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What's the best method for putting array data into a HTML table?
..noting that the array / table will be updated at regular intervals (5 seconds)
Pure JavaScript
React is made from pure javascript
const data = [
  [1, 2, 3],
  [4, 5, 6]

for (const row of data) {
  const nRow = myTable.insertRow();
  for (const cell of row) {
    const nCell = nRow.insertCell();
    nCell.textContent = cell;
idk if table api is faster or slower
What if data is removed from the array - would I need to recreate the entire table or is there a way to only remove the data accordingly
yea, something that will manage that for you
like React
implementing state isn't that hard, but implementing the shadow dom rendering might be
never tried
nothing in vanilla dom will do that for you tho
I was initially just going to append <td> to <tr>, give it an ID and then do a heap of `if / else` checks to see if HTML table matched myArray[]
..but that just seemed superfluous.
I thought there would be a much more simpler approach
will existing data only change, or will new rows be added?
Rows should be added / removed to match the array
then it'll get harrier to watch the array and only select rows that don't exist in the other.
other than already built solutions like I've mention, I don't know a better way
now, is performance already an issue? have you tested to confirm that?
I thought performance WOULD become an issue if I set out to do it the way I initially planned - creating a whole new table + appending it - every 5 seconds
rendering a few hundred or even thousand elements isn't going to be a huge performance hit necessarily.
Basically, I am creating a "Process Manager" for my spiderOS that displays currently active programs. When a program becomes active it is inserted into activePrograms[].
When the user opens the Process Manager, I insert (into table) all data from activePrograms[].
But since the user can open / close programs while the Process Manager is opened I will need to be able to update the displayed data.
test it out, my suggestions (if you don't want a third party lib) would be to test the table api, and a document fragment
I just had an idea....

.. thats why I love web developing
if you know when rows to the array are added or removed, you can just update the dom there.
if you don't, you can maybe proxy them? idk spiderOS
spiderOS has not been launched yet ;)
winXP-emulator has tho - although its more like a 'recreation' not emulation

(whatever you do, don't view it on Mobile)
@rlemon How can I give an ID to a row created with insertRow()
const row = tbl.insertRow();
row.id = 'someid';
I tried that
it breaks for some reason
WSL is good enough for connecting to most machines
Is mousdown ($(...).on('mousedown', function(){...});) mobile friendly? It seems to be with chrome on the desktop but I don't know if it is generally and I'm having a hard time finding online
works for me
even implicit id=>element works
So I end up checking if 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement but that doesn't work when switching back and forth from mobile to desktop on the desktop browser :P
Not like that's necessary but things like that annoy me
hammer.js is a lib for handling touch operations
if you get tired of it yourself :)
Are const variables not hoisted?
they are
Adobe DreamWeaver CC disagrees
don't use DreamWeaver
@rlemon +1
DW looks and functions nice
I used to agree
but it really doesn't
Until you used......
@demonhunter24 There are many better programs out there.
..what do you use currently?
@demonhunter24 a lot of different editors between when I last used DW to now
currently I use SublimeText
but everyone raves over vscode.
so meh
@demonhunter24 I'm prob gonna get yelled at but I use PHPStorm (since I do a lot of PHP).
@rlemon You don't use an IDE?
dreamweaver helps you weave your dreams.
DW is usable, if you ignore a bunch of the application. but it's heavy and expensive
but at that point, if you're ignoring 90% of it, why use it
DW is for people who don't know how to program.
or design
and what makes you say that?
because it's for people who need a lot of hand holding
what hands does it hold that all other capable editors don't?
it tries to emulate what should be understood.
@Rick like.....
like everything css. mobile layouts. it generates css for you
it does? I haven't used it in a number of years, but besides the ill thought out design mode and pre-fabbed code snippets (which most editors have) it doesn't do much as far as that
@Rick so don't use design mode.
@Rick Yeah I agree with that. I don't like that in generates CSS for you. And I have heard its not the best also.
that's like saying winforms isn't "real programming", but working without the designer is dumb.
whereas I agree, web 'designers' are mostly not producing good code, you can choose to not use them
anyone who uses a tool like that is creating bad code. otherwise, a designer should be using a prototyping kit of some kind. not relying on a platform to generate shit loads of code that you will never understand
or anyone else for that matter
well that's not only an assumption, it's a bad one.
not everyone who uses a designer doesn't understand the code, they just don't want to write it
nothing wrong with using a designer, having the designer generate code is the problematic part.
depends on in which context. by and large I agree DW produces bad HTML from the designer, or did, in other context it isn't bad. again I reference winforms, or even some email designers
who's going to fix if it breaks? by definition these generators like DW generate fragile code.
Need you advice regarding this question:
Q: jQuery Node.js and Socket.IO stop/start the SetInterval function in browser on click

HiDayurie DaveI'm using Node.js and Socket.IO All function can be run perfectly on browser. var socket = io.connect('http://<?php echo $dAndonAccessDtl['IP_ADDRESS']; ?>:8080'); window.addEventListener("load", function() { var lightbox = document.getElementById("light"); lightbox.addEventListener("change", ...

@Rick do they tho? They produce bloated code that is against modern standards, but it all works
I don't use code generated by DW - heck I didn't even know that was a thing
It works only in a superficial sense. A designer designs something using this tool. Not knowing what it means in the code. He moves a box 20px to the left then he moves another menu option 2 pixels above the box margin. The stupid machine doesn't know what the users intentions are. It just overwrites stuff and uses pixel values in the css
but again, you assume they dont' know how to write or read the code it generates
. and I only use DW becuase I get pretty much all adobe software free from my school
that's an assumption that we can't prove, and anecdotally I know not to be true
That because if you knew css you would never use it.
@demonhunter24 Use it well because once you don't it becomes very $$$$
I know c#, I still use the designer when writing winforms
that argument is baseless
@JBis what do you mean "use it well"
@demonhunter24 he means start looking for an alternative. sure it works, but there are better free alternatives
unless you really like it, in which case ignore us and do what you want. we're just random internet people
Sublime looks nice
linus Torvalds would not agree
@rlemon um no but ok. What I meant was products like Photoshop, Lightroom, After Effects, and some others are the best on the market and become very pricey. Enjoy it while it lasts.
@demonhunter24 do you have decent ram?
Hi @DavidKamer :)
@demonhunter24 use atom
@JBis Hey bud!
@JBis yea but DW really isn't worth it. PS and AE at least offer a better experience. (imo)
I used atom in the past and didnt really like it
a lot of people (like me) are fine with GIMP, but I don't pretend it is comparable with PS
@demonhunter24 what didn't you like?
use vim learn some discipline
It's meant to be a near clone of sublime with more features and customization
@rlemon DW is def not their best product.
@Rick use vim all the time. It's my default editor
@DavidKamer Mostly I just dont like change
that's fair
I'd suggest Sublime Text, because I use it, or vscode because I hear a lot about it
vim might be a bit much if you're coming straight from DW
I only suggest Atom because I've built packages for it and contribute to other packages on occasion.
No WebStorm users here?
@rlemon Gvim if you use vim imo
I use vim for remote editing
I use vim mode in Atom tho
I used web storm but VS is better
@Rick Did you know that VS's binaries aren't open source..
They inject code before they distribute it
I did not know that
but in the end, it doesn't matter what editor you use. that's like browser choice or OS choice, everyone will prop up the ones they use and discredit others. some arguments are valid, but in the end it really doesn't matter
@Rick build from source or you're working for microsoft lol
I use sublime text because i gave them money once
or vim if i've sshed into something
do you use github
@rlemon Agreed. I don't discredit VS per se, but I do suggest building it from source
how do you all feel about sublime charging $100 for a git diff tool?
@david we're twinsies!
@Rick yeah uniwrighte is my name on github
@david is it sublime or the package author?
I've payed for a sftp tool
@david wtf that's horrible
well Microsoft owns it now
they are mostly the author of the package charging, I don't think sublime does that
@Rick I know. I'm assuming they will eventually do the same thing to atom so eventually I'm moving away from it.
if you click 'buy' it's 99usd, $20 more than plain sublime text
@rlemon yeah it's not a package for sublime text, it's a whole new UI thing
hrm, yea you're right.
@Rick I'd bet they are already getting ML stuff setup to replace us with AI using our github repos
ohh well.
they rewrote some of the git fetching logic too to make it a bit faster
I mean, as long as they don't try to charge me more for the next version and include it, I'm fine
it's also free to use, but only the light theme... if you want a dark theme you have to pay
(if I used it )
which is verging on geneva convention breaking
lol, that's pretty tempting for me then
I've seen a few packages for sale tho, including one I purchased
I don't mind if it helps my workflow
just like I didn't mind paying for ST
really? like the ones you install via package control?
yeah i was more than happy to pay for st, and then again for 3
it's so nice having the same editor on all 3 oses
I am starting to have my doubts about ML
i guess there is atom now... but everyone complains about the slowness
I know sftp isn't "hip" workflow
@Rick why's that?
but it works for me (I'm a single dev)
; ;
really ML is only useful if you understand your data. But that would be true even when you're solving a data structure problem.
@Rick that's true, but if you use it correctly you can do a lot of things that would take hours other wise. Then you can sell it to others
!!afk life is work and work is life
@DavidKamer Cya
@JBis DavidKamer is afk: life is work and work is life
Safari looks so gorgeous in dark mode
@ShrekOverflow Dark Mode? Safari has a dark mode?
It's only dark in 'private browsing'
the entire OS has a dark mode
well except for Chrome ofcourse.
@ShrekOverflow Hard to tell private browsing vs normal, which as a high schooler may cause some unfortunate confusion.... ;)
@ShrekOverflow Yeah Googles been too busy getting rid of urls.
@JBis !!s/urls/choice/
Chrome now forces you to login, Android will sync your location to Google, regardless if you want it or not, and more things.
but oh well, they are the New MSFT
@ShrekOverflow lol. I wouldn't stoop them that low.
@JBis That's what people said about MSFT and IBM
but this is good, we need the pot to keep boiling
Aw snap But I liked Google :(
In vs code, I made a jsconfig file and go to definition works but not find all references
Any tips?
why is jsfiddle so anit-babel with elasses
@JBis I like them too 😛, I just hate how little choice they give me.
@ShrekOverflow Well thats ironic. lol. Usually that argument is against Apple and in favor of Google.
@JBis I know right?
Its like Google does stuff that Apple, MSFT, Facebook did but w/ a better PR.
But personally, as I feel it, Apple's choice decisions are obvious, either you use FaceID or not. On google, Oh you don't want to give us your location, sure, we will totally keep syncing it, who cares?
Yeah Google has been a bit deceiving
i am going to launch the first version of spiderOS in a couple of hours.
You peoples should take a look and tell me what you think :D (but you don't have to)
what is a spideros
@AarifHasan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
Good morning from Greece.
@DavidKamer what do you mean by anti-babel
@Ikari are you loosing yerr arms?
@KamilSolecki yes on what?
@KarelG nah, I'm over extending em
@KamilSolecki id even k anymore lol. It just doesn't support classes when you have babel selected.
@DavidKamer just toggle to javascript 1.7 ?
@KarelG idk it didn't work so I switched to something else..
I just tried it o.o
can you pass the fiddle?
this is what I had issues with
I tried to update the syntax and I couldn't figure it out...
@KamilSolecki What did you change?
I did the same thing in the editor and it would load
well you did it wrong
Did you change any settings?
I didnt change anything
I don't even know how to change jsfiddle settings lol
I did React.Component... oh well, I've moved on at this point lol
your version differs from the other link
so no changes made ?
huh, maybe I forgot the parens
-   const SimpleLineChart = React.createClass({
+   class MyChart extends React.Component {

-    <SimpleLineChart />,
+    <MyChart />,
@KarelG yep
that was what I was trying to do.
thank you whatever you did lol. I edited the original page and now it works wow
This is why we can't have nice things... Basic JS question without MCVE gets answered with a guess (.filter doesn't modify the source), answer gets 3 upvotes...
Make that 4 upvotes...
wait, of course filter doesn't mutate?
Yea, duh
But the OP there didn't know that, nor managed to do any research...
Dumped a question on SO, and got what he wanted...
@Cerbrus hm... SO is like cryptocurrency... It has increasing difficulty with lower returns as time goes on lol
Resulting in a question that has too many votes to be delete-voted, and an answer, which means it doesn't get roomba'd.
> element.status === true – KolaCaine
haha, true. He gave the right answer...
People don't know when they shouldn't answer, they're just trying to help..
speaking of JavaScript, is there a way to sort an array of objects without modifying the original array??
using Array methods
@HelloWorldPeace slice it first
@HelloWorldPeace unfortunately not. you have to copy it
i see. was dreading having to copy it
you cannot give the copy control to the engine because there are a lot people that fails to understand that there are consequences and that there are reasons for having a "deep" or "shallow" copies
its nested within an object so JSON.parse gets circular reference issues
if you have circular references, then there are some design smell
that is even hazardous if you do that in C
that's why functional programming is so awesome
@Cerbrus pick ur gold dupe hammer for this stackoverflow.com/questions/52492571/…
Did you, by any chance, dv the question I linked earlier, yet? I'd like to delete-vote that...
de-duplicate, interesting word/wording
no delvote rights here sorry
Still, thanks :P
Q: I am stuck with vanilla Javascript

Vinay Kumari recently have learned Css and html and now, i am stuck with Javascript. I know all about conditions, loops, objects and classes but i dont know where to learn Javascript DOM from starting to ending. please help me.

today is a bad day for javascript it seems
dat answer made me gringe
yeah... I feel offended by it..
I am not able to see splashscreen when loading react native android app. I am getting error -> Error type 3
Error: Activity class {com.splashscreen/com.splashscreen.MainActivity} does not exist.
See screenshot below:
See above screenshot how can I fix that error
Q: Short syntax for destructuring with map()

sschmeckIs there a way to shorten a map() function with uses only destructuring? const ar = [{ name: 'Foo' }, { name: 'Bar' }] ar.map((e) => e.name); // [ 'Foo', 'Bar' ] ar.map(({ name }) => name); // [ 'Foo', 'Bar' ] ar.map(({ name })); // ReferenceError: name is not defined

@KarelG It's like watching a joke unfold in front of you
@Cerbrus did you open a can of poor questions?
except nobody seems to realize the joke is happening
@KarelG what is that answer???
Someone please post a "-1. Needs mor jQuery" comment
@Neil hah
@KarelG How so?
"Having JQuery issue on the Javascript"
"JQuery Issue setting CSS on Express.js server"
@Cerbrus 3 silly questions in less than 5 minutes
That's not abnormal for the JS tag...
Those answers though..
"JQuery S() function not working"
"How to use JQuery in Europe. €() not working??!?!?"
you can alter the jquery reference
I have been using $ for queryselector shorthand
Is it set by time zone? ;D
and $$ for qsa
I use S() when I do that
I usually setup a quick switch or conditional and just run them all through... basically works the same as jquery with 20 lines of code max.
You should use JQUERY() so its easy to see legacy code
Do you ever use jQuery anymore?
cause I don't have legacy code
I started my stuff after jQ went obsolete
FFS... That question got upvoted again, cancelling the delete progress...
can someone help me: where does the spam complain occur in the mail traffic?
@KarelG wat?
surely not before IMAP, so somewhere in SMTP
@DavidKamer if you control a mail service and sending mail batches, you sometimes get a spam complaint event because of the feedback loop
It's all done by spam filters. I don't think it's part of any protocol but after before displayed to the user
I could be wrong, I have no idea
there is one at each SMTP server
but where ?
probably after the relay?
before being put into the local network?
but I don't know much about mailing
yarr figuring out false positives. Or not. Not sure :D
someone complained about spam complaints that aren't "justified"
ah got it
bad postgrey config
wow that name is similar to something else lol
I thought it was a typo
postgresql lol
PostgreSQL :P
I love your profile pic. Makes me hungry
food culture in my country 😃
It's good culture if it includes all of that lol.
I've got to go, It's late here. Have a nice day!
!!afk gotta sleep someday
@KarelG You picked the right country to be born into then

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