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Hi all could someone familiar with React JSX help me with this code?
    { logoutSuccess && (<div>Logout Success</div>)}
Wondering how exactly this works to produce an output
Does it work when logoutSuccess is false?
Does it not print false?
When logoutSuccess is false I think it just becomes an empty div
Not really familiar with react... But true && obj returns obj, and false && obj returns false. If it's not printing false in the div, then that's probably react handling the case where the result inside the {} is a falsey value.
@Rob you know anything about C++ vectors
@Rob I know you probably don't care, but it isn't all falsey values. For instance results.length && results.map(r => <whatever />) will print a big ugly 0
@david Huh, so is false a special case then? Or does it actually print the text false?
just do !!results.length && results.map(r => <whatever />)
It's a special case
@Rick Nope
I think undefined/null might also not print
0 is falsy in javascript
Does assigning IDs to html elements use up a lot of browser memory if I am doing it a lot? If so, is it beneficial to remove the IDs and, when I need to refer to the element, access it from a nodeList? For example..

This mean I only have to give ID to parent, but my concern is now I have to ‘get’ the nodeList just to access one element (unless I save nodeList to variable)
Best way to work with dates in React/Node(express)/Mongo/mongoose app?
@BadriNarayananSridharan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@BadriNarayananSridharan Probably still the momentjs library, but I hear the date-fns library is also getting quite good. It didn't seem to have timezone support last time I checked though
if the length is 0 than that an early exit from && second part won't evaluate only the first value is returned. the fact that it returns a 0 tells you that it's not doing anything to the value
as it should be
I would think
I always pictured it to first get all the children, and then use the index I indicate.
So does it break instead?
@Rick Yes, that's what that line of code does...
@david so it breaks?
@demonhunter24 I have no idea what you're talking about :S
but I don't think it's ugly, seems consistent
@david Thank you..
Who was advocating against using switches a day or something like that ago?
@Rob Well 0 is the exception (false, undefined, empty string and null all give "no output")
@paul23 you think people waiting around to see if their opinions get challenged
@paul23 Ah, that makes more sense then
Otherwise when you want to display say the length of a piece of data you would normally do: <span>{data.length}</span>, it would display an empty span if length became zero.
Is there a simple script that I can use to write a 2D array to a file in a table form?
Kinda like console.table for node.js but instead of writing to stdout, to a file
hmm if I have multiple divs next to each other, how can I make it that those div's borders overlap
1 hour later…
Why does typeof undefined give "undefined" but typeof null gives "object"?
it's JavaScript, where typeof NaN returns number
So it's a bug?
with the same explanation tho, NaN as well as null are indeed object references
more precisely, those references get turned into their internal object representation
Oh so what they look like in C++?
NaN is definitely a pure Object
!!> Object.getPrototypeOf( NaN );
@jAndy 0
uh that returns Number() on my local machine which is actually correct
how null gets handled internally... I guess you have to lookup the v8 source
yeah, I tried building it once - never again
> Object.getPrototypeOf(NaN)
[Number: 0]
!!> Object.prototype.toString.call( null );
@jAndy "[object Null]"
there we go
and undefined is something else entirely?
!!> Object.getPrototypeOf(undefined);
undefined is undefined
@JacobSchneider "TypeError: can't convert undefined to object"
!!> 'undefined' in window;
@jAndy "ReferenceError: window is not defined"
it is however a defined property on the global object
defined as undefined
javascript hey?
NaN is a number, undefined is indeed defined, null is something
!!> void 0 === undefined;
@jAndy true
that's thrown a spanner in the works
yeah... that pretty much sums it up
since when has void been a thing?
since day 1 I think
I've never seen that before
void just always puts out undefined, that's not too special
what would you use it for?
it doesn't really have any use... only for minifiers
void 0 is shorter than undefined
So there aren't any other "return types" like that of Java?
Nothing really crucial, but it may be useful here and there
@JacobSchneider No, void has nothing to do with return types
that's a brain****
False friends are words in two languages that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning. An example is the English embarrassed and the Spanish embarazada (which means pregnant), or the word sensible, which means reasonable in English, but sensitive in French and Spanish. The term originates from a book by French linguists describing the phenomenon, which was translated in 1928 and entitled, "false friend of a translator".There is often a partial overlap in meanings, which creates additional complications. As well as producing completely false friends, the use of loanwords often...
Like the German word Eventuell vs Eventually?
although, they're kinda similar
also, another thing, what's the purpose of yield? I don't quite understand it. It's a return statement that doesn't terminate the function?
well, lots of the es6 keywords brought a lot of new magic into the language, generators yield and Promises async/await kind of really do magic under the hood. You just have to read up on that
its like code sugar
@JacobSchneider It returns one iteration of a function that returns an iterator
so like async returns a promise?
Basically it returns a value, and when you access the next value, it calls the function again and resumes after the yield
just with the exception that yield can fire infinite amount of times, so it doesn't really compare with a return
again, its code sugar for tasks you can achieve with standard code, just a lot more of it
so it's just a es6 way of handling Iterator instances?
!!>[...(function*(){yield 'first'; yield 'second'; yield 'third' }())]
@david ["first","second","third"]
Technically it creates a Generator, which is a type of Iterator
what's the difference?
@KendallFrey I think it's more accurate to say that generators return iterators?
!!>[...(function*(){for(let i = 5; i > 0; i--){yield i*i;} }())]
@david [25,16,9,4,1]
generator functions return Generators
does an js engine actually transpile yield and await internally into "standard js code structures" like Babel does, or is it really directly doing magic?
it compiles it the same way it does regular code, I guess
probably compiling to a state machine
generators are an example of the general pattern called a coroutine
I've heard that before
async is another example
I like to look at program flow in that way
eh what
so the - is an expression
and < is where the "event chain" splits into 2 paths
i prefer to think of it as 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿。.。:+♡*♥💩
fair enough, each for their own 😂😂😂
welp I just learned 0.99999... == 1
Hey, should I be using embedded javascript template or react and redux?
@OvieAdese probably just React but it highly depends on context
@OvieAdese ejs looks nice
it's been around for awhile though and hasn't gained much momentum...
whoa it has 2+ million downloads a week. How have I not heard of this more than once or twice?
1 hour later…
@JBis nooooooooooo
wow, the room dies during that period
they got sacrificed in the name of the JavaScrip lord so that they can be reborn at the next cycle!
makes perfect sense, DOESN'T IT!
(it actually makes perfect sense, but from a linguistic point of view, it's still a killer)
It does make sense as such, but it's a bit odd
1 hour later…
is it possible to open pdf in new window then after print function call
@D-johnAnshani Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
ohh sorry @CapricaSix
can anyone help me in this
caprica six is a bot. She does not have an AI so far :P
what is your question/problem?
can you please open this link
I wanted to open pdf in new window then after print function call
did you verify the link? It gave me a 404
are you talking about this jsfiddle link??
yes. I meant that pdf url
I tried to load it separately, but it gave me a 404
How can I hide a password from the command line in node?
Anyone shared a react app in a Mac running in localhost with a VM in virtualbox?
I'm having so many issues, trying so set up host only networks. I'm not sure if there is a clear guide on how to do this.
I want to test the app in IE
can I rephrase your question?
you're running Windows inside Mac to test a react app on IE?
trying to at least
@JacobSchneider how could you? it would have to know preemptively that you're about to type a password
yeah, i'm prompting a password
if anything, you disable text output, and for every key press, you create the password yourself and output "*" instead
so it seems like you're still outputting but it's masking the characters
so I'd need raw mode?
Ok so what is React written on?
well it's sort of a low level thing I think
you kind of have to tell the operating system not to echo what you type
I don't really know how to accomplish this in node though
that's cool, but I found this module, called "read", the problem with it, is that the process exits when the function completes and I don't know how to prevent that
Because inside link I see this: Array<any>
What's with the typescript inside .js file
Or is this some new ECMA syntax
yet thats correct
@SuperUberDuper so your question is about getting the server from Mac to windows?
fixed the issue
A: Addressing localhost from a VirtualBox virtual machine

hasenGoogling turned this up: http://data.agaric.com/localhost-from-virtualbox-xp-install-ubuntu It suggests using IP:, and it worked for me. So, I edited the hosts file, C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, and added this entry: outer If you're testing on IE8, remem...

some wierd ip,
wow, okay'
that's a little unusual
hey guys, how can I "resume" stdin's state after exiting raw mode? when I use process.stdin.on('data', e => ...) how can I return to this behavior after leaving raw mode
is there a way of converting a string containing ansi escape codes into a string but actually applying these characters?
@JacobSchneider process.stdin.on('data', ...) is preventing output to screen?
well how are you entering raw mode?
process.stdin.on('data') is the behaviour I want to jump back to after leaving rawmode
ok, well logically process.stdin.setRawMode(false)
tried that
I even tried process.stdin.resume()
Q: How to hide password in the nodejs console?

Hors SujetI want to hide password input. I see many answers in stackoverflow but I can't verify value if I press backspace. The condition return false. I tried several solution to overwrite the function but I got an issue with buffer if I press backspace, I got invisible character \b. I press : "A", back...

That still exists the process :/
what process?
Q: How to create a pop up dialog with yes no in redux as a component

StuartDTOI've implemented an InputText as a Component with Redux as follows : export default class MyPopUp extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { //Do not know what to put here } } render() { let { user } = this.props //Do not kno...

@StuartDTO Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Anyone can help me out?
Hi there!
Talking about JS Execution Context...

Why is `var1` not defined in this scenario? https://cl.ly/4cb3996f0467/Screen%20Shot%202018-12-07%20at%2015.25.38.png
@Donfak Because that's how variable scope works?
@MadaraUchiha Shouldn't the variables defined in function 'one' be available withing function 'two' when 'one' is executed inside of 'two'?
@Donfak No.
The variables defined in function 'one' are available inside of function 'one', and they die when function 'one' ends.
(The only exception here is closures, but this isn't a closure situation)
Microsoft is using chrome engine for edge now lol
"they die when function 'one' ends."
I get the point.
@MadaraUchiha So: Two functions can never share each other's scopes right?
@Donfak not the scope of the function they're in, no
but they can share the common scope the functions were declared on
Make sense. Thanks, @MadaraUchiha!
posted on December 07, 2018 by CommitStrip

Hi All. I need a help in using Tibco Spotfire Javascript API. Can you guys redirect me to the right person or any chat room? Thanks
@VishnuVishwa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
What has been about 'rlemon' ?
the xkcds are always better than the commitstrips
@WilliamA what did I just watch
Real life sheldon fun with flags?
@DavidKamer if you liked that watch youtube.com/watch?v=vI7tWd7B3iI
yeah a real life sheldon is a decent description
@WilliamA wow I really want to check my toaster for a USB port lmao
omg the one about the blender icon
Hm so I wrote a "mock server" for testing (not for unit test, for integration tests and manual debugging etc). Now a "state" of the server is the connectivity: I can provide it with a timer to "slow down" requests and potentially "force 500s/404s".
However during debugging in a react environment I am now in a situation where I wish to modify this state "at will". I'm wondering if reading from the window object as this "server" is a good idea for debugging?
@paul23 that whole paragraph seems like a bad idea lol
You never have to debug things? I'm now having to debug where requests "partially go through", to test if the application recovers correctly.
@paul23 oh yeah have to debug things all the time
are you using React and a Node backend?
How would you debug(!) this? I can write specific test cases of course, but debugging and manually going through the code and then say "hmm ok now from THIS line onwards the server should act like it's gone" is useful.
@DavidKamer While yes, I do not wish to run the backend, since it might in the future be asp.net django or whatever. Frontend should work independently of the backend, and developing also.
@paul23 right, but how do you know that the requests aren't going through unless you're currently using a backend?
so it could easily be an issue with your backend only
so let me ask this:
@DavidKamer Because I have a mock server object that's basically an object that has mapping of the routes and mock results
Where did you notice the issue
ok so where is the issue presenting itself? On the server?
@DavidKamer it's not an issue, it's actually a very much demanded feature from my boss.
@paul23 alright, so you haven't made a mock server yet? I thought you said you made one and it wasn't working
He actually constantly keeps pressing that the client should work perfectly while having intermitted internet connections, and the frontend should work smoothly when internet fails and recovers and fails later
@paul23 so are you having an issue where react crashes when you don't get info from the server?
I have, and it works (as in a mock-server-object). I'm just wondering if I should write an interface for it or modify the state manually through the console.
@DavidKamer Actually the issue right now is that it "forgets" which data the server did receive and which didn't.
Say I have a list of companies and each have employees - which are edited. When something it triggered it tries to send requests (promise.all(..)) to store all updated info. (Single update request per company)
Now I modified promise.all to be "safe", I however wish to work on gracefully showing this to the user and thus have to test from the various places where the user could be when this request happens.
The problem is, since the client will automatically "retry" after periods of time it is impossible to state "hey this happens on view XYZ only", thus I'd have to account for all possibilities. And it's not only 404s/500s - there's also the fact that the input might be "wrong" and the wizard has to roll-back to a point before the input was created.
@paul23 huh, I think you're issue is something to do with the way you're handling your store. Where are you putting persistent data?
maybe I'm looking at this wrong, but why would the client retry effect the data already entered?
employeeStore { employees: { name: "", id: 0, email: ""}, modified_employees: [listids]}
also if you "retry" every few seconds should you maybe look into a socket or handling that separately?
@DavidKamer no if the server failed, it would use "localstorage" and retry say a minute later.
But it would allow the client to further "edit" the employees.
@paul23 I think I understand what you're trying to do.
However the server could respond with also a more semantic error like: "you can't add employee XYZ to the organiation, he's already in it". Then the client has to gracefully do this, and remove that employee (but what if the user is just in the process of editing this specific user?).
posted on December 07, 2018 by Ruben Bridgewater

Notable Changes console,util: console functions now handle symbols as defined in the spec. https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/23708 The inspection depth default is now back at 2. https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/24326 dgram,net: Added ipv6Only option for net and dgram. https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/23798 http: Chosing between the http parser is now possible per runtime flag. http

this is something that is difficult to test without a back end
@paul23 You should just hardcode the test case imo
so basically what you'll do is have certain requests with certain data always respond the same way
It's just that I find it very difficult to find all "test cases" beforehand, and thus end up switching a lot between writing test cases and thinking of new error potential.
like Joe AlreadyInIt lol
@paul23 hmm... well just add them as you go
or better yet always have the client override the server
It's especially difficult when I try to recover from an error, and then another error occurs that makes recovery harder, those cases I always forget till very late/after I already closed the thingy.
have the server and client compare the state by each field
then make a hierarchy of which should notify the user and which should automatically override the server
Then my boss gets annoyed that I go back to points I've closed a week ago already and start working on them again.
@paul23 you should handle them each individually
each field should be entirely seperate
@paul23 he's expecting you to create a structure for it more than likely
You would only need one function to compare two fields (from server vs from client)
@DavidKamer What if the server (after rebooting, so the client is further in the progress) says "hey you no longer have permission to add users to xyz, only to update already existing users". Then what should happen to the modifications that are "pending"? -- Those kind of problems I seem to run into.
and one function to ask which to make persistent
@paul23 the login/permissions should be handled seperately
so basically a login request and then redirect right back to the same process
or a dialogue for "do you want to login or discard changes"
but if it is because some one else is editing it...
@DavidKamer Well such a process would "halt" before updating another field that depends on a previous field; as the client would wait for verification from the server. And that is exactly what we wish to prevent.
@paul23 then just put "changes not saved" in yellow somewhere
then retry every few seconds like you are already doing
using whatever token you use to login that is in localStorage or cookies
Say field B is only shown if field A is "true". Now the client sets field A to "true" and starts editing B. After some time the server responds "A cannot be set to true at this point in time". That's the problem in the interface I'm having now (B being quite complex in itself and not a single field). And what I wish to "test"
if it's an issue of the progression no longer being valid so all data in the chain is no longer valid then you have an architecture issue you probably can't fix without changing how the data is handled on the backend
If I use ajax to download a piece of HTML code (like an MVC partial view) and insert it into a page, is it bad practice for that piece of code to include a script tag pointing at another js file?
@DavidKamer <loginasadmin> <createorganization> <setsorganizationdata> <addmemberstoorganization> {server responds that organization creation failed due to some error} -- that's quite a common thing right?
Well it's not that I cna't think of solutions, it's just that testing said solutions is very very time consuming
Testing takes a multitude of the time implementing the solutions.
@paul23 well that is an architecture issue for the backend. The back end would need to store the data and then raise the concern to the person with the higher privelege to enter the right data
@paul23 then the problem is you don't have a generic method to handle and respond to errors
you need to filter everything through one error handler and then you'll have one place to fix errors
oh it's not the handling, it's setting the backend in the right "state" that such an error can occur.
just use an api call to set the backend to respond a certain way and make a tiny client application to set the server to an error or something like that. You could just store the responses in a file for testing purposes. You could even just store it as JSON or even a string
@KevinB what do you think @paul23 should do?
anyone active ?
@user2262511 I've been living a somewhat sedentary life lately but I still try
I am a deep sea sponge
lots of new faces in here xD
@forresthopkinsa is your name Bob?
what who are you
@DavidKamer no that guy is a poser
he's a kitchen sponge
!!hammer time
@user2262511 That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@user2262511 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: 3, u, d, o/, y, !, ^, π, ?, א
@user2262511 That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: help
!!stats user2262511
@forresthopkinsa User Elusio proved elusive.
now that's funny
@forresthopkinsa user2262511 (https://stackoverflow.com/users/2262511/user2262511) has 59 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 6 questions, gave 2 answers, for a q:a ratio of 3:1.
avg. rep/post: 7.37. Badges: 0g 0s 10b
@user2262511 Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
this is how you do what you were looking for
nailed it
@forresthopkinsa had been a while for me to be in this room really
anyway any youtuber in here ?
everyone watches the youtubes
who makes courses etc etc.. on youtube
@DavidKamer hmmm its difficult to decide if he's actually taking the piss or other way around
does it upset anyone else that this is not an actual tui? github.com/nhnent/tui.editor
@KendallFrey bipartite graphs, are they a subset of undirected graphs?
he should take a 2 week vacation
@Rick I don't see any reason why they would have to be undirected
it's sorta of confusing because a connection is just an edge. how would you categorize bipartite graphs with directed edges?
I don't understand the premise of the question
is a vertex with two directed edges point away from the vertex to two sperate nodes bipartite
According to the definition, sure
so A<-B->C is really A<-B and B->C
uh how do you figure
Just based on what you said
I don't understand what you mean
What is "and" supposed to mean?
meaning that the graph is bipartite
Do you know what bipartite means?
two sperate graphs
Oh jesus christ no
just read about them
do you think I just came here and asked without doing that
It would seem so
you could just say "I don't know", It's not a sign of weakness not to know something.
I don't know what?
What I think? I know what I think.
> A bipartite graph, also called a bigraph, is a set of graph vertices decomposed into two disjoint sets such that no two graph vertices within the same set are adjacent.
> - http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BipartiteGraph.html
@Luggage where did you disappear to
So are you back for good or, is this just a quick drop by
Can someone help me set up Vue babel transpiling? I'm following this tutorial (itnext.io/getting-started-with-vue-webpack-4-babel-edd3e577421e) and I'm trying to figure out how to specify the src and dist folders.
@Luggage by poof do you mean that your disappearing again. Nooooooooo!
@KevinB You (https://stackoverflow.com/users/400654/kevin-b) have 84999 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 7 questions, gave 2311 answers, for a q:a ratio of 7:2311.
avg. rep/post: 36.66. Badges: 11g 134s 155b
@KevinB you asked 7 questions today
i need 1 post i downvoted to be deleted
holy crap why so many downvotes on this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/18859354/…
revenge votes
and some joke votes
joke votes?
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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