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Q: Transclude creates a separate scope

Dwight SchruteI am using an accordion angularjs library. It has transclude:true on it. I have a scope variable that I display using the interpolation {{variable}}. When I click on the radio buttons, the value it displays is supposed to change. I set a default radio button and default variable value on load....

@KendallFrey what server language do you use?
C# at work, usually JS otherwise
funny though
and its down
@KendallFrey do you think brexit is good or bad?
Seems to be causing a lot of issues, but I don't live there so...
Did you expatriate?
O you're Canadian I thought you were British
OMG can someone help me who has Internet Explorer? I can't figure out why the screen isn't maxing out like in all other browsers: fullstackking.com
I fixed the issue with classList.toggle but the x-overflow being hidden doesn't seem to get through to IE
I'm about 10 minutes away from doing a quick check for IE and posting a banner that IE isn't supported....
@DavidKamer are you saying classList.toggle is not working on IE
@Rick I'm saying classList.toggle('name', force_bool) doesn't work, but that I fixed that with add and remove
Now I'm in a situation that if it's a resized window (I haven't and can't test for 1080p) the ends and menu get cut off for no reason
It works fine in edge
this is for IE11 correct
So something is causing it to not fit within the page
yes IE11
why don't you use media queries that target ie11 only
ie 11 has special css tags you can target specifically.
@Rick I would if I knew what the hell was wrong
I can't tell what isn't working....
I suspect it's flex box... but for some reason it doesn't fit within the page
open up the console in Ie and find the element causing the problem
It's not that simple... I know what element it is but what is the difference?
I might have even fixed it and IE isn't clearing the cash.....
I've more or less got it down to the words aren't wrapping at the screen edges..
css in ie is not consistent they don't support or update a lot of features. IE 11 does not support the current spec. you are going to need to target ie 11 specifically where inconsistencies arise
i know... I'm getting somewhere... h1 element isn't text wrapping.... WHY???!?! lol
check sudo elements etc no missing tags etc..
you're doing this on a Friday night
check sudo elements etc no missing tags etc..
codepen.io/isralduke/pen/vLQxGy looks like it might be on to something...
@Rick I figured it out....
IE is too stupid to know how to do things on it's own ever... I mean maybe they think they can get away with it because I guess I wasn't being 100% explicit, but where would that end. I guess it's just an inferior product in the end and I'm just annoyed.
It was a combination of having to explicitly only allow a max-width of 100vw everywhere and then with navigation overlay IE was the only browser that needed me to tell it left: 0 for some reason..
wow lol, everything is broken in IE more or less with flexbox... fml I'm out and will fix it later. It's not like anyone really uses it rn and if anyone stumbles by on IE... well, enjoy the landing page lol.
hi friens
1 message moved to Trash can
@user1692342 Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
I had a question regarding how node imports modules. https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#modules_loading_from_node_modules_folders suggests that if it isn't a core module and if it doesn't begin with a relative path, it starts looking at node_modules folder under the parent directory of current module.

What happens when I require a module which is in the same directory as my current module and I do not write the relative path?
1 hour later…
This is horrible - youtube.com/watch?v=v9EKV2nSU8w absolutely abhorrid, wtf how is google even allowing this to run as a product?
2 hours later…
wow... uglifyjs really is ugly
it modifies my code in a way that it breaks code quite frequently
@jAndy Really? In more than just property renaming?
How does it break it?
You could file it as bugs
it totally can't deal with anonymous classes respectively dealing with with treating es6 classes like
let LogTools = target => class extends target {
    constructor() {}
    // ...
and then creating mixins out of that
@jAndy Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
What does it turn it to?
function mix( targetClass = class { } ) {
	let composedClass;

	return {
		with: function( ...sources ) {
			composedClass = sources.reduce( ( composition, mixinFnc ) => mixinFnc( composition ), targetClass );
			return composedClass;
if I do that.. and I do that a lot ... it somehow fails to realize that the outcome is a constructor and fails to implemented a call to new
oh, so it sometimes drops new for you
which ends up in : "TypeError Class constructor cannot be invoked without new` if I mangle the code with uglifyjs
That's actually very understandable, given that constructor functions begin with an uppercase letter
understandable by you or uglify?
So either name constructor functions with pascal case, or there may be a knob in uglify's configuration which tells it to not drop new, or maybe file a bug report on that
isn't it accepted that class constructors actually should start with a capital letter?
@jAndy Both. Seeing new something instead of new Something is a no-no. new something.somethingElse is somewhat iffy
Can you give an example line where you use the result of with?
you're saying the problem is about composedClass instead of ComposedClass ?
Is it like new something.with(somethingElse)? In that case, you should name it something.With
No, it's in the right-hand of the new
class articlePreview extends mix( Component ).with( ServerConnection, Speech ) {
like that
so I augment my classes
Then fuck you, name it in PascalCase :P
with lots of "anonymous" classes to have multiple inheritance
you got to be kidding me
CamelCasing, pascalCasing
uglifyjs cares about the CASE instead of analysing whats going on?
That's how this shit worked for years dude, it's not news to you
that sounds so wrong
let me give that a test
That's how you know something's a constructor, the naming convention
You have no other way of knowing you have to new something
I mean, yes you're right it worked to years as convenience for human beings
i've got a function which essentially validates a string, say the input is github.com. this is a url, but not a valid one. I want the output string to be a valid url, if it is not a url at all, I want to output one to google, please help
I actually never expected the biggest minifier around to plain go with that
try {
    new URL(url);
} catch (e) {
	url = `https:www.google.com/search?q=${url}`

	return url
doesn't work
@JacobSchneider I just tried doing new URL('github.com') and it threw an error
You'll also want to encodeURIComponent the url before passing it as a GET parameter
Yeah, i'd be doing that
Anyway, you'll have to describe it better than "doesn't work". Which cases doesn't work? Example inputs and outputs? A fiddle showing these maybe?
right, sorry
the output is always https://www.google.com/search?q=___
never a url
if I put HTTP in front of it, it works
That's because without a scheme, it's not a valid url
Hey guys, just had a question on how nodeJs imports different modules with the require statement. chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/44178243#44178243
ask away
@Zirak so If i add http to the front of the url and then verify it, it should theoretically work?
@user1692342 Sounds like something really great you can test out locally and tell us what you found
@user1692342 I've recently been playing with modules, if you need further help, I'll be right here
@JacobSchneider If you want to accept invalid urls as well, then you'll need extra heuristics. For instance, check if it has :// and if not, prepend a default one
@Zirak I tried to find if there is a way to find out the import order. But I wasn't able to find. Not sure how else do i find out :-/
so, check if a protocol is mentioned, if not add one, but only if a period appears in the input?
@user1692342 what do you mean by "import order"? the modules are imported as they are mentioned.
@JacobSchneider Thanks. So basically I wanted to know if relative path is not mentioned for a node module, when does it start looking in current directory?
top to bottmo
@user1692342 Test it out. Create the scenario you mentioned and try it
You're wondering if something behaves a certain way in a certain situation, create that situation and find out.
@JacobSchneider Why a period?
@user1692342 the best way to learn is to try, I would take @Zirak's advice and play around with it
@Zirak if you enter github, it should search, if you enter github.com it should go streight to github
@JacobSchneider I mean if I have two files a.js and b.js in same directory.
a.js has require('b.js') . Looking at nodejs documents, they say if they relative path is not mentioned it starts looking for the module b.js in the node_modules directory in the parent folder, and then global folder and so on. It doesn't mention anything about searching in current directory
Do whatever heuristics you find good, create some test cases and find if those heuristics match your expectations
@user1692342 Great. Then create a directory, write a.js and b.js just like you mentioned, and run a.js
@Zirak Okay, will do
@Zirak I know it will run. I just wanted to understand does node look in the node_modules directory before checking local directory
how do i test that out ? Create a file in node_modules directory ?
@user1692342 if you want to import single files rather than an actual module, you need to specify a path, if you don't, node will search in node_modules
Depending on your platform, you also have tools which show you which files a program is trying to open
On linux you have strace/ltrace, on windows you have procmon, and I'm sure mac has something
require('a.js') will look for ./node_modules/a.js/index.js/, require('./a.js') will look for ./a.js
require('a.js') will never try looking at current directory in that case.
Duuuude it takes 1 minute to try this shit out
$ echo "console.log('b')" > b.js
$ echo "require('b.js')" > a.js
$ node a.js
but whatever
/.+:\/\/.+(\..+)+(\.+)*/.test('https://github.com/user') returns true
/.+:\/\/.+(\..+)+(\.+)*/.test('github.com/user') doesn't
Boolean("https://github.com/user".match(/(.+:\/\/)?(.+)(\..+)+(\.+)*/)[1]) returns true if the protocol is provided
Hey it's @Zirak!
Are you coming to reversim by any chance?
wat's that?
A local conference
@BenjaminGruenbaum Didn't realise it's near, checking it out
Only asking because I want to talk about you loving jQuery and I want to know if I'll say that to your face or behind your back
Also, this is fun impostortest.nickol.as
where is it held exactly? was it Tel Aviv?
oooohhh you're the keynode!
Thanks, first time giving a keynote
Tel Aviv uni
I only have 1 vacation day til my contract ends (in ~1.5 weeks)
What contract?
Can I come peek at your keynote from outside and yell obscenities?
Then steal all the croissants and leave?
@Zirak probably
@Zirak ok, probably not something for chat - we should totally get coffee/beer/whatever though
Do you drink alcohol now? (If you don't that's totally cool - but it might make sense to set up lunch, tea or a romantic long walk on the beach instead of a pub)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Still hate it, but I still don't mind sitting in a bar/pub
@Zirak right, but let's do something you actually like instead?
something something your mom
I'll ping on gtalk?
@Zirak my mom is like 70, that's like 20 years too young for you
A man can dream
@BenjaminGruenbaum zing!
@JaromandaX you know Zirak is 91 right ?
He is the oldest programmer I know
Serious? Sarcasm doesn't show in a chat :p
Oh you flatterer. 98, but my hips are pretty well-preserved
If so, he would've been old even when "debugging" meant actually removing dead bugs from vacuum tubes 😋
I'm not sure if the room heard, but the Node.js foundation and JavaScript foundation are merging.
Wait, no one here will care too much about this. Here's something you will care about.
V8 async stack traces for production landed for async functions yesterday 🎉
Hi! Why JavaScript (or canvas drawing?) suddenly runs faster when paused and then resumed in developer console?
@SMUsamaShah basically - because it runs on a separate thread that doesn't actually get paused
@BenjaminGruenbaum Whole thing gets paused, drawing gets paused. I am using a lot of sleep sleep(ms) = (ms) => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms)); in 100s of loops to simultaneously draw stuff on canvas. it runs very slow, but when paused and resumed it runs smooth as intended.
@SMUsamaShah please make an MCVE and ask on the main site :)
I don't know if its work asking or not, questions get downvoted to hell a lot lately.
If you isolate it clearly and ask it well - (see "How to Ask") it'll do well.
OK, I'll give it a go
It's really about respecting the time of people reading it and trying to read it from their perspective a lot more than anything else.
You are right
@phenomnomnominal In case you're still around: (1) I love you, (2) Check out Positive Grid effects, they're pretty badass
oh god this looks expensive
They also sell hardware which you can program and shit like that, too fancy for me
@BenjaminGruenbaum omg benji I just remembered your fb message, I'm gonna look at it right now
But I've played around with the FX demo and was impressed
@phenomnomnominal sure, no rush :D
@Zirak I wish I had more time to make music! Once I get back from london I'm gonna make time
@phenomnomnominal oohh, what you doing in London?
talking at Angular Connect!
@BenjaminGruenbaum just looked at them now, it's really good. This is a topic I care a lot about! It reminded me of some of Aurynn Shaw's writing on contempt culture: blog.aurynn.com/2015/12/16-contempt-culture
@Zirak yeah it should be fun! But I'm very unprepared, and I have 3 weeks of holiday before the conference and I'd like to be ready before I go 😅
@SMUsamaShah poor questions, questions with no code, or no effort get downvoted - but, in the end, do "points" matter? it's not like you can trade them in for a shiny new sports car 😋
@phenomnomnominal thanks, appreciate it - what can I do better?
Hello any of you are ECMA nerds?
!!welcome AnArrayOfFunctions
@AnArrayOfFunctions Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I'm reading the specification right and there is a lot of "With parameter labelSet"
What does that mean
Though that sounds like regular parameter declaration
In 13.2.2 for example
I'm reading the latest 2018 version
And I want to grasp the basic syntax
It seems there are some predefined 'variables' in the specification
@AnArrayOfFunctions Something you need to grasp very early when reading specifications: They have a very narrow target audience, usually people with a lot of a priori knowledge of the language or specifications
The general public is not the intended audience of spec text
So to understand it, you'll need to accept you won't understand 100%, or even 50%, on first or second read
You learn more as you read more
I've read the C & C++ specs
That's where I'm coming from
But there were no in-document variables
@BenjaminGruenbaum I guess it depends how deep you're going to go into stuff. The psychology of imposter syndrome is super interesting, as is the reasons why people gate keep.
In that specific section, ContainsDuplicateLabels is a function which accepts a parameter called labelSet, that's all
To me the talk could possibly benefit for a bit more of a call to empathy? Not saying it's your responsibility, but the jump from "we're all kind a dicks" to "we love to build things", is kind of big.
I'd probably say something like "building things is not a single player game"
push the narrative about teamwork and collaboration a bit more, which segues nicely into your meeting with Petka, and the node.js collab model
@JaromandaX points don't matter really, downvotes which eventually leads to close the question without answer is not useful either. e.g. stackoverflow.com/questions/52550365/… it was closed almost immediately, but an awesome guy still updated his answer and provided a better explanation.
@SMUsamaShah that question was not closed by downvotes - it was closed as a duplicate of an existing question
though it does seem it was closed in haste 😋
@Zirak Ah I understand it means What would happen if you call the function with this specific parameter in this case a block
Can you call a function with a block
In the spec you can call a function on a block, since a block is a syntactic construct and that's what the spec deals with
So everything is an expression right?
Everything where?
@phenomnomnominal Thanks - I'll think about it. I literally have a slide that says "Be Empathic" where I talk about the benefits of listening to others later on but it might make sense to tie it in earlier.
What do you mean
What's "everything"? In js?
@AnArrayOfFunctions not everything in JavaScript is an expression if that's what you're asking - it's actually a bit weird. For example a for loop is a statement but it has a "return value" which you can't access (the last value of the block it contains when it ran or undefined if it never ran) but you can still see it in the console.
No, you've got a bunch of statements in js which aren't expressions
You can see the grammar in the specification quite nicely. I recommend you start with an earlier version of the spec which is much easier and work your way up - for example es5.github.io
Ok thank you
there's also an OS implementation an ES1 parser which is interesting to start with
@phenomnomnominal ES1 is a really dumb language (not in a bad way)
yeah, it's a nice and simple place to figure out some of the grammar
spec: http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST-ARCH/ECMA-262,%201st%20edition,%20June%201997.pdf
parser: https://dannysu.com/2016/01/17/ecmascript1-parser/#interesting_es1
@Zirak thanks for the heads up old Zirak.. it really fixed most of my issues with uglify to keep anything class related with capital letters
@jAndy np
there are some more issues tho I have with uglify, but I can work around those
for instance
if( typeof modules.awaiting[ this.location ] === undef ) {
    modules.awaiting[ this.location ] = [ ];
for some reason this gets screwed when mangeled
What does it turn into?
I have to phrase it like so
if(!(this.location in modules.awaiting) ) {
    modules.awaiting[ this.location ] = [ ];
it just creates some wierd iffy infront of it and works with && for the if condition
but then the expression is always undefined
Again, might want to take it up with them
probably will
Can anybody help in getting no of days from two dates in advanced pdf template in netsuite...
@EMP Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@EMP You sounds like you are in a lot of pain. Just want to let you know we hear your pain, and we're sorry.
Truly, very, sorry.
useless comment
you sound fun
1 hour later…
Hi @Zirak
bye Zirak.
Hi guys
I see there is a timing problem
guys this may sound as stupid question but is there a problem if server sends template literals to client, he/she can still process it right?
template literals are normal JS, yes
ok I am storing some mock up data as string literals, thanks.
Hi everyone, I've got a very strange problem today... I have this (self-made) JS library that defines some global classes like window['MyClass'] = class MyClass {...};, and for some reason the classes are created without a name (i.e. MyClass outputs function () instead of function MyClass()). I haven't been able to reproduce this behavior anywhere else; in my browser's JS console and in a userscript it works as expected. Does anyone have an idea what could be causing this?
Here's a link to my library. In case it matters, it's being @required in a userscript.
@giorgim why does the client have a gender :D?
@Aran-Fey are you using a minifier? That might be causing it.
I also really recommend using a module bundler (like rollup or webpack)
Also, self-made typically means "successful through their own efforts" - so I'm assuming you mean you wrote the library (rather than the library made itself successful) - so if I got that wrong please correct me.
I'm not using a minifier, the script I linked to is being @required exactly as you see it there
And I would argue that I've used my own library very successfully in various userscripts, so "self-made" may or may not have been phrased poorly :P
(Yes, I was trying to say that I wrote the library)
@Aran-Fey can you .toString the function?
That is window['MyClass'].toString() - what does it say?
That prints the source code of my class
Oh god, I found it :/
What was it?
Also note JavaScript typically uses camelCase and not snake_case notation (again, sorry @snek )
I used to use the generic gist.github.com/<gist-id>.js url in my @require, but I recently started using the url for a specific version of the gist - and I forgot to update it :/
Sorry for wasting everyone's time, y'all can make fun of me now
@BenjaminGruenbaum I know, but it's a habit from python. I'm used to it, so I decided to stick with it
@Aran-Fey we generally don't like making fun of people unless they did something really funny - mistakes happen - it's all good
Well, it's not the first time I brought one of my stupid problems here, so, you know. Some teasing would be well deserved ;D
That's a tad self deprecating but sure :D
5 hours later…
WHen to use empty object {}
whenever you need an empty object
@Zirak what would you say the purpose of proxies is?
What purpose do they for fill?
What is an ideal use case for them
hi .. can someone explain `for (;;) { ... }`
i ran this, and it seems like a `while (true)` loop .... are they identical?
why so?
Because they do the same thing
how do they do the same thing, when they are unique from one another?
is this a common thing in programming languages?
for (;;) == while (true) ?
I don't know of any situation when they're not equal
what does ;; interpreted as by the compiler?
Same as it always does
* shakes fist *
i have some research to do
I'm loving all the soundcloud jokes as author's replies to completely unrelated highly retweeted post
1 hour later…
> Finish exercise 3.38 in your own time and bring it to the next class. In next week’s class,
you must have the completed exercise available for your class supervisor to look at, both online
(running in BlueJ) and as a printout of the source code on paper. Your class supervisor will go
next week around and check this exercise.
I giggled a bit
@Zirak in your "userout" suggestion what is supposed to happen if you have two processes like foo | bar | baz and they are all writing to userout simultaneously? My rational logic says it'll become a clusterfuck like stderr is if all 3 were to write to stderr
asking for a friend (totally not implementing your recommendation)
        const string =
        		"    <form id=\"account-login-form\" class=\"login disable-auto-submit\" method=\"POST\" action=\"/account/login/\">\n
        		"        <input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='5I9nfBIib3U3bGywDJm0jw1u00Q5jnNKQNyVNVC7eXrP4Tq2ZMd8E4YpbbDztTgG' />
        		"            <div class=\"row outer-field\">\n";

        console.log(string.match(/csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/gm));

        [ 'csrfmiddlewaretoken\' value=\'5I9nfBIib3U3bGywDJm0jw1u00Q5jnNKQNyVNVC7eXrP4Tq2ZMd8E4YpbbDztTgG' ]
I can't retrieve the value only for some reason.
However for some reason it works just fine here: regexr.com/40pdt
const string =
		"    <form id=\"account-login-form\" class=\"login disable-auto-submit\" method=\"POST\" action=\"/account/login/\">\n" +
		"        <input type='hidden' name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='5I9nfBIib3U3bGywDJm0jw1u00Q5jnNKQNyVNVC7eXrP4Tq2ZMd8E4YpbbDztTgG' />\n"

console.log(string.match(/csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/gm));

// I expect the following output (It is currently not that):
[ 'csrfmiddlewaretoken\' value=\'5I9nfBIib3U3bGywDJm0jw1u00Q5jnNKQNyVNVC7eXrP4Tq2ZMd8E4YpbbDztTgG',  '5I9nfBIib3U3bGywDJm0jw1u00Q5jnNKQNyVNVC7eXrP4Tq2ZMd8E4Y
@ShrekOverflow There are several ways of implementing userout. The ideal way is to handle it like mimetypes and multiparts: Each process declares his block and writes to it, up to the terminal to separate and display
And if you wanna attempt at doing that go ahead
@Rick Metaprogramming. Ideally, you're not using proxies, libraries implementing lower-level concepts use them
Like membranes or transparent message passing or some weirdo observable crap
So you don't know you're using proxies because they're how some lower-level concept is implemented, just like you don't know how React dispatches events or how Angular does digests
@Zirak I just got fscinated by shells when @oboecat was writing her assignment so I want to write one now, and your recommendation kinda sounded good although it applies to not just the shell but the terminal itself.
I think hyper would be . good terminal emulator to support userout
but there is obviously a security concern with it being a browser
but i think it could be done pretty safely
it'll take forever for programs to support this though
any clue what assembly flavour this is?
.equ SREG, 0x3f  ; define SREG label
.org 0

  ldi r16,0      ; set register r16 to zero
  out SREG,r16   ; copy contents of r16 to SREG

  rjmp mainloop  ; jump to mainloop address
@towc AVR maybe? That's ancient
yup, seems to be avr
ended up looking through the compilation script
well, this is how the uni is introducing assembly to us. This is also a lot of student's first experience with any source code
what makes you say it's ancient?
Didn't it die out in 1990 or something like that?
is it decent either way? Anything I should forget after I'm done with it?
I don't really remember
Doesn't really matter anyway, you either do x86/x64 or ARM at the end
huh, apparently it is encouraged to keep labels and instructions on the same line: avr-tutorials.com/assembly/basics-assembly-language
sounds like a pain to program in and keep neat, without special tooling
That's usually true with any assembly unless it's really long comments, you get used to it
so what, you mash backspace or spaces a bunch of times whenever you edit or create a label?
you hit tab
ooooh I guess that's where 8-char tabs come handy
@Zirak thanks, I have noticed that no one really uses them. A lot of what proxies do can probably be done with callbacks.
@Rick Check out membranes, a security concept, you'll learn about revocable proxies on the way
I just started looking into it. I wonder if it can be used on cashing servers to authenticate tokens.

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