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@rlemon I'm going through that link you posted, and I hit a snag.

*And add an npm build script: "build": "webpack --config build/webpack.config.dev.js"*

That's not an npm command. Where am I supposed to put that?
in the package.json under the section where scripts go
I ran the build script and got a bunch of errors instead of the output the tutorial showed.
at least you got errors you can read
better than it saying "Success!" and then not working
@Space people. That thing adjusts it's heading aggressive af
@KevinB ksp is way to easy to "finish" once you understand the mechanics
eh, that just means your idea of "finish" is too easy
move the goal posts
I just started a science playthrough with heavily nerfed science and the dangit mod, definitely makes things a lot harder
RO and laugh at yourself for calling it "easy"
yeah RO is too much for me
I enjoy it, but I have to remove a few things. like the need for food and oxygen, and then half rss
Right now i'm working on getting kerbals landed on the mun
it's proving to be quite difficult with the limited parts i have and the dangit mod
but i also have a few self-imposed rules, like no asparagus staging greater than 4 boosters
> asparagus staging
Those don't happen IRL do they
Good rule.
(i also don't have fuel lines unlocked yet, so it's not really an option anyway)
looks like it's time to make a small plane and fly around the planet getting all that low effort science.
and the longer the mission, the m ore likely a part will fail. If it's a critical part and you don't have an engineer on board, you're f'd
IMagine how hard KSP would be if parts had statistical failure rates
that's what dangit does
Oh really
you just can't see the rates
Ahahaha. Nice
like, batteries fail all the time
I had NO idea
@Kovu After you talk to me about KSP
you get engine failures, fuel tank leaks, etc
@Kovu we have, and we don't know or are not interested.
1 message moved to Trash can
Yeah, jsut spam the text verbatim
I don't understand this part: I cant use require or import because I am forced to use asp.net mvc... what to do?
please don't spam. not every question is going to get immediate attention
The question lacks some of the basic info required to understand the problem
what does asp have to do with typescript or require/import?
you're running tsc to convert to javascript right? that should be also converting your require/imports to browser-compatible code, assuming you're targeting a browser.
your question is unclear
But anyway, yeah, dangit makes parts fail, and the older the craft, the more likely the part fails.
at least try to follow the rules.
@towc that can't be accurate. 3.12G of fuel to get into space is way to little by itself
I also disabled comms from all other locations than KSC, so i have to have a relay network in place... but the early-game relays are quite weak
@WilliamA that's the RCS fuel
around the mun my connection hovers between 1-2%
i won't be able to go to minmus till i advance a bit
you were kicked for not following the rules.
uhm, according to mdn, MediaStream's id is a readonly 36 char uuid
yea, no thanks. go somewhere else to aggressively ask for help.
how could it end up being "default"
to be fair, I'm using opera with several extension, so there's that
oh, and opera/chrome don't seem to support it
my internet went out after that message
Q: Source code to Download GIF from fire base in android

Samia Afzali have been searching code to download GIF files in android application from the fire base database but i have been trying many source code to do it but did not get valid result.actually when i use storage dependency then application crashes and when i remove then it work perfectly.can i get simp...

Because gif == photography lol
currently i have 6 relays around kerbin and 3 around mun. first threee around kerbin we’re relatively low orbit at 500km and were losing signal at some points, so i put up 3 more a good bit further out
I like shooting them off in random directions.
get a ship with like 15 on it, with boosters on each of them. start spinning .. launch.
wait a few orbits, repeat.
!!afk 🍔
once i can land kerbals on the mun, plan will be to send 3 kerbals for a tour of the minmus surface, that should unlock all the parts i need for stations so i can start unlocking what i’ll need to get to duna/eve
and duna/eve will unlock what i need to do everything else
Ooh I bet I can comfortably play KSP from couch with my steam controller
Action groups might be weird
I know they have gamepad support but it's trash
oh, and, no reverts or cleaning up orbital debris
but it’s science mode, so no reverts isn’t a big deal
@KevinB I made python scripts to optimize the rockets and make the most lightweight rocket, and calculate the optimal path (given a variable error margin with controls, as well as a maximum flight duration). - So it is just inserting the exact coordinates where I wish to land, and then run the script for half an hour and follow the cookbook instructions that come out of it.
Is there more to do in ksp?
Well i know how I could update it: make the scripts actually take feedback from the engine, that way the optimal path can be constantly updated if we don't follow the optimal path initially.
(Been there, done that for real world simulations with DARE)
btw, I say it finds the optimal rocket: it didn't do that, basically it required/took a working design and then started optimizing that.
Anyone got a few minutes to tutor me on Chrome Dev tools at a level which will allow me to see what is happening with a small script I wrote from tutorials?
Hi all, hi RLemon. I've got some silly Fiddle to resolve (learning). Need to move some squares to click position, but stuck.... They only move a little then stop. Can someone have a look plssss? thanks fiddlers :) jsfiddle.net/alexhermanuk/x5p3y6jg/2
@AlexH yea, it's just a bit messed up how you call the updates
I want to ask and show a small question about Javascript
Who helps me ?
:42 line, why do "For" not working?
can't see on your file where line 42 is...
make a fiddle OR something,. JOHN
@AlexH you are right, sorry.
for (var i=0; i < bayiHinterland["Adana"][i].length; i++)

        //d3.select('#Adana #'+bayiHinterland["Adana"][i].ilce+' .Shape').attr("fill",'"'+bayiHinterland["Adana"][i].hexCode+'"');
        console.log("kew kew kew ");

this for doesnt work..
I solved..
bayiHinterland["Adana"][i].length is wrong.. bayiHinterland["Adana"].length is correct..
Thanks :)
Merhaba and teshekur adarim :-)
@rlemon on line 216 we trigger this: planes[s].movetopoint(); triggered only once with a mouse click it won't work. I need this to sit somewhere in the update OR loop section....
hahah =)
"Merhaba" is correct.
@AlexH yes, look at the logic of your code tho
and means "ve" in turkish
teşekkür ederim is correct :)
    if( x === true && y === true ) {
      x = false;
      y = false;
      movetopoint(); // but this is only a single step.
you need to either always try to be moving to a point, or tell it to only stop updating once it has hit said point
i'd like to move it first to the point continuously first. then will work out how to stop :-)
@paul23 just to design the rocket? or are you flying it with that too
because designing a rocket that can accomplish a goal, and actually piloting it efficiently enough to do so are quite different... and when you throw in random failures, you have to start building in redundancy
so instead of one big engine you might bring 4 medium sized ones, or 12 small ones, etc
extra fuel, extra EC,
and all that equates to needing more thrust to get into orbit
maybe you could fiddle the fuel like cool it down or heat up or mix with something... :-)
..i guess you are discussing Kerbal...?
I need to implement a tab interface using anchors with hrefs that have #. How can I do this without the #_____ showing up in the URL?
yeah, kerbal
@im1dermike prevent the default action
then perform the scroll yourself. However, by doing so, you're making it impossible to deep-link to those sections
you can then fix that by using the history api to change the url without reloading the page
but now you'll have to configure the server to properly handle those new urls to folders that don't exist
or... just let the browser do what it do
whipped up a quick demo
thanks @rlemon it is cool to just study your code, the way you code :-)
I'm an uneducated swine
probably try to follow someone elses code styles
  goHome() {
    this.link = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(this.externalLink);


  solve(link:string) {
    return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(link);
what's hsl in tickmarks?
just a color format
hue, saturation, lightness
easier to generate random colours that way
I got 2 functions
1 message moved to Trash can
@O.Rares Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
in the second one bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl is undefined, why?
well, if you ever in thailand, i will get you the best drink and a girl to massage :-)
lol, something in that demo is making it run at 20fps, but I'm too lazy to figure out what.
@O.Rares Are you sure bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl is undefined and not this.sanitizer?
@KevinB yes, I get Cannot read property 'bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl' of undefined
yeah, so, this isn't what you think it is.
goHome() works
> of undefined
Q: How does the "this" keyword work?

Maxim GershkovichI have noticed that there doesn't appear to be a clear explanation of what the this keyword is and how it is correctly (and incorrectly) used in JavaScript on the Stack Overflow site. I have witnessed some very strange behaviour with it and have failed to understand why it has occurred. How doe...

of is the key word there. the property isn't undefined, that wouldn't throw an error. the object you're trying to lookup on is
Thanks, looks like I need to read the errors better
I could design with damage tolerance paradigm. That's a design idea, just like "fail-safe" and "safe-life", damage tolerance always considers that a part of what you use is broken and it can just continue. (Fail-safe means that if something fails you can still finish your mission safely, and you combine that with facts that if something fails it is obvious/directly visible - safe-life means that you use a proven safe system and you know it won't fail for its life).
However in ksp that's not even needed, as it's trivially easy to say "at T0+n, burn for x delta-V". And the human error of not
if you have enough parts unlocked.
You can just keep throwing more parts at it, but the more parts on the rocket, the more thrust you need, the more wobble you get, and the harder it is to control
Btw minmus is way easier to actually reach than the mun, and way easier to land on for your first few missions.
i can't get a probe to minimus with my current tech, and getting kerbals there requires i bring at least 2 kerbals, or 1 without having sas
@paul23 fwiw, Kevin isn't new to KSP
definitely doable
You do have the liquid engine with gimbal open already?
currently th eonly way to get 2 kerbals there would be using the 2 person no door piece directly below a mk1 capsul, which isn't ideal because that'd mean having to eva my pilot and lose sas... you don't want to turn off sas on a rocket sitting on an uneven surface
I played ksp way too long ago, it's not even on this laptop anymore lol
yeah i have the liquid engine with gimble
Minmus has massive flats
i tend to use the terrier + 4 or so of the tiny LOX as backup
I likely would have an easier time getting to and landing on minmus with my current tech
But you can literary launchfrom minmus back to kerbin without a rocket :P
but... i'd like to get boots on the ground on mun first
just the propellant of the backpack of a kerbal is enough to get back :P
You do need to land head first though, otherwise you're crushed to death on landing
yeah, i rather not do cheaty things
if it came to that, i'd just send another rocket to pick them up
the problem with minmus is it's a 60 day trip
Oh I always added some "supplies" mod to the play field (I do play with resets though, in real life we also don't launch a rocket by eyeballing everything, we simulate and test and mostly do it).
so i pretty much have to have an engineer on board, i won't be able to build enough redundancy to deal with all the failures i'll get on the way
@KevinB do you have the kerbal alarm clock m?od
and i want a scientist on board to reset expirements
Uh failures?
not atm, wasn't updated last i checked
yes, i use the Dangit mod
I highly recommend if you like modded to put a life support mod in play.
most parts are given ways in which they can fail and a probability of that failure happening, and the longer the trip, the more likely a failure will occur
eh, i've done life support enough times
Together with some "build mod" (where you actually have to spent time to build rockets, so reusable becomes a pre).
i'm going for a different level of difficulty this go round
racing against the clock to get a kerbal back who's stranded in orbit was for me the most fun thing to do.
right, i do enjoy that, but like i said, i'm doing something different, i've done that kind of playthrough dozens of times
Oh lol
But still, after you get to minmus you have everything unlocked :P
resupply missions, rescues, trying to earn $$ so i can send an envoy to duna, etc
not with the settings i have, heh
at least, not unless i timewarp a whole lot while waiting on science bays
i won't unlock everything until i send a a duna mission
or gilly
I wonder if ksp ever got more realistic numbers.. So it's actually hard to get to orbit.
RO does that
you get literally earth, with real world parts
Yeah that's what I disliked :P
Just more realistic numbers, the specific thrust of the engines is way, way too high. And the empty mass of the human-living-are parts is way way too low.
I once tried to convert all those numbers to sane values, but then other mods became grossly unbalanced and it just became a day job to keep updating all parts as new versions came out.
gilly is eve's moon, right? or am i mixing it and duna's moon
gilly is from eve yes, most lightweight object which still has gravity in the kerbol system.
both have ridiculously low gravity, but eve's one is on a whole nother level
i'd like to bring a science plane + rocket to eve and somehow get back off of it with the science
stick a drill and processor on the plane so it can run indefinitely, and have it refuel the rocket
I'd probably leave that rocket in orbit for future trips to the surface
I have to say that I'm loving UbuntuStudio
I like using the low latency kernel too
1 hour later…
Hi all, I'm using Jasmine and Puppeteer in Node and I'm trying to fix some RYRYRY stuff (code repetition) in my test suite that looks like it needs to be refactored. Code and problem description (in comments in smoke.js) here. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
well for starters there is no point in your first async function being async
but async! such shiny!
no, he wants to await it
but doesn't do that either.
just making it async doesn't change the promise resolve
I manually hacked that first bit from helpers.js from another system, sorry; I actually do have an await in front of puppeteer.launch() as well as a dynamic args system that I left out of the code for brevity
Can I get a whoop whoop
@HornOKPlease which is also pointless
in like 99.99% of cases
async functions always return a promise.
so awaiting a return just doesn't make much sense
Good feedback; I'll fix that up. But my focus is really on the repetition of await, screenshot and waitForXPath in smoke.js (as per the comments).
hey, you post code, we nit pick about code.
I understand why you're saying that, too, because code in front of it will literally wait for the promise anyway because it can't continue to operate on a browser that doesn't exist yet
but it's the statements where a new object isn't coming back, like repeated invocations of functions on page that need a bunch of awaits
because I don't want to click a button before the page even loads, for instance
that'll just tell me the element doesn't exist
now, for your main question.. there are patterns to run promises in sequence, but they're (imo) not going to improve your case
yeah. I'm coming from more traditional programming languages like C# and Java where the Selenium API by default is synchronous and runs in a single thread unless you manually do something exotic, and there you can just list a series of commands for your automation tool (Selenium or whatever) to go do to the browser, and it'll do them in order
so for Puppeteer to be completely async seems to just add an await at the beginning of every line, or almost every line
or just use the promises without async / await
page.goto(url).then(() =>
).then( () =>
).then( () =>
now you can look at repeating then's
\o/ that's so much better /s ;)
i mean
I'd actually not mind going like (pseudocode) page.goto(url).wait().screenshot().click()
but does that even work?
if they return promises, no
if they return instances of themselves, maybe.
only if behind the scenes they do .then .then .then
but given how your code currently is, I'd say no it isn't possible.
every function in Puppeteer returns a promise
you could stick it all into an array and for loop... but that's even worse than what you have
also, it appears that he cares when a promise is unresolved / resolved
so just pre-caching all the functions will have them all in a resolved state (maybe) and actions are already done
this is one of the few cases where callbacks would probably be more concise
If it turns out the way I have it is minimal repetition, that's fine... it's just more verbose than even Java at this point. In Java I could use an AOP pointcut to take care of the wait-and-screenshot-after-every-action, and since the API would be sequential by default, the awaits just disappear. Not what I was expecting of le elegance of modern ES :P
i meant more along the lines of an array of objects that describe the method to be awaited, and on each iteration of the for loop you await.
Panda riding
@HornOKPlease well you can just wrap that
but again it would be worse than just using await a few times in a row
async function wait(fn) {
  await this.waitTilSettled();
  return fn();

await wait(page.screenshot(..));
er.. not that
but something like that
you'd need some binding etc
or just pass the fn and args seperate
wait(page.screenshot, ...args)
did we start using .. in favor of ... for describing misc code
I wish. but even I can't seem to get consistent there
hmm... yeah, the wrapper looks a bit better for sure
and I just realized that I probably want to screenshot every time I wait, so I can roll those into one function
wait for full page load, take screenshot... good to be consistent
I found a bunch of SO questions and various forum posts about getting the suite/spec name from Jasmine but it looks like it isn't really possible - the closest I could find only works in a client DOM and I'm in Node
the pipe dream would be calling waitAndSS() inside the test and have that function be defined in helper.js and automagically sense which suite and spec you're in and name the screenshot suitename_specname_number.png
it's almost like I need some kind of DSL :P
@SterlingArcher Is this supposed to be a picture
okay, that's just a case of your googling being better than mine
I guess I can make out a few pixels
@SterlingArcher I know that Panda baha
@HornOKPlease only for JS. when my servers tank I'll still come bug you
I'm Shaggy and my girl is Scooby tonight at the costume party @SterlingArcher haha
Oh no she switched to Velma
@rlemon that's fine; I enjoy your SSH problems
we can HV each other back and forth over the years
I don't
my newest "well this shouldn't be happening, and I no longer care to investigate why it does" 1/50?100 rsync copies result in some blank files
@SterlingArcher imgur.com/a/dcgIkH9 not that I remember the sailor picture at all. I think I drank that on my own
@rlemon ah, I used rsync pretty extensively for a Conan Exiles patcher. Never had that specific problem, but there's a 1% chance I could possibly spot a command line argument you're using wrong or something
I went over this with some others a while back. they also decided it wasn't worth the time to fix. or they just didn't believe me the problem was happening
@rlemon util.callbackify? Or am I reading this wrong?
clearly I've spent more than an hour researching rsync command line args. This is in my code :P --inplace --no-acls --no-xattrs --no-perms --no-owner --no-group --compress --progress --verbose --checksum --delete --recursive --force --log-file=rsync.log
@MadaraUchiha ohh that snippet is broken as fuck. probably just ignore it
me googles util.callbackify
@MadaraUchiha Haha wtf is callbackify
rsync -a --no-o ~/temp/* ~/target
@LuckyKleinschmidt The opposite of promisify, of course.
lol --no-o I love the brevity
That is lieify
@HornOKPlease so like 1 out of .. idk like 50? 100? this fails to populate some copied files
async function foo() {
  return 42; // Promise<42>

const fooCb = util.callbackify(foo);

fooCb(console.log); // logs 42
@rlemon do the logs indicate that they were copied? is the data sent over the network?
no, I'm not using it over a network (I know) -- I was hoping to use it exactly to avoid issues like this
@rlemon You're... rsyncing within the same machine?
yes. atomic updates were causing me headaches
@MadaraUchiha this was my first reaction
so I went to rsync
please reference the (I know) portion of my message
it was a quick decision I'm not locked into, but has mostly worked
atomic and filesystems don't really mix in general, which is super annoying for us programmers wanting things like guarantees
but I'm not here discussing that. I was just sharing a new 'wtf' problem
@rlemon If atomic updates is what you want, have two directories with a symbolic link pointing to the "current" one, copy everything to the other directory, verify integrity with sha256sum or whatever, then, after you're sure the copy is successful, change the symbolic link.
sure, but again, I'm not actually solving this right now
This also gives you the option of easily reverting back to the previous build if things go south anyway.
it's not worth the time for the amount of failures we have
Fair enough
Although I've never heard rsync spitting out blank files before :D
I was just sharing a small "wtf" type of problem, because @HornOKPlease apparently likes my asinine problems
@MadaraUchiha which is what makes it 'wtf'
@rlemon haha! :D I'm glad you figured out who I was despite the name change
I'll be changing it back in a bit
@HornOKPlease immediately.
I almost always check users profiles
ah, I was thinking you sensed it was me from the horrible quality of my JS code
it has a distinct Java smell to it
nope, saw a new pic in the list - checked the profile - saw the github, wondered why you had so little rep
I always forget you are not active on this site
yeah, 99% of my questions are already answered, and when I try to answer something on SO, I usually lose to the FGITW
and when I ask good questions, no one knows a clean solution because I've identified a legitimate problem that will require a lot of work to overcome
How do I ask my partner to buy some parts? Since I have bought all the parts up till now.
> can you buy the new parts, I've bought all the previous ones.
-> ips
ok, i'll try
thanks lemon, ur my guide in this dark world
tone is more important than words
I was gonna text it
emojis convey tone
make sure to add at least 5
but I dont want her to be mad afterwards or make things awkward
To the people that apparently voted to cloae this as too broad: is that a dig at Javascript, saying that there are too many valid answers? — tomsmeding Jan 16 at 23:15
@KevinB opened the comment and found that I'd already upvoted it hahahahah
Q: Swift While Loop

blondaciousMeCreate a while loop that simulates rolling a 6-sided dice repeatedly until a 1 is rolled. After each roll, print the value. (Hint: use Int(arc4random_uniform(6) + 1) to generate a random number between 1 and 6).

cool, i was the first person to say it was possible
@ex080 on a game or?
@Shai Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
is there any tool you guys recommend to compare the keys of two json files?
there's an object method that gives you an array of keys for a given object... you could then compare those two arrays
morning all :) I am struggling to understand something about React and componentWillReceiveProps (I know it is deprecated) -> if I pass in a function as a prop and then change the function in a subsequent parent render, it doesnt appear to trigger the componentWillReceiveProps on the component, but if I change another prop (eg a number) it does
Is there any way to keep readable streams open for undefined time ?
this is the prop in question: onProgress={!called ? onProgress : () => { console.log('noop') }}
1 hour later…
hey guys, I had a quick question about regexs in switch blocks
I have a regex, say <(.+)>(.*)<\/1> and I want to use it in a switch case
I want to define the regex just after the case keyword, like so: switch (url) { case <(.+)>(.*)<\/1>: return captures[1];. The regex returns 2 captures and I want to get access to these from within the case, how do i do this?
Its not stopping me from writing the program, I just want to know if this is possible
As the GH issue shows, sort of.
I'm just reading it now, but thank you
Okay so it seems I'll have to use a variable. hoping to avoid that, but oh well
I ended up not using a regex at all
!!FO4 or KSP
@KevinB FO4
ksp it is
Good boy
i want to actually land kerbals on the mun tonight
and hopefully get back home
hey guys, anyone know electron?
specifically how to customise the window border?
You know in VS code's new update, how they have custom content in the app's frame/border, I want to know how I can achieve this myself?

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