.com/a/11432346/995876
only 8 seconds later
in that time I fired up jQuery docs and solved it
that is incredible, I am impressed with myself
Q: alert() is alerting more than expected

RandomMy index.php <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <tit...

angle brackets are chevrons ⟨ ⟩ you have your terms mixed up. — rlemon 16 secs ago
Afternoon guys, im struggling a little with javascript, i hope you could point me in the right direction?

I need to select a child "ul" from an object, and i don't know where to start!
getElementsByTagName( 'ul' )[ 0 ]
@FlorianMargaine Thanks ill try that
@Sam are you using jquery?
@FlorianMargaine I wish i was haha
@Sam if the 'object' is a node you can domNode.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]
But its good for me working with vanilla javascript :) haha
only getById expects document as the context
Fantastic cheers guys
Not having css selectors like in jQuery is a rude awakening
@Esailija That should balance out the I AM SO STUPID comment. :-)
yes it should
btw @Esailija I ended up doing this github.com/Ralt/express-boilerplate
Well it would if I starred it. Not gonna.
@Sam you don't need them most of the time, and if you really do, there still is QSA
@FlorianMargaine is that your repo or cloned somewhere
@FlorianMargaine I like I like
@GNi33 QSA?
though if you have to support legacy browsers, working without jQuery can be a real bitch
context.querySelectorAll(selector); // I return a static node list.
@Esailija my repo
@GNi33 don't you mean; working without a shim can be a real bitch.
@rlemon thanks, the loader is self-made! yay
because working with jQuery can be a real bitch
@rlemon okay... let's put it this way
Most of the time, I see jQuery as shim
even with shims
why can it be a real bitch
trying to make your code with with IE is a bitch. However there are better solutions than just use jQuery
even with shims, it's still a bitch, jquery is just nicer
there are so many quirks for IE in jquery
@GNi33 It's not exactly a shim: it has its own API.
shamefacedly admits that he wrote a jQuery plugin today
i knew that someone would say that ;)
i know all this, and we had this discussion like a million times already
@GNi33 We did? My memory is even worse than I thought.
not the two of us, the whole room
OMG, there were people watching?!
it's real easy to overcome inconsistencies in the DOM api when you abstract the entire thing away. But is this really helpful? Ok maybe to the @Esailija and @FlorianMargaine in the crowd.. but people who ask about getByX really show that jQuery is just.. well... dumb.
goes back to his jQuery code
jquery is an abstraction, not a shim. Shims are additions to the existing mechanism; abstractions deter you from directly using said mechanism. not saying which is better, but there is a difference
also, the more and more I read the twitter bootstrap plugins.. the more I hate that coding style (plugins are nice... ugh... I NEED SEMI COLONS!)
Dunno, I never had problems (well, some) making stuff work in IE6 + Chrome + FF + Opera without using a library. But I was specifically developing business apps, which probably makes a big difference.
bootstrap coding style is horrible
preceding commas, whenever i see this i wanna punch somebody
hehe, it's cute when people think they can "express themselves" in coding style.
var ohhhh = {
       you: mean
     , 'this': type
     , of: shit
bootstrap coding style, the lead cause of javascript drama
@rlemon punch
i mean, this is the worst thing i've ever seen
Dunno, a colleague of mine does that with SQL. It's not my preference, but I don't hate it.
Its annoying when you search for a question relating to javascript and half the results are using jQuery
Makes shit easier to edit.
I can't stand it either ...
@adscriven if you suck
Doesn't work with your example though.
you: mean should be on the same line as the {
it just makes stuff so horribly unreadable
@GNi33 Agreed.
@rlemon I said it's not my preference.
can't stand it, i'd rather put a var - statement in front of any variable than doing this
and in objects, i just keep it the way it is
Well that's two different stories.
not really, people do this in var - definitions
Think of it as line-continuation.
var foo = {
    f: "f",
    b: "b",
console.log(foo); // it's horrible but works in all(?) modern browsers. They ignore the trailing comma (if commenting is really that big of a pain in the ass...)
but yes, it's not about the discussion if putting var in front of every variable or not is the better way
@rlemon Does IE accept that these days?
iirc IE9 does
var variableOne = 1,
    variableTwo = 2,
    variableThree = 3;
This is perfectly valid imo.
@OctavianDamiean better in my opinion
at least IE<=8 will break on this
@OctavianDamiean this is my preferred way too
@GNi33 and if we all coded for legacy browsers think of the state the internet would be in
use this search:
Well, it's fashionable to drop support for IE<9 now.
well, some of us have to
-[jquery] [javascript]
@adscriven agreed.
@OctavianDamiean new avatar :O
Make shit work without JS or CSS and it works EVERYWHERE
then make that shit pop in all browsers that can handle proper code.
[Abhii@localhost js]$ sudo wget ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js
[sudo] password for Abhii:
--2012-07-11 17:57:30--  ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js
Resolving ajax.googleapis.com... failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address `ajax.googleapis.com'
Why do you wget with root privileges?
questions that have jQuery in title but are not tagged jQuery
@OctavianDamiean cause it failed earlier.
thought it might be the privilage case , didnt worked
that should be free Copy Editor badge.. just from adding the tags
search results for
posts containing
tagged with
not jquery javascript
Questions tagged Javascript but not jQuery that reference live()
@Abhishek no https, http is enough
to search for answers only
huh, my flag was marked helpful when it really was not... well, okay
(that are not accepted)
@rlemon Agreed for what you're thinking about. However I write boring business apps. And more and more sites are becoming single-page apps.
Like mine.
progressive enhancements can apply anywhere and should be used everywhere
(cept lememe)
@rlemon Um ... gmail?
just because google and twitter do it one way do you have to?
did I just say it WAS used everywhere
no, it should be!
look at SO
You display someone happily riding a pony, written under them "Your mail is on its way!"
@rlemon can those be tagged as low quality? suggesting jQuery .live without jQuery tag
@rlemon Actually, you have a point. I used to have a fastmail.fm email account, and accessed it quite happily via lynx.
Its not even that hard. you just have to take a lot of time and first make a site with no js or css at all. don't even make the folders in your assets dir.
Those days are long gone however.
then once you have a very ugly, but very usable site... start pimping that shit like Xzibit
However the difference between fastmail.fm as I knew it and gmail is vast. It's not a case of progressive enhancement.
@adscriven not since mobile is back
Gmail on iOS is too fiddly. The native app is much better.
@adscriven yeap
but google might have evil intentions of ruining iOS users experiences and pushing them very slowly towards Android (XD)
Shrug. I like gmail, it's good enough. But it's not indispensible.
@Zirak When I'm grown-up and rule my own country called Unicornia I'll totally have that as my mailing service logo.
Hello All
Do any one know about phoneGap Storage ?
The Principality of Sealand is an unrecognized entity, located on HM Fort Roughs, a former World War II Maunsell Sea Fort in the North Sea off the coast of Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. Since 1967, the facility has been occupied by the former British Major Paddy Roy Bates; his associates and family claim that it is an independent sovereign state. After World War II, he conquered it from a group of pirate radio broadcasters with the intention to set up his own station from the base. He established Sealand as a nation in 1975 with the writing of a constitution and establishment of o...
any where !
@OctavianDamiean you will war with Lemonia. the Lemonians will attack with out citrus power and red-eye all of your pretty unicorns.
m struggling for last 3-4 days for it !
@rlemon you should have @Zirak's avatar :|
@ Florian Do you know about phoneGap Storage ?
@rlemon Pfff, red eyes ... you really wanna know what happens when you get Unicorn pee in the eyes? :P
k Thanks !
@OctavianDamiean you turn into superman... duh.. blood === live forever, pee === power from the yellow sun .
@NSException Why don't you search on Stack Overflow or ask your own question if you can't find an answer?
@Octavian I did, but its not worthy !
I place both snapshots and code of my app, but nothing is going to help me put there !
So m trying in chat rooms :P
if some one have go through it and help me !!
You should probably post a link to the question then.
@NSException lol I love the !! everywhere. !! you must !! really !! be an excited!! individual!!
@Octavian Can you help me with this ?
@FlorianMargaine nope. my flag is a pinto
@Octavian lol !!
@rlemon That's just a statement separator.
^ Lemonia Flag
Also (being that I am native american) the only car in the entire country. no gas.
@Octavian So Do you have any information about PhoneGap Storage ??/
@rlemon Awesome. What is it? Looks like a Datsun.
@adscriven It's a car
@Zirak Ahh ...
Is it lemon-powered?
3 mins ago, by rlemon
@FlorianMargaine nope. my flag is a pinto
@rlemon Is it really the only automobile in Canada?
Meh, got there eventually.
@adscriven nope. only car in Lemonia (y u no read the conversation we are having?)
on to IE7 - testing :/
@rlemon Well, you've not had declarative recognition yet.
Maybe if @OctavianDamiean sent you an ambassador ...
it does look better than expected
some minor bugs, which i already have a fix for
@adscriven I have already; the Ambassador Limebert from The United Limes of America (ULA)
@rlemon :P !!
Q: using jquery to validate forms in django

user1360869i have the following code to validate a form using jquery i don't know why isn't it working? jQuery(function(){ jQuery("#task_name").validate({ expression: "if(VAL) return true; else return false;", message: "please enter task name" }); jQuery("#task_city").validate({ ...

it's an ugly fix, but what the hell, conditional comments to the rescue! ;)
@rlemon Do you have any idea of PhoneGap Storage ?
do you have to repeat your question 8 times and ping everyone?
next time I start flagging as spam
@rlemon I have already gone through it but i m not at all aware of javascript and html
So I was wondering for some sample code
so start learning js and html
which i found but that was not working !
@NSException If you're "not aware" I'd suggest you start becoming aware
okay !!

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