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@Twinborn hopefully that works for you.
If you dont need scrollto or waypoint for anything else you can also remove those plugins
waypoint was the culprit though, I removed scrollto and the issue remained.. was so annoying
okay so the animation is only working from waypoints now?
I was just using scrollto for the animation between page change
yeah for what I just did it doesnt "require" any of the plugins
so if you were just using waypoints plugin for that you dont have to use it anymore
the animation i use is just jquery animation
just does a scrollTop
yeah I'm not 100% sure, my friend pointed me in the direction for ScrollTO when I wanted animation when you used the nav
then he set me up with the waypoints when I wanted to apply my active class
yeah alot of people suggest waypoints, it seems like a good plugin.. ive just never had luck with it
I answered a similiar question to this before, so I drew on that experience as well
A: How to Change Background When You Pass a Certain Point on Page using jQuery

Loktarhttp://jsfiddle.net/loktar/fkYZp/9/ Could definitely be prettied up to use a class etc. But here is the basic concept. var lifeStylePos = $('#lifestyle-sidebar').offset().top - y, onePos = $("#one").offset().top - y, twoPos = $("#two").offset().top - y, threePos ...

someone suggested using waypoints for it as well, but it seemed like overkill
@Loktar Shouldn't a simple throttled scroll event do?
what do you mean?
the whole navigation functions properly now. I'm assuming for proper alignment to the body content I need to alter my CSS right?
oh yeah dont use my css
that was just for testing
ya i didnt touch the css
Attach an event handler to $(window).scroll, throttle the event by checking against the last time the event is called, do the switching if the conditions meet
i just threw some terrible fast styles so I could test
ah yeah @YiJiang thats what I did.. minus the the throttleing
good point..
I forgot it fires that event like crazy
damn Loktar...I really can't thank you enough mate
Yeah np
I posted it as an answer to your question as well
was a fun problem for my morning
^_^ now I can get this project live and then spend my time learning JS
lol I'm sucha fail
everyone starts somewhere
yeah for sure, I have 7 hours of lynda.com JS training, I should just get that all done and then try and make my own little scripts
so with this script, there are no more dimensions between the scroll right?
what do you mean?
all it does is checks if the section is at 0, or above the viewport
if so it makes that link active
i need to install firebug again, reformatted the other day
my viewport is just like 50px off
oh so you need an offset for the links to be active?
@Loktar hows that 1k going?
bleh I havent gotten a chance to work on it at all actually
it goes till April though
Ill start tomorrow
i always mess around on Fridays
I have to start coding a html5 web app soon.
@Twinborn I added an offset var with this version jsfiddle.net/vCgy8/11/embedded/result
I think no JS needs to be altered @Loktar, let me explain jsfiddle.net/vCgy8/9/embedded/result if you use your link there you see how it aligns perfectly under the title of the page you click?
you can change it to positive or negative
or sorry, you see how it aligns correctly above the header
on my page it's covering half of the page title
ah ok
all my margins and paddings are designed though
I changed the offset to hopefully fix your issue
just modify the value and itll stop at the top of the H1 + or - the offset
the var is sectionOffset at the top,
just modifying the integer to see if it will work
the animation slides to the offset coordinates, but then it clips back right into the HR
er, H1*
You can edit posts. ;) Like this
@Shaz lol Im terrible at that
@Shaz thanks that is gonna help me lol
thats really odd @Twinborn..
I wonder if its something else possibly causing the issue now
I wonder if HTML5's Bitmap API can do something similar to this: swfupload.com/view/162170.htm
so ok, it animates to the point, and then snaps back
(click the triangle)
easy peesy!
it animates to the offset position (the way its supposed to look) and once it hits that coordinate it forces itself half way into the title
Am I the only one that looks at a question posters Name, Avatar and Rep and if 2 of the three are low/default then not answer it?
I find a lot of people avoid users with low accept rates.
I try to answer the question regardless unless the question is terrible to begin with.
@Twinborn try disabling the scrollto and waypoint plugin to see if that fixes it
it sounds like some other JS is affecting it
those scripts have been deleted when you first told me they were not needed
oh :?
yeah it sucks, its hard to say whats going on without seeing the code.
Could you edit that JSFiddle, and add your styles in maybe?
I doubt they are causing the issue but you never know
sure one sec
@MattMcDonald that swf cheats, its a square area you click on
I thought it was just in the tirangle
it has to be contained in a sprite since bitmaps don't have mouseEvents
but it does a bitmapdata hitTest against each point on the triangle's bitmapdata
ah ok
the hitTest method of the bitmapData class allows you to do pixel-perfect collision testing
I'm wondering if HTML5 has something similar
@Loktar I like your snowfall plugin, just took a look at it :)
heh thank you, yeah I was surprised that people actually liked it.
I get varied responses, either people HATE it, or like it
Most snowfall effects cause me lag, but yours doesn't seem to cause half as much :P
yeah it works on IE6 as well
ok cool @Twinborn its doing it on jsfiddle too
I should be able to fix it
@MattMcDonald my quick attempt.. jsfiddle.net/Nxn3v/1
that's awesome, thanks
i cheat :P
it checks the alpha val of the pixels
if there is no alpha, then it must be part of the triangle
how do I get the embedded preview?
under share it has a link
ah gotcha ty
yeah it does the same thing on the example
just on my page it aligns half way into the title
Readability goes HTML 5 on iOS, expect others to follow | ZDNet - http://goo.gl/RtsD4
that might work.. I changed offset() to position()
and this one I changed it in both places, jsfiddle.net/loktar/vCgy8/24/embedded/result
it seems to work in the fiddle now, it stops just above the text
testing it out
must be my css, still clips
its like its being forced
damn :?
sorry man... I guess you were better off with the waypoints then :(
you can deanswer me if you want
man that is a frustrating issue lol. I would trouble shoot it if I could.
no way man this is perfect just gotta see how it clips is all
so you have no other plugins enabled anymore?
none, just the nivo slider and fancy box
yeah and I doubt those would affect it
Are you guys trying to achieve this? bonsaiden.github.com/JavaScript-Garden
I totally forgot about that...
only difference is it does a slide animation to the link
here is the current one @Shaz jsfiddle.net/loktar/vCgy8/24/embedded/result
on @Twinborn's local copy it stops halfway up the headers
Seems to work on my end, what's the problem?
not really sure, its only happening on his local copy
on my local copy it just clips into the header, yeah
Any way you could share that copy?
Ill need to prepare it but yeah
wow check out this scroll effect
just the first part is cool
Ooh fancy
What's a TED event, lol
no idea, but that scroll is cool
I really like the xrd effect
Somehow it changes to pdx at the end xD
oh really?
Yeah looks like they just use a ton of images
that scroll at different speed
oh man.. im going to need to do something like that. Maybe ill use css3 animations just for the heck of it
Ill make a zombie face or something
why not? I was liking zombies WAY before they were cool see some examples zombiebooks.com zombiegames.net undeadgames.com :P
and css3 animations kick arse
You must like black ops?
Yeah i love it, but not because of the zombie mode actually lol
zombie mode is pretty fun however
Ah xD
My favorite zombie game is Land of the Dead : Road to Fiddlers Green
thats why i created undeadgames in the first place
I'm looking forward to Dead Island; had a great trailer. Have you seen it?
Yeah the trailer is great, Im hoping the game measures up
@Twinborn How's the copy coming?
@Shaz sorry about that got caught up out of room, should be ready in 5 mins
@Twinborn No problem
Your plotting something!
@Shaz is it okay if I gut some of it?
@Twinborn As long as it still works the same as you experience it
ok perfect
ftp is just messed up, hold on
Quick question: will this: quesTags = JSON.questions[i].tags[]; create an array from the JSON values?
@Shaz Can I send this to you privately?
@MylesGray I think foo[] is invalid in JS.
I suppose I could just use quesTags = JSON.questions[i].tags.length; then use a for loop to iterate through
@Twinborn A link or the whole copy?
A link
@Twinborn Well it would be best to send it to @Loktar as he has been working with you this whole time
yeah, you can't send private messages on this website can you
Not that I know of
me@jasonrb.com if you want to send it to me as well
one sec loktar
Array.from = function(obj){ var each, out = []; for(var each in obj) out[out.length] = obj[each]; return out }
@Shaz im cool if you look at it too
i spent a good hour or so on it earlier lol
(said in response to Myles)
Then used as
quesTags = Array.from(JSON.questions[i].tags)
@Loktar sent
@Twinborn what browser are you testing it in? it seems to work fine on mine
like it stops right above the header
it needs to stop right at the page line
that is so weird
yeah its just happening on FF
@Twinborn shazypro@live.com
in safari it is spaced maybe 30px higher, it needs to be the full 75 px of the container
@Shaz sent
yeah @Shaz feel free to fix it.. im in the middle of work right now :? so I wont get to look at it alot until later
I'll see what I can do :P
Weird, it bounces back down in firefox
it gets forced back
yeah pretty much, it's like the html # is being forced over the js position
That's what I was thinking
oh.. could do a return false
on the links maybe
idk, now im just randomly bantering
@RadagasttheBrown thanks!
Try giving each one of those links a class and then...
$("body").delegate('.classname', 'click', function(e) {
    return false;
are you stripping that from the top @Shaz ?
No, just place that in before the other $("body").click() for now just to see if it works
k it's uploaded
Okay that's worse
yea lol
Maybe it's a fancybox bug
i was wondering that
but that seems so crazy
oh perhaps it's my fancybox function actually
i have it set to a.class
hold on a sec
nope, so much for that failed attempt
Try This:
<!-- JQUERY -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>
Instead of
<!-- JQUERY -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
That will always give you the latest version of jQuery
ah yeah I was testing with 5.1 the whole time
@Shaz makes no difference in FF
Even so, it's a good idea to use the latest version :)
hehe yeah thanks for teaching me that though :D
hah 1.5 i mean
im in the super secret jQuery beta, testing version 5.
or 1.5.1
@Loktar Ha :P
@IvoWetzel How you doing brother, long time!
@Loktar give me the link! NOW!!!
what link is that?
ooh lol
no man I cant Resig would be soo angry with me
@Loktar Ok, then I'll tell John Resig that you're using the super secret beta… and then you'll be banned from jQuery… forever! :)
omg nooo! Then how will I ever use "JavaScript"?!
@jeresig Loktar from #stackoverflow says he's testing the super secret jQuery 5.1 beta! http://bit.ly/eewsRx
omg man thats awesome
Ah, wrong name, John Resig is @jeresig on twitter. Fixed!
that poor guy will be like, wtf is jQuery??
@Loktar Hold on a while…
JQuery is a flexible, query-based source code browser for Java, developed as an Eclipse plug-in. It gives you the power to combine multiple views of your source code in one browser. sourceforge.net/projects/jquery
How would I check if a value from one array is in another array?
is there a way to compare array contents?
I need to jet for a while. @Loktar thanks for everything man, and @Shaz ty for looking into it. Take care everyone
actually... stupid question... indexOf
yeah np @Twinborn ill look at it more when i get off work
@Twinborn No problem, I think I found the issue but still need to find out how to fix it
var arr1 = ['foo', 'bar'],
    arr2 = ['bar'];

> arr2.indexOf(arr1[0]); // arr2 contains 'foo'
> arr2.indexOf(arr1[1]); // arr2 contains 'bar'
if(tagArray[i].indexOf(questTags[j]) > -1){...}
does that look okay?
@MylesGray tagArray[i].indexOf? You meant tagArray.indexOf?
oh shit
yep sorry
Dude, is w3schools getting DDOSed? it's acting slower than hell for me (I'm taking quizes to see how much I rockz at codez...
@ircmaxell you haxxored them... stop trying to act like your innocent ;)
@loktar I think the problem is here:
                scrollTop: destination
            }, 1000, function() {
                window.location.hash = id;
"html:not(:animated),body:not(:animated)" calls the function twice
well I cant take full credit for that line
jsfiddle.net/Shaz/vCgy8/25 Click a link and you get two alerts
I use it there
Woot! I got mez 100% in 83 seconds (for 20 questions)
Anchor Slider by Cedric Dugas
thats where I got it originally
so yeah it could totally be the issue
Ah ok
Dam, only got 90% on the JS (one was due to a quick click)
@ircmaxell where at?
oh lol nm, w3schools
Stupid, I know
Hah I missed 1
3. Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript?

You answered: The <body> section
Wrong Answer!
bull crap.
@Loktar ololol :D
I knew it would be wrong though
I almost chose head/body, but I was like no, I will not bend to you w3schools!
Say I have an array with multiple matches with another array through indexOf like below:
if (tagArray.indexOf(questTags[j]) > -1) {

How would I make sure that on the first occurance of a match it will do whatever is in the if then move onto the next question rather than inserting the same record again if the question has multiple matches?
Make the questTags a unique array?
that reminds me of how much I love Perl.
@Raynos As in... _.js?
if I put a break; in it would break out of the for loop wouldn't it?
@MylesGray break should break out of loops but not out of if or case statements.
@Nathan Thats okay, I have a for nested in a for
I want to break out of the inner loop
not the outer
break will break out of the nearest level. I don't think JS has a way to specify a higher level.
good stuff thats perfect
@Myles Gray: You can specify labels and break to specific ones...
@Nathan Yes you can use labels
@AndrewMoore How would I do that?
break label;
@Myles Gray:
for(i=0; i<3; i++)
   document.write("<BR>" + "outer " + i + ":   ");
   for(j=0; j<5; j++)
      document.write("inner " + j + " ");
         break outer_loop;
see also label.
Thats pretty cool :)
Yup... And not a lot of people know about that
I've found (in other languages) that usually, I'm thinking wrong if I think I need to break out to a labelled loop, but a small percentage of the time it's perfect.
@Nathan: Well, other languages, you don't usually break out of loops using labels, you goto a label... And yes, that's terrible...
Finally up and running in realtime
@AndrewMoore I'm thinking mostly of Perl, which has the same syntax for labels. I'm sure it came from somewhere else before Perl too...
@MylesGray Cool :) Might I suggest you make it visible which tags have been added?
@MylesGray Cool.
@Shaz it is :)
Oh wait I see it now :)
ill add a favicon modifier
like the se chat one
RT @dhh: Rails 3.1 will ship with jQuery as the default JavaScript library. Prototype helpers/RJS are going into a gem.
@Feeds Haha
@Shaz ?
Tables :P
oh dear
hmm seems like someone is asking for a bollocking
Sigh... I really, really despise jQuery. Don't get me wrong, it's great at what it does... But people use it for everything... Everything.
Hence myself learning raw JS
I dunno... For quick and dirty I usually use jQuery, but on large projects, it quickly becomes an unmanageable chain of junk and closures closely held together by duck-tape.
@Shaz Uh, actually a calendar is a perfectly legitimate and semantic use for <table>
It's tables used only for visual layout that are the bad thing.
I don't think they are using it specifically as a calendar
ZOMG! That looks amazingly simple.
Kind of like the Java / C# datetime
@AndrewMoore :
Q: Styling jquery mobile listviews

Sir LojikHi all, im trying to style a listview control but im having problems... when i set width of image to 40px as shown in markup. i cant seem to get the content to align properly to the left. ie. i dnt want that gap between image and text. here is my markup <ul data-role="listview" class="ui-...

@AndrewMoore how did that answer get 22 upvotes?
@Nathan Yea, pretty much my point.
@Nathan the plus operator was the correct answer for the scope of the users abilities.
Try 'text-align:left'
@JeremyChild For one, you are replying to the wrong person, for two, that's not a real question, but a parody a bunch of questions where people suggested jQuery as a solution when it could of been simpler.
Sorry @Andrew
@Shaz all the simple css stuff fails...ie margin,padding,text-algn, text indent
@Shaz your avatar is lightsabering my fishing pole!
@Nathan Haha xD
ho ho!
Try refreshing
bzzzzzz CRASH
I changed the image not too long ago
I've been using demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/controls/examples/default/… for a few years now and let me tell you they are the biggest bloat this side of iTunes.
oh, @Shaz now I can't lightsaber fight you. But you look so... determined, and... more like Raynos....
just edited the quuestion for clarity
Q: Styling jquery mobile listviews

Sir LojikHi all, im trying to style a listview control but im having problems... when i set width of image to 40px as shown in markup. i cant seem to get the content to align properly to the left. ie. i dnt want that gap between image and text. here is my markup <ul data-role="listview" class="ui-...

Anyone here familiar with knockoutjs?
morning all
or afternoon/evening if you're that way inclined
midnight here
there's always one...
evening here
i included evening! so i'm covered
You totally are
A: Completely center an image using CSS?

Myles GrayTo centre elements: .className { width:200px; /*Set to image width*/ height:100px; /*Set to image height*/ position:absolute; top:50%; left:50%; margin:-50px auto auto -100px; /*Half of image width, 0, 0, half of image height*/ text-align:center; } HTML: <img...

And soritis suggests JQuery
JQuery for an all-CSS solution

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