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Hey guys!

Why isn't the first case running in this switch statement, please?
https://jsbin.com/zezumabova/edit?js,console 🤔
@Donfak Because that's not switch-case works.
You're looking for if/else
He's not the first one whose made that mistake.
a colleague of mine had the same problem. He was fresh from school. I had a small eye twitch and questioned him with "why do you expect that it would work"
he replied with "well, there is no syntax and compiler error".
cringed. oh boy.
@KarelG Great job C!
Amazing APIs
@MadaraUchiha Reading C code is a true art
The entire part about signal handling in c is just absolutely gold!
@ShrekOverflow Is that what the kids call it these days?
@MadaraUchiha Kids never call it anything, professors on the other hand ...
those signals are just flags
like in asm
never have looked into that under the hood tbf
i like how you cannot be sure if this code will work as is
if ( x == 3 ) {
     // do something with the assumption x is indeed 3
those ugly signal handlers!
also ... the fun stuff like
if ( some_blocking_syscall() != 0 ) {
    // check if this was woken up by a signal --- now handle it somehow
Thanks @MadaraUchiha.
I think I should subscribe to the idea I read somewhere that Switch statements aren't really necessary in real-world situations...

And just update all my swtich to plain old if/elses
@Donfak A switch-case has a very specific use-case, that's almost always nil
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Should i be scamming people or should I do legit business?
@SharvinShah sorry for throwing it in the trash bin. Can you either format it or use pastebin?
Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@OvieAdese Is that a question?
Sorry guy's tried a lot but it's not formating
when inserting, select all, then press ctrl-k, oh and split your question away fro the code.
make the code a separate message.
yeah one post for code and another for the message
what formats is that all the lines are idented 4 spaces, basically
Inline code doesn't work for multiple lines (I see you used ` symbol)
@paul23, everyone on the internet is doing it and my client hired a grad to do do development for their company for $75000, and the guy for a whole year couldnt do anything and still got paid.
@SharvinShah Either only code, or no code.
the error before the error!
The chat markdown is a bit idiotic.
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@SharvinShah Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
It's not working tried that too.
@OvieAdese He still hiring?
Do that, and then select all + click ctrl+k
Paste code, CTRL+K, enter
I can do a whole lot of nothing in a year
In fact some say, "Neil, you're an expert at nothing"
@Neil, he hired me but im actually delivering results but im only taking 1000 usdd
Nothing is my specialty you see
I didnt even know this happened until he paid me 400 cad this weekend
@OvieAdese he reduced your salary on account of that guy? rough
"That's almost always nil".
Sorry bro, I don't understand.
@Donfak The usecase is very slim to begin with, especially so in modern code.
@Neil, the guy still owes me another 700 on completion so its all good
If I ever run into this I cant get done in the field, ill come in here and try and give people the project to do.
@MadaraUchiha Ah okay, thanks!
Do you think of a situation where a switch-case is the go-to option or 'absolutely' mandatory?
@Donfak When you have a list of possible options, and you want to check whether the value you have is one of those possible options
@OvieAdese When I was new to programming, I learned my lesson the hard way regarding freelancing. The guy, who had seemed to be fully supportive and like the website I was making up to that point, was full of complaints towards the end
Some of the complaints were for things he formerly said were decent and excellent, so I knew it was mostly BS
I accepted that he wouldn't pay me my full amount, but I wouldn't leave him alone until he paid half
I get that the client is always right, but the time I lost was a cost ultimately..
that was also when I was fresh out of college and dealing with debts
@MadaraUchiha Thanks! Understand.
@Neil, I feel you thats crazy. I learned from being in here a little be you gotta be a nice person on the on the outside, but a gangster on the inside.
yeah, maybe I was never cut out for freelancing
I work for a bank now
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!!afk meeting
@Neil, its not your fault. In college when people where in my way I usually push them out the way and there was this 1 guy who called me a spaz in class I didn't know what it meant and had to google it. The next day was mid terms so i finnished quickly, right before he was going to hand in his code I shut off his computer with the power button.
"My bad, guess I'm a spaz"
Anyone else ever get something shipped directly from Dell?
@DavidKamer I got a ham sandwich once. Oh man was it tasty
@Neil from Dell? (not Deli lol)
@DavidKamer oh ._.
heh, it's good
Is there a preferable way of doing concatenation between the below?

1: console.log('hello ', name, '!')
2: console.log('hello ' + name + '!')
Is it just a matter of personal taste or are they somehow differents..?
@Donfak it depends on what you want
do you want name to be converted into the string type?
@DavidKamer I only want to concatenate. :-)
@Donfak so it's not about printing it specfically?
like if name is an object do the first
if it is a string do the second or first
For now, I'm just logging some few stuff to the console.
And I couldn't see any difference between the two approaches
!!>console.log("obj: " + {test: "something"})
@DavidKamer "undefined" Logged: "obj: [object Object]"
@DavidKamer Not a very good test'
Cap will .toString() any result anyway
!!>console.log("obj: ", {test: "something"})
@DavidKamer "undefined" Logged: "obj: ",{"test":"something"}
Huh, or it would JSON.stringify()
That actually makes more sense, now that I think about it.
@MadaraUchiha I tested in firefox console first
as someone who uses firefox mostly I can vouch for the fact that it can do this irl
I think Chrome might treat it differently, but am not certain
@DavidKamer Ah, no, that's OK, it's just that @CapricaSix will make anything into a string in the end
the code in the parens is executed first, so it's like
!!> "string " + {obj: "beep"}
@DavidKamer "string [object Object]"
So, just to nail it down once and for all, what exactly is the difference between 1 & 2? :
1: console.log('hello ', name, '!')
2: console.log('hello ' + name + '!')
@Donfak 1 will log the javascript variable and 2 (most likely) will log a string conversion of the variable name
Chrome may do something special, but you can test it if you want
Actually mdn tells us they are exactly the same
"A list of JavaScript objects to output. The string representations of each of these objects are appended together in the order listed and output."
The living standard is a bit more specific on this console.log(x, y, z) boils down to: console.spec.whatwg.org/#printer
"How the implementation prints args is up to the implementation, but implementations should separate the objects by a space or something similar, as that has become a developer expectation."
@DavidKamer The difference is just a space before the '!' in the first case
So `console.log('hello ', name, '!') can also be printed like 'hello <SOMEIDENTIFIERTOSPLITARGUMENT> name <SOMEIDENTIFIERTOSPLITARGUMENTS> !'
@MadaraUchiha Have you heard about Microsoft's new compiler to compile languages for the web browser? I'm not talking about web assembly ( it might use that or something ). I can't find the article I was reading about it anywhere...
that all the browsers take a space as identifier is mere coincidence. (And of course suggested by the standard as behaviour).
@Donfak well it depends what name is. If it's an object like {first: "David", last: "Kamer"} then it is entirely different
@DavidKamer name is a simple string. So what explains the space before the '!' then?
How the implementation prints args is up to the implementation, but implementations should separate the objects by a space or something similar, as that has become a developer expectation.
yeah it's not concatenating anything but formatting output at that point
Younger people get very few joint replacements, yet they're also getting more than older people did at the same age. This means you can choose between 'Why are millennials are getting so (many/few) joint replacements?' depending which trend fits your current argument better.
@KevinB you have me freaking out about your use of that emoji lol. I'm way overthinking the meaning. I've concluded you either do it every time you use the bathroom or every time you down vote a garbage question
i mean... i never thought of it that way, but, yes that's probably accurate
Today is the third scheduled delivery date for my 2070 lol. They keep sending it 200 miles past me and re-scheduling
@LuckyKleinschmidt sue
Anyone else experiencing that breakpoints in async functions are not triggered when debugging using chrome debugging tools + webstorm?
Watch it arrive dead
@paul23 There are a number of problems with chrome devtools breakpoints. Sometimes they stop working entirely. I always completely kill Chrome and retry when things don't work right
I don't use webstorm so unsure if there's something different going on for you.... Generally they work for me
Yeah that "solves" it: however having to restart chrome each time i change a breakpoint is a pain when debugging.
I use Webstorm's debugger and it works fine
@paul23 Same for all of us haha
Fairing recovery day bois.
Curious if anyone here has experience with the web speech API. I'm not looking for help with it, but more of thoughts on longevity of the tool in browsers (being only Chrome and Firefox atm). Have someone who wants to use it, but I'm a little concerned whether the tools will still function a couple of years down the road. I'm sure this is hard for anyone to guess.
Specifically, speech recognition*
I tried to use speech recognition a year ago for something. Ended up going with a third party API and even that was not that accurate.
@Allenph Based on your experience, do you see speech recoginition in browsers sticking around for the next 10 years or being deprecated?
I am not a JS expert by any means. More of a novice.
If I were to guess I'd say it will continue but see marginal improvements over a long period of time because I would guess there's not a huge amount of effort going into it. Who knows though?
Shit changes yo'.
I would be surprised if that stayed in-browser. Seeing as Amazon and Google etc are developing insanely accurate speech recognition
My guess would be you'll be using a Google API
Yeah. If it was me and I had the money I'd use an API.
@KendallFrey Thought of something after our talk of nukes the other day.
I wonder if you could make a kinetic impacter type thing that has a uranium rod at the bottom so that when it hits the ground said rod is pushed into a sleeve REALLY fast.
I bet you could get some insane efficiencies that way.
I doubt it would be more efficient than a gun-type bomb
It's basically the same with more moving parts, isn't it?
You don't have to have a conventional explosion, you don't have to contain said blast from said conventional explosion, and the force is going to be way more.
Try it
Wait, then what is driving the impactor?
Do you know what a kinetic impactor is?
It's where you drop a big heavy metal cylinder on someone from orbit.
Yeah. Like that.
Oh so when it hits the ground you have the rod in the "higher" end of the cylinder and gravity does the rest?
Except you have a uranium rod on the bottom that when it hits the ground is forced into a sleeve.
You normally don't want your nuke to detonate on the ground
Yeah @LuckyKleinschmidt.
Wait, so the bomb would be part of the projectile?
@LuckyKleinschmidt Yeah, but if you get increased efficiency...
just make the force of the impact more than the bomb
Why do you think the efficiency would be so much higher?
no need for said bomb
Little Boy's uranium rod was going 300mps. This would be going about mach 10. About 3402 mps. So your efficiency would be crazy. You'd get the whole rod in there before going critical. @KendallFrey
Afaik nobody has any plans to do a ground level detonation when actually seeking effect
It's just shit.
@Allenph Would that blow apart the warhead before it finished detonating?
^ also curious. Link video pls
I need some data on how fast gun-type warheads detonate
I Googled around a little. I think it would work but who knows. It was just a fun idea.
only one way to find out
@KendallFrey I don't know. I tried to Google it but the ground acts a little differently when you're going that fast apparently.
if DFS does not contain recursion does that mean it's a BFS by default
> Since [gun-type] is a relatively slow method of assembly, plutonium cannot be used unless it is purely the 239 isotope.
So maybe Pu would work for mach-level impactors?
I would guess so.
You might even be able to use it for fusion, but I doubt it.
You also get the added bonus of using that kinetic energy you built up getting to orbit.
But at the same time you create a bomb that detonates if it gets dropped lol
Since the assembly would be simpler, I bet you could make some really nasty mervs with it too.
@LuckyKleinschmidt I'm sure you'd have to drop it pretty effing hard.
WOuldn't you agree todays methods are orders of magnitude safer?
Like... Out of a B52 over american soil?
Shits happened.
The whole point is not to be safe.
No no no.... The whole point is to be safe.
or a failed launch
cuz those never happen
@Rick Why would that make it BFS by default?
Or a screwed up trajectory of any kind
@LuckyKleinschmidt B52 terminal velocity is a heck of a lot lower than orbital velocity
Presumably you'd probably have some kind of ablative shield or maybe just tungsten surrounding the rod. I think it would not be a huge problem. Usually you design it so that you can take the core out too.
When your detonation isn't explicit you're gonna have a bad time lol
If it was tuned to an orbital strike, dropping it from a plane would almost definitely fizzle it.
Not a nice outcome, but not as destructive
I am just assuming that DFS requires recursion, that could be wrong of course. I have never seen DFS without recursion
Plus there's no electronics. It's a passive detonation.
space debris
@Rick Any recursive algorithm can be implemented iteratively using a stack as a data store
I guess you have a point lol why would a bomb designed for orbital launch ever be in a plane anyway.
Aside from shipping
@LuckyKleinschmidt They're actually pretty safe. There's a bunch of videos of the US military doing drills and they're just throwing their "nuclear bombs" around and dropping them like crazy.
@Allenph Of course. That's not the type of bomb you proposed tho
My point was exactly that they can hit theirs with a train (which is on video) with no issue
Do you know how gun type A bombs work?
Strange I thought depth-first meant you freeze the frames at every depth of exploration.
That's terrifyingly funny
@Allenph YEah... They require explicit activation.
Stack Overflow Room 17. Where you can chat about Javascript, or theoretical nuclear warheads.
We're gonna get in trouble
ok but seriously why are there so many physicists in here
@Rick A bit unrelated, but I built this little tool several years ago. Maybe helpful? jsfiddle.net/4s72J/112
@forresthopkinsa cause physics is awesome
> SEALS raid homes of 37 members from "room 17" terror1st group
physics === javascript
@LuckyKleinschmidt I would posit that accidently setting off conventional explosives is far more likely than dropping something at significant enough speeds designed to detonate when impacting at mach 10.
Yesterday I learned a charged particle's trajectory can be affected in the absence of an EM field.
I don't know that much about this nuclear stuff here, but I did shoot mortars for a living 7 years ago
@Allenph You're free to explain why it would explode at mach 10 with 10X the speed of Little Boy yet not at mach 1
13 mins ago, by Allenph
Little Boy's uranium rod was going 300mps. This would be going about mach 10. About 3402 mps. So your efficiency would be crazy. You'd get the whole rod in there before going critical. @KendallFrey
Coincidentally we are talking about a 10X increase
@teynon Thanks lol
@LuckyKleinschmidt Because Uranium would ablate at mach 10. You'd have to cover it with a heat shield, or probably tungsten underneath. The rod would essentially hang right below the hole in the sleeve...so when it impacts it is thrust into the sleeve and achieves very efficient criticality.
Meaning if you dropped it with the right side down you'd hit some tungsten or a heat shield or something, not push the rod up into the sleeve.
@KendallFrey How?
inb4 shit hit shit and blew shit up
!!afk lunch
@LuckyKleinschmidt Wasn't sure the nature of the discussion. I know how we change configurations on ground impact etc based on what we were trying to do
I'm afraid to ask, but what are you guys creating?
The Aharonov–Bohm effect, sometimes called the Ehrenberg–Siday–Aharonov–Bohm effect, is a quantum mechanical phenomenon in which an electrically charged particle is affected by an electromagnetic potential (V, A), despite being confined to a region in which both the magnetic field B and electric field E are zero. The underlying mechanism is the coupling of the electromagnetic potential with the complex phase of a charged particle's wave function, and the Aharonov–Bohm effect is accordingly illustrated by interference experiments. The most commonly described case, sometimes called the Aharonov–Bohm...
@paul23 A dope thought experiment for the North Koreans to discover.
@KendallFrey This is more than a 5 minute read, huh? I dont get it.
Yeah it kept me awake for a while
I still don't really get it
@KendallFrey Can you sum up in layman's terms?
@LuckyKleinschmidt I looked up the curves for this. You're right. It's like a 66% increase in efficiency. You may be able to do the same thing with just air resistance though.
@Allenph LuckyKleinschmidt is afk: lunch
@Hypersapien Basically, electromagnetism is more than just the electric field and magnetic field. There's something called a vector potential that is affecting the particles.
@Allenph you mean ground blast over air blast?
er, vice versa
I found this by following the rabbit hole from an article on gauge symmetry, which is a whole nother kettle of LSD
Do we know what a magnetic field actually is? We know what causes it and what effects it has, but what actually is it? We talk about "lines of force" but what do we mean by that? How does a magnetic field physically move ferrous materials around?
@Hypersapien Oh boy have I got the answer for you youtube.com/watch?v=MO0r930Sn_8
@Hypersapien Actually fields are a more fundamental concept than "forces".
Maybe I'm in the wrong field.
@KendallFrey Yeah. Turns out you could just suddenly open a hole and let the air pressure push the rod and still get greater efficiency.
oh, for the "impact-type" warhead?
Ends up being about 8 million KG pushing on the rod.
At what velocity and altitude? That seems like a lot
At mach ten around sea level.
@KendallFrey, so... no? We don't know?
@Hypersapien We know, but the best way to explain it requires more than a layman's knowledge
@Hypersapien The answer is quantum fields and their interactions...but it doesnt really answer your question it just asks a more fundamental one.
I have an analogy that might help
Have you ever put two bowling balls on a trampoline? Or can you at least imagine what would happen if you did?
I've seen the videos of that gravity analogy.
@KendallFrey Funny how our knowledge has lapped what is being talked about in that video
The trampoline bends down at the bowling ball. If the bowling balls are close enough together they roll towards each other to meet.
Exactly. So why is that the case?
They get caught in each other's "Gravity well"
Well, the bowling balls cause the trampoline to slope toward them, and they roll downhill, thus toward each other
(That was a continuation of my last post, not an answer to your question)
The slope of the trampoline is like a potential field. Potential fields are very deep in physics, and they have the same effect of causing things to "roll" to a lower potential.
It that at all related to "potential energy"?
This is because two bowling balls beside each other bend the trampoline less than two bowling balls far apart. Likewise, two magnets beside each other bend the magnetic field less than two individual magnets far apart.
@Hypersapien That's exactly what it is
Actually if you want to get deep into it there is actually a lower potential energy state but there's a "hill" between the lowest state particles usually exist in and the one that is actually the lowest state if I understand correctly.
@Allenph The false vacuum hypothesis?
And theoretically a particle could tunnel to that lower energy state and start a chain reaction that would essentially destroy the universe, but it's so unlikely it never happens.
The thing we're told about in science class when you're a kid, but the teacher isn't quite able to explain it, so you just write it down on the test.
@Allenph afaik that's speculative, there's no evidence for this
@KendallFrey Well I think if there were evidence then we wouldn't really be around to observe it anymore
@Hypersapien Using the rule that systems tend to minimize their potential energy, you can calculate a lot of physics. In fact, the Schrodinger equation underlying quantum mechanics works on this principle.
@KendallFrey I took it as truth, but yeah. You're right. It's just speculation.
Yeah. False Vacuum hypothesis.
@forresthopkinsa Well, indirect evidence is still a thing
And by "just speculation" I mean a bunch of smart dudes say it's quite possible after doing an ass ton of math I'm sure.
Yeah, it's a solution to the math, but it's not the only solution (I think)
definitely the most exciting one
With the bowling balls and the trampoline, area of the trampoline just under the bowling ball and in the direction of the other bowling ball is bent down a bit further than the area of the trampoline opposite of the other bowling ball. So there's more pressure from the trampoline in the direction opposite the other ball, so the balls get pushed together.
You're overthinking the analogy.
When there's only one bowling ball, the pressure is the same on all sides, so the system is in equalibrium
In reality the trampoline is 3D and presumably infinite and the "bowling ball's" influence is also infinite.
And the depression in the trampoline is actually what the bowling ball is.
And there's several layers of trampoline and there's a crazy wave in all of them and their interactions form the depression.

Okay. Now I took the analogy too far.
And for the electric field, think of helium bowling balls that can cause a lump in the surface instead of a dent. Helium bowling balls will attract helium bowling balls and repel regular bowling balls. The electric field with positive and negative charges is like this except attraction and repulsion are reversed.
@Allenph Please do a bowling ball analogy of Hilbert space kthx
So does gravity actually bend space into a fourth dimension, or is that just a simplistic layman's way of looking at things?
There are actually 11 dimensions. :D
gravity bends time
@Allenph Not in Hilbert space :3
@Hypersapien The latter
@KevinB Actually only changes in gravitational field will change time.
@paul23 so will relative motion, and acceleration
@paul23 That's what he said. :p
@KendallFrey well of course, since motion is a change in gravitational field.
@KendallFrey How do you create an analogy of infinite dimensions? xD
@paul23 Not if you're not in a gravitational field
@Allenph I don't know, you're the expert here :P
We haven't found particles with zero mass yet.
Pfft. You know more than me.
@paul23 Photons have zero mass.
They have relative mass though.
Photons we haven't found "at rest".
@paul23 If you mean the mass of the clock itself, well, that is not the main contributing factor to relativistic time dilation
Are photons real? Or are they just a abstraction we use to explain the behavior of light waves?
@Hypersapien Both, sort of
@paul23 Well you can draw a space time diagram relative to the photon.
Photons are the fundamental carrier for the electromagnetic field interaction.
Light does come in "packets" that we call photons
In which case it will indeed have zero mass.
All forces come in "packets"
@Allenph Not one in a vacuum
Only one that's been slowed, in which case it does have mass
Why not?
Because you'll get infinites if you try to do a Lorentz transformation to a lightlike reference frame.
All valid reference frames are sub-c (super-c might work too?)
If you'd make a diagram I recon all the other particles would be in a point, with lots of (mathical) singularities.
Exactly c is a problem though
Aww man. Yeah. You're right @KendallFrey.
If anyone finds it interesting, I'm going to (per popular demand), upload my solutions to AoC onto GitHub. You can see the solutions here: github.com/MadaraUchiha/advent-of-code-2018-solutions
Wait, actually...no...you would just get an infinitely compressed universe which is indeed how the photon "sees" itself.
Also, Who the hell is anonymous user #377076? :D
I did have trouble creating a log in script :P
does the photon see
As far as the photon is concerned all actions are simultaneous. From the photons perspective everything else is moving at the speed of light so you could indeed get a massless photon from a Lorentz transformation...right? @KendallFrey
@Allenph Not only is the universe 2-dimensional, time is 0-dimensional. Only one moment of time exists for a photon.
@KendallFrey Yeah. Which means from the photon's perspective it is massless and from ours it is not.
Well the photon doesn't truly have a perspective
The Lorentz transformation is undefined for v = c
What is mass if there is no time
I don't actually know how to do a Lorentz transformation I just understand the general concept, so I guess I'll defer to Kendall. Haha.
But there is time *points to wall clock*
I used to know how to do this stuff back in college.
@Hypersapien Time is a tool you can put on the wall...
It's been a long time since I've touched calculus or linear algebra.
@KevinB I think you mean "How Can Mass Be Real If Time Isn't Real"
Hey. In this code:
var promiseEach = function promiseEach(promises) {
  var results = [];

  return promises.reduce(function (acc, val, idx) {
    return acc.then(function (_) {
      return idx > 0 && results.push(_), val;
  }, Promise.resolve()).then(function (_) {
    return [].concat(results, [_]);
what means
return idx > 0 && results.push(_), val;
@KendallFrey you know stuff got real when it has Fenymenn in there lol
@robe007 It means "I hate myself, please hit me in the face as hard as you possibly can."
@ShrekOverflow, yeah but he never actually answers the posited question
Evaluates if id>0 and ?
@MadaraUchiha Hey Shalom !
@robe007 It's a dumbfuck way of writing if (idx > 0) results.push(_); return val;
He just starts monologuing on the meaning of the word "why"
@KendallFrey Yes, thanks !
Well, he does answer it in one way, by saying that's it's because of the magnetic field
@KendallFrey But, what means the &&? It is not a compare?
@robe007 It returns the first argument if it's falsy, otherwise it returns the second argument. Some people think this is a better way of implementing an if
Is it not good practice to override the right-click menu in a web page?
@KendallFrey "the first argument if it's falsy" ... but the first argument here is results.push(_) and this is not falsy
I don't know what the consensus is but I don't like it
@robe007 No, it's the second argument
I'd be overriding it with a different right-click menu, with options for selected items.
@KendallFrey I'm confused with this way. What supposed to be here the arguments ?
idx > 0 and results.push(_)
@KendallFrey Ok, if idx>0 it's falsy, what returns?
From && or from the function?
@robe007 operand1 && operand2 returns operand1 if operand1 is falsey, and operand2 if it isn't.
10 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@robe007 It returns the first argument if it's falsy, otherwise it returns the second argument. Some people think this is a better way of implementing an if
So if idx > 0 is falsey, you will get the result of idx > 0 which would be false.
@KendallFrey from function
@robe007 Oh, that's always val
@KendallFrey ok
Man...fairing miss again.
@KendallFrey Gotta love order of operators
@robe007 How did you come by this piece of code?
Unless I'm mistaken, this is a userland implementation of Promise.all(), which is already a built-in function.

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