I don't want to use Vue-Material nor Vuetify.
I want to use Materialize.
What I do is:
npm install materialize-css@next
In main.js, where my new Vue App is defined I import Materialize like this:
import 'materialize-css'
Somehow the javascript is working, but the CSS is not loading; I tes...
in my react solution we're using numerous tslint rules that require lower camel case for a variables including functional component (const). so to export a pascal case i have to do this: export { scenePanel as ScenePanel };. how can i make this a default export?
I ordered a drone online and the government found out somehow and sent me a request to pay for a license and I sent them back an actual written letter that just said "Go fuck yourself."
this guy sat there for about a minute, just looking in front of him with a cigar or something, Then the sounds disappear in about 5 seconds, then he leans on the bike, starts making a bunch of noises again, and leaves
I didn't hear any noises before he came, so I think his bike was just parked there, he did the thing, and left