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There are too many ways to add global variables.
@MadaraUchiha I am talking about global variables at the global scope obviously.
OK then I don't understand why ur saying that it's obviously possible…
Thank you very much @rlemon and @MadaraUchiha you have made my night, i can sleep easier tonight :-)
if there's no assignation then it's a global variable?
does your IDE know how modules are linked?
@Knu Consider this
does it know all external factors?
function foo() {
  this.x = 5;
forget about ES modules
might be able to do this with webpack.
Does this function add a global variable or not?
I am talking about one file.
but again, what is the ultimate goal? is it just to know about these?
@Knu I presented you with one function
Does it, or does it not, add a global variable?
because if there is a real goal here, there is probably a tool to figure it out for you
so you want all top level definitions in a file
@rlemon the same goal as the one for functions.
well as detected by the IDE
it's not always used at the top level
in fact there's no definition
and that leads back to Madaras example
function foo() {
  this.x = 1;
x might be on window, might be on an instance of foo with bad naming
one example: document
might be on anything unless something analyses the code
another: self
Again, no
Because it depends on the runtime.
something used but not declared
again it wouldn't use a whitelist
it would just list what you consider a global in this file
it's clearly possible
now, there might be an analysis plugin that can analyse this
but it wouldn't be as simple as looking for keywords
You're talking about just finding all of the "read"s that don't have a "write"s
All of the identifiers that are used but never assigned?
eslint can handle that
I don't think that there are tools that do that specifically
But you can write a 3 line eslint rule that highlights them for you
that's the rule
well clearly webstorm does detect them
when they are unknown to its whitelist
@Knu Exactly
but it does't list them somewhere
Because webstorm tries to be useful
And not give off errors about things that should be there
@Knu eslint
it'll list them in the error output
@rlemon a plugin?
@rlemon No it isn't
That will still allow known globals like alert()
@rlemon That won't help
You need browser: false maybe
either way, now you're just being pedantic.
the tool he wants is a linter
and that rule will get him 90% of the way
@rlemon lemme try your rule
yeah that works (it uses a whitelist based on the env object though)
didn't think of that
Sadly it doesn't use the parserOptions.ecmaVersion.
For example it doesn't recognise Uint8Array.
does selenium switch to new browser window if a element i click on opens in new window?
because im searching my xpath but i cant find element, but it's clearly there. I suspect selenium is still looking at the old window
@ex080 Unlikely. Although you probably can somehow
ok, cool
I might just inject some js to do the click rather than selenium so the window stays the same
There's not a definitive table of globals available in web workers in MDN. It's just a list that is being updated for Firefox.
Would be useful to do one.
Especially since Microsoft redirect to MDN now.
I wonder if it's useful to var a = self if I reuse it 50 times.
@Knu No, get a minifier.
It really sounds to me from your questions that you've having a massive XY problem
I am talking about performance memory wise not about size.
Care to share what your goal is?
Just thinking out loud since it's very quiet in here.
I don't have any particular problem.
No, it won't be better
In most modern engines, it's optimized away regardless.
hi would i turn this jquery statement into vanilla javascript: $(this).siblings(".slider-gran").children(".slider-parent").attr("data-translate‌​");
*how would i
depends on the HTML structure. but it isn't 'simple'
if you don't only need siblings to be searched..
sounds like something Id do in CSS
this.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.slider-parent').forEach(node => node.set/getAttribute(..));
now, if you need to omit the source node and focus on siblings, you'd have to loop them and run that on each, or get fancy with a selector and nth-child
if you don't want jQuery's facade of a dataset, you can just use node.dataset
Just found out about bountify; it's depressing.
But I gotta say if I was really really poor Id love it.
@rlemon thanks, i will try it out
> If you receive no solutions or none are satisfactory, the bounty will go to the Against Malaria Foundation. If you win a solution, you can choose to donate your winnings.
It doesn't sound that bad but still…
@Rick just a heads up, python devs don't like it when you call default arg mutation cancerous :D
@DavidKamer Rick is afk.
Hey there folks... Does anyone here happen to have any experience with "handlebars" , the templating engine? If so could you please take a peek at my SO post? I'd really appreciate the feed back ( stackoverflow.com/questions/52487737/… )
it's so bad v8.dev
@rlemon haha It gets the job done.
sorry about that... I must have had a small stroke or something lol
Right click the logo
why?? lol
Actually I can see the purpose
that's actually a really neat idea
wasted effort they could have used to give it a half decent UI
Refute the claim: You don't need secure password requirements if you have a lockout system that will lock someones account after 5 attempts, preventing brute force and dictionary attacks.
define secure password requirements
@JBis No one does an online brute force attack
That's stupid and inefficient
Also, a lock system is terrible because it makes it easy for me to DoS your users
@rlemon Uppercase lowercase number >= 8 characters
An attacker will get access to your database and attempt to break your hash
that's just a roadmap of brute force
@MadaraUchiha +1 although many companies including Apple have a lockout mechanism
@JBis Great, so I have your email, and I can lock you out whenever I want
@MadaraUchiha Theoretically with Apple ID's I guess so
Forcing you to click on a link in your email to release your account
Over and over again
@MadaraUchiha Link than enter your password
No, that's not how it works.
At best, it will lock out the specific device
@MadaraUchiha Yes. Effectively DoSing users.
But those aren't the scary attacks.
The scary attacks are when your DB is exposed
as for password requirements, min length and encourage users to not reuse passwords, and to use pass phrases instead.
@MadaraUchiha I think this is the best immediate problem argument. Best futuristic is the DB argument.
forcing a 'strict' password doesn't work
@rlemon Like uppercase, lowercase, number? Why?
@JBis Smaller keyspace for brute-force attacks
because it is false security. it doesn't make it harder for the intruder, and it encourages reuse
Also, it just makes people forget their passwords more
i.e encouraging reuse
@MadaraUchiha Other than this. As it is still usually big enough.
why not use a more secure approach, which is less of a burden on your users.
pass-phrases with a decent min length
@rlemon This doesn't solve the reuse issue.
it doesn't solve it, people who are hellbent on the same password will still reuse
but if there isn't insane restrictions, it is easier to make new ones each time
(or people use lockers now)
So what would be the ideal password requirements in your opinion?
How Can I spawn an Electron process programatically?
using requrie('child_process').spawn('electron', ['./main.js']) throws an ENOENT error
@JBis I already said. Min length
@rlemon Of how many characters?
idk, whatever you're comfortable with
no max length
Ok thanks
no character restrictions
it gets hashed anyways, so that shouldn't matter.
but do encourage users to write more secure pass phrases and not to reuse
@rlemon ofc. Not even sure why older systems had a max
that shouldn't take any more room than a traditional password requirement info box
P.S. I don't actually believe the claim. In fact I think it's a dumb idea. I overheard someone saying it and wanted to get others opinions.
@rlemon Yep
Thanks @rlemon and @MadaraUchiha!
Sorry to change the subject, does anyone know how node.js spawn works?
I've been struggling with my issue for days
@JacobSchneider double check it's the right location
It definately is, I can run electron ./main.js from the terminal and it works 100%
yea, not what I mean
when it spawns is ./ correct?
try giving it a real location
Oh, I see
path.join( __dirname, 'main.js')
require('child_process').spawn('electron', [path.join(__dirname, 'main.js')]); still gives the same error
check $PATH then
it's really a shit error
yes it is
what am I checking for exactly?
I got it
require('child_process').spawn('node', [path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules\\electron\\cli.js'), '.\\main.js'])
console.log( process.env.path )
is that undefined?
no, it is exactly the same as running echo %PATH% in CMD
@DavidKamer what's wrong with default args?
I got it working
thanks for your help
@Rick if you make a default param li = [] you end up creating a reference that will used in consecutive function callse
so basically it just uses the same array after it's been called once
where are you seeing this?
Do you have a link to that site so I can show you?
it's python something dot com right? lol
one sec
@Rick I recently found out that table's actually have a `<tbody>` element..
If I wanted to create new table data would I have to append `<td>` to a new `<tr>` and finally append `<tr>` to `<tbody>`
open up a room with javascript ask for help
@towc I found that for what I was doing Sublime back then was more than enough so I never told the, I just used whatever IDE I wanted
@Rick It'll have to be python no?
no you pick the lang
@ShrekOverflow I'm asking because they're requiring us to use it
this is a direct link to a python session
at first, it seems awful, but maybe you had more experience to share
Same problem here
but I just ignored what they said

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