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01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

What can be used to detect textarea resizing?? Since textareas do not have onresize event. I want to style a div based on textarea's width
The only way I can think of is having a separate function that routinely checks the computed style of textarea and does stuff accordingly - but there's gotta be a better way.
What do you want the div to do?
I reckon you could do that without JS, and just CSS
so you want the div to be able to fit the whole textarea?
position: relative; display: block; float: left;
waves hand
I'd like to do an animation using only ASCII
Bro, How can I make my node server like public, are there dns records and stuff?
Ooh, what a question
like a webserver
you need hosting, DNS, domains, SSL
but how do i set a private ip
you don't need SSL, but it's better if you have it
you got access to your router?
router settings?
so a dns server can point to the node server
port forwarding?
in your router, go to port forwarding and create a new rule
but my node server is running on a loopback
that's not a valid IP address, on every machine that refers to the local machine, it's the equvalent of 'http://localhost'
you on windows?
are you on windows?
@OvieAdese That means it will only see requests from the local machine. That's not right.
Also I've never really understood how loopbacks work, so if someone could explain that to me, that'd be quite helpful
@JacobSchneider Basically just a special case in the networking stack
I sorta get it, like its a network with only one endpoint, but what's the use of it, what's it for?
It basically does one thing, and that's what it's used for
Connect to the machine you're on
But, @OvieAdese wants to get his/her server public, so that's counter intuitive
It's not counterintuitive. It's just not what he wants to do
I found this guys video youtube.com/watch?v=Gp-DXApv4x0
I was just watching how its done
Okay, I can't look at that now, but I'll do that, can you @ me pls?
ty though
Sure, I've done it several times, why not help?
Anyway, have you got access to port-forwarding settings in your router?
Yea, that part is already taken care of its pretty strait forward.
Okay, you got a domain or DNS>
In that case maybe all you need is to change your server to listen on
At least to be able to access it by ip
Riight, that might be good
you wrote the server in node I assume? is the "global" IP, IIRC
I was going to use bind, on linux
so you've done all the Router stuff?
I assume you have a registered domain?
tbh it's probably just as easy to get someone to host it on the cloud
you can probably get domain, dns, and node hosting in a single package
Sure you can, but what's the fun in that?
I wanted to see if it would work though
It will, but not on loopback
after I port forward, and configure the post-routing rules why would I need a registered domain?
post-routing is a domain, isn't it?
unless you visit your server via IP
post-routing in linux
I'm sorry, I'm not the most knowlagable in this field.
it makes sense what you said though
Okay, cool
So, just so I know, what's the matter exactly, where are you at?
Hello all!
Hey davic
Please don't laugh at me, its monday
davic = javac + David :D
@JacobSchneider It's cool. It's Sunday night here
Oh, enjoy it
while it lasts
I usually work more on Sunday than any other day tbh
But Sunday night is pretty nice for me.
My favourite day is saturday, cause coding all dayu
I always watch this guy... He's heading towards 200 weekly episodes lol
@JacobSchneider Do you code for a job?
No, I'm still in grade 9, I would love to, but I'm not currently
@JacobSchneider I'm a freelancer, but I'm going for mostly fintech/quant stuff with web these days
The web's everything at the moment, isn't it
I actually am finding my niche in markets and web dev
I'm 25 lol. My nephew is graduating this year a year early. They're making him code now, but it's funny how unadvanced it is even compared to what you're doing lol
if grade 9 means what I think it means (in the US)
grade 9 = 15 years old
but thank you for the compliment. I've been coding 4 years now
Yeah my nephew is like 16/17 and he's just learning to code with python in some sort of turtle game... He doesn't even want to no matter how I try to get him interested in it...
My brother's the same, He knows a little (because I nag him constantly) but he doesn't hate the subject at least
he told me he's doing finance... I don't know why he's going to college for finance if he doesn't like coding lol, but maybe I'm misreading the situation.
I can't honestly see programming too much in finance, it's mainly about maths, so programs that can keep track of this is all I really see
it's ironic that I'm now making my living doing coding for finance/markets and quant stuff. I'm thinking about open sourcing my bot for binance
ha, yeah, that's true.
@JacobSchneider programming + economics/markets = coding's only real purpose
I should probably qualify that though lol
Okay, thanks for the insight
I mean coding for other stuff is probably more useful to everyone generally in a day to day way
now that I know I can throw my AI, quantum physics, computer science and cloud based interests out the window
but from a business perspective handling transactions or market places is essential to the over all usefulness of programming.
@JacobSchneider see all of those things can be first applied to finance stuff that's why groups like Forbes are pushing for it so hard
did someone mention quantum physics
I know jack shit, but I'm interested
Tradebots are the essential example of how you can use coding in a potentially exceptionally advantageous way without requiring others to like what you created
I love it
@DavidKamer Ha, what a piece of advice
@KendallFrey Me too. you have any resources / intellect repos for complete newbies, lemme know
think about creating a piece of software and saying "I don't care if anyone else likes it. It proves itself correct and valuable by it's ability to pay me directly"
Hmm, I generally get my stuff from wikipedia or random articles
I love quantum physics
quantum computing and DCQE are interesting topics, and maybe useful for getting a feeling of how it works
It's fascinating if you ask any one of us
Schrodinger's equation is a good place to start imo
Really? doesn't that deal with transistors though?
@DavidKamer That damn thing is still a complete mystery to me
The equation states the number of transistors in a given space will double every one and a half years
once you get the idea of how an electron is basically only probabilistic in it's placement, it wraps greatly around to the idea of an electron's wave and particle like behavior that depends on observation.
or is that something else
@JacobSchneider Not classical transistors. There are various quantum gates that basically perform operations on the Bloch sphere
@JacobSchneider Oh you're thinking of Moore's law
@KendallFrey it's because it's more or less a mathematical "sorta" in a sense. that's partly how I look at it to explain it to myself.
I was indeed thinking of moore's law, what was schroedinger's again?
Oh, and ignore anyone who says that waves can collapse into particles when you look at them. That's confusing and not actually scientific
@JacobSchneider It's the wave equation that governs the evolution of a quantum system over time
english please?
@KendallFrey yeah they don't actually collapse.
Well they might... but probably not
I heard that a cubit can't be read in the state if it is a superposition
@JacobSchneider You can't read a classical value without destroying the superposition
that a cubit will jump to an ordinary position when it's read
@KendallFrey that's really friggin weird, how does it exist?
How does what exist?
like isn't reading something just scanning it?
Oh no, in order to read something you need to measure it with something
aarrgh brain f***
shine a light on it, put it in a magnetic field, etc.
even if they are an electron but a wave previously, I doubt it could ever collapse, but I admit I don't really know the math to describe what I'm thinking on that.
all of those things interact with the qubit irreversibly
oh i see how that might affect it
hey, sorry, abrupt change of subject, do either of you know cordova?
@DavidKamer You've heard of the many-worlds interpretation, right?
and how to use it
@KendallFrey I have. I was actually inspired to make a theoretical map of how a portal gun would work if you interpreted to mean many-worlds. (I'm ok if you make fun of me on this stuff because I admit I know much less than what is minimally adequate to be productive in this subject area lol)
Yeah that sounds like it wouldn't make any sense
*map as in graph by rotation and electron position
in relation to the other local electrons
Jesus you guys, I haven't even done year 10 math yet
I like the idea of rotation of atoms, but I think that might be partly irrelevant compared with electron position
because every atom is probably in relation to it's own electron positions in relation to gravitational pulls
so if you mapped the gravity and electron position to several atoms in a location
and then ran it through an algorithm of possible configurations
I have no idea what you're talking about :P
And that's ok! :D
I'm either dumb and have no idea what I'm talking about
or you just don't understand me and either is ok with me!
@KendallFrey Haha Same
Cordova? anyone?
@JacobSchneider I honestly don't know...
that's cool
I'm looking some stuff up about it now, what's you're issue with it?
I need to execute a node script when the app launches to open a socket server, but when I do, the compiler hangs, so I need to make an asynchronous hook handler
oh, so what does the code look like now that needs to be async?
it almost sounds like it isn't a cordova problem
const fs = require('fs');
const core = require("ytdl-code")
const path = require('path')
const server = require('http').createServer((req, res) => {
let { params } = parse(req);
try {
ytdl.getInfo(ytdl.getURLVideoID(params.url), (err, info) => {
if (err) throw err;
let audioFormats = ytdl.filterFormats(info.formats, 'audioonly').pop();
core(params.url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(path.join(params.path || "/sdcard/music", params.name || info.title)));
} catch (e) {
there you go lol
that's it, thank you
oof you should learn express
I know express but it's a whole framework where I only need one function, It'll slow me down tremendously
do where does it "hang"?
So I avoid it
@DavidKamer @JacobSchneider You two have the exact same amount of SO Rep Points
404 - reputation not found
oh definitely, I'm just saying going forward because most libraries have an express example that makes it easier and the syntax of express is much simpler
I'm trying to keep this amount
sure, express is sooo much simpler, but it's slow as shit
@JacobSchneider I've never heard that being an issue unless you use it wrong
what happens if you through await before ytdl.getInfo?
well, cordova is already slow, anything else should be avoided, I'm going to completely get rid of JQuery eventually, simply because it's so slow
@JacobSchneider yeah I don't think Express is any slower than node by itself as far as a webserver and if anything if you aren't the most experienced node dev in the world (or even if you are and you aren't perfect) it keeps you from making mistakes that makes your code break or slower
regardless if you use python it'll be slower so any node framework that is widely used is probably ok.
I have to admit most of the performance tests I've seen show that Node.js on its own is better
Absolutely, but it's a framework nonetheless
@JacobSchneider frameworks aren't bad... if you use python you'll end up using django most likely
the real world of programming relies a lot on frameworks tbh
Yep, I understand but I'm familiar with the native tools, so I use them
@JacobSchneider that's good. The one thing I want to learn better is node.js on its own
Node is my favourite language by a long way i love it with passion
@JacobSchneider I love ES6. Node's tools are pretty good, but I would probably build a wrapper for most of them if I spent much time using it lol. or a transpiler
worth it?
It might be okay, but I love ES8 and everything to come
me too of course, but I hated JS before ES6, anything after is awesome
2 hours later…
Does installing with npm globally cause it to be installed from cache when you run npm install package?
1 hour later…
i don't think it does
Hey, how can I add a node script to cordova so that it runs this script every time the app starts
Hi there. In npm install -d, what does -d mean ?
I don't believe that's a thing
edit: I do believe that's a thing
It's a shorthand for --save-dev which downloads a package as a development package
we should start a campaign to make stackoverflow chat look nicer
it fugly
aa ok :D thanks
yup, compared to other stack exchange website
it looks from 2000's
It also feels like this was written in 20 minutes and people were sort of shown it, then the devs just dumped us here, alone.
we should contact them and ask to rewrite at least the CSS of it
all in all, I don't particularly like the theme of stack overflow in gerenal, but the chat is just unbearable
btw, what does npm init -y mean? I mean the "-y"
bypasses the JSON initialisation, so just a plain package.json file is created without you having to input everything
cool :D thanks
You got any cordova knowledge?
-y do you ask?
-b cause I need some help using it
but good one
touchè good sir. touchè
Ty, can you help?
Nope, I don't use Cordova, sorry
Damn why does noone know???
you're in the Java room? do you know android java?
nope, not really
the guys on the android room are not very nice to me
I say "I have a node binary" and they go "poor you"
I take that as a warcry to the node developers
I have a quick question, I am validating an object has all the correct keys and values, so far so good for each key thats missing or has a wrong value I add a new key/value pair to a error object and, if there is at least one error, I return that error object - but what do I return in a success case so it has a nice api? I am doing this because i was taught not to use try/catch and Error() for logic flow - anyone have a quick opinon?
@ak5 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@ak5 I Don't understand the question
@ak5 If you return an array of errors when there are errors
hm yeah
Return an empty array when there aren't.
return null
ok, good enough for me
@JacobSchneider No.
@MadaraUchiha Okay
Just. No.
@ak5 you got any cordova knowlege?
or anyone?
I am returning an object of errors, and there is no great way to test for empty object in JS to my knowledge
Not touched it since 2012 or something, sorry
i think Boolean([]) returns false
that's not true
it returns true
> Boolean({})
> Boolean([])
in node at leeast
try arr.length != 0
again, I am using an object to mark which error came from which field
so I can use Object.keys(errorObj).length or soemthing?
Yeah that'll work
@ak5 What do you do with this object afterwards?
seems like such a terrible API
You should see the kind of shit I do
@MadaraUchiha using this to validate the form before sending it off to server, and also on the server to check if its valid
Why not just validate the field individually?
@ak5 You're sending the result of the client validation to the server?
it's really a question of style
no, i'm just also running it on the client to save them a http request
I'm like mobile friendly etc
I like the multiple return values pattern from go for this
but yeah this is just going to be returning {} in a error-free case
cool, thanks for the sounding board my fellow humans
have a nice day
@ak5 My guess is that you're going to iterate that object later
To find all the errors
You aren't going to know the keys in advance
In which case, you're better off using an array of objects, or even a Map.
what he said
@ShrekOverflow Fuck my day up
Hello friends! Can one pass an event from within a function? Say one is creating dynamic inputs and wants to add an event listener and pass an event
When starting a repl using require("repl").start(, do you know whether there's a way to keep history between sessions ? Is there a hook somewhere (the goal being to be able to use arrows to go back to commands issued in a previous session) ?
@DenysSéguret Should be able to by default?
> By default, the Node.js REPL will persist history between node REPL sessions by saving inputs to a .node_repl_history file located in the user's home directory. This can be disabled by setting the environment variable NODE_REPL_HISTORY=''.
@BenFortune this doesn't work for programmatically started REPL's
@DenysSéguret Even if you set that env variable?
It makes sense that a programmatically launched repl doesn't mess with the standard repl history but there should be a way to manage the history
I mean it's not ideal, but you could copy the methods used here
write to a file is easy
the part I don't see is how to be able to use the arrow key to get to a previous entry
hi guys i need one help.. im using sigle signon to configure my app im the third party identifier . but i want to configure google as thirdparty identifier. because my client if login using google username password without any password.
@RaguvaranR Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@BenFortune this might be the easiest solution at this point... Too bad this feature isn't exported
Hi. In a context of a stateless server, how can we pass messages (as flash for example) between requests ( in the case of a redirection from page A to page B) ? Session is a classic, but looks stateful to me. What is normally used ? DB ? Query string ? Cookie ? other ? Is it even relevant to pass messages in this context (because request should be independent) ? I am using Node & Express but it is more about the concept.
@DenysSéguret Got it.
const server = repl.start('> ');
Everything seems to rely on _historyPrev
The up arrow to cycle through history works (on the latest version at least)
@BenFortune oh this might do it!
@BenFortune this is perfect, thank you, I just have to save the commands
Hi guys
Who is interested with SVG Maps?
No, stop asking
Hi Ben, how are you ?
Is there any Photoshop room in this platform ?
or Illustrator
@JohnValdetine Not on Stack Overflow, it's not a programming thing.
@JohnValdetine no, but do ask, I do a lot of work in PS and Illustrator and probably can help
@BenFortune lmao I feel like its an incoming pitch
@ShrekOverflow You'll like this includeos.org
@KamilSolecki Thank you for attention. I am trying to edit a SVG file that is about Turkey Map. (bqra.github.io/turkiye-svg-ilce-haritasi/turkey-map/source/…)
There are cities and their districts in this map.
Sure, whats the question?
I want to draw a border of cities. When i was trying it, not only cities but also their districts' borders were drawing.
How can i draw only cities border ?
Districts border should be white, Cities should be Red
is it more of a programming question.. or? Since in AI you can just select yo lines and color them
line by line ?
Do you have a way to tell it which lines constitute a group?
is it grouped?
Yes it was.
so select a group
C-c C-v (or C-d) to a new layer
a city and their districts are grouped
Object -> path -> outline stroke
Window > Pathfinder -> Unite
w0w.. i will try.
Object -> Path -> Offset Path
or skip last step
if you want them to not be offset by any value at all
Now, i'm working on office. when i will back to home, i will try your suggestion firstly.
thank you so much
how can i communicate with you easily and quickly ?
ping me here
like this ?
i'm newbie of here sorry :
whats your job ?
I run my internet store, I sell Lämps
what is the address ?
elampki.pl feel free to earn me money :)
Are you polish? :) I was at there 4 years ago.
Krakow and Warsaw are really beautiful :)
Yup, I am.
Yeah, but I never was a fan of Krakow. Not really into the atmosphere or the people from there, I like Warsaw much more.
Warsaw is the most beautiful re-designed city, i have ever seen.
Krakow is more historical than the others.
Nazi's Camp for example.
"work sets you free"
Q: CSS3: Mask Image Animation

chirag shahThe animation runs just fast for the 1st div and then works well for the other divs. Check this fiddle HTML <div class="wrapper" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;"> <div class="component-1 abs" id="comp1"> <img src="https://postimg.cc/cg48PTDw"> <div class="text"> <p>

goI guys i have a question
suppsoe to hjave a pagination and I must give to do the possibility to choice for a user the number of item for page
this field where I must put in the page?
@Doflamingo19 Meh, just have a dropdown with presets like 10/20/50/100
don't bother getting exact figures from the user
@Neil yeah me too, but where I put this dropdown? under the pagination value, to rigth ,to left ?
can you send a screenshoot^
don't make it a drop down, make it links. put it to the right of the pagination
@rlemon too 90s?
links are easier to style
@Doflamingo19 I'd put it in the table header somewhere
create a second header line if you need to
it show me some example it is better for me
and to the right so it doesn't clutter
I mean, ignore my previous advice. totally do infinite scrolling
everyone loves infinite scrolling
for bonus, put a footer on your page too that has links you want them to see but can never reach because of this
sounds awesome
01:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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